
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

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Snippet from Wikipedia: Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud is a cloud computing service offered by Oracle Corporation providing servers, storage, network, applications and services through a global network of Oracle Corporation managed data centers. The company allows these services to be provisioned on demand over the Internet.

Oracle Cloud provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and data as a service (DaaS). These services are used to build, deploy, integrate, and extend applications in the cloud. This platform supports numerous open standards (SQL, HTML5, REST, etc.), open-source applications (Kubernetes, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, MySQL, Terraform, etc.), and a variety of programming languages, databases, tools, and frameworks including Oracle-specific, open source, and third-party software and systems.

Oracle Cloud: Oracle Cloud Products (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Cloud Applications), Oracle Cloud AI (Oracle Cloud MLOps-Oracle Cloud ML-Oracle Cloud DL), Oracle Cloud Compute (Oracle Cloud K8S-Oracle Cloud Containers-Oracle Cloud GitOps, Oracle Cloud IaaS-Oracle Cloud Linux-Oracle Cloud Windows Server), Oracle Cloud Certification, Oracle Cloud Data Science (Oracle Cloud Databases-Oracle Cloud SQL-Oracle Cloud NoSQL-Oracle Cloud Analytics-Oracle Cloud DataOps), Oracle Cloud DevOps-Oracle Cloud SRE-Oracle Cloud Automation-Oracle Cloud Terraform-Oracle Cloud Ansible-Oracle Cloud Chef-Oracle Cloud Puppet-Oracle Cloud CloudOps-Oracle Cloud Monitoring, Oracle Cloud Developer Tools (Oracle Cloud GitHub-Oracle Cloud CI/CD-Oracle Cloud Cloud IDE-Oracle Cloud VSCode-Oracle Cloud Serverless-Oracle Cloud Microservices-Oracle Cloud Service Mesh-Oracle Cloud Java-Oracle Cloud Spring-Oracle Cloud JavaScript-Oracle Cloud Python), Oracle Cloud Hybrid-Oracle Cloud Multicloud, Oracle Cloud Identity (Oracle Cloud IAM-Oracle Cloud MFA-Oracle Cloud Active Directory), Oracle Cloud Integration, Oracle Cloud IoT-Oracle Cloud Edge, Oracle Cloud Management-Oracle Cloud Admin-Oracle Cloud Cloud Shell-Oracle Cloud CLI-Oracle Cloud PowerShell-Oracle CloudOps, Oracle Cloud Governance, Oracle Cloud Media (Oracle Cloud Video), Oracle Cloud Migration, Oracle Cloud Mixed reality, Oracle Cloud Mobile (Oracle Cloud Android-Oracle Cloud iOS), Oracle Cloud Networking (Oracle Cloud Load Balancing-Oracle Cloud CDN-Oracle Cloud DNS-Oracle Cloud NAT-Oracle Cloud VPC-Oracle Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)-Oracle Cloud VPN), Oracle Cloud Security (Oracle Cloud Vault-Oracle Cloud Secrets-HashiCorp Vault Oracle Cloud, Oracle Cloud Cryptography-Oracle Cloud PKI, Oracle Cloud Pentesting-Oracle Cloud DevSecOps), Oracle Cloud Storage, Oracle Cloud Web-Oracle Cloud Node.js, Oracle Cloud Virtual Desktop, Oracle Cloud Product List. Oracle Cloud Awesome List, Oracle Cloud Docs, Oracle Cloud Glossary, Oracle Cloud Books, Oracle Cloud Courses, Oracle Cloud Topics (navbar_oraclecloud and navbar_oraclecloud_detailed)

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