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Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It provides a declarative approach to managing containerized workloads, allowing you to define the desired state of your application and Kubernetes will handle the rest.

Key Features

  • **Container Orchestration:** Kubernetes schedules and manages the lifecycle of containers across a cluster of machines, ensuring they run efficiently and reliably.
  • **Declarative Configuration:** You define the desired state of your application using YAML manifests, and Kubernetes handles the orchestration to achieve that state.
  • **Scalability:** Kubernetes can automatically scale your applications up or down based on demand, ensuring they can handle varying workloads.
  • **Self-Healing:** It actively monitors the health of your applications and can restart or replace containers that fail, improving resilience and uptime.
  • **Service Discovery and Load Balancing:** Kubernetes provides mechanisms for service discovery and load balancing, enabling seamless communication between microservices within the cluster.
  • **Storage Orchestration:** It integrates with various storage providers, allowing you to dynamically provision and manage persistent storage for your applications.
  • **Extensibility:** Kubernetes offers a rich ecosystem of plugins and extensions, enabling you to customize and enhance its functionality.


  • **Portability:** Kubernetes abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, allowing you to deploy your applications on various cloud providers or on-premises environments.
  • **Scalability:** Kubernetes automatically scales your applications to meet demand, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization.
  • **High Availability:** Its self-healing mechanisms ensure that your applications remain available even in the face of failures.
  • **Efficiency:** Kubernetes optimizes resource utilization by efficiently scheduling containers and managing their lifecycle.
  • **Flexibility:** It supports various workload types, including stateless and stateful applications, batch jobs, and more.

Code Examples

1. **Deployment Manifest:**

```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata:

 name: my-app
 replicas: 3
     app: my-app
       app: my-app
     - name: my-app
       image: my-org/my-app:latest
       - containerPort: 8080

This manifest defines a Deployment for the “my-app” application, running 3 replicas of the specified container image.

2. **Service Manifest:**

```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata:

 name: my-service
   app: my-app
 - protocol: TCP
   port: 80
   targetPort: 8080

This manifest defines a Service that exposes the “my-app” pods on port 80, providing internal load balancing and service discovery.

3. **Ingress Manifest:**

```yaml apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata:

 name: my-ingress
 - http:
     - path: /
       pathType: Prefix
           name: my-service
             number: 80

This manifest defines an Ingress resource that routes external traffic to the “my-service” Service.

Additional Resources

“Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications ( across multiple hosts; providing basic mechanisms for container deployment, container maintenance, and container scaling of applications.”

“Kubernetes builds upon a decade and a half of experience at Google running production workloads at scale using a system called Borg, combined with best-of-breed ideas and practices from the community.”

“Kubernetes is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF - If you are a company that wants to help shape the evolution of technologies that are container-packaged, dynamically-scheduled and microservices-oriented, consider joining the CNCF. For details about who's involved and how Kubernetes plays a role, read the CNCF announcement”:

Fair Use Source:

Video Courses

“Do you want to know how can you do Kubernetes deployments to a k8s cluster within minutes using VSTS? We'll start by simulating a common scenario of creating an app locally and deploy it to k8s. We'll enable CI/CD using VSTS and we'll use the exact same scripts we used locally. We'll connect VSTS with AKS.”

External sites

Fair Use Sources

Kubernetes: Pentesting Kubernetes - Pentesting Docker - Pentesting Podman - Pentesting Containers, Kubernetes Fundamentals, K8S Inventor: Google

Kubernetes Pods, Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Deployments, Kubernetes ReplicaSets, Kubernetes StatefulSets, Kubernetes DaemonSets, Kubernetes Namespaces, Kubernetes Ingress, Kubernetes ConfigMaps, Kubernetes Secrets, Kubernetes Volumes, Kubernetes PersistentVolumes, Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims, Kubernetes Jobs, Kubernetes CronJobs, Kubernetes RBAC, Kubernetes Network Policies, Kubernetes Service Accounts, Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions, Kubernetes API Server, Kubernetes etcd, Kubernetes Controller Manager, Kubernetes Scheduler, Kubernetes Kubelet, Kubernetes Kube-Proxy, Kubernetes Helm, Kubernetes Operators, Kubernetes Taints and Tolerations

Kubernetes, Pods, Services, Deployments, Containers, Cluster Architecture, YAML, CLI Tools, Namespaces, Labels, Selectors, ConfigMaps, Secrets, Storage, Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Jobs, CronJobs, ReplicaSets, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, Networking, Ingress, Network Policies, Service Discovery, Load Balancing, Security, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Authentication, Authorization, Certificates, API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler, Kubelet, Kube-Proxy, CoreDNS, ETCD, Cloud Providers, minikube, kubectl, Helm, CI/CD, Docker, Container Registry, Logging, Monitoring, Metrics, Prometheus, Grafana, Alerting, Debugging, Troubleshooting, Scaling, Auto-Scaling, Manual Scaling, Rolling Updates, Canary Deployments, Blue-Green Deployments, Service Mesh, Istio, Linkerd, Envoy, Observability, Tracing, Jaeger, OpenTracing, Fluentd, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Cloud-Native Technologies, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Terraform, Configuration Management, Packer, GitOps, Argo CD, Skaffold, Knative, Serverless, FaaS, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon EKS, Azure AKS, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Hybrid Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Security Best Practices, Networking Best Practices, Storage Best Practices, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, Performance Tuning, Resource Quotas, Limit Ranges, Cluster Maintenance, Cluster Upgrades, Backup and Restore, Federation, Multi-Tenancy.

OpenShift, K8S Glossary - Glossaire de Kubernetes - French, K8S Topics, K8S API, kubectl, K8S Package Managers (Helm), K8S Networking, K8S Storage, K8S Secrets and Kubernetes Secrets Management (HashiCorp Vault with Kubernetes), K8S Security (Pentesting Kubernetes, Hacking Kubernetes), K8S Docs, K8S GitHub, Managed Kubernetes Services - Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS): AKS vs EKS vs GKE, K8S on AWS (EKS), K8S on GCP (GKE), K8S on Azure (AKS), K8S on IBM (IKS), K8S on IBM Cloud, K8S on Mainframe, K8S on Oracle (OKE), K8s on DigitalOcean (DOKS), K8SOps, Kubernetes Client for Python, Databases on Kubernetes (SQL Server on Kubernetes, MySQL on Kubernetes), Kubernetes for Developers (Kubernetes Development, Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)), MiniKube, K8S Books, K8S Courses, Podman, Docker, CNCF (navbar_K8S - see also navbar_openshift, navbar_docker, navbar_podman, navbar_helm, navbar_anthos, navbar_gitops, navbar_iac, navbar_cncf)

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