Table of Contents


Return to Linux, chown Automation with Python, chown Automation with Bash, chown Security, Linux CLI, List of POSIX commands, GNU Core Utilities, Linux Core Utilities commands (Linux File system commands, Linux Text utilities, Linux Shell utilities), Unix Commands from the Single UNIX Specification (Unix File system commands, Unix process commands, Unix user environment commands, Unix text processing commands, Unix shell builtin commands, Unix network utility commands, Unix searching commands, Unix documentation commands, Unix software development commands, Unix miscellaneous commands), Linux Glossary


Answering in French, Summarize this Linux command in 1 paragraphs. Make the French Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. You MUST put double square brackets around each programming term, technology, product, computer buzzword or jargon or technical words. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings.


La commande chown est utilisée dans les systèmes Linux pour changer le propriétaire et le groupe d'un fichier ou d'un répertoire. Cela permet à l'utilisateur de modifier les permissions de fichiers en attribuant la propriété à un utilisateur ou à un groupe spécifique. Cela est souvent utile dans les environnements multi-utilisateurs où différents utilisateurs doivent accéder et modifier les mêmes fichiers. En utilisant chown, les administrateurs système peuvent contrôler précisément qui peut accéder à quelles ressources sur le système. Pour plus d'informations sur chown, vous pouvez consulter la page de la documentation sur Wikipedia en français : s://

Now translate that to English

The chown command is used in Linux systems to change the owner and group of a file or directory. This allows the user to modify file permissions by assigning ownership to a specific user or group. This is often useful in multi-user environments where different users need to access and modify the same files. By using chown, system administrators can precisely control who can access which resources on the system. For more information about chown, you can refer to the Wikipedia documentation page in English:

Snippet from Wikipedia: Chown

The command chown , an abbreviation of change owner, is used on Unix and Unix-like operating systems to change the owner of file system files and directories. Unprivileged (regular) users who wish to change the group membership of a file that they own may use chgrp.

The ownership of any file in the system may only be altered by a super-user. A user cannot give away ownership of a file, even when the user owns it. Similarly, only a member of a group can change a file's group ID to that group.

The version of chown bundled in GNU coreutils was written by David MacKenzie and Jim Meyering.

The command is available as a separate package for Microsoft Windows as part of the UnxUtils collection of native Win32 ports of common GNU Unix-like utilities. The chown command has also been ported to the IBM i operating system.

chown: In French, Give code examples or command line examples:

Voici quelques exemples d'utilisation de la commande `chown` en français :

1. Pour changer le propriétaire d'un fichier : ```bash chown utilisateur fichier ```

2. Pour changer le groupe d'un fichier : ```bash chown :groupe fichier ```

3. Pour changer à la fois le propriétaire et le groupe d'un fichier : ```bash chown utilisateur:groupe fichier ```

4. Pour changer récursivement le propriétaire et le groupe d'un répertoire et de son contenu : ```bash chown -R utilisateur:groupe répertoire ```

Assurez-vous d'avoir les permissions nécessaires pour effectuer ces changements.



Answering in French, Summarize this Linux command in 5 paragraphs. IMMEDIATELY after the French term, list the equivalent English term. Mention its date of invention/creation and inventor/creator, date of introduction/founding. Make the French Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. You MUST put double square brackets around each programming term, technology, product, computer buzzword or jargon or technical words. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings.

chown Equivalent Command in Other Operating Systems

Return to PowerShell Commands, Windows Commands

chown Equivalent Command in Windows

chown Equivalent Command in Windows

In Windows, the equivalent command to `chown` in Unix-like systems is `icacls`, which stands for “Integrity Control Access Control Lists.” This command is used to view and modify access control lists (ACLs) for files and directories, allowing users to change ownership and permissions. `icacls` enables users to grant or revoke permissions for specific users or groups, set inheritance options, and manipulate various security attributes of files and directories. More information about `icacls` can be found on the Microsoft documentation: ( page.

chown Equivalent Command in PowerShell

chown Equivalent Command in PowerShell

In PowerShell, the equivalent command to `chown` in Unix-like systems is `Set-Acl`, which stands for “Set Access Control List.” This cmdlet is used to modify the security descriptor of a file or directory, allowing users to change ownership and permissions. `Set-Acl` enables users to specify a new owner, add or remove permissions for specific users or groups, and configure inheritance options. It provides fine-grained control over access control settings, similar to `chown` in Unix. More information about `Set-Acl` can be found on the Microsoft documentation:

chown Equivalent Command in IBM Mainframe z/OS

chown Equivalent Command in IBM z/OS and IBM Mainframe Environment

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IBM z/OS and IBM Mainframe Equivalent of chown Command

In the IBM z/OS and IBM Mainframe environment, the equivalent command to `chown` in Unix-like systems is `RACF`, which stands for “Resource Access Control Facility.” RACF is an IBM security product that provides mainframe access control and resource protection capabilities for z/OS systems. With RACF, administrators can define and manage access control lists (ACLs) for datasets, programs, and system resources. This allows them to specify who can access specific resources and what actions they are allowed to perform. RACF plays a crucial role in enforcing security policies and ensuring the integrity of data and applications on IBM mainframe systems. More information about RACF can be found on the IBM documentation: ( page.

chown Command Automation with Python

See: chown Automation with Python

Return to chown, Automation with Python, Automation with Bash Scripting, Linux Automation, Linux CLI, chown Security

chown Automation with Python

In English, Summarize this topic in 6 paragraphs. Give 5 code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

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Automation: DevOps Automation, Cloud Automation, Security Automation, Build Automation, Scripting, PowerShell Automation, Python Automation, Bash Automation, Node.js Automation, Business Process Automation,m Automation GitHub, Awesome Automation. (navbar_automation - see also navbar_scripting)

Python Vocabulary List (Sorted by Popularity)

