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Disambiguation in a Wiki is the process of resolving conflicts that arise when a potential article title is ambiguous, most often because it refers to more than one subject covered by this Wiki, either as the main topic of an article, or as a subtopic covered by an article in addition to the article's main topic.

See Wikipedia:Disambiguation on Wikipedia

Your device supports passkeys, a password replacement that validates your identity using touch validation, facial recognition, a device password, or a PIN.

Passkeys can be used for sign-in as a simple and secure alternative to password and two-factor credentials.

Passkeys are pairs of cryptographic keys (a public key and a private key) that are stored by an authenticator you control. The authenticator can prove that a user is present and is authorized to use the passkey.

Authenticators prove authorization with a PIN, passcode, biometric, or device password, depending on the authenticator's capabilities and configuration. Authenticators come in many forms, such as an iPhone, iPad or Android device, Windows Hello, a FIDO2 hardware security key, or a password manager.

When you sign in to using a passkey, your authenticator uses public key cryptography to prove your identity to GitHub without ever sending the passkey. Passkeys are bound to a website domain, like, and require a secure connection, meaning that the web browser will refuse to authenticate to a lookalike phishing website. These properties make passkeys highly phishing-resistant, and much harder to attack than SMS or TOTP 2FA, which can be phished.

Cloud-backed passkey services allow passkeys to be synced across devices (such as Apple devices, Android devices, or password managers) so they can be used from more places and are less easily lost. Once you have set up a synced passkey on one device, that passkey is available to use across multiple devices using the same passkey service. For example, if you register a passkey with your iCloud account using your MacBook's Touch ID, you can then use that passkey with your face, fingerprint, PIN, or device password interchangeably across multiple devices tied to the same iCloud account.

Passkey Support

GitHub Passkeys

Authenticating with a passkey

You can add passkeys to your personal account on so that you can sign in safely and easily, without requiring a password and two-factor authentication. You can also use passkeys when performing a sensitive action (sudo mode), or to authenticate a password reset. (

Passwords: Password Policies, Password Complexity Requirements, Password Expiration Policies, Password Rotation, Password History, Password Length, Multi-Factor Authentication, Password Managers, Secure Password Storage, Password Hashing Algorithms, Salted Password Hashing, Password Encryption, Password Recovery Processes, Password Reset Procedures, Password Audits, Password Strength Meters, Password Generation Algorithms, Biometric Authentication as Password Replacement, Single Sign-On (SSO) Systems, Two-Factor Authentication Methods, Passwordless Authentication, Social Login Integration, Phishing Resistance Techniques, User Education on Password Security, Account Lockout Mechanisms, Brute Force Attack Prevention, Dictionary Attack Mitigation, Credential Stuffing Defense Strategies, Security Questions for Password Recovery, Email Verification for Password Reset, Mobile Authentication for Password Management, Password Sharing Practices, Compliance Standards for Password Management, Password Synchronization Techniques, Password Aging Policies, Role-Based Password Access Control, Password Change Notifications, Temporary Passwords Handling, Password Encryption at Rest and in Transit, Third-Party Password Manager Security, Password Policy Enforcement Tools, User Behavior Analytics for Password Security, Zero Trust Approach to Password Management, Password Security for Remote Workers, Password Security Auditing Tools, Password Vulnerability Scanning, Automated Password Reset Solutions, Secure Password Exchange Protocols, Password Entropy Measurement

Passwords GitHub, Password topics, Passwordless, Password manager - Password management (LastPass, 1Password), Authentication, Personal identification number (PIN), Single signon, MFA-2FA, Microsoft Hello, Apple Face ID, Facial recognition, Biometric authentication, Iris recognition, Mainframe passwords (IBM RACF, Retinal scan, Eye vein verification, Recognition, Fingerprint recognition, Password cracking, Password hashing, Popular passwords, Strong passwords, Rainbow table, Secrets - Secrets management (HashiCorp Vault, Azure Vault, AWS Vault, GCP Vault), Passkeys, Awesome passwords (navbar_passwords - See also: navbar_iam, navbar_pentesting, navbar_encryption, navbar_mfa)

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passkey.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/07 04:34 by

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