
R Cookbook Chapter 10. Graphics

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“ (RCook 2019)

Chapter 10. Graphics

“Graphics is a great strength of R. The R graphics package is part of the R standard distribution and contains many useful R functions for creating a variety of R graphic displays. The base functionality has been expanded and made easier with R ggplot2, part of the R tidyverse of R packages. In this chapter we will focus on R examples using ggplot2, and we will occasionally suggest other R packages. In this chapter’s See Also sections we mention R functions in other packages that do the same job in a different way. We suggest that you explore those R alternatives if you are dissatisfied with what’s offered by ggplot2 or R base graphics.” (RCook 2019)

R Graphics is a vast R subject, and we can only scratch the surface here. Winston Chang’s R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd ed., is part of the O’Reilly Cookbook series and walks through many useful R recipes with a focus on R ggplot2. If you want to delve deeper, we recommend R Graphics by Paul Murrell (Chapman & Hall); it discusses the R paradigms behind R graphics, explains how to use the R graphics functions, and contains numerous R examples, including the R code to re-create them. Some of the R examples are pretty amazing.“ (RCook 2019)

The Illustrations

The graphs in this chapter are mostly plain and unadorned. We did that intentionally. When you call the R ggplot function, as in:

R library(tidyverse)

R dfR data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + R geom_point()

you get a plain graphical representation of x and y as shown in Figure 10-1.

rcbk 1001

Figure 10-1. Simple plot

You could adorn the graph with colors, a title, labels, a legend, text, and so forth, but then the call to ggplot becomes more and more crowded, obscuring the basic intention:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

 geom_point() +
   title = "Simple Plot Example",
   subtitle = "with a subtitle",
   x = "x-values",
   y = "y-values"
 ) +
 theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "grey50"))

The resulting plot is shown in Figure 10-2. We want to keep the recipes clean, so we emphasize the basic plot and then show later (as in Recipe 10.2) how to add adornments.

rcbk 1002

Figure 10-2. Slightly more complicated plot

Notes on ggplot2 Basics

While the package is called ggplot2, the primary R plotting function in the package is called ggplot. It is important to understand the basic pieces of a ggplot graph. In the preceding examples, you can see that we pass data into ggplot, then define how the graph is created by stacking together small phrases that describe some aspect of the plot. This stacking together of phrases is part of the “grammar of graphics” ethos (that’s where the gg comes from). To learn more, you can read “A Layered Grammar of Graphics” written by ggplot author Hadley Wickham. The concept originated with Leland Wilkinson, who articulated the idea of building graphics up from a set of primitives (i.e., verbs and nouns). With ggplot, the underlying data need not be fundamentally reshaped for each type of graphical representation. In general, the data stays the same and the user changes the syntax slightly to illustrate the data differently. This is significantly more consistent than base graphics, which often require reshaping the data in order to change the way it is visualized.

As we’re talking about ggplot graphics, it’s worth defining the components of a ggplot graph:

R Geometric object functions: These are geometric objects that describe the type of graph being created. Their names start with geom_; examples include geom_line, geom_boxplot, and geom_point, along with dozens more.

Aesthetics: The aesthetics, or aesthetic mappings, communicate to ggplot which fields in the source data get mapped to which visual elements in the graphic. This is the aes line in a ggplot call.

R Stats: Stats are R statistical transformations that are done before displaying the R data. Not all R graphs will have stats, but a few common stats are R stat_ecdf (the empirical R cumulative distribution function) and R stat_identity, which tells R ggplot to pass the data without doing any stats at all.

R Facet functions: R Facets are R subplots where each small plot represents a subgroup of the data. The faceting functions include R facet_wrap and R facet_grid.

Themes Themes are the visual elements of the plot that are not tied to data. These might include titles, margins, table of contents locations, or font choices.

Layer A layer is a combination of data, aesthetics, a geometric object, a stat, and other options to produce a visual layer in the ggplot graphic.

“Long” Versus “Wide” Data with ggplot One of the first sources of confusion for new ggplot users is that they are inclined to reshape their data to be “wide” before plotting it. “Wide” here means every variable they are plotting is its own column in the underlying data frame. This is an approach that many users develop while using Excel and then bring with them to R. ggplot works most easily with “long” data, where additional variables are added as rows in the data frame rather than columns. The great side effect of adding more measurements as rows is that any properly constructed ggplot graphs will automatically update to reflect the new data without changing the ggplot code. If each additional variable were added as a column, then the plotting code would have to be changed to introduce additional variables. This idea of “long” versus “wide” data will become more obvious in the examples in the rest of this chapter.

Graphics in Other Packages R is highly programmable, and many people have extended its graphics machinery with additional features. Quite often, packages include specialized functions for plotting their results and objects. The zoo package, for example, implements a time series object. If you create a zoo object z and call plot(z), then the zoo package does the plotting; it creates a graphic that is customized for displaying a time series. zoo uses base graphics, so the resulting graph will not be a ggplot graphic.

There are even entire packages devoted to extending R with new graphics paradigms. The lattice package is an alternative to base graphics that predates ggplot2. It uses a powerful graphics paradigm that enables you to create informative graphics more easily. It was implemented by Deepayan Sarkar, who also wrote Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R (Springer), which explains the package and how to use it. The lattice package is also described in R in a Nutshell (O’Reilly).

There are two chapters in Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund’s excellent book R for Data Science that deal with graphics. Chapter 7, “Exploratory Data Analysis,” focuses on exploring data with ggplot2, while Chapter 28, “Graphics for Communication,” explores communicating to others with graphics. R for Data Science is available in print or online.

10.1 Creating a Scatter Plot Problem You have paired observations: (x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (xn, yn). You want to create a scatter plot of the pairs.

Solution We can plot the data by calling ggplot, passing in the data frame, and invoking a geometric point function:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

In this example, the data frame is called df and the x and y data are in fields named x and y, which we pass to the aesthetic in the call aes(x, y).

Discussion A scatter plot is a common first attack on a new dataset. It’s a quick way to see the relationship, if any, between x and y.

Plotting with ggplot requires telling ggplot what data frame to use, then what type of graph to create and which aesthetic mapping (aes) to use. The aes in this case defines which field from df goes into which axis on the plot. Then the command geom_point communicates that you want a point graph, as opposed to a line or other type of graphic.

We can use the built-in mtcars dataset to illustrate plotting horsepower (hp) on the x-axis and fuel economy (mpg) on the y-axis:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +

The resulting plot is shown in Figure 10-3.

rcbk 1003 Figure 10-3. Scatter plot See Also See Recipe 10.2 for adding a title and labels, Recipe 10.3 for adding a grid, and Recipe 10.6 for adding a legend. See Recipe 10.8 for plotting multiple variables.

