
Jamstack Book Index

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Fair Use Source: B09YS45H5H (JamStkBk 2022)

“ (JamStkBk 2022)



active class 34

add-to-cart functionality, in Jam Store 112 – 114

admin, editing content as 85 – 88

allWpPost query 224

Amazon S3 125 – 131

API-based headless CMSs 208

architecture Jamstack, benefits of 7 – 9

cost 8 – 9

performance 7

security 7 – 8

Azure Static Web Apps 133 – 138


Blogging Like a Hacker (Preston-Werner) 4

brochureware website 15

buckets 126

building basic Jamstack site 40

Camden Grounds coffee shop fictional site 32 – 39

using Eleventy 16 – 32

collections 24 – 28

creating first site 18 – 19

data 28 – 32

going further with 39 – 40

layouts and includes 21 – 24

template languages 20 – 21


Camden Grounds coffee shop fictional site 32 – 39, 193 – 196

card format 36

cloud file storage providers 125 – 132

Amazon S3 125 – 131

other options 131 – 132

CMSs (content management systems) 233

connecting using site builder 228 – 232

Stackbit 230 – 232

Strattic 229 – 230

WeWeb 228 – 229

headless 209 – 217

Contentful 209 – 212

options for 68 – 70

overview 67 – 68

picking up front when migrating to Jamstack 244

Sanity 213 – 217

types of 206 – 208

WordPress 217 – 227

consuming WordPress content in Gatsby 224 – 227

exploring Gatsby’s data layer 223 – 224

installing Gatsby plug-ins for 218 – 220

installing locally with Local 217

next steps using 227

setting up Gatsby 221 – 222


in Eleventy static site generator 24 – 28

in Netlify CMS 78 – 79

Commerce object 106

Commerce.js 98

loading Commerce.js SDK 106

reasons for using 98 – 99

setting up 103 – 105

commerce.products.list() method 109

Comparing Static Site Generator Build Times (Davis) 237

config.toml file 83

content field 182

content variable 34

content-after.html template 90

content-heavy sites, migrating to Jamstack 235

Contentful 209 – 212

context object 192

cost 8 – 9


dangerouslySetInnerHTML method 111


in Eleventy static site generator 28 – 32

in Jekyll 55 – 56

data property 27

data-netlify attribute 151

Davis, Sean C. 237

deployment 152

Azure Static Web Apps 133 – 138

cloud file storage providers 125 – 132

Amazon S3 125 – 131

other options 131 – 132

on web servers 124 – 125

with Netlify 81 – 83, 143 – 152

with Vercel 138 – 142

Digital.gov 12

distributed persistent rendering (DPR) 236, 239 – 240

docs content type 88

document type 216

documentation site, building 92

building example site 72 – 90

configuring GitHub for authentication 84 – 85

configuring Netlify for authentication 85

creating new Hugo site 73 – 75

deploying to Netlify 81 – 83

editing content as admin 85 – 88

installing Hugo 72 – 73

installing Netlify CMS 76 – 77

modeling content in Netlify CMS 78 – 81

open authoring workflow 88 – 89

setting up Hugo Book theme 75 – 76

simplifying open authoring workflow 89 – 90

choosing right tools 67 – 72

headless CMS 67 – 70

Hugo 72

static site generator options 71 – 72

requirements of site 65 – 66

'dot.env' package 30

DPR (distributed persistent rendering) 236, 239 – 240

dynamic elements 184

forms 154 – 168

Formcake 163 – 168

Google Forms 154 – 162

other options 168

other dynamic options 184

search 168 – 183

Lunr 174 – 183

other options 183

dynamic routes 109


e-commerce site, building 123

choosing right tools 95 – 100

Commerce.js 98 – 99

headless e-commerce 95 – 98

Next.js 100

SSG (static site generator) options 99

Jam Store 106 – 122

add-to-cart functionality 112 – 114

Markdown content 120 – 122

product detail page 109 – 112

product listing 108 – 109

product listing component 107 – 108

shopping cart 114 – 119

requirements of 94 – 95

setting up 100 – 106

Commerce.js 103 – 106

Next.js 100 – 103, 105 – 106

Eleventy static site generator 16 – 32

adding Lunr to Eleventy site 176 – 183

collections 24 – 28

creating first site 18 – 19

data 28 – 32

going further with 39 – 40

layouts and includes 21 – 24