Python Programming Language, Python Interpreter, Python Standard Library, Python Virtual Environment, Python pip (Pip Installs Packages), Python List, Python Dictionary, Python String, Python Function, Python Class, Python Module, Python Package, Python Object, Python Tuple, Python Set, Python Import Statement, Python Exception, Python Decorator, Python Lambda Function, Python Generator, Python Iterable, Python Iterator, Python Comprehension, Python Built-in Function, Python Built-in Type, Python Keyword, Python Conditional Statement, Python Loop, Python For Loop, Python While Loop, Python If Statement, Python elif Statement, Python else Statement, Python Pass Statement, Python Break Statement, Python Continue Statement, Python None Object, Python True, Python False, Python Boolean, Python Integer, Python Float, Python Complex Number, Python Type Hint, Python Annotations, Python File Handling, Python Open Function, Python With Statement, Python Context Manager, Python Exception Handling, Python Try-Except Block, Python Finally Block, Python Raise Statement, Python Assertion, Python Module Search Path, Python sys Module, Python os Module, Python math Module, Python datetime Module, Python random Module, Python re Module (Regular Expressions), Python json Module, Python functools Module, Python itertools Module, Python collections Module, Python pathlib Module, Python subprocess Module, Python argparse Module, Python logging Module, Python unittest Module, Python doctest Module, Python pdb (Python Debugger), Python venv (Virtual Environment), Python PyPI (Python Package Index), Python setuptools, Python distutils, Python wheel, Python pyproject.toml, Python requirements.txt, Python, Python IDLE, Python REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop), Python Shebang Line, Python Bytecode, Python Compilation, Python CPython Interpreter, Python PyPy Interpreter, Python Jython Interpreter, Python IronPython Interpreter, Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), Python Garbage Collection, Python Memory Management, Python Reference Counting, Python Weak Reference, Python C Extension, Python Extension Modules, Python WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface), Python ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface), Python Django Framework, Python Flask Framework, Python Pyramid Framework, Python Bottle Framework, Python Tornado Framework, Python FastAPI Framework, Python aiohttp Framework, Python Sanic Framework, Python Requests Library, Python urllib Module, Python urllib3 Library, Python BeautifulSoup (HTML Parser), Python lxml (XML Processing), Python Selenium Integration, Python Scrapy Framework, Python Gunicorn Server, Python uWSGI Server, Python mod_wsgi, Python Jinja2 Template, Python Mako Template, Python Chameleon Template, Python Asyncio Library, Python Coroutines, Python Await Statement, Python async/await Syntax, Python Async Generator, Python Event Loop, Python asyncio.gather, Python, Python, Python concurrent.futures, Python Threading Module, Python Multiprocessing Module, Python Queue Module, Python Lock, Python RLock, Python Semaphore, Python Event, Python Condition Variable, Python Barrier, Python Timer, Python Socket Module, Python select Module, Python ssl Module, Python ftplib, Python smtplib, Python imaplib, Python poplib, Python http.client, Python http.server, Python xmlrpc.client, Python xmlrpc.server, Python socketserver Module, Python codecs Module, Python hashlib Module, Python hmac Module, Python secrets Module, Python base64 Module, Python binascii Module, Python zlib Module, Python gzip Module, Python bz2 Module, Python lzma Module, Python tarfile Module, Python zipfile Module, Python shutil Module, Python glob Module, Python fnmatch Module, Python tempfile Module, Python time Module, Python threading.Thread, Python multiprocessing.Process, Python subprocess.Popen, Python logging.Logger, Python logging.Handler, Python logging.Formatter, Python logging.FileHandler, Python logging.StreamHandler, Python logging.config, Python warnings Module, Python traceback Module, Python atexit Module, Python signal Module, Python locale Module, Python getpass Module, Python readline Module, Python rlcompleter Module, Python platform Module, Python sys.path, Python sys.argv, Python sys.exit, Python sys.stdin, Python sys.stdout, Python sys.stderr, Python sys.getsizeof, Python sys.setrecursionlimit, Python sys.version, Python sys.platform, Python sys.modules, Python gc Module, Python gc.collect, Python gc.set_threshold, Python inspect Module, Python inspect.getmembers, Python inspect.signature, Python dis Module, Python disassemble, Python marshal Module, Python tokenize Module, Python tokenize.generate_tokens, Python ast Module, Python ast.parse, Python compile Function, Python eval Function, Python exec Function, Python frozenset, Python bytes Type, Python bytearray Type, Python memoryview Type, Python slice Object, Python range Object, Python reversed Function, Python enumerate Function, Python zip Function, Python map Function, Python filter Function, Python reduce Function, Python sum Function, Python min Function, Python max Function, Python round Function, Python abs Function, Python divmod Function, Python pow Function, Python sorted Function, Python any Function, Python all Function, Python isinstance Function, Python issubclass Function, Python dir Function, Python help Function, Python vars Function, Python id Function, Python hash Function, Python ord Function, Python chr Function, Python bin Function, Python oct Function, Python hex Function, Python repr Function, Python ascii Function, Python callable Function, Python format Function, Python globals, Python locals, Python super Function, Python breakpoint Function, Python input Function, Python print Function, Python open Function, Python eval Function (Repeat noted), Python classmethod, Python staticmethod, Python property Decorator, Python __init__ Method, Python __str__ Method, Python __repr__ Method, Python __eq__ Method, Python __hash__ Method, Python __lt__ Method, Python __le__ Method, Python __gt__ Method, Python __ge__ Method, Python __ne__ Method, Python __add__ Method, Python __sub__ Method, Python __mul__ Method, Python __truediv__ Method, Python __floordiv__ Method, Python __mod__ Method, Python __pow__ Method, Python __len__ Method, Python __getitem__ Method, Python __setitem__ Method, Python __delitem__ Method, Python __contains__ Method, Python __iter__ Method, Python __next__ Method, Python __enter__ Method, Python __exit__ Method, Python __call__ Method, Python __new__ Method, Python __init_subclass__ Method, Python __class_getitem__ Method, Python __mro__, Python __name__ Variable, Python __main__ Module, Python __doc__, Python __package__, Python __file__, Python __debug__, Python unittest.TestCase, Python unittest.main, Python unittest.mock, Python unittest.mock.patch, Python unittest.mock.Mock, Python pytest Framework, Python pytest.mark, Python pytest fixtures, Python nose2 Testing, Python tox Tool, Python coverage Tool, Python hypothesis Testing, Python black Formatter, Python isort Tool, Python flake8 Linter, Python pylint Linter, Python mypy Type Checker, Python bandit Security Linter, Python pydoc Documentation, Python Sphinx Documentation, Python docstrings, Python reStructuredText, Python unittest.mock.MagicMock, Python unittest.mock.MockReturnValue, Python unittest.mock.MockSideEffect, Python argparse.ArgumentParser, Python argparse Namespace, Python configparser Module, Python configparser.ConfigParser, Python json.dumps, Python json.loads, Python json.dump, Python json.load, Python decimal Module, Python fractions Module, Python statistics Module, Python heapq Module, Python bisect Module, Python math.sqrt, Python math.floor, Python math.ceil, Python math.isnan, Python math.isinf, Python math.pi, Python math.e, Python math.gamma, Python random.random, Python random.randint, Python random.choice, Python random.shuffle, Python random.sample, Python datetime.datetime, Python, Python datetime.time, Python datetime.timedelta, Python datetime.timezone, Python calendar Module, Python zoneinfo Module, Python locale.getdefaultlocale, Python glob.glob, Python fnmatch.filter, Python shutil.copy, Python shutil.move, Python tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile, Python tempfile.TemporaryDirectory, Python zipfile.ZipFile, Python, Python, Python, Python, Python pickle Module, Python pickle.dump, Python pickle.load, Python shelve Module, Python sqlite3 Module, Python sqlite3.connect, Python http.server.HTTPServer, Python http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler, Python wsgiref.simple_server, Python xml.etree.ElementTree, Python xml.etree.Element, Python xml.etree.SubElement, Python configparser.ConfigParser.write, Python, Python, Python re.match, Python re.findall, Python re.split, Python re.sub, Python re.compile, Python logging.basicConfig, Python logging.debug, Python, Python logging.warning, Python logging.error, Python logging.critical, Python collections.Counter, Python collections.defaultdict, Python collections.OrderedDict, Python collections.deque, Python collections.namedtuple, Python collections.ChainMap, Python dataclasses.dataclass, Python dataclasses.field, Python enum.Enum, Python, Python typing Module, Python typing.List, Python typing.Dict, Python typing.Union, Python typing.Optional, Python typing.Any, Python typing.TypeVar, Python typing.Generic, Python typing.Protocol, Python typing.NamedTuple, Python functools.lru_cache, Python functools.reduce, Python functools.partial, Python functools.singledispatch, Python operator Module, Python operator.itemgetter, Python operator.attrgetter, Python operator.methodcaller, Python itertools.chain, Python itertools.product, Python itertools.permutations, Python itertools.combinations, Python itertools.groupby, Python itertools.accumulate, Python parse Library, Python pathlib.Path, Python pathlib.Path.resolve, Python pathlib.Path.mkdir, Python pathlib.Path.rmdir, Python pathlib.Path.unlink, Python pathlib.Path.glob, Python pathlib.Path.read_text, Python pathlib.Path.write_text, Python subprocess.check_call, Python subprocess.check_output, Python, Python unittest.mock.ANY, Python importlib Module, Python importlib.import_module, Python importlib.resources, Python pkgutil Module, Python runpy Module, Python pip wheel, Python pip install, Python pip freeze, Python pip uninstall, Python build Tools, Python twine Upload, Python poetry Package Manager, Python poetry.lock File, Python Hatch Project, Python virtualenv Tool, Python conda Environment, Python cffi Module, Python ctypes Module, Python ctypes.CDLL, Python ctypes.Structure, Python cProfile Module, Python pstats Module, Python timeit Module, Python imaplib.IMAP4, Python smtplib.SMTP, Python ssl.create_default_context, Python email.message.EmailMessage, Python email.mime.text, Python email.mime.multipart, Python xml.dom.minidom, Python xml.dom.pulldom, Python xml.sax Module, Python xml.sax.handler, Python xml.sax.make_parser, Python configobj Library, Python toml Module, Python tomli Module, Python yaml Module (PyYAML), Python pyenv Tool, Python poetry build, Python poetry publish, Python wheel packaging, Python pyinstaller Tool, Python cx_Freeze, Python nuitka Compiler, Python cython Compiler, Python mypy.ini, Python flake8.ini, Python black --check, Python black --diff, Python pylint.rcfile, Python, Python coverage.xml, Python coverage combine, Python coverage html, Python coverage report, Python pytest.ini, Python pytest --cov, Python pytest --lf, Python pytest --ff, Python pytest -k, Python pytest -m, Python docker-compose Integration, Python fabric Library, Python invoke Library, Python pipenv Tool, Python pipenv Pipfile, Python pipenv lock, Python poetry pyproject.toml, Python functools.cache, Python functools.total_ordering, Python decimal.Decimal, Python decimal.Context, Python fractions.Fraction, Python fractions.gcd Deprecated, Python statistics.mean, Python statistics.median, Python statistics.mode, Python statistics.stdev, Python statistics.variance, Python tkinter Module, Python tkinter.Tk, Python tkinter.Frame, Python tkinter.Button, Python tkinter.Label, Python tkinter.Entry, Python tkinter.Text, Python tkinter.Menu, Python tkinter.Canvas, Python tkinter filedialog, Python tkinter messagebox, Python tkinter ttk Widgets, Python turtle Module, Python turtle.Turtle, Python curses Module, Python curses.wrapper, Python sqlite3.Cursor, Python sqlite3.Row, Python sqlite3.RowFactory, memory, Python memoryview.cast, Python bisect.bisect, Python bisect.bisect_left, Python bisect.bisect_right, Python heapq.heappush, Python heapq.heappop, Python heapq.heapify, Python math.factorial, Python math.comb, Python math.perm, Python random.uniform, Python random.gauss, Python random.seed, Python datetime.utcnow, Python, Python datetime.strptime, Python datetime.strftime, Python timezone.utc, Python zoneinfo.ZoneInfo, Python re.IGNORECASE, Python re.MULTILINE, Python re.DOTALL, Python re.VERBOSE, Python re.IGNORECASE Flag, Python logging.getLogger, Python logging.addHandler, Python logging.setLevel, Python logging.LoggerAdapter, Python warnings.warn, Python warnings.simplefilter, Python pdb.set_trace, Python pdb.runcall, Python pdb.runctx, Python inspect.isfunction, Python inspect.ismethod, Python inspect.isclass, Python inspect.getsource, Python inspect.getdoc, Python ast.literal_eval, Python compile(source), Python eval(expression), Python exec(statement), Python frozenset Literal, Python memoryview Slice, Python slice.start, Python slice.stop, Python slice.step, Python range.start, Python range.stop, Python range.step, Python enumerate(start), Python zip_longest, Python map(func), Python filter(func), Python reduce(func), Python sum(iterable), Python min(iterable), Python max(iterable), Python all(iterable), Python any(iterable), Python isinstance(obj), Python issubclass(cls), Python dir(object), Python help(object), Python vars(object), Python id(object), Python hash(object), Python ord(char), Python chr(int), Python bin(int), Python oct(int), Python hex(int), Python repr(object), Python ascii(object), Python callable(object), Python format(value), Python globals(), Python locals(), Python super(class), Python breakpoint(), Python input(), Python print(), Python open(filename), Python property(fget), Python classmethod(method), Python staticmethod(method), Python, Python, Python __init__ Module, Python __main__ Execution, Python __doc__ String, Python setuptools.setup, Python setuptools.find_packages, Python distutils.core.setup, Python wheel bdists, Python, Python pydoc CLI, Python Sphinx, Python docutils Integration, Python unittest.TextTestRunner, Python unittest.TestLoader, Python unittest.TestSuite, Python unittest.skip, Python unittest.expectedFailure, Python, Python unittest.mock.Mock.assert_called_with, Python pytest.mark.skip, Python pytest.mark.xfail, Python pytest.mark.parametrize, Python pytest fixture Scope, Python pytest fixture autouse, Python coverage run, Python coverage erase, Python coverage xml, Python coverage json, Python black line-length, Python black target-version, Python pylint --disable, Python pylint --enable, Python flake8 ignore, Python mypy --ignore-missing-imports, Python mypy --strict, Python bandit -r, Python bandit.config, Python, Python pstats.Stats, Python timeit.timeit, Python timeit.repeat, Python multiprocessing.Pool, Python multiprocessing.Queue, Python multiprocessing.Value, Python multiprocessing.Array, Python subprocess.DEVNULL, Python subprocess.PIPE, Python requests.get, Python, Python requests.put, Python requests.delete, Python requests.Session, Python requests.adapters, Python asyncio.sleep, Python asyncio.create_task, Python asyncio.gather, Python asyncio.wait, Python asyncio.run_until_complete, Python asyncio.Lock, Python asyncio.Semaphore, Python asyncio.Event, Python asyncio.Condition, Python aiohttp.ClientSession, Python aiohttp.web, Python aiohttp.ClientResponse, Python aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse, Python websockets.connect, Python websockets.serve, Python sqlalchemy Engine, Python sqlalchemy Session, Python sqlalchemy ORM, Python sqlalchemy Table, Python sqlalchemy Column, Python sqlalchemy create_engine, Python sqlalchemy select, Python sqlalchemy insert, Python sqlalchemy update, Python sqlalchemy delete, Python sqlalchemy MetaData, Python sqlalchemy text, Python ORM Databases, Python celery Task, Python celery Broker, Python celery Worker, Python celery Beat, Python celery Flower, Python gunicorn wsgi, Python uvicorn ASGI, Python hypercorn ASGI, Python waitress WSGI, Python werkzeug WSGI, Python gevent Hub, Python greenlet, Python eventlet, Python paramiko SSH, Python scp Module, Python fabric task, Python invoke task, Python importlib.metadata, Python toml.load, Python yaml.safe_load, Python yaml.dump, Python pyenv install, Python pyenv global, Python pyenv local, Python pipenv install, Python pipenv run, Python poetry install, Python poetry run, Python poetry publish, Python hatch build, Python hatch run, Python conda install, Python conda create, Python conda activate, Python cffi.FFI, Python ctypes.Structure, Python ctypes.byref, Python ctypes.pointer, Python cProfile.Profile, Python pstats.sort_stats, Python timeit.default_timer, Python zoneinfo.ZoneInfo.from_file, Python xml.dom.minidom.parse, Python xml.dom.minidom.parseString, Python xml.sax.parse, Python xml.sax.ContentHandler, Python configobj.ConfigObj, Python tomli.load, Python yaml.Loader, Python pydoc -w, Python Sphinx autodoc, Python unittest.mock.patch.object, Python unittest.mock.call_args, Python unittest.mock.call_count, Python pytest --maxfail, Python pytest --disable-warnings, Python pytest --last-failed, Python pytest --exitfirst, Python pytest -v, Python pytest -q, Python pytest -s, Python pytest-cov Plugin, Python pytest-xdist Parallel, Python pytest-mock Plugin, Python docker run (Python-based Images), Python fabric.Connection, Python, Python fabric.sudo, Python pipenv shell, Python pipenv graph, Python poetry lock, Python poetry update, Python black --check, Python black --diff, Python pylint --rcfile, Python flake8 --max-line-length, Python flake8 --statistics, Python isort --profile black, Python mypy.ini settings, Python bandit.yaml, Python coverage combine, Python coverage html, Python coverage json, Python coverage report

