
Whitewater Foundry Pengwin WSL

Whitewater Foundry Pengwin WSL

pengwin-setup update

set Linux history - Linux shell command history to max and then document the commands.

Remove any PID!!!!! Remove name bowman

Unpacking Pengwin, this may take a few minutes… Please create a default Linux user account. The username does not need to match your Windows username. For more information, visit https://aka.ms/wslusers. Enter new UNIX username: USER New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully Installation successful! Updated configuration for WSL2. Restart Pengwin to apply changes. Welcome to Pengwin. Type 'pengwin-setup' to run the setup tool. You will only see this message on the first run.

Welcome to Pengwin (22.1.6), Based on debian 11 (bullseye) Linux DESKTOP-HT72UT9 #1 SMP Wed Jul 27 02:20:31 UTC 2022 x86_64

* Home:           https://github.com/whitewaterfoundry/Pengwin
* Support:        https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Pengwin/issues
Pengwin includes 'Pengwin Setup,' which allow new Pengwin users to get started on Linux immediately
To execute, run: pengwin-setup
To check for updates, run: pengwin-setup update
Environment variables:
 DISPLAY               :0
 WAYLAND_DISPLAY       wayland-0
 PULSE_SERVER          /mnt/wslg/PulseServer
 IPv4 for lo         
 IPv4 for eth0       
Windows Home Location:  /home/USER/winhome
The Windows C: drive is mounted at: /mnt/c/
To open the current folder with Windows Explorer, run: wslview .
Running WSL version 2

This message is shown once a day. To disable it you can create the /home/USER/.hushlogin file

Programming Menu

Install various programming languages support:

           │    [*] GO         Install the latest Go from Google                                         │
           │    [*] JAVA       Install the SDKMan to manage Java SDKs                                    │
           │    [*] JETBRAINS  Install required support to jetbrains tools                               │
           │    [*] JOOMLA     Install development support for Joomla                                    │
           │    [*] LATEX      Install TexLive for LaTeX Support                                         │
           │    [*] NIM        Install Nim from official sources using choosenim                         │
           │    [*] NODEJS     Install Node.js and npm                                                   │
           │    [*] PYTHONPI   Install Python 3.9 and download and install latest PyPi                   │
           │    [*] RUBY       Install Ruby using rbenv and optionally install Rails                     │
           │    [*] RUST       Install latest version of Rust via rustup installer

───┤ C++ ├───────────────────────────────┐

                        │                                                                    │
                        │ Would you like to install Linux C/C++ support for Visual Studio or │
                        │ CLion development?                                                 │
                        │                                                                    │
                        │ SSH server will be installed and configured

─┤ Enter the desired SSH Port ├─────────┐

                                  │ SSH Port:                                      │
                                  │                                                │
                                  │ 2222___________

─┤ Enter the desired Listen Address ├──────┐

                                  │ Listen Address:                                │
                                  │                                                │

─────┤ DOTNET ├────────────────────────────────┐

                     │                                                                         │
                     │ Would you like to download and install the .NET SDK for Linux?          │
                     │                                                                         │

───┤ NUGET ├────────────────────┐

                                  │                                                │
                                  │ Would you like to download and install NuGet?  │
                                  │                                                │
                                  │                                                │
                                  │                                       │

                        ┌───────────────────────────────┤ GO ├───────────────────────────────┐
                        │                                                                    │
                        │ Would you like to download and install the latest Go from Google?  │
                        │                                                                    │
Saving current directory as $CURDIR Going to $TMPDIR: /tmp/tmp.jY03IM4ZAd Downloading Go using wget. –2021-08-19 11:01:25– https://dl.google.com/go/go1.15.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz Resolving dl.google.com (dl.google.com)…, 2607:f8b0:4005:808::200e Connecting to dl.google.com (dl.google.com)||:443… connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK Length: 121066822 (115M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘go1.15.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz’

go1.15.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz 100%[================================================⇒] 115.46M 24.7MB/s in 4.8s

2021-08-19 11:01:31 (24.0 MB/s) - ‘go1.15.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz’ saved [121066822/121066822]

Unpacking tar binaries to /usr/local/go.

