
Ruby installation








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Snippet from Wikipedia: Ruby

Ruby is a pinkish-red-to-blood-red-colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). Ruby is one of the most popular traditional jewelry gems and is very durable. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. Ruby is one of the traditional cardinal gems, alongside amethyst, sapphire, emerald, and diamond. The word ruby comes from ruber, Latin for red. The color of a ruby is due to the presence of chromium.

Some gemstones that are popularly or historically called rubies, such as the Black Prince's Ruby in the British Imperial State Crown, are actually spinels. These were once known as "Balas rubies".

The quality of a ruby is determined by its color, cut, and clarity, which, along with carat weight, affect its value. The brightest and most valuable shade of red, called blood-red or pigeon blood, commands a large premium over other rubies of similar quality. After color follows clarity: similarly to diamonds, a clear stone will command a premium, but a ruby without any needle-like rutile inclusions may indicate that the stone has been treated. Ruby is the traditional birthstone for July and is usually pinker than garnet, although some rhodolite garnets have a similar pinkish hue to most rubies. The world's most valuable ruby to be sold at auction is the Estrela de Fura, which sold for US$34.8 million.

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Ruby Vocabulary List (Sorted by Popularity)

Ruby Programming Language, Ruby Interpreter, Ruby MRI (Matz’s Ruby Interpreter), Ruby CRuby, Ruby Matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto), Ruby Gems Package, Ruby Gems Ecosystem, Ruby Bundler, Ruby Rake, Ruby IRB (Interactive Ruby Shell), Ruby REPL, Ruby RubyGems, Ruby Gemfile, Ruby gemspec File, Ruby require Keyword, Ruby load Keyword, Ruby load_path, Ruby $LOAD_PATH Variable, Ruby Kernel Module, Ruby Object Class, Ruby Class Keyword, Ruby Module Keyword, Ruby def Keyword, Ruby end Keyword, Ruby do-end Block, Ruby {} Block, Ruby Proc Object, Ruby Lambda Function, Ruby Symbol Type, Ruby String Class, Ruby Array Class, Ruby Hash Class, Ruby Integer Class, Ruby Float Class, Ruby Numeric Class, Ruby Range Class, Ruby Regexp Class, Ruby Time Class, Ruby Date Class, Ruby DateTime Class, Ruby IO Class, Ruby File Class, Ruby Dir Class, Ruby ENV Hash, Ruby ARGF Object, Ruby STDERR, Ruby STDIN, Ruby STDOUT, Ruby $stdout Variable, Ruby $stderr Variable, Ruby $stdin Variable, Ruby Constant Naming, Ruby Method Naming Conventions, Ruby Snake_case Convention, Ruby CamelCase Class Names, Ruby UpperCamelCase Module Names, Ruby mixin, Ruby include Keyword, Ruby extend Keyword, Ruby prepend Keyword, Ruby inheritance, Ruby superclass, Ruby singleton methods, Ruby singleton class, Ruby metaprogramming, Ruby reflection, Ruby method_missing Method, Ruby respond_to, Ruby send Method, Ruby public_send Method, Ruby define_method, Ruby instance_variable_get, Ruby instance_variable_set, Ruby class_eval Method, Ruby instance_eval Method, Ruby module_eval Method, Ruby refine Keyword, Ruby using Keyword (Refinements), Ruby alias Keyword, Ruby undef Keyword, Ruby attr_accessor Macro, Ruby attr_reader Macro, Ruby attr_writer Macro, Ruby attr Macro, Ruby initialize Method, Ruby to_s Method, Ruby to_i Method, Ruby to_f Method, Ruby to_sym Method, Ruby to_str Method, Ruby to_int Method, Ruby inspect Method, Ruby freeze Method, Ruby frozen, Ruby dup Method, Ruby clone Method, Ruby eql, Ruby equal, Ruby == Operator, Ruby === Operator, Ruby =~ Operator, Ruby <=> Operator, Ruby Enumerable Module, Ruby each Method, Ruby map Method, Ruby select Method, Ruby reject