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FreeBSD Glossary

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Creating a comprehensive FreeBSD glossary sorted by the most commonly used concepts requires careful consideration of FreeBSD's documentation, features, and utilities. Below, I've compiled a list of 40 FreeBSD concepts, ranging from foundational elements like the file system layout to advanced features like jails. For each, I've provided a brief description. However, URLs for the official FreeBSD documentation will follow a generic format, as specific URLs would require checking the FreeBSD documentation website for the most current links. You can find detailed information on each concept by visiting the FreeBSD Handbook or the man pages section on the official FreeBSD website (``).

Simple FreeBSD Glossary

1. Ports Collection

The Ports Collection is a set of Makefiles, patches, and description files used to compile and install applications from source on FreeBSD.

2. pkg

3. ZFS

ZFS is an advanced file system and logical volume manager designed to provide high storage capacities and data integrity.

4. Jails

Jails are a lightweight virtualization technology in FreeBSD that allows for the partitioning of a FreeBSD system into multiple independent mini-systems.

5. bhyve

bhyve is a type-2 hypervisor for FreeBSD that allows users to run multiple guest operating systems simultaneously.

6. FreeBSD Kernel

7. File System Layout

8. pf (Packet Filter)

9. SSH (Secure Shell)

10. cron

11. rc (Run Commands) System

12. UFS (Unix File System)

13. GEOM

14. DTrace

15. make

16. NFS (Network File System)

17. syslog

18. sendmail

19. IPFW (IP Firewall)

20. CARP (Common Address Redundancy Protocol)

21. Binary Updates

22. Boot Loader

23. Disk Partitioning

Disk partitioning involves dividing a disk into sections that can be independently managed.

24. File Permissions

File permissions in FreeBSD control the actions that can be performed on files and directories.

25. User Management

26. Virtual Memory System

27. TCP/IP Networking

28. Loader Variables

29. [[Kernel Modules

30. ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)

31. Sysctl

32. Updating the System Source

33. [[FreeBSD Update Utility

34. Security Auditing System

35. Poudriere

Poudriere is a FreeBSD tool for testing and building FreeBSD ports in a clean, isolated environment.

36. BSD Init Scripts

37. jails.conf

38. fstab (File Systems Table)

39. Unionfs

Unionfs is a FreeBSD filesystem service that allows several file systems to be superimposed and appear as one.

40. devfs (Device File System)

devfs (Device File System) provides a dynamic view of the devices in the system, automatically creating and removing FreeBSD device nodes.

This list is intended to serve as a starting point for familiarizing yourself with FreeBSD. For the most accurate and detailed information, please refer to the FreeBSD Handbook and the man pages directly on the FreeBSD website. Remember, the URLs provided here are based on a generic format; you should navigate to the official FreeBSD documentation website to find the specific pages for each topic.

FreeBSD on the Cloud

FreeBSD on Containers

FreeBSD Courses

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Oracle Linux: Oracle Linux Glossary, Linux Inventor: Linus Torvalds says “Linux just sucks less.”, Oracle Linux Containers, Oracle Linux on Docker, Oracle Linux on Podman, Oracle Linux on Kubernetes, Oracle Linux VM, Oracle Linux on the Cloud (Cloud Providers), Oracle Linux on AWS, Oracle Linux on Azure, Oracle Linux on GCP, Oracle Linux on IBM Cloud, Oracle Linux on Oracle Cloud, Oracle Linux on VMware Cloud, Oracle Linux on DigitalOcean, Oracle Linux on Linode, Oracle Linux on Windows (Oracle Linux WSL), Oracle Linux Configuration Management (Ansible on Oracle Linux, PowerShell on Oracle Linux, Terraform on Oracle Linux, Chef on Oracle Linux, Puppet on Oracle Linux, ), Oracle Linux Installation, Oracle Linux Configuration, Oracle Linux Commands, Oracle Linux Package Managers, Homebrew on Oracle Linux, Snap on Oracle Linux, Apache Web Server on Oracle Linux, NGINX on Oracle Linux Security, Oracle Linux Networking, Oracle Linux DNS, Oracle Linux DHCP, Oracle Linux VPN, Oracle Linux Firewalls, Oracle Linux Security, Oracle Linux IAM - Oracle Linux IDM - Oracle Linux PAM - Oracle Linux on Active Directory, Oracle Linux Storage - Oracle Linux Filesystem, Samba on Oracle Linux, Embedded Oracle Linux, Oracle Linux Docs, Oracle Linux Books, Oracle Linux Courses, Oracle Linux History, Oracle Linux Philosophy, Oracle Linux Adoption, Linux Distros, Linux Foundation, Oracle Linux GitHub, Oracle Linux Source Code Repository, Awesome Oracle Linux. (navbar_oracle_linux - see also navbar_fedora, navbar_debian, navbar_linux,navbar_busybox_linux)

Linux: Linux Fundamentals, Linux Inventor: Linus Torvalds says “ Linux just sucks less.”, Linux Best Practices - Linux Anti-Patterns, Linux kernel, Linux commands-Linux Shells-Linux CLI-GNU-Linux GUI-X11, Linux DevOps-Linux development-Linux system programming-Bash-zsh-Linux API, Linux package managers, Linux configuration management (Ansible on Linux, Chef on Linux, Puppet on Linux, PowerShell on Linux), Linux Distros (RHEL-Rocky Linux-CentOS (CentOS Stream)-Oracle Linux-Fedora, Ubuntu-Debian-Linux Mint-Raspberry Pi OS-Kali Linux-Tails, openSUSE - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Arch Linux-Manjaro Linux, Alpine Linux-BusyBox - Slackware - Android-Chrome OS); UNIX-UNIX Distros (FreeBSD-OpenBSD, BSD, macOS), Linux networking, Linux storage, Linux secrets, Linux security (Linux IAM-LDAP-Linux Firewall-Linux Proxy), Linux docs, Linux GitHub, Linux Containers, Linux VM, Linux on AWS, Linux on Azure, Linux on GCP, Linux on Windows (WSL), Linux on IBM, Linux on Mainframe (Linux on IBM Z mainframe - Linux for System z - IBM LinuxONE), Embedded Linux, Linus IoT-Linux on Raspberry Pi, LinuxOps-Linux sysadmin, systemd-userland-kernel space-POSIX-SUS-Linux filesystem-Linux architecture, Linux books-UNIX books, Linux courses, Linux Foundation, Linux history, Linux philosophy, Linux adoption, Linux glossary, Linux topics (navbar_linux and navbar_unix - see also navbar_fedora, navbar_rhel, navbar_centos, navbar_debian, navbar_ubuntu, navbar_linux_mint, navbar_freebsd, navbar_opensuse, navbar_manjaro, navbar_kali_linux, navbar_nixos, navbar_alpine_linux, navbar_tails_linux, navbar_slackware, navbar_rocky_linux, navbar_arch_linux, navbar_oracle_linux)

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