─┤ Java ├─────────────────────┐

                                 │                                                  │
                                 │ Would you like to Install SDKMan to manage and   │
                                 │ install Java SDKs?                               │
                                 │                                                  │

──┤ SDKMan ├────────────────────────┐

                             │                                                          │
                             │ To install Java use:                                     │
                             │                                                          │
                             │ sdk list java                                            │
                             │                                                          │
                             │ Then:                                                    │
                             │                                                          │
                             │ sdk install java 'version'                               │

                             ┌────────────────────────┤ Joomla ├────────────────────────┐
                             │                                                          │
                             │ Would you like to install the Joomla development server? │
                             │ It includes LAMP Stack                                   │

──┤ LaTeX ├────────────────────────────────┐

                      │ Select the version you would like to install                           │
                      │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                                   │
                      │                                                                        │
                      │    (*) FULL         Install all TexLive packages                       │
                      │    ( ) BASE         Install essential TexLive packages                 │
                      │    ( ) RECOMMENDED  Install recommended TexLive packages               │
                      │    ( ) EXTRA        Install a large collections of TexLive packages    │
                      │                                                                        │

                          ┌───────────────────────────┤ NODE ├────────────────────────────┐
                          │                                                               │
                          │ Would you like to download and install Node.js (with npm)?    │

──┤ nodejs ├───────────────────────────────────────┐

              │ Choose Node.js install method                                                          │
              │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                                                   │
              │                                                                                        │
              │    ( ) NVERMAN  Install with n version manager (fish shell compat. EXPERIMENTAL)       │
              │    ( ) NVM      Install with nvm version manager (fish shell compat. EXPERIMENTAL)     │
              │    (*) LATEST   Install latest version via APT package manager                         │
              │    ( ) LTS      Install LTS version via APT package manager

───┤ npm in Windows ├──────────────────────────────┐

                   │                                                                              │
                   │ npm is already installed in Windows in "C:/Program Files/nodejs/npm".        │
                   │                                                                              │
                   │ Would you still want to install the Linux version? This will hide the        │
                   │ Windows version inside Pengwin.                                              │
                   │                                                                              │
                   │                                                                              │
                   │                                                                              │

──┤ Python ├────────────────────────────────┐

                     │ Python install options                                                  │
                     │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                                    │
                     │                                                                         │
                     │    ( ) PYENV      Python 3.9 with pyenv                                 │
                     │    ( ) PYTHONPIP  Python 3.9, IDLE, and the pip package manager         │
                     │    ( ) POETRY     Python 3.9, IDLE, and the poetry package manager      │

──┤ PYTHON ├─────────────────────────────┐

                        │                                                                    │
                        │ Would you like to download and install Python 3.9 with pyenv?      │

─┤ RUBY ├────────────────────────────┐

                          │                                                               │
                          │ Would you like to download and install Ruby using rbenv?      │
                          │                                                               │

──────┤ RAILS ├───────────────────────────┐

                          │                                                               │
                          │ Would you like to download and install Rails from RubyGems?   │

───────┤ RUST ├──────────────────────────────────────┐

                │                                                                                   │
                │ Would you like to download and install the latest version of Rust via rustup?     │

──┤ JetBrains support ├───────────────┐

                                 │                                                  │
                                 │ Would you like to install support to JetBrains   │
                                 │ tools?                                           │
────────┤ Services Menu ├──────────────────────────┐
                        │ Enables various services                                           │
                        │                                                                    │
                        │    [ ] CASSANDRA  Install the NoSQL server Cassandra from Apache   │
                        │    [ ] KEYCHAIN   Install Keychain, the OpenSSH key manager        │
                        │    [ ] LAMP       Install LAMP Stack                               │
                        │    [ ] RCLOCAL    Enable running scripts at startup from rc.local  │
                        │    [ ] SSH        Enable SSH server----

───┤ CASSANDRA ├───────────────────────┐

                             │                                                          │
                             │ Would you like to download and install Apache Cassandra? │
                             │                                                          │
                             │                                                          │

──┤ CASSANDRA ├──────────────────────────────────────┐

              │                                                                                        │
              │ Cassandra must be run as user cassandra, $ sudo -u cassandra /usr/sbin/cassandra -f    │

           ┌────────────────────────────────────────┤ CASSANDRA ├────────────────────────────────────────┐
           │                                                                                             │
           │ Would you like to store Cassandra configuration and logs in your Windows user home folder?  │
           │                                                                                             │

──┤ CASSANDRA ├────────────────────────────────────────────┐

        │                                                                                                    │
        │ Would you like to create .bat files to run Cassandra in your Windows user home folder?             │
        │                                                                                                    │
        │                                                                                                    │

──┤ KEYCHAIN ├────────────────────────────────────┐

                │                                                                                   │
                │ Would you like to install Keychain and set it to load an SSH key of your choice   │
                │ on terminal launch?