Python: Python Variables, Python Data Types, Python Control Structures, Python Loops, Python Functions, Python Modules, Python Packages, Python File Handling, Python Errors and Exceptions, Python Classes and Objects, Python Inheritance, Python Polymorphism, Python Encapsulation, Python Abstraction, Python Lists, Python Dictionaries, Python Tuples, Python Sets, Python String Manipulation, Python Regular Expressions, Python Comprehensions, Python Lambda Functions, Python Map, Filter, and Reduce, Python Decorators, Python Generators, Python Context Managers, Python Concurrency with Threads, Python Asynchronous Programming, Python Multiprocessing, Python Networking, Python Database Interaction, Python Debugging, Python Testing and Unit Testing, Python Virtual Environments, Python Package Management, Python Data Analysis, Python Data Visualization, Python Web Scraping, Python Web Development with Flask/Django, Python API Interaction, Python GUI Programming, Python Game Development, Python Security and Cryptography, Python Blockchain Programming, Python Machine Learning, Python Deep Learning, Python Natural Language Processing, Python Computer Vision, Python Robotics, Python Scientific Computing, Python Data Engineering, Python Cloud Computing, Python DevOps Tools, Python Performance Optimization, Python Design Patterns, Python Type Hints, Python Version Control with Git, Python Documentation, Python Internationalization and Localization, Python Accessibility, Python Configurations and Environments, Python Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, Python Algorithm Design, Python Problem Solving, Python Code Readability, Python Software Architecture, Python Refactoring, Python Integration with Other Languages, Python Microservices Architecture, Python Serverless Computing, Python Big Data Analysis, Python Internet of Things (IoT), Python Geospatial Analysis, Python Quantum Computing, Python Bioinformatics, Python Ethical Hacking, Python Artificial Intelligence, Python Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Python Blockchain Applications, Python Chatbots, Python Voice Assistants, Python Edge Computing, Python Graph Algorithms, Python Social Network Analysis, Python Time Series Analysis, Python Image Processing, Python Audio Processing, Python Video Processing, Python 3D Programming, Python Parallel Computing, Python Event-Driven Programming, Python Reactive Programming.