template languages 20 – 21

environment variables, in Next.js 105 – 106


FaaS (function as a service) 186

fetch API 182, 190

fetch command 200

fields, in Netlify CMS 79 – 81

file-based configuration 188

filters 38

Forestry 68

forms 154 – 168

Formcake 164 – 169

Google Forms 154 – 162

other options 168

function as a service (FaaS) 186



consuming WordPress content in 224 – 227

data layer 223 – 224

installing Gatsby plug-ins for WordPress 218 – 220

setting up 221 – 222

gatsby-plugin-sharp plug-in 205

gatsby-transformer-sharp plug-in 222

getStaticPaths() method 111

getStaticProps() method 109

Git-based headless CMSs 207

GitHub, configuring for authentication 84 – 85

.gitignore file 201

Google Forms 154 – 162

gray-matter library 121


headers value 192

headless CMSs (content management systems) 209 – 217

Contentful 209 – 212

options for 68 – 70

Forestry 68

Netlify CMS 70

Prose 69

Publii 68 – 69

overview 67 – 68

picking up front when migrating to Jamstack 244

Sanity 213 – 217

types of 206 – 208

API-based 208

Git-based 207

headless e-commerce

options 96 – 98

overview 95 – 96

hint field 79

history of Jamstack 3 – 6

hot reloading 17

How to Choose a Headless CMS (Tissera) 232


creating new Hugo site 73 – 75

installing 72 – 73

confirming installation 73

on MacOS or Linux 73

on Windows 73

reasons for using 72

setting up Hugo Book theme 75 – 76

hugo command-line command 72

hugo new command 74


image widget 79

Impossible Foods website 11


in Eleventy static site generator 21 – 24

in Jekyll 53 – 54

incremental builds 238


Hugo 72 – 73

confirming installation 73

on MacOS or Linux 73

on Windows 73

Netlify CMS 76 – 77

ISR (incremental static regeneration) 236, 238 – 239


Jam Store 106 – 122

add-to-cart functionality 112 – 114

Markdown content 120 – 122

product detail page 109 – 112

product listing 108 – 109

product listing component 107 – 108

shopping cart 114 – 119

Jamstack 14

architecture, benefits of 7 – 9

cost 8 – 9

performance 7

security 7 – 8

history of 3 – 6

overview 2 – 3

sites built with 10 – 12

Digital.gov 12

Impossible Foods 11

Nike 11

Restaurant Brands International (RBI) 12

Smashing Magazine 10

when not right choice 9

jekyll new command 45

jekyll new sitename command 43

Jekyll, building blog with 63

configuring blog 56

creating additional files 54

data, working with 55 – 56

first site 43 – 46

generating site 57

going further with Jekyll 62 – 63

includes 53 – 54

layouts 52

overview 41 – 43

writing posts 47 – 50

json filter 179


large sites, migrating to Jamstack 237 – 240

deciphering terminology 240

distributed persistent rendering 239 – 240

incremental builds 238

incremental static regeneration 238 – 239


in Eleventy static site generator 21 – 24

in Jekyll 52

Linux, installing Hugo on 73

Local 217

Lunr 174 – 183


MacOS, installing Hugo on 73

map() function 101

Markdown content, in Jam Store 120 – 122

migrating to Jamstack 247

functionality needed to migrate 241 – 242

process considerations 243 – 246

building templates from scratch rather than porting 244 – 245

don’t move everything at once 243 – 244

keep as much as possible 245 – 246

pick headless CMS up front 244

type of site being migrated 235 – 240

content-heavy sites 235

large sites 237 – 240

web applications 236

modeling content, in Netlify CMS 78 – 81

collections 78 – 79

fields 79 – 81



building serverless functions with 187 – 196

deployment with 143 – 152

Netlify CMS 70

configuring for authentication 85

deploying to 81 – 83

installing 76 – 77

modeling content in 78 – 81

collections 78 – 79

fields 79 – 81

reasons for using 70

netlify command 193

netlify function 187

netlify.toml file 188

new command 45

new site command 73


environment variables 105 – 106

overview 100

setting up 100 – 103

Nike website 11

npx command 100


open authoring workflow 88 – 90


package.json file 201

page variable 33

pattern field 79