10.2 Adding a Title and Labels Problem You want to add a title to your plot or add labels for the axes.

Solution With ggplot we add a labs element that controls the labels for the title and axes.

When calling labs in ggplot, specify:

title Desired title text

x x-axis label

y y-axis label

For example:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

 geom_point() +
 labs(title = "The Title",
      x = "X-axis Label",
      y = "Y-axis Label")
Discussion The graph created in Recipe 10.1 is quite plain. A title and better labels will make it more interesting and easier to interpret.

Note that in ggplot you build up the elements of the graph by connecting the parts with the plus sign, +. So, we add further graphical elements by stringing together phrases. You can see this in the following code, which uses the built-in mtcars dataset and plots horsepower versus fuel economy in a scatter plot, shown in Figure 10-4:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +

 geom_point() +
 labs(title = "Cars: Horsepower vs. Fuel Economy",
      x = "HP",
      y = "Economy (miles per gallon)")
rcbk 1004 Figure 10-4. Labeled axes and title 10.3 Adding (or Removing) a Grid Problem You want to change the background grid of your graphic.

Solution With ggplot background grids come as a default, as you have seen in previous recipes. However, we can alter the background grid using the theme function or by applying a prepackaged theme to our graph.

We can use theme to alter the background panel of our graphic. This example removes it, as seen in Figure 10-5:

ggplot(df) +

 geom_point(aes(x, y)) +
 theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "grey50"))
rcbk 1005 Figure 10-5. White background Discussion ggplot fills in the background with a grey grid by default. You may find yourself wanting to remove that grid completely or change it to something else. Let’s create a ggplot graphic and then incrementally change the background style.

We can add or change aspects of our graphic by creating a ggplot object, then calling the object and using the + to add to it. The background shading in a ggplot graphic is actually three different graph elements:

panel.grid.major The major grid is white by default and heavy.

panel.grid.minor The minor grid is white by default and light.

panel.background The background is grey by default.

You can see these elements if you look carefully at the background of Figure 10-4.

If we set the background as element_blank, then the major and minor grids are still there, but they are white on white so we can’t see them in Figure 10-6:

g1 ← ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +

 geom_point() +
 labs(title = "Cars: Horsepower vs. Fuel Economy",
      x = "HP",
      y = "Economy (miles per gallon)") +
 theme(panel.background = element_blank())
g1 rcbk 1006 Figure 10-6. Blank background Notice in the previous code we put the ggplot graph into a variable called g1. Then we printed the graphic by just calling g1. Having the graph inside of g1 means we can add further graphical components without rebuilding the graph.

If we wanted to show the background grid with unusual patterns for illustration, it’s as easy as setting its components to a color and setting a line type, as in this example (see Figure 10-7):

g2 ← g1 + theme(panel.grid.major =

                  element_line(color = "black", linetype = 3)) +
 # linetype = 3 is dash
 theme(panel.grid.minor =
         element_line(color = "darkgrey", linetype = 4))
 # linetype = 4 is dot dash
g2 rcbk 1007 Figure 10-7. Major and minor gridlines Figure 10-7 lacks visual appeal, but you can clearly see that the dotted black lines make up the major grid and the dashed grey lines are the minor grid.

Or we could do something less garish and take the ggplot object g1 from before and add grey gridlines to the white background, as shown in Figure 10-8:

g1 +

 theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "grey"))
rcbk 1008 Figure 10-8. Grey major gridlines See Also See Recipe 10.4 to see how to apply an entire canned theme to your figure.

10.4 Applying a Theme to a ggplot Figure Problem You want your plot to use a preset collection of colors, styles, and formatting.

Solution ggplot supports themes, which are collections of settings for your figures. To use one of the themes, just add the desired theme function to your ggplot with a +:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

 geom_point() +
The ggplot2 package contains the following themes:

theme_bw() theme_dark() theme_classic() theme_gray() theme_linedraw() theme_light() theme_minimal() theme_test() theme_void() Discussion Let’s start with a simple plot and then show how it looks with a few of the built-in themes. Figure 10-9 shows a basic ggplot figure with no theme applied:

p ← ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = disp, y = hp)) +

 geom_point() +
 labs(title = "mtcars: Displacement vs. Horsepower",
      x = "Displacement (cubic inches)",
      y = "Horsepower")
p rcbk 1009 Figure 10-9. Starting plot Let’s create the same plot multiple times, but apply a different theme to each one. Figure 10-10 shows what it looks like with the black and white theme applied:

p + theme_bw() Figure 10-11 shows the classic theme:

p + theme_classic() rcbk 1010 Figure 10-10. theme_bw rcbk 1011 Figure 10-11. theme_classic Figure 10-12 shows the minimal theme:

p + theme_minimal() rcbk 1012 Figure 10-12. theme_minimal And Figure 10-13 shows the void theme:

p + theme_void() rcbk 1013 Figure 10-13. theme_void In addition to the themes included in ggplot2, there are packages, like ggtheme, that include themes to help you make your figures look more like the figures found in popular tools and publications such as Stata or The Economist.

See Also See Recipe 10.3 to see how to change a single theme element.

10.5 Creating a Scatter Plot of Multiple Groups Problem You have data in a data frame with multiple observations per record: x, y, and a factor f that indicates the group. You want to create a scatter plot of x and y that distinguishes among the groups.

Solution With ggplot we control the mapping of shapes to the factor f by passing shape = f to the aes function:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, shape = f)) +

Discussion Plotting multiple groups in one scatter plot creates an uninformative mess unless we distinguish one group from another. We make this distinction in ggplot by setting the shape parameter of the aes function.

The built-in iris dataset contains paired measures of Petal.Length and Petal.Width. Each measurement also has a Species property indicating the species of the flower that was measured. If we plot all the data at once, we just get the scatter plot shown in Figure 10-14:

ggplot(data = iris,

      aes(x = Petal.Length,
          y = Petal.Width)) +
rcbk 1014 Figure 10-14. iris: length vs. width The graphic would be far more informative if we distinguished the points by species. In addition to distinguishing the species by shape, we could also differentiate by color. We can add shape = Species and color = Species to our aes call to get each species with a different shape and color, as shown in Figure 10-15:

ggplot(data = iris,

        x = Petal.Length,
        y = Petal.Width,
        shape = Species,
        color = Species
      )) +
rcbk 1015 Figure 10-15. iris: shape and color ggplot conveniently sets up a legend for you as well, which is handy.