Method, Ruby inject Method, Ruby reduce Method, Ruby detect Method, Ruby find Method, Ruby find_all Method, Ruby any, Ruby all, Ruby none, Ruby one, Ruby count Method, Ruby group_by Method, Ruby sort Method, Ruby sort_by Method, Ruby partition Method, Ruby cycle Method, Ruby zip Method, Ruby flatten Method, Ruby compact Method, Ruby uniq Method, Ruby slice Method, Ruby sample Method, Ruby reverse Method, Ruby concat Method, Ruby push Method, Ruby pop Method, Ruby shift Method, Ruby unshift Method, Ruby join Method, Ruby split Method, Ruby strip Method, Ruby chomp Method, Ruby chomp! Method, Ruby chop Method, Ruby chop! Method, Ruby gsub Method, Ruby gsub! Method, Ruby sub Method, Ruby sub! Method, Ruby scan Method, Ruby match Method, Ruby index Method, Ruby rindex Method, Ruby slice! Method, Ruby prepend Method (String), Ruby upcase Method, Ruby downcase Method, Ruby capitalize Method, Ruby swapcase Method, Ruby starts_with, Ruby ends_with, Ruby empty, Ruby blank, Ruby present, Ruby nil, Ruby zero, Ruby positive, Ruby negative, Ruby .ruby_version File, Ruby RVM (Ruby Version Manager), Ruby rbenv, Ruby chruby, Ruby ruby-build, Ruby YARV (Yet Another Ruby VM), Ruby JRuby (Ruby on JVM), Ruby TruffleRuby, Ruby Rubinius, Ruby CRuby Interpreter again, Ruby gem install Command, Ruby gem uninstall Command, Ruby gem update Command, Ruby bundle install Command, Ruby bundle exec Command, Ruby bundler groups, Ruby Rakefile, Ruby Rake Task, Ruby namespace in Rake, symbol, Ruby desc "Description", Ruby rake -T Command, Ruby rake routes (Rails), migrate (Rails), seed (Rails), setup (Rails), Ruby rake test (Rails), Ruby Minitest, Ruby RSpec Framework, Ruby Cucumber BDD, Ruby Capybara Testing, Ruby ActiveSupport (Rails), Ruby ActiveRecord (Rails), Ruby ActionPack (Rails), Ruby ActionController (Rails), Ruby ActionView (Rails), Ruby ActionCable (Rails), Ruby ActionMailer (Rails), Ruby Rails Console, Ruby Rails Server, Ruby rails new Command, Ruby rails generate Command, Ruby rails console Command, Ruby rails server Command, Ruby rails dbconsole Command, Ruby rails test Command, Ruby rake replaced by rails Command in new versions, Ruby Gemfile.lock, Ruby lib Directory, Ruby app Directory (Rails), Ruby app/models Directory, Ruby app/controllers Directory, Ruby app/views Directory, Ruby config Directory (Rails), Ruby config/routes.rb File, Ruby config/database.yml File, Ruby db/migrate Directory, Ruby public Directory (Rails), Ruby Gemfile Source lines, Ruby source "", Ruby gem 'rails', Ruby gem 'pg', Ruby gem 'sqlite3', Ruby gem 'mysql2', Ruby gem 'puma', Ruby gem 'sass-rails', Ruby gem 'uglifier', Ruby gem 'coffee-rails', Ruby gem 'turbolinks', Ruby gem 'jbuilder', Ruby gem 'byebug', Ruby gem 'capybara', Ruby gem 'selenium-webdriver', Ruby gem 'webpacker', Ruby gem 'pry', Ruby gem 'pry-rails', Ruby gem 'rubocop', Ruby gem 'rubocop-rails', Ruby IRB History, Ruby IRB rc Files, Ruby Pry REPL, Ruby pry-nav, Ruby pry-byebug, Ruby pry-doc, Ruby method_missing repeated concept, Ruby respond_to_missing, Ruby BasicObject Class, Ruby load vs require difference, Ruby autoload Keyword, Ruby super Keyword, Ruby yield Keyword, Ruby block_given, Ruby to_proc Method, Ruby & Operator (to_proc), Ruby __FILE__ Constant, Ruby __LINE__ Constant, Ruby __dir__ Method, Ruby File.dirname, Ruby File.basename, Ruby File.extname, Ruby File.join, Ruby, Ruby File.write, Ruby, Ruby File.exist, Ruby Dir.glob, Ruby Dir.mkdir, Ruby Dir.chdir, Ruby Dir.pwd, Ruby Tempfile Class, Ruby StringIO Class, Ruby Socket Class (std lib), HTTP Class, Ruby URI.parse Method, Ruby JSON Module (require 'json'), Ruby YAML Module (require 'yaml'), Ruby CSV Module (require 'csv'), Ruby Marshal Dump/Load, Ruby PP Module (Pretty Print), Ruby