Python Sequence Operation Notes
Sequence Operation Notes
Examples and notes on selected sequence operations in Table 3 and Table 4:
Indexing: S[i]
Fetches components at offsets (first item is at offset 0).
Negative indexes count backward from the end (last item is at offset −1).
S[0] fetches the first item; S[1] fetches the second item.
S[−2] fetches the second-to-last item (same as S[len(S) − 2]).
Slicing: S[i:j]
Extracts contiguous sections of a sequence, from i through j−1.
Slice boundaries i and j default to 0 and sequence length len(S).
S[1:3] fetches from offsets 1 up to, but not including, 3.
S[1:] fetches from offsets 1 through the end (len(S)-1).
S[:−1] fetches from offsets 0 up to, but not including, the last item.
S[:] makes a top-level (shallow) copy of sequence object S.
Extended slicing: S[i:j:k]
The third item k is a stride (default 1), added to the offset of each item extracted.
S[::2] is every other item in entire sequence S.
S[::−1] is sequence S reversed.
S[4:1:−1] fetches from offsets 4 up to, but not including, 1, reversed.
Slice assignment: S[i:j:k] = I
Slice assignment is similar to deleting and then inserting where deleted.
Iterables assigned to basic slices S[i:j] need not match in size.
Iterables assigned to extended slices S[i:j:k] must match in size.
Concatenation, repetition, and slicing return new objects (though not always for tuples).