See Also See Recipe 10.6 for more on how to add a legend.

10.6 Adding (or Removing) a Legend Problem You want your plot to include a legend, the little box that decodes the graphic for the viewer.

Solution In most cases ggplot will add legends automatically, as you can see in the previous recipe. But if we do not have explicit grouping in the aes function, then ggplot will not show a legend by default. If we want to force ggplot to show a legend, we can set the shape or line type of our graph to a constant. ggplot will then show a legend with one group. We use guides to guide ggplot in how to label the legend.

This can be illustrated with our iris scatter plot:

g ← ggplot(data = iris,

      aes(x = Petal.Length,
          y = Petal.Width,
          shape="Observation")) +
 geom_point()  +
 guides(shape=guide_legend(title="My Legend Title"))
g Figure 10-16 illustrates the result of setting the shape to a string value and then relabeling the legend using guides.

rcbk 1016 Figure 10-16. Legend added More commonly, you may want to turn legends off, which you can do by calling theme with legend.position = “none”. Figure 10-17 shows the result when we add this call to the iris plot from the previous recipe:

g ← ggplot(data = iris,

             x = Petal.Length,
             y = Petal.Width,
             shape = Species,
             color = Species
           )) +
 geom_point() +
 theme(legend.position = "none")
g rcbk 1017 Figure 10-17. Legend removed Discussion Adding legends to ggplot when there is no grouping is an exercise in “tricking” ggplot into showing the legend by passing a string to a grouping parameter in aes. While this will not change the grouping (as there is only one group), it will result in a legend being shown with a name.

Then we can use guides to alter the legend title. It’s worth noting that we are not changing anything about the data, just exploiting settings in order to coerce ggplot into showing a legend when it typically would not.

One of the huge benefits of ggplot is its very good defaults. Getting positions and correspondence between labels and their point types is done automatically, but this can be overridden if needed. To remove a legend totally, we set theme parameters with theme(legend.position = “none”). We can also set the legend.position to be “left”, “right”, “bottom”, “top”, or a two-element numeric vector. Use a two-element numeric vector in order to pass ggplot specific coordinates of where you want the legend. If you’re using the coordinate positions, the values passed are between 0 and 1 for the x and y positions, in that order.

Figure 10-18 shows an example of a legend positioned at the bottom, created with this adjustment to the legend.position:

g + theme(legend.position = “bottom”) rcbk 1018 Figure 10-18. Legend at the bottom Or we could use a two-element numeric vector to put the legend in a specific location, as in Figure 10-19. This example puts the center of the legend at 80% to the right and 20% up from the bottom:

g + theme(legend.position = c(.8, .2)) In many aspects beyond legends, ggplot uses sane defaults but offers the flexibility to override them and tweak the details. You can find more details on ggplot options related to legends in the help for theme by typing ?theme or by looking in the ggplot online reference material.

rcbk 1019 Figure 10-19. Legend at a point 10.7 Plotting the Regression Line of a Scatter Plot Problem You are plotting pairs of data points, and you want to add a line that illustrates their linear regression.

Solution With ggplot there is no need to calculate the linear model first using the R lm function. We can instead use the geom_smooth function to calculate the linear regression inside of our ggplot call.

If our data is in a data frame df and the x and y data are in columns x and y, we plot the regression line like this:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

 geom_point() +
 geom_smooth(method = "lm",
             formula = y ~ x,
             se = FALSE)
The se = FALSE parameter tells ggplot not to plot the standard error bands around our regression line.

Discussion Suppose we are modeling the strongx dataset found in the faraway package. We can create a linear model using the built-in lm function in R. We can predict the variable crossx as a linear function of energy. First, let’s look at a simple scatter plot of our data (Figure 10-20):

library(faraway) data(strongx)

ggplot(strongx, aes(energy, crossx)) +

rcbk 1020 Figure 10-20. strongx scatter plot ggplot can calculate a linear model on the fly and then plot the regression line along with our data (Figure 10-21):

g ← ggplot(strongx, aes(energy, crossx)) +


g + geom_smooth(method = “lm”,

               formula = y ~ x)
rcbk 1021 Figure 10-21. Simple linear model ggplot We can turn the confidence bands off by adding the se = FALSE option, as shown in Figure 10-22:

g + geom_smooth(method = “lm”,

               formula = y ~ x,
               se = FALSE)
Notice that in geom_smooth we use x and y rather than the variable names. ggplot has set x and y inside the plot based on the aesthetic. Multiple smoothing methods are supported by geom_smooth. You can explore those and other options in the help by typing ?geom_smooth.

rcbk 1022 Figure 10-22. Simple linear model ggplot without se If we had a line we wanted to plot that was stored in another R object, we could use geom_abline to plot the line on our graph. In the following example we pull the intercept term and the slope from the regression model m and add those to our graph (see Figure 10-23):

m ← lm(crossx ~ energy, data = strongx)

ggplot(strongx, aes(energy, crossx)) +

 geom_point() +
   intercept = m$coefficients[1],
   slope = m$coefficients[2]
rcbk 1023 Figure 10-23. Simple line from slope and intercept This produces a plot very similar to Figure 10-22. The geom_abline method can be handy if you are plotting a line from a source other than a simple linear model.

See Also See Chapter 11 for more about linear regression and the lm function.

10.8 Plotting All Variables Against All Other Variables Problem Your dataset contains multiple numeric variables. You want to see scatter plots for all pairs of variables.

Solution ggplot does not have any built-in method to create pairs plots; however, the package GGally provides this functionality with the ggpairs function:

library(GGally) ggpairs(df) Discussion When you have a large number of variables, finding interrelationships between them is difficult. One useful technique is looking at scatter plots of all pairs of variables. This would be quite tedious if coded pair-by-pair, but the ggpairs function from the package GGally provides an easy way to produce all those scatter plots at once.

The iris dataset contains four numeric variables and one categorical variable:


  1. > Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
  2. > 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
  3. > 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
  4. > 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
  5. > 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
  6. > 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
  7. > 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa

What is the relationship, if any, between the columns? Plotting the columns with ggpairs produces multiple scatter plots, as seen in Figure 10-24:

library(GGally) ggpairs(iris) rcbk 1024 Figure 10-24. ggpairs plot of iris data The ggpairs function is pretty, but not particularly fast. If you’re just doing interactive work and want a quick peek at the data, the base R plot function provides faster output (see Figure 10-25):

plot(iris) rcbk 1025 Figure 10-25. Base plot pairs plot While the ggpairs function is not as fast to plot as the Base R plot function, it produces density graphs on the diagonal and reports correlation in the upper triangle of the graph. When factors or character columns are present, ggpairs produces histograms in the lower triangle of the graph and boxplots in the upper triangle. These are nice additions to understanding relationships in your data.