───┤ KEYCHAIN ├────────────────────────────────────┐

                │                                                                                   │
                │ No user SSH keys found. If you create key(s) and would like to cache their        │
                │ password on terminal launch, re-run the Keychain installer under pengwin-setup    │
                │                                                                                   │

──┤ LAMP Stack ├──────────────────────┐

                             │                                                          │
                             │ Would you like to install the LAMP Stack?                │

───┤ MariaDB ├──────────────────────────┐

                          │ Choose what version of MariaDB you want to install            │
                          │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                          │
                          │                                                               │
                          │    ( ) 10.3     Install MariaDB 10.3 from MariaDB             │
                          │    ( ) 10.4     Install MariaDB 10.4 from MariaDB             │
                          │    ( ) 10.5     Install MariaDB 10.5 from MariaDB             │
                          │    ( ) 10.6     Install MariaDB 10.6 from MariaDB             │
                          │    ( ) BUILTIN  Install MariaDB from Debian Official Repo     │

───┤ rc.local ├───────────────────────┐

                             │                                                          │
                             │ Would you like to enable rc.local support for running    │
                             │ scripts at Pengwin launch?                               │
                             │                                                          │

──┤ SSH Server ├──────────────────────┐

                             │                                                          │
                             │ Would you like to enable SSH Server?                     │
                             │                                                          │
                             │                                                          │
──┤ Enter the desired SSH Port ├─────────┐
                                  │ SSH Port:                                      │
                                  │                                                │
                                  │ 2222__________________________

                                  ┌──────┤ Enter the desired Listen Address ├──────┐
                                  │ Listen Address:                                │
                                  │                                                │

───────────────────────────────────────┤ Settings Menu ├───────────────────────────────────────┐

          │ Change various settings in Pengwin                                                            │
          │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                                                          │
          │                                                                                               │
          │    [*] EXPLORER   Enable right-click on folders in Windows Explorer to open them in Pengwin   │
          │    [*] COLORTOOL  Install ColorTool to set Windows console color schemes                      │
          │    [*] LANGUAGE   Change default language and keyboard setting in Pengwin                     │
          │    [*] SHELLS     Install and configure zsh, csh, fish or readline improvements

──┤ EXPLORER ├──────────────────────────┐

                          │                                                               │
                          │ Would you like to enable Windows Explorer shell integration?  │
                          │                                                               │

──┤ COLORTOOL ├─────────────────────────────────┐

                   │                                                                              │
                   │ Would you like to install Microsoft's ColorTool for easily changing the      │
                   │ Windows console color scheme, along with a setup script for a user-friendly  │
                   │ theme setting method? This will be installed to your Windows home directory  │
                   │ under .ColorTool
                   ───┤ COLORTOOL ├───────────────────────────────────┐
                │                                                                                   │
                │ ColorTool install already exists, leaving in place.                               │
                │ To reinstall ColorTool, please delete '/c/Users/USERNAME/.ColorTool' and run this   │
                │ installer again.                                                                  │

───┤ Language ├──────────────────────────┐

                          │                                                               │
                          │ Would you like to configure default keyboard input/language?  │
                          │                                                               │
                          │                                                               │

───┤ Configuring locales ├─────────────────────────────────────────────┐

 │ Locales are a framework to switch between multiple languages and allow users to use their language, country,    │
 │ characters, collation order, etc.                                                                               │
 │                                                                                                                 │
 │ Please choose which locales to generate. UTF-8 locales should be chosen by default, particularly for new        │
 │ installations. Other character sets may be useful for backwards compatibility with older systems and software.  │
 │                                                                                                                 │
 │ Locales to be generated:                                                                                        │
 │                                                                                                                 │
 │    [ ] All locales