Shellwords Module, Ruby ERB Templating, Ruby, Ruby ERB result, Ruby Binding Class, Ruby binding local_variables, Ruby binding.irb (Ruby 2.4+), Specification Class, Dependency Class, Version Class, Ruby Gem Path, Ruby bundler settings, Ruby rake default task, Ruby rake environment task, Ruby test-unit (old library), Ruby test framework Minitest, Test Class, Spec DSL, Ruby RSpec.describe Block, Ruby RSpec it Block, Ruby RSpec before Hook, Ruby RSpec after Hook, Ruby RSpec let Keyword, Ruby RSpec subject Keyword, Ruby RSpec expect Syntax, Ruby RSpec matchers eq, be, include, Ruby RSpec mocks/stubs, Ruby RSpec shared_examples, Ruby RSpec shared_context, Ruby Cucumber Given/When/Then Steps, Ruby Cucumber Features Directory, Ruby Capybara visit Method, Ruby Capybara fill_in Method, Ruby Capybara click_button Method, Ruby Capybara have_content Matcher, Ruby Capybara session, Ruby Capybara Poltergeist Driver (old), Ruby Selenium WebDriver Usage, Ruby Database Cleaner (Gem), Ruby ActiveRecord migrations, Base Class, Ruby belongs_to Association, Ruby has_many Association, Ruby has_one Association, Ruby has_and_belongs_to_many Association, Ruby validates Method (AR), Ruby callbacks before_save, after_save, Ruby scope Method (AR), Ruby default_scope Method (AR), Ruby enum (AR), Relation, Scope Chain, where, select, order, limit, Ruby AR find, find_by, find_or_create_by, Ruby AR pluck Method, Ruby AR includes Method, Ruby AR eager_load Method, Ruby AR preload Method, Ruby AR joins Method, Ruby AR left_joins Method, Ruby AR distinct Method, Ruby AR group Method, Ruby AR having Method, Ruby AR count Method, Ruby AR sum Method, Ruby AR average Method, Ruby AR minimum Method, Ruby AR maximum Method, Ruby Rails Application Class, Ruby Rails Configurations, Ruby Rails Initializers, Ruby Rails Middleware, Ruby Rails Controller Filters (before_action), Ruby Rails Strong Parameters, Ruby Rails Migrations in db/migrate, Ruby Rails rake replaced by rails tasks, Ruby rails console shortcuts, Ruby rails routes Command, Ruby rails log files, Ruby rails server Puma by default, Ruby Spring Preloader, Ruby Zeitwerk Autoloader (Rails 6+), Ruby autoload_paths in Rails, Ruby Rack Middleware in Rails, Ruby ActiveSupport Inflector, Ruby ActiveSupport Callbacks, Ruby ActiveSupport Concern, Ruby ActiveSupport HashWithIndifferentAccess, Ruby ActiveSupport TimeWithZone, Ruby ActiveSupport Duration, Ruby ActiveSupport Delegation, Ruby ActiveSupport Notifications, Ruby ActionMailer's Mailer Class, Ruby ActionMailer's deliver_later, Ruby ActiveJob (Rails Background Jobs), Ruby ActiveStorage (Rails File Upload), Ruby ActiveCable (WebSockets in Rails), Ruby SCSS Preprocessing in Rails pipeline, Ruby Sprockets Asset Pipeline, Ruby webpacker (Rails 6), Ruby importmap-rails (Rails 7), Ruby Turbo (Hotwire), Ruby Stimulus (Hotwire), Ruby dev environment with foreman, Ruby dotenv-rails for ENV, Ruby byebug Debugger, Ruby pry-rescue Gem, Ruby pry-stack_explorer, Ruby rubocop Linter, Ruby rubocop-rails Linter, Ruby standardrb Linter, Ruby reek Code Smell Tool, Ruby flay Static Analysis, Ruby flog Complexity Tool, Ruby solargraph Language Server, Ruby yard Documentation Tool, task Command, rollback Command, seed Command repeated, precompile Command, clear Command, clear Command, Ruby rake notes Command, all Command, units Command, integration Command, controllers Command, Ruby rails test Command repeated, system Command, models Command, controllers Command, Assertions, Mock, Core, Matchers, Mocks, Expectations, Rails, Ruby parallel_tests Gem, Ruby guard-livereload Gem, Ruby guard-minitest, Ruby guard-rspec, Ruby Spork (deprecated test server), Ruby spring test preloader repeated, Ruby SimpleCov (Test Coverage), Ruby