
Vasubandhu.JPG | frame | Vasubandhu Vasubandhu (Skt.; Tib. དབྱིག་གཉེན་, Yiknyen, Wyl. dbyig gnyen) (ca. 316-396)<ref>According to S. Anacker's estimation. According to others such as Thomas Lee Dowling, Vasubandhu would have lived more towards the beginning of the 5th cent.</ref> numbers among the ‘Six Ornaments’, the greatest Buddhist authorities of Ancient India. He was born in Purusapura, present-day Peshawar, Pakistan, in what was then the Kingdom of Gandhara, and was the younger half-brother of Asanga. He composed the Treasury of Abhidharma, a complete and systematic account of the Abhidharma, the peak of scholarship in the Fundamental Vehicle. Later he followed the Mahayana Yogachara view, and wrote many works, such as Thirty Stanzas | Thirty Stanzas on the Mind.

His Writings

Vasubandhu was a prolific author and wrote texts on a wide variety of subjects, his most famous work being the Abhidharmakosha.

A set of eight texts are referred to as the Eight Treatises (the Eight Prakarana):

Other texts include:

  • A commentary on the Sutra of the Ten Bhumis
  • A commentary on the Sutra Teaching the Beginnings and the Divisions of Dependent Arising (Skt. Pratītyasamutpādādi-vibhaṅga-nirdeśa)
  • Gāthāsaṃgrahaśāstra-nāma (Wyl. bstan bcos tshigs su bcad pa bsdus pa zhes bya ba)
  • Gāthāsaṃgrahaśāstrārtha-nāma (Wyl. tshigs su bcad pa'i don bsdus pa zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos)
  • Ekagāthābhāṣya (Wyl. tshigs su bcad pa gcig pa'i bshad pa)
  • Sukhāvatīvyūhopadeśa (Skt.), a treatise on the Amitayurdhyana Sutra

His Disciples

He famously had four students who were more learned than himself:

These students are not necessarily considered to be his direct students, but perhaps more in the sense that they followed in his lineage.



Further Reading

  • Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu: The Buddhist Psychological Doctor (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984; 2nd Edition, 2002), 'II. Vasubandhu, His Life and Times'
  • Philippe Cornu, Vasubandhu, Cinq traités sur l'esprit seulement (Paris: Fayard, 2008), 'Introduction'
  • Thomas Lee Dowling, Vasubandhu on the Avijñapti-rūpa: a study in fifth-century Abhidharma Buddhism, Ph.D., 1976., Columbia University, p. 23-39
  • Erich Frauwallner, On the Date of the Buddhist Master of the Law Vasubandhu (Rome: IsMeo, 1951)
  • E. Lamotte, Karmasiddhiprakarana: le traité de l'acte de Vasubandhu, Bruxelles 1936
    • Karmasiddhi Prakarana: The Treatise on Action by Vasubandhu, English translation by Leo M. Pruden
  • J. Takakusu, The Life of Vasubandhu by Paramārtha, T'oung Pao (1904)
  • Lobsang N. Tsonawa, Indian Buddhist Pandits from The Jewel Garland of Buddhist History (Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1985)
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