10.9 Creating One Scatter Plot for Each Group Problem Your dataset contains (at least) two numeric variables and a factor or character field defining a group. You want to create several scatter plots for the numeric variables, with one scatter plot for each level of the factor or character field.

Solution We produce this kind of plot, called a conditioning plot, in ggplot by adding facet_wrap to our plot. In this example we use the data frame df, which contains three columns, x, y, and f, with f being a factor (or a character string):

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

 geom_point() +
 facet_wrap( ~ f)
Discussion Conditioning plots (coplots) are another way to explore and illustrate the effect of a factor or to compare different groups to each other.

The Cars93 dataset contains 27 variables describing 93 car models as of 1993. Two numeric variables are MPG.city, the miles per gallon in the city, and Horsepower, the engine horsepower. One categorical variable is Origin, which can be USA or non-USA according to where the model was built.

Exploring the relationship between MPG and horsepower, we might ask: is there a different relationship for USA models and non-USA models?

Let’s examine this as a facet plot (Figure 10-26):

data(Cars93, package = “MASS”) ggplot(Cars93, aes(MPG.city, Horsepower)) +

 geom_point() +
 facet_wrap( ~ Origin)
rcbk 1026 Figure 10-26. Cars93 data with facet The resulting plot reveals a few insights. If we really crave that 300-horsepower monster, then we’ll have to buy a car built in the USA; but if we want high MPG, we have more choices among non-USA models. These insights could be teased out of a statistical analysis, but the visual presentation reveals them much more quickly.

Note that using facet results in subplots with the same x- and y-axis ranges. This helps ensure that visual inspection of the data is not misleading because of differing axis ranges.

See Also The Base R graphics function coplot can accomplish very similar plots using only base graphics.

10.10 Creating a Bar Chart Problem You want to create a bar chart.

Solution A common situation is to have a column of data that represents a group and then another column that represents a measure about that group. This format is “long” data because the data runs vertically instead of having a column for each group.

Using the geom_bar function in ggplot, we can plot the heights as bars. If the data is already aggregated, we add stat = “identity” so that ggplot knows it needs to do no aggregation on the groups of values before plotting:

ggplot(data = df, aes(x, y)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "identity")
Discussion Let’s use the cars made by Ford in the Cars93 dataset in an example:

ford_cars ← Cars93 %>%

 filter(Manufacturer == "Ford")

ggplot(ford_cars, aes(Model, Horsepower)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "identity")
Figure 10-27 shows the resulting bar chart.

rcbk 1027 Figure 10-27. Ford cars bar chart This example uses stat = “identity”, which assumes that the heights of your bars are conveniently stored as a value in one field with only one record per column. That is not always the case, however. Often you have a vector of numeric data and a parallel factor or character field that groups the data, and you want to produce a bar chart of the group means or the group totals.

Let’s work up an example using the built-in airquality dataset, which contains daily temperature data for a single location for five months. The data frame has a numeric Temp column and Month and Day columns. If we want to plot the mean temperature by month using ggplot, we don’t need to precompute the mean; instead, we can have ggplot do that in the plot command logic. To tell ggplot to calculate the mean, we pass stat = “summary”, fun.y = “mean” to the geom_bar command. We can also turn the month numbers into dates using the built-in constant month.abb, which contains the abbreviations for the months:

ggplot(airquality, aes(month.abb[Month], Temp)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "summary", fun.y = "mean") +
 labs(title = "Mean Temp by Month",
      x = "",
      y = "Temp (deg. F)")
Figure 10-28 shows the resulting plot. But you might notice the sort order on the months is alphabetical, which is not how we typically like to see months sorted.

rcbk 1028 Figure 10-28. Bar chart: temp by month We can fix the sorting issue using a few functions from dplyr combined with fct_inorder from the forcats tidyverse package. To get the months in the correct order, we can sort the data frame by Month, which is the month number. Then we can apply fct_inorder, which will arrange our factors in the order they appear in the data. You can see in Figure 10-29 that the bars are now sorted properly:


aq_data ← airquality %>%

 arrange(Month) %>%
 mutate(month_abb = fct_inorder(month.abb[Month]))

ggplot(aq_data, aes(month_abb, Temp)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "summary", fun.y = "mean") +
 labs(title = "Mean Temp by Month",
      x = "",
      y = "Temp (deg. F)")
rcbk 1029 Figure 10-29. Bar chart properly sorted See Also See Recipe 10.11 for adding confidence intervals and Recipe 10.12 for adding color.

Type ?geom_bar for help with bar charts in ggplot.

You can also use barplot for Base R bar charts or the barchart function in the lattice package.

10.11 Adding Confidence Intervals to a Bar Chart Problem You want to augment a bar chart with confidence intervals.

Solution Suppose we have a data frame df with columns group (group names), stat (a column of statistics), and lower and upper (which represent the corresponding limits for the confidence intervals). We can display a bar chart of stat for each group and its confidence interval using the geom_bar function combined with geom_errorbar:

ggplot(df, aes(group, stat)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
 geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), width = .2)
Figure 10-30 shows the resulting bar chart with confidence intervals.

rcbk 1030 Figure 10-30. Bar chart with confidence intervals Discussion Most bar charts display point estimates, which are shown by the heights of the bars, but rarely do they include confidence intervals. Our inner statisticians dislike this intensely. The point estimate is only half of the story; the confidence interval gives the full story.

Fortunately, we can plot the error bars using ggplot. The hard part is calculating the intervals. In the previous examples our data had a simple –15% and +20% interval. However, in Recipe 10.10 we calculated group means before plotting them. If we let ggplot do the calculations for us, we can use the built-in mean_se along with the stat_summary function to get the standard errors of the mean measures.