  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Configuring locales ├────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  │ Many packages in Debian use locales to display text in the correct language for the user. You can choose a    │
  │ default locale for the system from the generated locales.                                                     │
  │                                                                                                               │
  │ This will select the default language for the entire system. If this system is a multi-user system where not  │
  │ all users are able to speak the default language, they will experience difficulties.                          │
  │                                                                                                               │
  │ Default locale for the system environment:                                                                    │
  │                                                                                                               │
  │                                                 None                                                          │
  │                                                 C.UTF-8                                                       │
  │                                                 en_US.UTF-8

Linux Shells

Linux shells - Linux shell

│ Custom shells and improvements (bash included) │

                   │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                                         │

────────────────────┤ zsh ├───────────────────────────────────────────┐

           │                                                                                             │
           │ Would you like to download and install oh-my-zsh? This is a framework for managing your zsh │
           │ installation

────┤ zsh ├───────────────────────┐

                               │                                                     │
                               │ Would you like to set zsh as the default shell?     │

────┤ fish ├───────────────────────┐

                               │                                                     │
                               │ Would you like to set fish as the default shell?    │

───┤ csh ├───────────────────────┐

                               │                                                     │
                               │ Would you like to set csh as the default shell?     │
                               │                                                     │

           ┌─────────────────────────────────┤ Inputrc Customizations ├──────────────────────────────────┐
           │                                                                                             │
           │ Would you like to install readline optimizations to the global inputrc ("/etc/inputrc")?    │
           │                                                                                             │
           │ Please bear in mind that while bash reads this script on start, other shells like zsh and   │
           │ fish do not.                                                                                │

────┤ Warning! ├─────────────────────────────────────────┐

           │                                                                                             │
           │ Previous install of Pengwin inputrc customizations detected. To reinstall, please edit      │
           │ "/etc/inputrc" with your favourite text editor and remove all of the text between (and      │
           │ including) the lines ### PENGWIN OPTIMISED DEFAULTS                                         │

               ┌───────────────────────────────────┤ Tools Menu ├────────────────────────────────────┐
               │ Install applications or servers                                                     │
               │                                                                                     │
               │    [ ] ANSIBLE     Install tools to deploy Ansible Playbooks                        │
               │    [ ] CLOUDCLI    Install CLI tools for cloud management (AWS, Azure, Terraform)   │
               │    [ ] DOCKER      Install a secure bridge to Docker Desktop                        │
               │    [ ] HOMEBREW    Install the Homebrew package manager                             │
               │    [ ] POWERSHELL  Install PowerShell for Linux

──┤ ANSIBLE ├─────────────────────┐

                               │                                                     │
                               │ Would you like to download and install Ansible?     │
                               │                                                     │
                               │                                                     │

─┤ Cloud Management Menu ├─────────────────┐

                             │ CLI tools for cloud management                           │
                             │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                     │
                             │                                                          │
                             │    [*] AWS         AWS CLI                               │
                             │    [*] AZURE       Azure CLI                             │
                             │    [*] DO          Digital Ocean CLI                     │
                             │    [*] IBM         IBM Cloud CLI                         │
                             │    [*] KUBERNETES  Kubernetes tooling                    │
                             │    [*] OPENSTACK   OpenStack command-line clients        │
                             │    [*] TERRAFORM   Terraform

──┤ AZURECLI ├────────────────────────────┐

                        │                                                                    │
                        │ Would you like to download and install Azure command line tools?   │
                        │                                                                    │

─────┤ AWS CLI ├───────────────────────────────────────┐

              │                                                                                        │
              │ Would you like to install the AWS CLI Using the Bundled Installer?                     │
              │                                                                                        │
              │ Python is required                                                                     │

──┤ Digital Ocean CTL ├────────────────────────┐

                        │                                                                    │
                        │ Would you like to install the Digital Ocean CLI?                   │

──┤ IBM Cloud CLI ├──────────────────────────┐

                        │                                                                    │
                        │ Would you like to install the stand-alone IBM Cloud CLI?           │
                        │                                                                    │

Kubernetes tooling

Kubernetes tooling

Would you like to install the Kubernetes tooling? │

────┤ DOCKER ├──────────────────────┐

                               │                                                     │
                               │ Would you like to install the bridge to Docker?     │