performance 7

permalink property 108

permalink variable 112

posts, blog 47 – 50

pre-rendered assests 7

Preston-Werner, Tom 4

product detail page, in Jam Store 109 – 112

product listing, in Jam Store 108 – 109

product object 107

products variable 37

props object 108

PropTypes library 226

Prose 69

Publii 68 – 69


ref value 182

regex (regular expressions) 79

render() method 113

req.query object 199

Request object 197

required attribute 79

Response object 197

Restaurant Brands International (RBI) 12


SaaS (software as a service) 8

Sanity 213 – 217

scripts block 135

search 168, 183

search function 182

security 7 – 8

serverless computing 204

building serverless functions with Netlify 187 – 196

building serverless functions with Vercel 196 – 204

adding serverless functions to Camden Grounds (again) 201 – 204

first Vercel serverless function 197 – 200

with dynamic path support 200

overview 186

Shopify 96 – 97

shopping cart, in Jam Store 114 – 119

single-page application (SPA) 71, 99

.Site.Data object 74

sites built with Jamstack 10 – 12

Digital.gov 12

Impossible Foods 11

Nike 11

Restaurant Brands International (RBI) 12

Smashing Magazine 10

slug aspect 38

slug field 79

slug function 38

slug type 216

Snipcart 97

software as a service (SaaS) 8

source option 216

SPA (single-page application) 71, 99

SSGs (static site generators) 2, 99

options 71 – 72, 99

rise of 4 – 5

SSR (server-side rendering) 3, 99, 239


tags value 24

template languages 20 – 21

templateContent value 179

templates, building from scratch rather than porting 244 – 245

text widget 79

textarea field 79

third-party Jamstack services 242

thumbnail variable 108

Tissera, Emmanuel 232

title field 182

title value 52


url value 52

useEffect() hook 116

useEffect() method 117

useState hook 114



building serverless functions with 196 – 204

adding serverless functions to Camden Grounds (again) 201 – 204

first Vercel serverless function 197 – 200

with dynamic path support 200

deployment with 138 – 142

vercel dev command 198


web applications, migrating to Jamstack 236

web servers, deployment on 124 – 125

widget property 79

widgets 79

Windows, installing Hugo on 73

WordPress 217 – 227

consuming WordPress content in Gatsby 224 – 227

exploring Gatsby’s data layer 223 – 224

installing Gatsby plug-ins for 218 – 220

installing locally with Local 217

next steps using 227

setting up Gatsby 221 – 222

WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) 206

inside back cover

Fair Use Sources

Jamstack JavaScript Frameworks: Jamstack "Inventor" (Coined the Term): Mathias Biilmann Christensen, CEO and Cofounder of Netlify, Jamstack, Static Site Generator (SSG), Jamstack Keywords, Jamstack Data Structures - Jamstack Algorithms, Jamstack Syntax, Jamstack OOP - Jamstack Design Patterns, Jamstack Installation, Jamstack Containerization, Jamstack Configuration, Jamstack Compiler, Jamstack IDEs (Visual Studio Code - JetBrains WebStorm), Jamstack Development Tools, JetBrains, Jamstack on Android, Jamstack on Windows, Jamstack on macOS, Jamstack on Linux, Jamstack DevOps - Jamstack SRE, Jamstack Data Science - Jamstack DataOps, Jamstack Machine Learning, Jamstack Deep Learning, Functional Jamstack, Jamstack Concurrency, Jamstack History, Jamstack Bibliography, Jamstack Glossary, Jamstack Topics, Jamstack Courses, Jamstack Security - Jamstack DevSecOps, Jamstack Standard Library, Jamstack Libraries, Jamstack Frameworks: (Jamstack with React, Jamstack with Express, Jamstack with jQuery, Jamstack with Next.js, Jamstack with Vue, Jamstack with Gatsby, Jamstack with Netlify, Jamstack with Netlify CMS, Jamstack with Nuxt.js, Jamstack with Angular, Jamstack with 11ty, Jamstack with Jekyll, Jamstack with Hugo), Jamstack Research, Jamstack GitHub, Written in Jamstack, Jamstack Popularity, Jamstack Awesome List. (navbar_jamstack - see also navbar_gatsby)

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