Warp.dev Warp Terminal
brew install warp - https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/warp
The terminal for the 21st century
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p w ~/warp/app ~ c d w a r p c a r g o t e s t error: could not find `Cargo.toml` in `/Users/michellelim` or any parent directory ~ ~ ~ p
~/warp/app ~ c d w a r p c a r g o t e s t error: could not find `Cargo.toml` in `/Users/michellelim` or any parent directory ~ ~ ~/warp git:(main) ) main git:( ~/warp D ~/warp/app ~ c d w a r p c a r g o t e s t error: could not find `Cargo.toml` in `/Users/michellelim` or any parent directory ~ ~ c a r g o c a r g o + s t a b l e + s t a b l e t e s t f m t ~/warp git:(main)
C [main 940790ce7] Update server version 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) cargo +stable fmt ~/warp git:(main) ) main git:( ~/warp “ add add checkout Switch branches branch List, create or delete bisect Use binary search to Add file contents to the i Add file contents to the index commit commit Record changes to the repository Record changes to t config Set author commit Record changes to the repository commit Record changes to t —C —C —F Take the commit message —S GPG-sign commits. The —a Stage all modified and d Take an existing commit Take an existing commitobject, and reuse the logmessage and the authorship —a —a —am Stage all and use given t Stage all modified and de Stage all modified anddeleted paths —am —am Stage all and use given t Stage all and use giventext as commit message ) main git:( ~/warp
Search workflows
Output the contents of every URL in a text file
Loops through a list of URLs, fetches their content
cat channel_versions.json ]] | jq ‘.dev.version’Extract a field from a json object using JQExtract a field from a json object using JQcat channel_versions.json | jq ‘.dev.version’ Find and print all files with a particular name under a Count all the lines of code recursively under a direct Filter lines of a file matching regular expression Find and print all files with a particular name under a update NPM to the latest version U [[npm update -g npm
git reset ~HEAD~git reset –hard HEAD~1brew tap beeftornado/rmtreebrew rmtree
git reset HEAD~ UnUnUnUn do last git commit and destroy changesinstall a Homebrew package and all of it’s dependeninstall a local NPM packagedo git add git reset ——soft HEAD~1 Undo last git commit and keep changes k t ~/warp/app ~ c d w a r p c a r g o c a r g o + s t a b l e + s t a b l e t e s t f m t ~/warp git:(main)
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Fast Fully native, Rust-based terminal. No Electron or web-tech.
Private & Secure
All cloud features are opt-in. Data is \\encrypted at rest. Learn more
Backwards Compatible
Warp works out of the box with zsh, fish, and bash.
Modern features for modern development
Input that feels like a code editor
Writing code in your terminal shouldn’t feel like 1978. Edit your commands like in a modern code editor with selections, cursor positioning, and completion menus.
p ~/warp/app git:( main ) ~/warp/app git:(main) ls Cargo.lockCargo.tomlCartfileCartfile.resolved Carthageassetschannels graphqlsrctests cd warp ~/warp/app fmtchecktest build.rs cargo +cargo +cargo + s t a b l e s t a b l e s t a b l e
A.I. Command Search
Our GPT-3 powered AI search will convert natural language into executable shell commands. It's like GitHub Copilot, but for the terminal. See what people are saying here.
No more scrolling through a wall of text
Navigate through your terminal, command by command. Copy the output with one click and zero scrolls.
u p ~/warp git:(main) cd warp ~/warp git:(main) test ~/warp git:(main) cd app ~/warp/app git:(main) ls Cargo.lockCargo.tomlCartfileCartfile.resolved Carthage assets channels graphqlsrctests build.rs ~/warp/app git:( main )
Form commands at the speed of thought
Access common workflows with a simple GUI. You can create your own workflows, and share them with your team.
” L ~ / w a r p / a p p ~ c d w a r p e r r o r : c o u l d n o t f i n d ` C a r g o . t o m l ` i n ` / U s e r s / m i c h e l l e l i m ` o r a n y p a r e n t d i r e c t o r y c a r g o c a r g o + s t a b l e + s t a b l e t e s t f m t ~ / w a r p g i t : ( m a i n )
C [ m a i n 9 4 0 7 9 0 c e 7 ] U p d a t e s e r v e r v e r s i o n 1 f i l e c h a n g e d , 1 i n s e r t i o n ( + ) c a r g o + s t a b l e f m t ~ / w a r p g i t : ( m a i n ) g i t c o m m i t - a m “ U p d a t e s e r v e r v e r s i o n ” ) m a i n g i t : ( ~ / w a r p A l l M y W o r k f l o w s P r o j e c t W o r k f l o w s C a t e g o r i e s W o r k f l o w s D o c k e r G i t h u b a d b a n d r o i d a w k c u r l f i l e m a n i p u l a t i o n g i t u n i n s t a l l a H o m e b r e w p a c k a g e a n d a l l U n b r e w t a p b e e f t o r n a d o / r m t r e e b r e w r m t r e g i t r e s e t - - h a r d H E A D ~ 1 g i t r e s e t H E A D ~ n p m u n i n s t a l l { { n a m e } } g i t r e s e t H E A D ~ U n U n U n U n d o l a s t g i t c o m m i t a n d d e s t r o y c h a n g e s d o l a s t g i t c o m m i t a n d k e e p c h a n g e s i n s t a l l a l o c a l N P M p a c k a g e d o m o s t r e c e n t g i t c o m m i t
Run your documentation inside the terminal
Replace wikis with native terminal notebooks that mix documentation and CLI commands. Write these by hand, or convert them from terminal output.