Variables, Data Types, Control Structures, Loops, Functions, Modules, Packages, File Handling, Errors and Exceptions, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Sets, String Manipulation, Regular Expressions, Comprehensions, Lambda Functions, Map, Filter, and Reduce, Decorators, Generators, Context Managers, Concurrency with Threads, Asynchronous Programming, Multiprocessing, Networking, Database Interaction, Debugging, Testing and Unit Testing, Virtual Environments, Package Management, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Web Scraping, Web Development with Flask/Django, API Interaction, GUI Programming, Game Development, Security and Cryptography, Blockchain Programming, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Scientific Computing, Data Engineering, Cloud Computing, DevOps Tools, Performance Optimization, Design Patterns, Type Hints, Version Control with Git, Documentation, Internationalization and Localization, Accessibility, Configurations and Environments, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, Algorithm Design, Problem Solving, Code Readability, Software Architecture, Refactoring, Integration with Other Languages, Microservices Architecture, Serverless Computing, Big Data Analysis, Internet of Things (IoT), Geospatial Analysis, Quantum Computing, Bioinformatics, Ethical Hacking, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Blockchain Applications, Chatbots, Voice Assistants, Edge Computing, Graph Algorithms, Social Network Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Image Processing, Audio Processing, Video Processing, 3D Programming, Parallel Computing, Event-Driven Programming, Reactive Programming.

