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WebSocket is a full-duplex communication protocol that provides a persistent connection between a client and a server over a single TCP connection. Unlike traditional HTTP communication, which operates in a request-response model, WebSocket enables continuous data exchange in real-time. This makes it ideal for interactive applications such as chat systems, real-time notifications, and multiplayer games.

Once a WebSocket connection is established, it remains open, allowing both the client and server to send data to each other without repeatedly initiating new connections. This reduces latency and overhead, improving the performance of real-time applications. The protocol starts with an HTTP handshake, upgrading to WebSocket once both parties agree to switch protocols.

Use cases for WebSocket include chat applications, where continuous communication is required between users. Multiplayer games leverage WebSocket for fast data exchange between players and game servers. Real-time dashboards and financial trading platforms use WebSocket to deliver live updates without delays. Social media platforms also utilize WebSocket for instant notifications and status updates.

Advantages of WebSocket include low latency, reduced network overhead, and the ability to handle high-frequency data transmission. The persistent connection minimizes the time and resources spent on setting up multiple HTTP requests. WebSocket also supports binary and text data, making it flexible for a wide range of applications.

Challenges involve the need for proper connection management to avoid resource exhaustion when handling large numbers of simultaneous clients. Implementing WebSocket securely requires encryption via TLS/SSL to prevent attacks. Firewalls or network restrictions may block WebSocket connections if not configured properly. Additionally, debugging WebSocket traffic can be more challenging compared to traditional HTTP.

Documentation and resources include the WebSocket API Documentation at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket, RFC 6455 Specification at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455, and WebSocket Security Best Practices at https://owasp.org/www-project-cheat-sheets/cheatsheets/WebSocket_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html.


WebSocket plays a crucial role in enabling real-time, interactive communication between clients and servers. Its low-latency, persistent connections make it suitable for applications where timely data delivery is essential. While WebSocket introduces challenges related to connection management and security, its benefits in performance and efficiency make it an indispensable protocol for modern web applications. WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection. Introduced as part of the HTML5 specification and standardized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as RFC 6455 in 2011, WebSocket enables interaction between a web browser (or other client application) and a web server with lower overheads, facilitating real-time data transfer from and to the server. This is particularly beneficial for web applications that require real-time data exchange, such as chat applications, live sports updates, and interactive games. Unlike HTTP polling, which inefficiently opens and closes a connection for each data transfer, WebSocket keeps the connection open, allowing for a continuous flow of data in both directions. The protocol supports message-based data, which can be text or binary, making it versatile for different types of applications. WebSocket's efficient use of resources and its ability to provide near-instantaneous communication have made it a fundamental technology in developing interactive and dynamic web applications.

Snippet from Wikipedia: WebSocket

WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing a simultaneous two-way communication channel over a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011. The current specification allowing web applications to use this protocol is known as WebSockets. It is a living standard maintained by the WHATWG and a successor to The WebSocket API from the W3C.

WebSocket is distinct from HTTP used to serve most webpages. Although they are different, RFC 6455 states that WebSocket "is designed to work over HTTP ports 443 and 80 as well as to support HTTP proxies and intermediaries", thus making it compatible with HTTP. To achieve compatibility, the WebSocket handshake uses the HTTP Upgrade header to change from the HTTP protocol to the WebSocket protocol.

The WebSocket protocol enables full-duplex interaction between a web browser (or other client application) and a web server with lower overhead than half-duplex alternatives such as HTTP polling, facilitating real-time data transfer from and to the server. This is made possible by providing a standardized way for the server to send content to the client without being first requested by the client, and allowing messages to be passed back and forth while keeping the connection open. In this way, a two-way ongoing conversation can take place between the client and the server. The communications are usually done over TCP port number 443 (or 80 in the case of unsecured connections), which is beneficial for environments that block non-web Internet connections using a firewall. Additionally, WebSocket enables streams of messages on top of TCP. TCP alone deals with streams of bytes with no inherent concept of a message. Similar two-way browser–server communications have been achieved in non-standardized ways using stopgap technologies such as Comet or Adobe Flash Player.

Most browsers support the protocol, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera.

The WebSocket protocol specification defines ws (WebSocket) and wss (WebSocket Secure) as two new uniform resource identifier (URI) schemes that are used for unencrypted and encrypted connections respectively. Apart from the scheme name and fragment (i.e. # is not supported), the rest of the URI components are defined to use URI generic syntax.

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