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9th Century BC

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The 9th century BC was a period of significant transition and development for many civilizations across the globe. Here's a glimpse into some of the key events and trends:

**Emergence and Consolidation of Kingdoms:**

  • **Neo-Assyrian Empire:** The Assyrian Empire, though not yet at its peak, was steadily growing in power and influence. Kings like Ashurnasirpal II expanded the empire's territory through military campaigns, setting the stage for its dominance in the subsequent centuries.

[Image of Neo-Assyrian Empire Map 9th Century BC]

  • **Kingdom of Israel:** The United Monarchy of Israel reached its zenith under King Solomon. However, after his death, the kingdom split into two - the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah.

[Image of Kingdom of Israel Map 9th Century BC]

**Cultural and Technological Developments:**

  • **Phoenician Expansion:** The Phoenicians, renowned seafarers and traders, established colonies throughout the Mediterranean, including Carthage, which would later become a major power in its own right. Their alphabet, a significant innovation, spread throughout the region and influenced the development of writing systems in many other cultures.

[Image of Phoenician Trade Routes Map 9th Century BC]

  • **Iron Age in Europe:** The Iron Age began to take hold in Europe, replacing the Bronze Age. The use of iron tools and weapons led to advances in agriculture, warfare, and craftsmanship. The Hallstatt culture emerged in Central Europe, characterized by its distinctive ironwork and burial practices.

[Image of Hallstatt culture artifacts 9th century BC]

  • **Olmec Civilization in Mesoamerica:** In Mesoamerica, the Olmec civilization flourished. The Olmec are known for their colossal stone heads, sophisticated art, and complex religious beliefs. Their influence extended across much of Mesoamerica, shaping the development of later cultures.

[Image of Olmec colossal head sculpture 9th century BC]

**Other Notable Events:**

  • **End of the New Kingdom in Egypt:** The New Kingdom of Egypt, a period of great power and prosperity, came to an end. Egypt entered a period of decline and fragmentation, with various dynasties vying for control.
  • **Early Vedic Period in India:** In India, the early Vedic period continued. The Rigveda, the oldest of the four Vedas, was likely compiled during this century, providing valuable insights into the religious beliefs and social structure of early Indo-Aryan society.

**Significance of the 9th Century BC:**

  • **Foundation for Future Empires:** The Assyrian Empire's growth and the establishment of Phoenician colonies laid the groundwork for major political developments in the subsequent centuries.
  • **Technological Advancements:** The widespread adoption of iron marked a significant technological shift, impacting various aspects of life.
  • **Cultural and Artistic Expressions:** The flourishing of cultures like the Phoenicians and the Olmec left behind rich artistic and cultural legacies.

The 9th century BC was a pivotal period in world history. It witnessed the rise of new powers, the spread of cultural and technological innovations, and the emergence of distinct artistic traditions. These developments shaped the course of history for many civilizations, laying the foundation for the complex and interconnected world that followed.

Snippet from Wikipedia: 9th century BC

The 9th century BC started the first day of 900 BC and ended the last day of 801 BC. It was a period of great change for several civilizations. In Africa, Carthage is founded by the Phoenicians. In Egypt, a severe flood covers the floor of Luxor temple, and years later, a civil war starts.

It is the beginning of the Iron Age in Central Europe, with the spread of the Proto-Celtic Hallstatt culture, and the Proto-Celtic language.

The major Olmec site of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán in Mesoamerica declined in importance, after having been active since 15th century BC.

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