Python Glossary, Python Fundamentals, Python Inventor: Python Language Designer: Guido van Rossum on 20 February 1991; PEPs, Python Scripting, Python Keywords, Python Built-In Data Types, Python Data Structures - Python Algorithms, Python Syntax, Python OOP - Python Design Patterns, Python Module Index,, Python Package Manager (pip-PyPI), Python Virtualization (Conda, Miniconda, Virtualenv, Pipenv, Poetry), Python Interpreter, CPython, Python REPL, Python IDEs (PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook), Python Development Tools, Python Linter, Pythonista-Python User, Python Uses, List of Python Software, Python Popularity, Python Compiler, Python Transpiler, Python DevOps - Python SRE, Python Data Science - Python DataOps, Python Machine Learning, Python Deep Learning, Functional Python, Python Concurrency - Python GIL - Python Async (Asyncio), Python Standard Library, Python Testing (Pytest), Python Libraries (Flask), Python Frameworks (Django), Python History, Python Bibliography, Manning Python Series, Python Official Glossary - Python Glossary - Glossaire de Python - French, Python Topics, Python Courses, Python Research, Python GitHub, Written in Python, Python Awesome List, Python Versions. (navbar_python - see also navbar_python_libaries, navbar_python_standard_library, navbar_python_virtual_environments, navbar_numpy, navbar_datascience)

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chown Command Automation with Bash Scripting

See: chown Automation with Bash

Return to chown, Automation with Bash Scripting, Linux Automation with Python, Linux Automation, Linux CLI, chown Security

chown Automation with Bash

In English, Summarize this topic in 6 paragraphs. Give 5 code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

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Fair Use Sources:

Bash Vocabulary List (Sorted by Popularity)

