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Azure DevOps

DevOps Focus: Cloud Monk is focused on “All Things DevOps”: DevOps Topics, Kubernetes DevOps Topics, Cloud Native DevOps Topics, Azure DevOps Topics, AWS DevOps Topics, GCP DevOps Topics, Python DevOps Topics, Java DevOps Topics, JavaScript DevOps Topics, Golang DevOps Topics, Linux DevOps Topics, PowerShell DevOps Topics, Windows DevOps Topics, SQL Server DevOps Topics. (navbar_devops_focus)

DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users.” – Donovan Brown of Microsoft

(DevOps deployment navbar)

Return to GitOps, DevOps deployment, Kubernetes-Docker, Linux configuration (Unix shell initialization - bash profile) Ansible-Terraform, Package manager, Package management, Packages, Configuration, Configuration automation, Deployment automation, Continuous deployment, Delivery, Continuous delivery, Integration, Continuous integration, CI-CD, CI/CD, Version control, GitHub, GitHub Actions, GitHub CLI, AWS Cloud Shell, AWS Tools for PowerShell, Azure Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, Google Cloud Shell, Oracle Cloud Shell (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Shell), IBM Cloud Shell, Linode Cloud Shell, DigitalOcean Cloud Shell, GitHub Codespaces IDE, AWS Cloud9 IDE, Databricks Cloud Shell, JetBrains, Azure DevOps, JetBrains TeamCity, Management, Configuration management

Video Courses

“Do you want to know how can you do Kubernetes deployments to a k8s cluster within minutes using VSTS? We'll start by simulating a common scenario of creating an app locally and deploy it to k8s. We'll enable CI/CD using VSTS and we'll use the exact same scripts we used locally. We'll connect VSTS with AKS.”

azure_devops.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:14 by

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