Let’s use the airquality data we used previously. First we’ll do the sorted factor procedure (from the prior recipe) to get the month names in the desired order:

aq_data ← airquality %>%

 arrange(Month) %>%
 mutate(month_abb = fct_inorder(month.abb[Month]))
Now we can plot the bars along with the associated standard errors, as in Figure 10-31:

ggplot(aq_data, aes(month_abb, Temp)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "summary",
          fun.y = "mean",
          fill = "cornflowerblue") +
 stat_summary(fun.data = mean_se, geom = "errorbar") +
 labs(title = "Mean Temp by Month",
      x = "",
      y = "Temp (deg. F)")
rcbk 1031 Figure 10-31. Mean temp by month with error bars Sometimes you’ll want to sort the columns in your bar chart in descending order based on their height, as in Figure 10-32. This can be a little bit confusing when you’re using summary stats in ggplot, but the secret is to use mean in the reorder statement to sort the factor by the mean of the temp. Note that the reference to mean in reorder is not quoted, while the reference to mean in geom_bar is quoted:

ggplot(aq_data, aes(reorder(month_abb, -Temp, mean), Temp)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "summary",
          fun.y = "mean",
          fill = "tomato") +
 stat_summary(fun.data = mean_se, geom = "errorbar") +
 labs(title = "Mean Temp by Month",
      x = "",
      y = "Temp (deg. F)")
rcbk 1032 Figure 10-32. Mean temp by month in descending order You may look at this example and the result in Figure 10-32 and wonder, “Why didn’t they just use reorder(month_abb, Month) in the first example instead of that sorting business with forcats::fct_inorder to get the months in the right order?” Well, we could have. But sorting using fct_inorder is a design pattern that provides flexibility for more complicated things. Plus it’s quite easy to read in a script. Using reorder inside aes is a bit denser and harder to read later, but either approach is reasonable.

See Also See Recipe 9.9 for more about t.test.

10.12 Coloring a Bar Chart Problem You want to color or shade the bars of a bar chart.

Solution With gplot we add the fill parameter to our aes call and let ggplot pick the colors for us:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, fill = group)) Discussion We can use the fill parameter in aes to tell ggplot what field to base the colors on. If we pass a numeric field to ggplot, we will get a continuous gradient of colors, and if we pass a factor or character field to fill, we will get contrasting colors for each group. Here we pass the character name of each month to the fill parameter:

aq_data ← airquality %>%

 arrange(Month) %>%
 mutate(month_abb = fct_inorder(month.abb[Month]))

ggplot(data = aq_data, aes(month_abb, Temp, fill = month_abb)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "summary", fun.y = "mean") +
 labs(title = "Mean Temp by Month",
      x = "",
      y = "Temp (deg. F)") +
 scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Paired")
We define the colors in the resulting bar chart (Figure 10-33) by calling scale_fill_brewer(palette=“Paired”). The “Paired” color palette comes, along with many other color palettes, in the package RColorBrewer.

rcbk 1033 Figure 10-33. Colored monthly temp bar chart If we want to change the color of each bar based on the temperature, we can’t just set fill = Temp—as might seem intuitive—because ggplot won’t understand we want the mean temperature after the grouping by month. The way we get around this is by accessing a special field inside of our graph called ..y.., which is the calculated value on the y-axis. But we don’t want the legend labeled ..y.., so we add fill = “Temp” to our labs call in order to change the name of the legend. The result is shown in Figure 10-34:

ggplot(airquality, aes(month.abb[Month], Temp, fill = ..y..)) +

 geom_bar(stat = "summary", fun.y = "mean") +
 labs(title = "Mean Temp by Month",
      x = "",
      y = "Temp (deg. F)",
      fill = "Temp")
rcbk 1034 Figure 10-34. Bar chart shaded by value If we want to reverse the color scale, we can just add a negative sign, -, in front of the field we are filling by: fill=-..y.., for example.

See Also See Recipe 10.10 for creating a bar chart.

10.13 Plotting a Line from x and y Points Problem You have paired observations in a data frame: (x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (xn, yn). You want to plot a series of line segments that connect the data points.

Solution With ggplot we can use geom_point to plot the points:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

Since ggplot graphics are built up element by element, we can have both a point and a line in the same graphic very easily by having two geoms:

ggplot(df, aes(x , y)) +

 geom_point() +
Discussion To illustrate, let’s look at some example US economic data that comes with ggplot2. This example data frame has a column called date, which we’ll plot on the x-axis, and a field called unemploy, which is the number of unemployed people:

ggplot(economics, aes(date , unemploy)) +

 geom_point() +
Figure 10-35 shows the resulting chart, which contains both lines and points because we used both geoms.

rcbk 1035 Figure 10-35. Line chart See Also See Recipe 10.1.

10.14 Changing the Type, Width, or Color of a Line Problem You are plotting a line, and you want to change its type, width, or color.

Solution ggplot uses the linetype parameter for controlling the appearance of lines. The options are:

linetype=“solid” or linetype=1 (default)

linetype=“dashed” or linetype=2

linetype=“dotted” or linetype=3

linetype=“dotdash” or linetype=4

linetype=“longdash” or linetype=5

linetype=“twodash” or linetype=6

linetype=“blank” or linetype=0 (inhibits drawing)

We can change the line characteristics by passing linetype, col, and/or size as parameters to geom_line. For example, if we wanted to change the line type to dashed, red, and heavy, we could pass the following params to geom_line:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +

 geom_line(linetype = 2,
           size = 2,
           col = "red")
Discussion The example syntax shows how to draw one line and specify its style, width, or color. A common scenario involves drawing multiple lines, each with its own style, width, or color.

In ggplot this can be a conundrum for many users. The challenge is that ggplot works best with “long” data instead of “wide” data, as was mentioned in the introduction to this chapter.

Let’s set up some example data:

x ← 1:10 y1 ← x**1.5 y2 ← x**2 y3 ← x**2.5 df ← data.frame(x, y1, y2, y3) Our example data frame has four columns of wide data:

head(df, 3)

  1. > x y1 y2 y3
  2. > 1 1 1.00 1 1.00
  3. > 2 2 2.83 4 5.66
  4. > 3 3 5.20 9 15.59

We can make our wide data long by using the gather function from the core tidyverse package tidyr. In this example, we use gather to create a new column named bucket and put our column names in there while keeping our x and y variables:

df_long ← gather(df, bucket, y, -x) head(df_long, 3)

  1. > x bucket y
  2. > 1 1 y1 1.00
  3. > 2 2 y1 2.83
  4. > 3 3 y1 5.20

tail(df_long, 3)

  1. > x bucket y
  2. > 28 8 y3 181
  3. > 29 9 y3 243
  4. > 30 10 y3 316

Now we can pass bucket to the col parameter and get multiple lines, each a different color:

ggplot(df_long, aes(x, y, col = bucket)) +

Figure 10-36 shows the resulting graph with each variable represented in a different color.

rcbk 1036 Figure 10-36. Multiple line chart It’s straightforward to vary the line weight by a variable—simply pass a numerical variable to size:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y1, size = y2)) +

 geom_line() +
 scale_size(name = "Thickness based on y2")
The result of varying the thickness with x is shown in Figure 10-37.

rcbk 1037 Figure 10-37. Thickness as a function of x See Also See Recipe 10.13 for plotting a basic line.

