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CBL-Mariner - Microsoft Linux - Common Base Linux

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Called CBL-Mariner - Microsoft CBL-Mariner - Common Base Linux (CBL) - Microsoft Common Base Linux (CBL) - Microsoft Common Base Linux (CBL) - Microsoft CBL

Snippet from Wikipedia: Microsoft and open source

Microsoft, a technology company historically known for its opposition to the open source software paradigm, turned to embrace the approach in the 2010s. From the 1970s through 2000s under CEOs Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, Microsoft viewed the community creation and sharing of communal code, later to be known as free and open source software, as a threat to its business, and both executives spoke negatively against it. In the 2010s, as the industry turned towards cloud, embedded, and mobile computing—technologies powered by open source advances—CEO Satya Nadella led Microsoft towards open source adoption although Microsoft's traditional Windows business continued to grow throughout this period generating revenues of 26.8 billion in the third quarter of 2018, while Microsoft's Azure cloud revenues nearly doubled.

Microsoft open sourced some of its code, including the .NET Framework, and made investments in Linux development, server technology, and organizations, including the Linux Foundation and Open Source Initiative. Linux-based operating systems power the company's Azure cloud services. Microsoft acquired GitHub, the largest host for open source project infrastructure, in 2018. Microsoft is among the site's most active contributors. While this acquisition led a few projects to migrate away from GitHub, this proved a short-lived phenomenon as by 2019 there were over 10 million new users of GitHub.

Since 2017, Microsoft is one of the biggest open source contributors in the world, measured by the number of employees actively contributing to open source projects on GitHub, the largest host of source code in the world.

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Release Branch Status

1.0 1.0 Status

CBL-Mariner is an internal Linux distribution for Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and edge products and edge services. CBL-Mariner is designed to provide a consistent platform for these devices and services and will enhance Microsoft’s ability to stay current on Linux updates. This initiative is part of Microsoft’s increasing investment in a wide range of Linux technologies, such as SONiC, Azure Sphere OS and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). CBL-Mariner is being shared publicly as part of Microsoft’s commitment to Open Source and to contribute back to the Linux community. CBL-Mariner does not change our approach or commitment to any existing third-party Linux distribution offerings.

CBL-Mariner has been engineered with the notion that a small common core set of packages can address the universal needs of first party cloud and edge services while allowing individual teams to layer additional packages on top of the common core to produce images for their workloads. This is made possible by a simple build system that enables:

Package Generation: This produces the desired set of RPM packages from SPEC files and source files. Image Generation: This produces the desired image artifacts like ISOs or VHDs from a given set of packages. Whether deployed as a container or a container host, CBL-Mariner consumes limited disk and memory resources. The lightweight characteristics of CBL-Mariner also provides faster boot times and a minimal attack surface. By focusing the features in the core image to just what is needed for our internal cloud customers there are fewer services to load, and fewer attack vectors.

When security vulnerabilities arise, CBL-Mariner supports both a package-based update model and an image based update model. Leveraging the common RPM Package Manager system, CBL-Mariner makes the latest security patches and fixes available for download with the goal of fast turn-around times.

Getting Started with CBL-Mariner:

Instructions for building CBL-Mariner may be found here: Toolkit Documentation:


This project may contain trademarks or logos for projects, products, or services. Authorized use of Microsoft trademarks or logos is subject to and must follow Microsoft's Trademark & Brand Guidelines. Use of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship. Any use of third-party trademarks or logos are subject to those third-party's policies.


Any Linux distribution, including CBL-Mariner, benefits from contributions by the open software community. We gratefully acknowledge all contributions made from the broader open source community, in particular:

The Photon OS Project for SPEC files originating from the Photon distribution.

The Fedora Project for SPEC files, particularly with respect to QT, DNF and several of their dependencies.

GNU and the Free Software Foundation

Linux from Scratch

Openmamba for SPEC files

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