
JetBrains Fleet

Return to Polyglot, IDEs, JetBrains, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT

Fleet - A system for managing and automating security monitoring across devices, integrating with OSQuery for advanced queries.


Built from scratch, based on 20 years of experience developing IDEs. JetBrains Fleet uses the IntelliJ code-processing engine, with a distributed IDE architecture and a reimagined UI.


We built Fleet to be a fast text editor and lightweight text editor for when you need to quickly browse and edit your code. It starts up in an instant so you can begin working immediately, and it can easily transform into an IDE, with the IntelliJ code-processing engine running separately from the editor itself.

...and IDE-smart

Fleet inherits the things that developers love the most from IntelliJ-based IDEs – project and context aware code completion, code navigation to code definitions and code usages, on-the-fly code quality checks, and quick-fixes.

Distributed for flexibility

Fleet’s architecture is designed to support a range of developer configurations and developer workflows. You can simply run Fleet just on your machine, or move some of the developer processes elsewhere – for example by locating the code processing in the cloud.


Main Article: See JetBrains Space

Quickly start working on a project hosted in Space with a ready-to-use dev environment.

Remote machine

Connect to a remote machine and use an instance of Fleet running there to work with your code.


Run Fleet in one or several Docker containers with a desired environment for your developer project.

Cloud Fleet - Coming soon

Cloud Fleet - Use the power of virtual machines in the cloud to build your app and run Fleet along with the IntelliJ code-processing engine.


Collaborative to the maximum:

With Fleet you can work on code together with others. Fleet allows much more than just sharing the editor and code sharing. You can share terminals and share debugging sessions, perform code reviews, explore the code, and many other things – all with zero setup (see ZeroOps).

Others can connect to a collaboration session you initiate on your machine, or everyone can connect to a shared remote dev environment.

Language inclusive

Running JetBrains Fleet from Space

JetBrains Fleet from Space:

To help you and your development team start working on your projects even faster, Fleet can tap into the power of Space dev environments. Your project and Fleet will both run in a pre-configured performant virtual machine that is “warmed up” and ready for use in seconds. You can connect to a dev environment with Fleet from your developer personal machine in a few clicks and dispose of a VM once a developer task is complete.

Learn more about Space

JetBrains Space:

Spin up a new dev environment in seconds and connect to it with Fleet.

Collaborate together in a cloud-based dev environment.

Run in a performant virtual machine with up to:


CPU cores

32 GB


40 GB

Disk Drive

An IDE with essential tools Fleet offers an essential, well-integrated set of built-in tools for developers so they can enjoy their work and be more productive.

Terminal Work with a terminal from Fleet and use shared terminals in collaborative sessions.

Git Review changes using a diff view, work with branches, and commit code.

Run and Debug Run code from Fleet and debug your Java, Kotlin, Go, Python, and C# projects interactively.

Go To Quickly navigate through your code by searching for usages, definitions, files, symbols, and text.

Multiplatform Use Fleet on macOS, Windows, or Linux.

Themes Choose between light and dark themes, with more opportunities for customization coming soon.

Fleet Plugins - Coming soon You will be able to extend Fleet with support for additional languages and technologies.

Port Forwarding:

Forward ports from a remote dev environment or a remote machine to test your application.

Since the initial announcement of Fleet (, we have had an overwhelming amount of interest from all of you, with over 137,000 people signing up for the private preview. Our reason for starting with a closed preview was to be able to process the feedback in a gradual way. We want to thank each and every person who took part in this private preview, and we also want to apologize to everyone who didn’t receive an invitation. Fortunately you no longer need to wait.

Fleet is still in its infancy, and there is a significant amount of work ahead of us. However, today we’re announcing the first public preview of Fleet, which is accessible to everyone. The reason we’re opening up the preview to the general public is twofold. First off, we don’t think it’s right to keep everyone who signed up waiting any longer, but individually inviting so many people doesn’t really make sense for us. It’s easier to make the preview publicly accessible. Secondly, and most importantly, we’ve always been a company that has developed its products in the open. We don’t want Fleet to be any different in this regard.

Before you download it, though, please review the rest of this post, since there are a few important things you should know.

What Fleet is

For anyone who may not have heard of it before, Fleet is our new distributed polyglot editor and IDE. It has been built from the ground up using our IntelliJ Platform on the backend and a brand new UI and distributed architecture. For more details check out the Fleet product page:

Fair Use Sources

JetBrains: Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem 2022,

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