10.15 Plotting Multiple Datasets Problem You want to show multiple datasets in one plot.

Solution We can add multiple data frames to a ggplot figure by creating an empty plot and then adding two different geoms to the plot:

ggplot() +

 geom_line(data = df1, aes(x1, y1)) +
 geom_line(data = df2, aes(x2, y2))
This code uses geom_line, but you could use any geom.

Discussion We could combine the data into one data frame before plotting using one of the join functions from dplyr. However, next we will create two separate data frames and then add them each to a ggplot graph.

First let’s set up our example data frames, df1 and df2:

  1. example data

n ← 20

x1 ← 1:n y1 ← rnorm(n, 0, .5) df1 ← data.frame(x1, y1)

x2 ← (.5 * n):1)

mean_line ← mean(samp_df$samp) sd_lines ← mean_line + c(-2, -1, +1, +2) * sd(samp_df$samp)

ggplot(samp_df) +

 aes(x = x, y = samp) +
 geom_point() +
 geom_hline(yintercept = mean_line, color = "darkblue") +
 geom_hline(yintercept = sd_lines, linetype = "dotted")
Figure 10-40 shows the sampled data along with the mean and standard deviation lines.

rcbk 1040 Figure 10-40. Mean and SD bands in a plot See Also See Recipe 10.14 for more about changing line types.

10.17 Creating a Boxplot Problem You want to create a boxplot of your data.

Solution Use geom_boxplot from ggplot to add a boxplot geom to a ggplot graphic. Using the samp_df data frame from the prior recipe, we can create a boxplot of the values in the x column. The resulting graph is shown in Figure 10-41:

ggplot(samp_df) +

 aes(y = samp) +
rcbk 1041 Figure 10-41. Single boxplot Discussion A boxplot provides a quick and easy visual summary of a dataset:

The thick line in the middle is the median.

The box surrounding the median identifies the first and third quartiles; the bottom of the box is Q1, and the top is Q3.

The “whiskers” above and below the box show the range of the data, excluding outliers.

The circles identify outliers. By default, an outlier is defined as any value that is farther than 1.5 × IQR away from the box. (IQR is the interquartile range, or Q3–Q1.) In this example, there are a few outliers on the high side.

We can rotate the boxplot by flipping the coordinates. There are some situations where this makes a more appealing graphic, as shown in Figure 10-42:

ggplot(samp_df) +

 aes(y = samp) +
 geom_boxplot() +
rcbk 1042 Figure 10-42. Single boxplot, flipped See Also One boxplot alone is pretty boring. See Recipe 10.18 for creating multiple boxplots.

10.18 Creating One Boxplot for Each Factor Level Problem Your dataset contains a numeric variable and a factor (or other categorical text). You want to create several boxplots of the numeric variable broken out by levels.

Solution With ggplot we pass the name of the categorical variable to the x parameter in the aes call. The resulting boxplot will then be grouped by the values in the categorical variable:

ggplot(df) +

 aes(x = factor, y = values) +
Discussion This recipe is another great way to explore and illustrate the relationship between two variables. In this case, we want to know whether the numeric variable changes according to the level of a category.

The UScereal dataset from the MASS package contains many variables regarding breakfast cereals. One variable is the amount of sugar per portion and another is the shelf position (counting from the floor). Cereal manufacturers can negotiate for shelf position, placing their products for the best sales potential. We wonder: where do they put the high-sugar cereals? We can produce Figure 10-43 and explore that question by creating one boxplot per shelf:

data(UScereal, package = “MASS”)

ggplot(UScereal) +

 aes(x = as.factor(shelf), y = sugars) +
 geom_boxplot() +
   title = "Sugar Content by Shelf",
   x = "Shelf",
   y = "Sugar (grams per portion)"
rcbk 1043 Figure 10-43. Boxplots by shelf number The boxplots suggest that shelf #2 has the most high-sugar cereals. Could it be that this shelf is at eye level for young children who can influence their parents’ choice of cereals?

TIP Note that in the aes call we had to tell ggplot to treat the shelf number as a factor. Otherwise, ggplot would not react to the shelf as a grouping and would print only a single boxplot.

See Also See Recipe 10.17 for creating a basic boxplot.

10.19 Creating a Histogram Problem You want to create a histogram of your data.

Solution Use geom_histogram, and set x to a vector of numeric values.

Discussion Figure 10-44 is a histogram of the MPG.city column taken from the Cars93 dataset:

data(Cars93, package = “MASS”)

ggplot(Cars93) +

 geom_histogram(aes(x = MPG.city))

  1. > `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

The geom_histogram function must decide how many cells (bins) to create for binning the data. In this example, the default algorithm chose 30 bins. If we wanted fewer bins, we would include the bins parameter to tell geom_histogram how many bins we want:

ggplot(Cars93) +

 geom_histogram(aes(x = MPG.city), bins = 13)
Figure 10-45 shows the histogram with 13 bins.

rcbk 1044 Figure 10-44. Histogram of counts by MPG rcbk 1045 Figure 10-45. Histogram of counts by MPG with fewer bins See Also The Base R function hist provides much of the same functionality, as does the histogram function of the lattice package.

10.20 Adding a Density Estimate to a Histogram Problem You have a histogram of your data sample, and you want to add a curve to illustrate the apparent density.

Solution Use the geom_density function to approximate the sample density, as shown in Figure 10-46:

ggplot(Cars93) +

 aes(x = MPG.city) +
 geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = 21) +
rcbk 1046 Figure 10-46. Histogram with density plot Discussion A histogram suggests the density function of your data, but it is rough. A smoother estimate could help you better visualize the underlying distribution. A kernel density estimation (KDE) is a smoother representation of univariate data.

In ggplot we tell the geom_histogram function to use the geom_density function by passing it aes(y = ..density..).

The following example takes a sample from a gamma distribution and then plots the histogram and the estimated density, as shown in Figure 10-47:

samp ← rgamma(500, 2, 2)

ggplot() +

 aes(x = samp) +
 geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = 10) +
rcbk 1047 Figure 10-47. Histogram and density: gamma distribution See Also The geom_density function approximates the shape of the density nonparametrically. If you know the actual underlying distribution, use Recipe 8.11 to plot the density function instead.