Share a permalink of your session to your team.
e V ~/warp/app Annie g i t m e r g e - s t h e i r s git merge –abort ) zach-branch git:( ~/warp/app ~/warp/app git:(zach-branch) git merge main ~/warp/app git:(zach-branch) Auto-merging app/src/root_view.rsCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in app/src/root_view.rsRemoving app/src/printable.rsCONFLICT (modify/delete): app/src/auth_view.rs deleted in master andmodified in HEAD. Version HEAD of app/src/auth_view.rs left in tree.
Make Warp
Your Own
Your terminal is personal to you. Customize Warp your way and share it with others.
Choose from popular themes like Darcula and Solarized.'
Make your own here →
How it works
Warp is a fully native, GPU-accelerated, Rust-based terminal. No Electron or web-tech. 60fps on 4K screens.
Along the way, we built our own UI framework, our own Rust-based CRDT editor and our own graphics shaders.
Read on:
How it Works
How it Works
Trusted by developers around the world
pyronaur @AUTOMATTIC Everyone is on about how fast @warpdotdev is and nobody's mentioning:
• Your muscle memory shortcuts are there. CMD+P for commands • CMD+A to select your current command as regular text • Click anywhere to jump cursor
VT 👨🏾💻 @ZATECHRADIO Every day I love I've been using @warpdotdev for ~5 hours now, and I didn't know I needed innovation on my terminal. This is fast ⚡️, has great DX and saves you lots of time (increasing productivity).
Thanks for the plug @appfactory 🙌
Nat Friedman CEO @ GITHUB Finally, innovation in terminals! @warpdotdev
Katerina Skroumpelou @GOOGLEDEVEXPERT Every day I love @warpdotdev more. The autocompletion, the fzf of my past commands, the blocks of command outputs. It's just so efficient! (bonus point - I see what branch I'm on)
Aman Virk BUILDING @ADONISFRAMEWORK Giving @warpdotdev a try. It is blazing fast and indeed feels like a modern terminal.
Jon Meyers DEVELOPER ADVOCATE @SUPABASE Just started using @warpdotdev as my main terminal! 🎉 It is just so good! 💯
I don't know why I just accepted that one of the main tools I use every day as a developer was so bad!!
Ben Holmes @ASTRODOTBUILD Just saying, I heckin love @warpdotdev
🚀 Stupid fast boot times 📝 View history with arrow keys (no mindless ⬆️⬆️⬆️…) ✂️ Each command is a block for easy scrolling, error highlighting, and copy / past-ability 💻 Intellisense for npm and git
✦ bleachedsleet.eth ✦ @GETPROTOCOL 2/ @warpdotdev A new terminal developed in Rust, I instantly fell in love when I tried it. There's just no going back from the incredible navigation workflows you can achieve with this tool. If the terminal had been invented today, this what we would get. Bravo!
Command-Line: Shell, Shell Hacks, Console, Terminal, Shell, Command-Line Tools, Docker Command-Line, Podman Command-Line, Kubernetes Command-Line, Linux Command-Line, Unix Command-Line, macOS Command-Line, Windows Command-Line, Windows Server Command-Line, Android Command-Line, Linux Terminal, macOS Terminal, Windows Terminal, Package Manager Command-Line, PowerShell Core, PowerShell, SSH, Command Prompt - Command Line - Command Line Interface - CLI, Cloud Shell - Azure Cloud Shell - AWS Cloud Shell - GCP Cloud Shell, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, AWS PowerShell, GCP PowerShell, Linux PowerShell, macOS PowerShell, REPL, Python interactive shell (navbar_commandline - see also navbar_terminal)
Terminals: CLI - Command-Lines Interfaces, Shell (Bash Shell, ZShell), Linux Terminals (SSH, Secure Shell, Telnet, Fedora Terminal, Ubuntu Terminal), Windows Terminals (Microsoft Windows Terminal, PowerShell Terminal, Windows Command Prompt - cmd.exe), macOS Terminals (Warp.dev Warp Terminal, iTerm2, tmux, macOS Terminal,), IBM Mainframe Terminals, (3270, TN3270), GitHub Terminals, Awesome Terminals. (navbar_terminal - see also navbar_commandline)
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