Coverband Coverage, Ruby CodeClimate Test Reporter, Ruby Brakeman Security Scanner, Ruby bundler-audit Security Checker, Ruby ActiveModel (Rails), Ruby ActiveModel Validations, Dirty Tracking, Serialization, Callbacks, Ruby ActiveJob adapters (Sidekiq, Resque), Ruby sidekiq Gem (Background Jobs), Ruby delayed_job Gem, Ruby resque Gem, Ruby sucker_punch Gem, Ruby sneakers Gem (RabbitMQ), Ruby ActiveStorage service Disk, Ruby ActiveStorage service S3, Ruby ActiveStorage Attachments, Ruby ActionText (Rails 6), Ruby Hotwire integration repeated, Ruby capistrano Deployment, Ruby mina Deployment, Ruby chef (Ruby-based config mgmt), Ruby puppet (Ruby DSL) , Ruby ansible (not Ruby-based, skip) , Ruby ohai (Chef) , Ruby inspec (Chef Tests), Ruby Vagrantfile (Ruby DSL for Vagrant), Ruby Chef recipes (Ruby), Ruby Berkshelf (Chef Dependency), Ruby Foodcritic (Chef Lint), Ruby Knife (Chef command), Ruby Test Kitchen (Chef Testing), Ruby Minitest-chef-handler, Ruby opscode Chef , prepare Command, setup Command repeated, set Command, edit Command, Ruby rails restart Command, Ruby rails console --sandbox Mode, Ruby rails runner Command, Ruby rails routes -c controller Filter, Ruby rails notes --annotations TODO, custom ANNOTATION, Base.establish_connection, Base.logger, Ruby ActiveRecord validations presence, Ruby ActiveRecord validations uniqueness, Ruby ActiveRecord validations format, Ruby ActiveRecord callbacks before_validation, Ruby ActiveRecord callbacks after_validation, Ruby ActiveRecord scopes lambda, Ruby ActiveRecord enum repeated, Attributes, Type, Ruby SecureRandom Module, Ruby Digest Module, Ruby OpenSSL Module (Ruby stdlib), SSH (Gem), Ruby Faraday (HTTP client), Ruby HTTParty (HTTP client), Ruby Excon (HTTP client), Ruby rest-client Gem, Ruby Nokogiri (XML/HTML parser), Ruby Oga (XML Parser), Ruby Ox (XML Parser), Ruby JSON.parse, Ruby JSON.generate, Ruby YAML.load, Ruby YAML.dump, Ruby CSV.foreach, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby Marshal.load, Ruby Marshal.dump, Mock usage, Ruby WebMock Gem (HTTP stubbing), Ruby VCR Gem (HTTP recording), Ruby FactoryBot (FactoryGirl) for tests, Ruby Faker Gem (Fake data), Ruby shoulda-matchers (Rails test) , Ruby database_cleaner Gem, Ruby parallel_tests repeated concept, Ruby rbconfig Module, Ruby RbReadline or Reline (IRB), Ruby RubyVM Module (YARV), Ruby GC Module (Garbage Collection), Ruby GC.start, Ruby GC.stat, Ruby Thread Class, Ruby Fiber Class, Ruby Fiber.yield, Ruby Fiber.resume, Ruby Mutex Class, Ruby Queue Class, Ruby SizedQueue Class, Ruby, Ruby Thread.join, Ruby Thread.current, Ruby Thread.list, Ruby ThreadLocal Variables, Ruby DRb (Distributed Ruby), Ruby Rinda (Tuplespace).

Ruby: Ruby Fundamentals, Ruby Inventor - Ruby Language Designer: Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995; Ruby scripting, Rails, RubyGems, Ruby keywords, Ruby Built-In Data Types, Ruby data structures - Ruby algorithms, Ruby syntax, Ruby OOP - Ruby design patterns, Ruby for Chef, Ruby for Puppet, Ruby on Linux, Ruby on macOS, Ruby on Windows, Ruby installation, Ruby containerization, Ruby configuration, Ruby compiler - Ruby interpreter (Matz's Ruby Interpreter or Ruby MRI, also called CRuby), Ruby IDEs (RubyMine), Ruby development tools, Ruby DevOps - Ruby SRE, Ruby data science - Ruby DataOps, Ruby machine learning, Ruby deep learning, Functional Ruby, Ruby concurrency, Ruby history, Ruby bibliography, Ruby Glossary - Glossaire de Ruby - French, Ruby topics, Ruby courses, Ruby Standard Library, Ruby libraries, Ruby frameworks (Ruby on Rails), Ruby research, Ruby GitHub, Written in Ruby, Ruby popularity, Ruby Awesome list, Ruby Versions. (navbar_ruby)

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