
Practical Natural Language Processing References

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“ (PrctNLP 2020)

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Fair Use Sources

Natural Language Processing (NLP): What Is Language, Text classification, Language modeling, Google Gemini, ChatGPT

Machine Learning for NLP NLP ML, NLP DL - NLP Deep learning - Python NLP, NLP MLOps, Python NLP (sci-kit NLP, OpenCV NLP, TensorFlow NLP, PyTorch NLP, Keras NLP, NumPy NLP, NLTK NLP, SciPy NLP, sci-kit learn NLP, Seaborn NLP, Matplotlib NLP), C++ NLP, C# NLP, Golang NLP, Java NLP, JavaScript NLP, Julia NLP, Kotlin NLP, R NLP, Ruby NLP, Rust NLP, Scala NLP, Swift NLP, NLP history, NLP bibliography, NLP glossary, NLP topics, NLP courses, NLP libraries, NLP frameworks, NLP GitHub, NLP Awesome list. (navbar_nlp - See also navbar_llm, navbar_chatbot, navbar_dl, navbar_ml, navbar_chatgpt, navbar_ai)

Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Borg, SkyNet, Google Gemini, ChatGPT, AI Fundamentals, AI Inventor: Arthur Samuel of IBM 1959 coined term Machine Learning. Synonym Self-Teaching Computers from 1950s. Experimental AILearning Machine” called Cybertron in early 1960s by Raytheon Company; ChatGPT, Generative AI, NLP, GAN, AI winter, The Singularity, AI FUD, Quantum FUD (Fake Quantum Computers), AI Propaganda, Quantum Propaganda, Cloud AI (AWS AI, Azure AI, Google AI-GCP AI-Google Cloud AI, IBM AI, Apple AI), Deep Learning (DL), Machine learning (ML), AI History, AI Bibliography, Manning AI-ML-DL-NLP-GAN Series, AI Glossary, AI Topics, AI Courses, AI Libraries, AI frameworks, AI GitHub, AI Awesome List. (navbar_ai - See also navbar_dl, navbar_ml, navbar_nlp, navbar_chatbot, navbar_chatgpt, navbar_llm)

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