
Method Signature

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TLDR: A method signature in programming defines the unique identity of a function or method by specifying its name and parameter list. It determines how a method can be called and distinguishes it from others, especially in object-oriented programming. Method signatures play a critical role in overloading, where multiple methods with the same name but different parameters coexist within a class.

A typical method signature includes the method’s name and the number, type, and order of its parameters. For instance, in Java, the signature of the method `void calculate(int a, double b)` specifies its name as `calculate` and its parameter types as `int` and `double`. Method return types are not part of the signature, meaning two methods with the same name and parameter list but different return types will result in a compilation error.

In polymorphism and inheritance, method signatures ensure proper method binding and execution at runtime. Overloading relies on distinct signatures to differentiate between methods, while overriding in derived classes requires the method signature to match exactly. Method signatures also contribute to API design and usability, ensuring clarity and consistency in how methods are invoked and documented.

In computer science, a type signature or type annotation defines the inputs and outputs for a function, subroutine or method. A type signature includes the number, types and order of the arguments contained by a function. A type signature is typically used during overload resolution for choosing the correct definition of a function to be called among many overloaded forms.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Type signature

In computer science, a type signature or type annotation defines the inputs and outputs of a function, subroutine or method. A type signature includes the number, types, and order of the function's arguments. One important use of a type signature is for function overload resolution, where one particular definition of a function to be called is selected among many overloaded forms.

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