10.21 Creating a Normal Quantile–Quantile Plot Problem You want to create a quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plot of your data, typically because you want to know how the data differs from a normal distribution.

Solution With ggplot we can use the stat_qq and stat_qq_line functions to create a Q–Q plot that shows the observed points as well as the Q–Q line. Figure 10-48 shows the resulting plot:

df ← data.frame(x = rnorm(100))

ggplot(df, aes(sample = x)) +

 stat_qq() +
rcbk 1048 Figure 10-48. Q–Q plot Discussion Sometimes it’s important to know if your data is normally distributed. A quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plot is a good first check.

The Cars93 dataset contains a Price column. Is it normally distributed? This code snippet creates a Q–Q plot of Price, as shown in Figure 10-49:

ggplot(Cars93, aes(sample = Price)) +

 stat_qq() +
rcbk 1049 Figure 10-49. Q–Q plot of car prices If the data had a perfect normal distribution, then the points would fall exactly on the diagonal line. Many points are close, especially in the middle section, but the points in the tails are pretty far off. Too many points are above the line, indicating a general skew to the left.

The leftward skew might be cured by a logarithmic transformation. We can plot log(Price), which yields Figure 10-50:

ggplot(Cars93, aes(sample = log(Price))) +

 stat_qq() +
rcbk 1050 Figure 10-50. Q–Q plot of log car prices Notice that the points in the new plot are much better behaved, staying close to the line except in the extreme left tail. It appears that log(Price) is approximately normal.

See Also See Recipe 10.22 for creating Q–Q plots for other distributions. See Recipe 11.16 for an application of Normal Q–Q plots to diagnose linear regression.

10.22 Creating Other Quantile–Quantile Plots Problem You want to view a quantile-quantile plot for your data, but the data is not normally distributed.

Solution For this recipe, you must have some idea of the underlying distribution, of course. The solution is built from the following steps:

Use the ppoints function to generate a sequence of points between 0 and 1.

Transform those points into quantiles, using the quantile function for the assumed distribution.

Sort your sample data.

Plot the sorted data against the computed quantiles.

Use abline to plot the diagonal line.

This can all be done in two lines of R code. Here is an example that assumes your data, y, has a Student’s t distribution with 5 degrees of freedom. Recall that the quantile function for Student’s t is qt and that its second argument is the degrees of freedom.

First let’s make some example data:

df_t ← data.frame(y = rt(100, 5)) In order to create the Q–Q plot we need to estimate the parameters of the distribution we want to plot. Since this is a Student’s t distribution, we only need to estimate one parameter, the degrees of freedom. Of course we know the actual degrees of freedom is 5, but in most situations we’ll need to calculate that value. So, we’ll use the MASS::fitdistr function to estimate the degrees of freedom:

est_df ← as.list(MASS::fitdistr(df_t$y, “t”)$estimate)"df" est_df

  1. > [1] 19.5

As expected, that’s pretty close to what was used to generate the simulated data, so let’s pass the estimated degrees of freedom to the Q–Q functions and create Figure 10-51:

ggplot(df_t) +

 aes(sample = y) +
 geom_qq(distribution = qt, dparams = est_df) +
 stat_qq_line(distribution = qt, dparams = est_df)
rcbk 1051 Figure 10-51. Student’s t distribution Q–Q plot Discussion The Solution looks complicated, but the gist of it is picking a distribution, fitting the parameters, and then passing those parameters to the Q–Q functions in ggplot.

We can illustrate this recipe by taking a random sample from an exponential distribution with a mean of 10 (or, equivalently, a rate of 1/10):

rate ← 1 / 10 n ← 1000 df_exp ← data.frame(y = rexp(n, rate = rate)) est_exp ← as.list(MASS::fitdistr(df_exp$y, “exponential”)$estimate)"rate" est_exp

  1. > [1] 0.101

Notice that for an exponential distribution, the parameter we estimate is called rate as opposed to df, which was the parameter in the t distribution.

The quantile function for the exponential distribution is qexp, which takes the rate argument. Figure 10-52 shows the resulting Q–Q plot using a theoretical exponential distribution:

ggplot(df_exp) +

 aes(sample = y) +
 geom_qq(distribution = qexp, dparams = est_exp) +
 stat_qq_line(distribution = qexp, dparams = est_exp)
rcbk 1052 Figure 10-52. Exponential distribution Q–Q plot 10.23 Plotting a Variable in Multiple Colors Problem You want to plot your data in multiple colors, typically to make the plot more informative, readable, or interesting.

Solution We can pass a color to a geom_ function in order to produce colored output (see Figure 10-53):

df ← data.frame(x = rnorm(200), y = rnorm(200))

ggplot(df) +

 aes(x = x, y = y) +
 geom_point(color = "blue")
If you are reading this in print you may see only black. Try it out on your own in order to see the graph in full color.

rcbk 1053 Figure 10-53. Point data in color The value of color can be:

One color, in which case all data points are that color.

A vector of colors, the same length as x, in which case each value of x is colored with its corresponding color.

A short vector, in which case the vector of colors is recycled.

Discussion The default color in ggplot is black. While it’s not very exciting, black is high contrast and easy for almost anyone to see.

However, it is much more useful (and interesting) to vary the color in a way that illuminates the data. Let’s illustrate this by plotting a graphic two ways, once in black and white and once with simple shading.

This produces the basic black-and-white graphic in Figure 10-54:

df ← data.frame(

 x = 1:100,
 y = rnorm(100)

ggplot(df) +

 aes(x, y) +
rcbk 1054 Figure 10-54. Simple point plot Now we can make it more interesting by creating a vector of “gray” and “black” values, according to the sign of x, and then plotting x using those colors, as shown in Figure 10-55:

shade ← if_else(df$y >= 0, “black”, “gray”)

ggplot(df) +

 aes(x, y) +
 geom_point(color = shade)
rcbk 1055 Figure 10-55. Color-shaded point plot The negative values are now plotted in gray because the corresponding element of colors is “gray”.

See Also See Recipe 5.3 regarding the Recycling Rule. Execute colors to see a list of available colors, and use geom_segment in ggplot to plot line segments in multiple colors.