Bash Programming Language, Bash Shell, Bash Scripting, Bash Command Line, Bash Command, Bash Variable, Bash Environment Variable, Bash PATH Variable, Bash cd Command, Bash ls Command, Bash echo Command, Bash if Statement, Bash for Loop, Bash while Loop, Bash until Loop, Bash case Statement, Bash function Definition, Bash array Variable, Bash associative Array, Bash declare Command, Bash typeset Command, Bash local Variable, Bash global Variable, Bash positional Parameters, Bash $0 Variable, Bash $1 Variable, Variable, Bash $* Variable, Bash $@ Variable, Bash $, Bash $$ Variable, Bash $! Variable, Bash $- Variable, Bash IFS Variable, Bash PS1 Prompt, Bash PS2 Prompt, Bash PS4 Prompt, Bash HOME Variable, Bash USER Variable, Bash HOSTNAME Variable, Bash OSTYPE Variable, Bash SHELL Variable, Bash TERM Variable, Bash exit Command, Bash return Command, Bash break Command, Bash continue Command, Bash read Command, Bash printf Command, Bash test Command, Bash [ Command, Bash [[ Command], Bash builtin Command, Bash type Command, Bash command Command, Bash hash Command, Bash alias Command, Bash unalias Command, Bash set Command, Bash shopt Command, Bash export Command, Bash unset Command, Bash readonly Command, Bash trap Command, Bash wait Command, Bash kill Command, Bash jobs Command, Bash fg Command, Bash bg Command, Bash disown Command, Bash exec Command, Bash time Command, Bash times Builtin, Bash source Command, Bash . Command (Dot Command), Bash eval Command, Bash complete Command, Bash compgen Command, Bash compopt Command, Bash history Command, Bash fc Command, Bash pushd Command, Bash popd Command, Bash dirs Command, Bash pwd Command, Bash oldpwd Variable, Bash command Substitution, Bash $( ) Syntax, Bash Backticks `...`, Bash Variable Substitution, Bash Parameter Expansion, Bash ${var} Syntax, -default}, =default}, Bash ${var, +replacement}, var}, Bash ${var%pattern}, Bash ${var%%pattern}, pattern}, #pattern}, length}, Bash Arithmetic Expansion, Bash $(( expression )) Syntax, Bash (( ... )) Arithmetic, Bash Globbing, Bash Filename Expansion, Bash Wildcard *, Bash Wildcard , Bash Character Class [...], Bash Brace Expansion, Bash {1..10} Expansion, Bash {a,b,c} Expansion, Bash Tilde Expansion, Bash ~ User Home Expansion, Bash ~+ Expansion ($PWD), Bash ~- Expansion ($OLDPWD), Bash aliasing Commands, Bash .bashrc File, Bash .bash_profile File, Bash .profile File, Bash .bash_login File, Bash .bash_history File, Bash /etc/bashrc File, Bash /etc/profile File, Bash elif Keyword, Bash else Keyword, Bash fi Keyword, Bash Arithmetic Conditions (( )), Bash String Comparisons, Bash Integer Comparisons (-eq, -ne, -gt, -lt), Bash File Conditions (-f, -d, -e, -r, -w, -x), | !, Bash Pipeline Operator, Bash pipefail Option, Bash Redirection >, Bash Redirection >>, Bash Redirection <, Bash Redirection << (Here-Doc), Bash Redirection <<< (Here-String), Bash Redirection &>, Bash Redirection 2>, Bash Redirection &>>, Bash Redirection 2>>, Bash Redirection >, Bash noclobber Option, Bash Built-in Commands, Bash test Builtin, Bash Arithmetic Command (( )), Bash compgen Builtin, Bash environment Files, Bash read -p Prompt, Bash read -r Raw Input, Bash mapfile Command, Bash mapfile -t Option, Bash shopt -s histappend, Bash shopt -s cdspell, Bash shopt -s checkwinsize, Bash shopt -s cmdhist, Bash shopt -s dotglob, Bash shopt -s extglob, Bash shopt -s extdebug, Bash shopt -s globstar, Bash shopt -s histreedit, Bash shopt -s histverify, Bash shopt -s hostcomplete, Bash shopt -s interactive_comments, Bash shopt -s login_shell, Bash shopt -s mailwarn, Bash shopt -s nocaseglob, Bash shopt -s nocasematch, Bash shopt -s nullglob, Bash shopt -s progcomp, Bash shopt -s promptvars, Bash shopt -s sourcepath, Bash shopt -s xpg_echo, Bash BASH_VERSION Variable, Bash BASH_VERSINFO Array, Bash BASHOPTS Variable, Bash BASH_ALIASES Array, Bash BASH_ARGC Array, Bash BASH_ARGV Array, Bash BASH_CMDS Array, Bash BASH_LINENO Array, Bash BASH_SOURCE Array, Bash BASH_SUBSHELL Variable, Bash BASH_XTRACEFD Variable, Bash BASH_REMATCH Array, Bash COMP_CWORD Variable, Bash COMP_LINE Variable, Bash COMP_POINT Variable, Bash COMP_WORDS Array, Bash COMP_KEY Variable, Bash COMP_TYPE Variable, Bash COMP_REPLY Array, Bash COLUMNS Variable, Bash EUID Variable, Bash GROUPS Array, Bash HISTCMD Variable, Bash HOSTTYPE Variable, Bash LINENO Variable, Bash MACHTYPE Variable, Bash OPTARG Variable, Bash OPTIND Variable, Bash PPID Variable, Bash PWD Variable, Bash RANDOM Variable, Bash SECONDS Variable, Bash SHELLOPTS Variable, Bash SHLVL Variable, Bash UID Variable, Bash set -e Option, Bash set -u Option, Bash set -x Option, Bash set -o pipefail, Bash set -o nounset, Bash set -o errexit, Bash set -o xtrace, Bash set -o noglob, Bash set -o ignoreeof, Bash set -o vi, Bash set -o emacs, Bash PROMPT_COMMAND Variable, Bash PROMPT_DIRTRIM Variable, Bash completion (Tab Completion), Bash arithmetic $(( )) again for clarity, Bash (( ... )) Double Paren, Bash coproc Command, Bash co-processes, Bash read -s Silent Input, Bash read -n N Characters, Bash exec Redirection, Bash exec >file, Bash exec <file, Bash exec 3>file, Bash exec 3<file, Bash exec 3<>file, Bash test -f Check, Bash test -d Check, Bash test -r Check, Bash test -w Check, Bash test -x Check, Bash test -s Check, Bash test -z Empty String Check, Bash test -n Non-empty String, Bash test -eq Integer Equal, Bash test -ne Integer Not Equal, Bash test -gt Greater Than, Bash test -lt Less Than, Bash test -ge Greater Equal, Bash test -le Less Equal, Bash declare -i Integer Variable, Bash declare -r Read-only, Bash declare -x Export Variable, Bash printf Formatting, Bash shift Command, (Colon) No-Op, Bash true Command Builtin, Bash false Command Builtin, Bash export -f Function Export, Bash read -a Read into Array, Bash read -d Delimiter, Bash read -t Timeout, Bash compgen -A function, Bash compgen -A alias, Bash compgen -A builtin, Bash compgen -A command, Bash compgen -A file, Bash ulimit Command, Bash dirs stack Command, Bash fc -s Redo Command, Bash globstar ** Pattern, Bash extglob @(), !(), *(), +(), , Bash suspend Command, Bash jobs -l Option, Bash jobs -p Option, Bash kill -l List Signals, Bash kill -s Send Signal By Name, Bash disown -r Option, Bash fc -e Editor Mode, Bash readarray Command, Bash cd -P Option, Bash cd -L Option, Bash set +o Disable Option, Bash BASH_ENV Variable, Bash shopt -s cdable_vars, Bash shopt -s autocd, Bash shopt -s dirspell, Bash globstar ** repeated concept for emphasis, Bash SIGINT Trap, Bash SIGTERM Trap, Bash cd oldpwd with cd - used conceptually, Bash read -s for password input, Bash read -n for limited chars, Bash exec 3>&1 duplicate fd, Bash exec 2>&1 redirect stderr to stdout, Bash command substitution in $( ) repeated concept, Bash arrays indexing ${array[0]}, array[@]}, Bash associative arrays declare -A, Bash indexing associative arrays ${assoc[key]}, Bash advanced completion with complete command, Bash bind Keybindings, Bash bind -P Show Keybindings, Bash bind -S Show Settable Options, Bash bind -X Show Keyseq Functions, Bash line editing vi mode repeated concept, Bash line editing emacs mode repeated concept, Bash fc -l List history range, Bash fc -r Reverse order history listing, Bash dirs +N Switch Stacks, Bash dirs -N Switch Stacks, Bash dirs -p Print One per Line, Bash dirs -l Long Listing, Bash kill -9 Hard Kill, Bash kill -INT Interrupt, Bash kill -TERM Terminate

Bash: bashrc, Bash Fundamentals, Bash Inventor - Bash Language Designer: Brian Fox on June 8, 1989 at urging of Richard Stallman of Free Software Foundation (FSF); Chet Ramey is now the maintainer. Bash Scripting, Bash DevOps - Bash SRE, Cloud Native Bash (Bash on Kubernetes - Bash on AWS - Bash on Azure - Bash on GCP), Bash Microservices, Bash Containerization (Bash Docker - Bash on Docker Hub), Serverless Bash, Bash Data Science - Bash DataOps - Bash and Databases (Bash ORM), Bash ML - Bash DL, Functional Bash (1. Bash Immutability, 2. Bash Purity - Bash No Side-Effects, 3. Bash First-Class Functions - Bash Higher-Order Functions, Bash Lambdas - Bash Anonymous Functions - Bash Closures, Bash Lazy Evaluation, 4. Bash Recursion), Reactive Bash), Bash Concurrency - Bash Parallel Programming - Async Bash, Bash Networking, Bash Security - Bash DevSecOps - Bash OAuth, Bash Memory Allocation (Bash Heap - Bash Stack - Bash Garbage Collection), Bash CI/CD - Bash Dependency Management - Bash DI - Bash IoC - Bash Build Pipeline, Bash Automation - Bash Scripting, Bash Package Managers, Bash Modules - Bash Packages, Bash Installation (Bash Windows - Chocolatey Bash, Bash macOS - Homebrew Bash, Bash on Linux), Bash Configuration, Bash Observability (Bash Monitoring, Bash Performance - Bash Logging), Bash Language Spec - Bash RFCs - Bash Roadmap, Bash Keywords, Bash Operators, Bash Functions, Bash Data Structures - Bash Algorithms, Bash Syntax, Bash OOP (1. Bash Encapsulation - 2. Bash Inheritance - 3. Bash Polymorphism - 4. Bash Abstraction), Bash Design Patterns - Bash Best Practices - Bash Style Guide - Clean Bash - Bash BDD, Bash Generics, Bash I/O, Bash Serialization - Bash Deserialization, Bash APIs, Bash REST - Bash JSON - Bash GraphQL, Bash gRPC, Bash Virtualization, Bash Development Tools: Bash SDK, Bash Compiler - Bash Transpiler, Bash Interpreter - Bash REPL, Bash IDEs (JetBrains Bash, Bash Visual Studio Code), Bash Linter, Bash Community - Bashaceans - Bash User, Bash Standard Library - Bash Libraries - Bash Frameworks, Bash Testing - Bash TDD, Bash History, Bash Research, Bash Topics, Bash Uses - List of Bash Software - Written in Bash - Bash Popularity, Bash Bibliography - Bash Courses, Bash Glossary - Bash Official Glossary, Bash GitHub, Awesome Bash. (navbar_bash)

chown Security

See: chown Security

Return to chown, Linux Security, Hardening Linux, Linux DevSecOps, chown Automation with Python, chown Automation with Bash

Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:

Linux Security: Linux DevSecOps - Linux Security Automation, Ubuntu Security, Debian Security, RHEL Security, Fedora Security, UNIX Security (FreeBSD Security), Linux on IBM z Mainframe Security, Linux Cloud Security - Linux Cloud Native Security (Linux AWS Security - Linux Azure Security - Linux GCP Security - Linux IBM Cloud Security - Linux Oracle Cloud Security, Linux Container Security, Linux Docker Security, Linux Podman Security, Linux Kubernetes Security, Linux Google Anthos Security, Linux Red Hat OpenShift Security); Linux Identity and Access Management (IAM), Linux Passwords, Linux Passkeys, Linux Hacking (Linux Ethical Hacking, Linux White Hat, Linux Black Hat, Linux Grey Hat), Linux Pentesting (Linux Red Team - Linux Blue Team - Linux Purple Team), Linux Cybersecurity Certifications (CEH, GIAC, CISM, CompTIA Security Plus, CISSP), Linux Mitre Framework, Linux Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), Linux Cybersecurity Bibliography, Linux Cybersecurity Courses, Linux Firewalls, Linux Cybersecurity CI/CD, Linux Security and Concurrency, Linux Security Glossary (RFC 4949 Internet Security Glossary), Awesome Linux Cybersecurity, Linux Cybersecurity GitHub, Linux Cybersecurity Topics, OS Security, Security.

Linux Security Topics: Most Common Topics: SELinux, AppArmor, Linux Firewall Configuration, Linux SSH Hardening, Linux Kernel Security, Linux User Permissions, Linux Audit Logs, Linux System Updates, Linux Rootkit Detection, Linux Encryption, Linux Access Control Lists (ACLs), Linux Password Policies, Linux Secure Boot, Linux Scriptables, Linux Log Management, Linux Two-Factor Authentication, Linux VPN Configuration, Linux Disk Encryption, Linux File Integrity Monitoring, Security-Enhanced Linux, Linux PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), Linux Capabilities, Chroot Jails, Linux Namespace Isolation, Linux Security Modules, Sysctl Configurations, GRSecurity, Yama Linux Security Module, Linux TCP Wrappers, Linux Security Compliance Tools, Linux OpenSSH Configurations, Linux GPG Keys, Linux Security Modules (LSM), Linux Security Auditing Tools, Fail2ban, Systemd Security, Linux Kernel Hardening, Secure Shell (SSH) Keys, UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall), CIS Benchmarks for Linux, Linux Security Patch Management, Linux Anti-Malware Software, Linux Cryptographic Verification, Linux Secure Containers, Snort IDS, Linux Kernel Live Patching, Linux Bastion Hosts, Linux Security Distros, Linux Root Access Management, Linux Port Knocking, Linux Security Policy Enforcement, Linux Tripwire, Linux Intrusion Detection Systems, Linux File Permissions, SELinux Policies, Linux Linux Hardening Guides, Linux Auditd, Linux Secure Networking, Linux Privilege Escalation Prevention, Linux Secure Package Management, Linux Security Best Practices, Linux User Account Management, Linux Forensics, Linux Security Vulnerability Scanning, Linux DoS Protection, Rsyslog, Linux Network Security Monitoring, Linux Security Extensions, SELinux Contexts, Linux Security Advisory Tracking, WireGuard VPN, Journald Security, Linux Secure Cron Jobs, Linux Secure Storage Solutions, Linux Security Automation, Linux Key Management, Lynis Security Auditing, Linux Buffer Overflow Protection, Linux Malware Analysis, Linux Security Training, Threat Modeling for Linux, Linux Security Monitoring, Linux Network Firewalls, Linux Anti-Spyware, Btrfs Security Features, Linux X.509 Certificates, Linux ModSecurity, Linux Kernel Security Modules, Linux Security Testing, Linux Host Intrusion Detection Systems, Linux Security Gateway Configuration, Linux LXC Security, Linux Server Security, Linux Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR), Linux Process Sandboxing, Linux Data Protection, Linux Secure Virtualization, AppArmor Profiles, Secure Linux Desktops, Linux SSH Tunneling.

(navbar_linux_security - see also navbar_k8s_security, navbar_docker_security, navbar_podman_security, navbar_windows_security, navbar_macos_security, navbar_android_security, navbar_ios_security, navbar_os_security, navbar_pentesting)


