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Return to Helm Glossary, Package managers, Kubernetes, Container orchestration, DevOps, Kubernetes on Azure, Kubernetes on AWS, Kubernetes on Google Cloud

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the process of defining, installing, and upgrading applications on your cluster. It uses a packaging format called charts, which are collections of YAML templates that describe a Kubernetes application. Helm charts allow you to package your application along with its dependencies, configuration, and deployment instructions, making it easy to share and reuse applications across different environments.

Key Features

  • **Chart Repositories:** Helm provides a way to store and share charts in repositories, making it easy to discover and install pre-built applications.
  • **Templating:** Helm uses a templating engine to generate Kubernetes manifests from charts, allowing you to customize the deployment based on your environment and requirements.
  • **Release Management:** Helm keeps track of the different versions of your application that have been deployed, allowing you to roll back to previous versions if necessary.
  • **Dependency Management:** Helm charts can specify dependencies on other charts, making it easy to manage complex applications with multiple components.
  • **Hooks:** Helm charts can define hooks that are executed at different stages of the deployment lifecycle, allowing you to perform additional tasks like database migrations or configuration updates.


  • **Simplified Deployment:** Helm streamlines the deployment of Kubernetes applications by packaging them into reusable charts.
  • **Customization:** The templating engine allows you to tailor the deployment to your specific needs.
  • **Version Control:** Helm's release management capabilities enable you to track and roll back changes to your application.
  • **Dependency Management:** Helm handles dependencies between charts, making it easy to manage complex applications.
  • **Extensibility:** Helm's plugin system allows you to extend its functionality with additional commands and features.

Code Examples

1. **Creating a Helm Chart:**

```bash helm create my-app ```

This command generates a basic Helm chart structure for an application named “my-app.”

2. **Installing a Helm Chart:**

```bash helm install my-app ./my-app ```

This command installs the 'my-app' chart from the current directory.

3. **Upgrading a Helm Release:**

```bash helm upgrade my-app ./my-app ```

This command upgrades an existing Helm release named “my-app” with the latest version of the chart.

Additional Resources

The common meaning of helm is a ship's steering mechanism; see tiller and ship's wheel.

“Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. Kubernetes charts are Kubernetes packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.”

Use Helm to

Helm in a Handbasket

“Helm is a tool that streamlines installing and managing Kubernetes applications. Think of it like apt/yum/homebrew for Kubernetes.”

Installing Helm

First, you must install Kubernetes.

“Binary downloads of the Helm client can be found on the Releases page: Unpack the helm binary and add it to your PATH and you are good to go!

If you want to use a package manager:


helm.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 15:46 by

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