10.24 Graphing a Function Problem You want to graph the value of a function.

Solution The ggplot function stat_function will graph a function across a range. In Figure 10-56, we plot a sine wave across the range –3 to 3:

ggplot(data.frame(x = c(-3, 3))) +

 aes(x) +
 stat_function(fun = sin)
rcbk 1056 Figure 10-56. Sine wave plot Discussion It’s pretty common to want to plot a statistical function, such as a normal distribution, across a given range. stat_function in ggplot allows us to do this. We need only supply a data frame with x value limits, and stat_function will calculate the y values and plot the results as shown in Figure 10-57:

ggplot(data.frame(x = c(-3.5, 3.5))) +

 aes(x) +
 stat_function(fun = dnorm) +
 ggtitle("Standard Normal Density")
rcbk 1057 Figure 10-57. Standard Normal density plot Notice here that we used ggtitle to set the title. If setting multiple text elements in a ggplot we use labs, but when we’re just adding a title, ggtitle is more concise than labs(title='Standard Normal Density'), although they accomplish the same thing. See ?labs for more discussion of labels with ggplot.

stat_function can graph any function that takes one argument and returns one value. Let’s create a function and then plot it. Our function is a dampened sine wave—that is, a sine wave that loses amplitude as it moves away from 0:

f ← function(x) exp(-abs(x)) * sin(2 * pi * x) ggplot(data.frame(x = c(-3.5, 3.5))) +

 aes(x) +
 stat_function(fun = f) +
 ggtitle("Dampened Sine Wave")
The resulting plot is shown in Figure 10-58.

rcbk 1058 Figure 10-58. Dampened sine wave plot See Also See Recipe 15.3 for how to define a function.

10.25 Displaying Several Figures on One Page Problem You want to display several plots side by side on one page.

Solution There are a number of ways to put ggplot graphics into a grid, but one of the easiest to use and understand is patchwork by Thomas Lin Pedersen. patchwork is not currently available on CRAN, but you can install it from GitHub using the devtools package:

devtools::install_github(“thomasp85/patchwork”) After installing the package, you can use it to plot multiple ggplot objects using a + between the objects, then a call to plot_layout to arrange the images into a grid, as shown in Figure 10-59. The example code here has four ggplot objects:

library(patchwork) p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 rcbk 1059 Figure 10-59. A patchwork plot patchwork supports grouping with parentheses and using / to put groupings under other elements, as illustrated in Figure 10-60:

p3 / (p1 + p2 + p4) rcbk 1060 Figure 10-60. A patchwork 1 / 2 plot Discussion Let’s use a multifigure plot to display four different beta distributions. Using ggplot and the patchwork package, we can create a 2×2 layout effect by creating four graphics objects and then printing them using the + notation from patchwork:


df ← data.frame(x = c(0, 1))

g1 ← ggplot(df) +

 aes(x) +
   fun = function(x)
     dbeta(x, 2, 4)
 ) +

g2 ← ggplot(df) +

 aes(x) +
   fun = function(x)
     dbeta(x, 4, 1)
 ) +

g3 ← ggplot(df) +

 aes(x) +
   fun = function(x)
     dbeta(x, 1, 1)
 ) +

g4 ← ggplot(df) +

 aes(x) +
   fun = function(x)
     dbeta(x, .5, .5)
 ) +

g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + plot_layout(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) The output is shown in Figure 10-61.

rcbk 1061 Figure 10-61. Four plots using patchwork To lay the images out in column order, we could pass byrow=FALSE to plot_layout:

g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + plot_layout(ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) See Also Recipe 8.11 discusses plotting density functions as we do here.

Recipe 10.9 shows how you can create a matrix of plots using a facet function.

The grid package and the lattice package contain additional tools for multifigure layouts with base graphics.

10.26 Writing Your Plot to a File Problem You want to save your graphics in a file, such as a PNG, JPEG, or PostScript file.

Solution With ggplot figures you can use ggsave to save a displayed image to a file. ggsave will make some default assumptions about size and file type for you, allowing you to specify only a filename:

ggsave(“filename.jpg”) The file type is derived from the extension you use in the filename you pass to ggsave. You can control details of size, file type, and scale by passing parameters to ggsave. See ?ggsave for specific details.

Discussion In RStudio, a shortcut is to click on Export in the Plots window and then click on “Save as Image,” “Save as PDF,” or “Copy to Clipboard.” The save options will prompt you for a file type and a filename before writing the file. The “Copy to Clipboard” option can be handy if you are manually copying and pasting your graphics into a presentation or word processor.

Remember that the file will be written to your current working directory (unless you use an absolute filepath), so be certain you know which directory is your working directory before calling savePlot.

In a noninteractive script using ggplot, you can pass plot objects directly to ggsave so they need not be displayed before saving. In the prior recipe we created a plot object called g1. We can save it to a file like this:

ggsave(“g1.png”, plot = g1, units = “in”, width = 5, height = 4) Note that the units for height and width in ggsave are specified with the units parameter. In this case we used in for inches, but ggsave also supports mm and cm for the more metrically inclined.

See Also See Recipe 3.1 for more about the current working directory.

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1.5 * n) - 1) y2 ← rnorm(n, 1, .5) df2 ← data.frame(x2, y2) Typically we would pass the data frame directly into the ggplot function call. Since we want two geoms with two different data sources, we will initiate a plot with ggplot and then add in two calls to geom_line, each with its own data source: ggplot() +
 geom_line(data = df1, aes(x1, y1), color = "darkblue") +
 geom_line(data = df2, aes(x2, y2), linetype = "dashed")
ggplot allows us to make multiple calls to different geom_ functions, each with its own data source, if desired. Then ggplot will look at all the data we are plotting and adjust the ranges to accommodate all the data. The graph with expanded limits is shown in Figure 10-38. rcbk 1038 Figure 10-38. Two lines, one plot 10.16 Adding Vertical or Horizontal Lines Problem You want to add a vertical or horizontal line to your plot, such as an axis through the origin or a pointer to a threshold. Solution The ggplot functions geom_vline and geom_hline produce vertical and horizontal lines, respectively. The functions can also take color, linetype, and size parameters to set the line style:
  1. using the data.frame df1 from the prior recipe
ggplot(df1) +
 aes(x = x1, y = y1) +
 geom_point() +
   xintercept = 10,
   color = "red",
   linetype = "dashed",
   size = 1.5
 ) +
 geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "blue")
Figure 10-39 shows the resulting plot with added horizontal and vertical lines. rcbk 1039 Figure 10-39. Vertical and horizontal lines Discussion A typical use of lines would be drawing regularly spaced lines. Suppose we have a sample of points, samp. First, we plot them with a solid line through the mean. Then we calculate and draw dotted lines at ±1 and ±2 standard deviations away from the mean. We can add the lines into our plot with geom_hline: samp ← rnorm(1000) samp_df ← data.frame(samp, x = 1:length(samp
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