See also DevOps deployment navbar and Cloud Monk's DevOps-SRE-DevTools-GitOps-Kubernetes-MLops Bibliography
Cloud Monk's studies have focused on:
Maven - “Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's [build]], reporting, and documentation from a central piece of information. Maven is typically used for Java and Kotlin projects.”
“Building a JavaScript Development Environment. In this course, you will explore the long list of decisions and patterns for building your own JavaScript development from scratch using modern tooling. You will get there by learning about major topics like transpiling, bundling, testing, and npm scripts for Node.js automation. Create a rapid feedback JavaScript development experience that suits your team's unique preferences.”
JavaScript Development Environment Starter Kit is a living, automated, and interactive checklist for JavaScript development.
“Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.” – Atwood's Law by Jeff Atwood, co-founder of StackOverflow
Package Management and Package Managers
JavaScript Package Management and JavaScript Package Managers
Development Web Server: Express, Express.js, Apache, NGINX, ===JavaScript Module Formats=== ===HTML === ===JavaScript === ===JavaScript === ===JavaScript === ===JavaScript === ===JavaScript === ====JavaScript ==== ====JavaScript ==== ====A4. TypeScript==== * [[TypeScript basics via WebStorm and tsc