Linux, kernel, systemd, init, GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader), initramfs, ext4 (Fourth Extended Filesystem), XFS, Btrfs (B-Tree File System), zram, zswap, cgroups (Control Groups), namespaces, selinux (Security-Enhanced Linux), AppArmor, iptables, nftables, firewalld, auditd, journald, syslog, logrotate, dmesg, udev, eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter), KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), QEMU (Quick Emulator), VirtIO, LXC (Linux Containers), Docker, Podman, CRI-O, Kubernetes Integration, etcd, Linux Control Groups, LXD (Linux Daemon), Snap, Flatpak, AppImage, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), dpkg (Debian Package Manager), APT (Advanced Package Tool), YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified), DNF (Dandified YUM), Pacman, Zypper, Portage, emerge, Nix, pkg-config, ldconfig, make, cmake, autoconf, automake, configure, GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), Clang, glibc (GNU C Library), musl, libstdc++, libc, binutils, GNU Coreutils, Bash (Bourne Again Shell), Zsh (Z Shell), Fish Shell, dash, sh, SSH (Secure Shell), sshd (SSH Daemon), scp (Secure Copy), rsync, SCP (Secure Copy Protocol), wget, curl, ftp, sftp, TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), NFS (Network File System), CIFS (Common Internet File System), Samba, autofs, mount, umount, lsblk, blkid, parted, fdisk, gdisk, mkfs, fsck, tune2fs, xfs_repair, btrfs-progs, mdadm (Multiple Device Admin), RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), LVM (Logical Volume Manager), thin provisioning, lvcreate, lvremove, vgcreate, vgremove, pvcreate, pvremove, multipath-tools, ISCSI (Internet Small Computer Systems Interface), nvme-cli, dm-crypt, cryptsetup, LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup), dracut, GRUB Customizer, PXE (Preboot Execution Environment), tftpboot, Syslinux, LiveCD, LiveUSB, mkbootdisk, dd, cpio, tar, gzip, bzip2, xz, 7zip, zstd, rsyslog, sysctl, lsmod, modprobe, depmod, modinfo, insmod, rmmod, kmod, dkms (Dynamic Kernel Module Support), kernel tuning, kernel headers, kernel modules, patch, diff, strace, ltrace, ptrace, perf, htop, top, iotop, atop, vmstat, mpstat, sar, dstat, iostat, uptime, free, df, du, ps, pidstat, nice, renice, kill, pkill, killall, jobs, bg, fg, wait, nohup, screen, tmux, cron, crontab, at, anacron, systemctl, service, chkconfig, rc-update, update-rc.d, ntpd (Network Time Protocol Daemon), chronyd, hwclock, timedatectl, ntpdate, ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall), iptables-save, iptables-restore, fail2ban, denyhosts, tcp_wrappers, libcap, setcap, getcap, auditctl, ausearch, kernel parameters, boot parameters, sysfs, procfs, debugfs, tmpfs, ramfs, overlayfs, aufs, bind mounts, chroot, pivot_root, overlay2, network namespaces, bridge-utils, iproute2, ip, ifconfig, route, netstat, ss, arp, ping, traceroute, mtr, tcpdump, ngrep, nmap, arp-scan, ethtool, iwconfig, iw, wpa_supplicant, hostapd, dnsmasq, networkmanager, nmcli, nmtui, system-config-network, dhclient, dhcpd, isc-dhcp-server, bind9, named, unbound, nslookup, dig, resolvconf, iptables, nftables, firewalld, conntrack, ipset, snort, suricata, tcp_wrappers, rkhunter, chkrootkit, clamav, lynis, openvpn, strongswan, libreswan, openconnect, network namespaces, virtual ethernet, veth, tap interfaces, tun interfaces, vlan, bridge, brctl, ovs-vsctl, openvswitch, macvlan, ipvlan, bonding, teamd, network teaming, multipath, multipath-tools, route tables, ip rule, ip route, policy routing, qos, tc (Traffic Control), htb, fq_codel, cake, iptables NAT, iptables MASQUERADE, squid, socks5, privoxy, tor, iptables DNAT, iptables SNAT, iptables REDIRECT, conntrack, stateful firewall, stateless firewall, tcp_window_scaling, tcp_timestamps, tcp_sack, tcp_rmem, tcp_wmem, tcp_no_metrics_save, tcp_ecn, netem, ip6tables, ipset, ebtables, arptables, bridge-nf, br_netfilter, openvswitch, gre tunnels, ipip tunnels, vxlan, gretap, macsec, macvlan, ipvlan, wireguard, strongswan, libreswan, xfrm, ipsec, isakmpd, racoon, openswan, ikev2, ikev1, vpn tunnels, gre tunnels, vxlan tunnels, fou tunnels, ipip tunnels.

Linux Core Utilities commands - GNU Core Utilities command-line interface programs

This list should really only include standard universal commands that come with GNU Core Utilities.

Linux File system commands

Linux Text utilities:

Linux Shell utilities:

Unix Commands:

This should really only include standard universal commands that come with all Linux distributions adhering to the Single UNIX Specification.

Really this is “Unix programs”, since there are no commands in Unix, they are programs except for shell builtins.

Unix command-line interface programs and shell builtins:

Unix File system commands:

Unix process commands:

Unix user environment commands:


Unix text processing commands:

Unix shell builtin commands:

 [[alias (command) ]] | [[ alias]]

Unix networking commands:

Note: Networking is not part of SUS

Unix network utility commands:

Unix searching commands:

Unix documentation commands:

Unix software development commands: Note: There are a huge number of Linux software development tools / Unix software development tools; this list should be restricted to ones that are standardized as part of Unix, i.e., those marked SD, CD], or FD ( within the Unix/POSIX specifications

Unix miscellaneous commands:

See also


Linux Commands (ls, cd, pwd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, touch, cat, less, head, tail, grep, find, chmod, chown, chgrp, tar, gzip, gunzip, df, du, ps, top, kill, man, ssh, scp, rsync, vim, nano, sed, awk, ping, ifconfig, netstat, route, traceroute, dig), Linux Fundamentals, Linux Inventor: Linus Torvalds says “Linux sucks | Linux just sucks less.”, Linux Best Practices - Linux Anti-Patterns, Linux kernel, Linux commands-Linux Shells-Linux CLI-GNU-Linux GUI-X11, Linux DevOps-Linux development-Linux system programming-Bash-zsh-Linux API, Linux package managers, Linux configuration management (Ansible on Linux, Chef on Linux, Puppet on Linux, PowerShell on Linux), Linux Distros (RHEL-Rocky Linux-CentOS (CentOS Stream)-Oracle Linux-Fedora, Ubuntu-Debian-Linux Mint-Raspberry Pi OS-Kali Linux-Tails, openSUSE - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Arch Linux-Manjaro Linux, Alpine Linux-BusyBox - Slackware - Android-Chrome OS); UNIX-UNIX Distros (FreeBSD-OpenBSD, BSD, macOS), Linux networking, Linux storage, Linux secrets, Linux security (Linux IAM-LDAP-Linux Firewall-Linux Proxy), Linux docs, Linux GitHub, Linux Containers, Linux VM, Linux on AWS, Linux on Azure, Linux on GCP, Linux on Windows (WSL), Linux on IBM, Linux on Mainframe (Linux on IBM Z mainframe - Linux for System z - IBM LinuxONE), Embedded Linux, Linus IoT-Linux on Raspberry Pi, LinuxOps-Linux sysadmin, systemd-userland-kernel space-POSIX-SUS-Linux filesystem-Linux architecture, Linux books-UNIX books, Linux courses, Linux Foundation, Linux history, Linux philosophy, Linux adoption, Linux Glossary - Glossaire de Linux - French, Linux topics (navbar_linux and navbar_unix - see also navbar_fedora, navbar_rhel, navbar_centos, navbar_debian, navbar_ubuntu, navbar_linux_mint, navbar_freebsd, navbar_opensuse, navbar_manjaro, navbar_kali_linux, navbar_nixos, navbar_alpine_linux, navbar_tails_linux, navbar_slackware, navbar_rocky_linux, navbar_arch_linux, navbar_oracle_linux)

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Fair Use Sources

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