
Refactoring: Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code.

Refactoring, Code Smell, Testing, Continuous Integration, Design Pattern, DRY Principle, KISS Principle, YAGNI Principle, Legacy Code, Technical Debt, Code Duplication, Automated Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Test-Driven Development, Agile Methodology, Software Architecture, Clean Code, Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, SOLID Principles, Coupling, Cohesion, Modularity, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Composition, Interface, Method Overloading, Singleton Pattern, Factory Pattern, Builder Pattern, Prototype Pattern, Adapter Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Observer Pattern, Strategy Pattern, Template Method Pattern, Command Pattern, State Pattern, Proxy Pattern, Version Control, Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Continuous Deployment, DevOps, Performance Optimization, Scalability, Reliability, Maintainability, Usability, Accessibility, Security, Data Structures, Algorithms, Big O Notation, Recursion, Concurrency, Parallelism, Synchronization, Deadlock, Race Conditions, Memory Management, Garbage Collection, Heap, Stack, Database Design, SQL, NoSQL, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), API Design, REST, GraphQL, Microservices, Monolithic Architecture, Cloud Computing, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD Pipelines, Logging, Monitoring, Debugging, Profiling, Code Review, Pair Programming, Refactoring Tools, IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Syntax Highlighting, Code Completion, Static Code Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Code Metrics, Software Documentation, README Files, Commenting Code, Software Licensing, Open Source Software, Closed Source Software

Refactoring guidelines, Refactoring patterns, Refactoring data structures - Refactoring algorithms, Refactoring syntax, Refactoring OOP, Refactoring in IDEs, Refactoring tools, Refactoring DevOps - Refactoring SRE, Refactoring data science - Refactoring DataOps, Refactoring machine learning, Refactoring deep learning, Refactoring functional, Refactoring concurrency, Refactoring programming languages (C refactoring, C++ refactoring, C# refactoring, Golang refactoring, Java refactoring, JavaScript refactoring, Kotlin refactoring, Python refactoring, Ruby refactoring, Rust refactoring, Scala refactoring, SQL refactoring, Swift refactoring, TypeScript refactoring), Refactoring history, Refactoring bibliography, Refactoring glossary, Refactoring topics, Refactoring courses, Refactoring libraries, Refactoring packages, Refactoring frameworks, Refactoring research, Refactoring GitHub, Refactoring Awesome list. (navbar_refactoring)

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