──┤ OpenStack CLI ├────────────────────────────────────┐

              │                                                                                        │
              │ Would you like to install the OpenStack command-line clients?                          │
              │                                                                                        │
              │ Python is required                                                                     │
              │                                                                                        │

                                       ┌────────────┤ Terraform ├─────────────┐
                                       │                                      │
                                       │ Would you like to install Terraform? │
                                       │                                      │
                                                     │                                                                                        │

                               ┌─────────────────────┤ DOCKER ├──────────────────────┐
                               │                                                     │
                               │ Would you like to install the bridge to Docker?     │
                               │                                                     │
                               │                                                     │

────────┤ HOMEBREW ├────────────────────────────────────┐

                │                                                                                   │
                │ Would you like to download and install the Homebrew package manager?              │
                │ Transitioning macOS users may find this more familiar, and others may use this to │
                │ install both software not provided by APT, or newer versions of software not yet  │
                │ in APT repositories.                                                              │
                │                                                                                   │

─────┤ HOMEBREW ├────────────────────────────────────┐

                │                                                                                   │
                │ Please note, with Homebrew you can install many of the same packages at the same  │
                │ time as those offered by APT, or even offered by pengwin-setup. This is possible  │
                │ as Homebrew installs packages locally to:                                         │
                │ /home/linuxbrew                                                                   │
                │ To allow forcing use of packages installed by a specific source, you may add an   │
                │ alias to them in:                                                                 │
                │ /etc/profile.d/99-alias-overrides.sh                                              │



Cassandra must be run as user cassandra, $ sudo -u cassandra /usr/sbin/cassandra -f

Would you like to store Cassandra configuration and logs in your Windows user home folder? <Yes>

Would you like to create .bat files to run Cassandra in your Windows user home folder? Yes

Would you like to install Keychain and set it to load an SSH key of your choice │

                │ on terminal launch?                                                               │
                │ No user SSH keys found. If you create key(s) and would like to cache their        │
                │ password on terminal launch, re-run the Keychain installer under pengwin-setup    │
                (*) 10.6     Install MariaDB 10.6 from MariaDB
                        ┌───────────────────────┤ rc.local ├───────────────────────┐
                             │                                                          │
                             │ Would you like to enable rc.local support for running    │
                             │ scripts at Pengwin launch?
                             │ Would you like to enable SSH Server?                     │
                             ────────┤ Enter the desired SSH Port ├─────────┐
                                  │ SSH Port:
          ┌───────────────────────────────────────┤ Settings Menu ├───────────────────────────────────────┐
          │ Change various settings in Pengwin                                                            │
          │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                                                          │
          │                                                                                               │
          │    [ ] EXPLORER   Enable right-click on folders in Windows Explorer to open them in Pengwin   │
          │    [ ] COLORTOOL  Install ColorTool to set Windows console color schemes                      │
          │    [ ] LANGUAGE   Change default language and keyboard setting in Pengwin                     │
          │    [ ] SHELLS     Install and configure zsh, csh, fish or readline improvements
                                  Many packages in Debian use locales to display text in the correct language for the user. You can choose a    │
  │ default locale for the system from the generated locales.                                                     │
  │                                                                                                               │
  │ This will select the default language for the entire system. If this system is a multi-user system where not  │
  │ all users are able to speak the default language, they will experience difficulties.                          │
  │                                                                                                               │
  │ Default locale for the system environment:                                                                    │
  │                                                                                                               │
  │                                                 None                                                          │
  │                                                 C.UTF-8                                                       │
  │                                                 en_US.UTF-8                                                   │
                      │ Custom shells and improvements (bash included)                               │
                   │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                                         │
                   │                                                                              │
                   │    [*] BASH-RL  Recommended readline settings for productivity               │
                   │    [*] CSH      csh                                                          │
                   │    [*] FISH     fish with oh-my-fish plugin manager                          │
                   │    [*] ZSH      zsh
                   ──────────────────────────────────┤ Tools Menu ├────────────────────────────────────┐
               │ Install applications or servers                                                     │
               │                                                                                     │
               │    [*] ANSIBLE     Install tools to deploy Ansible Playbooks                        │
               │    [*] CLOUDCLI    Install CLI tools for cloud management (AWS, Azure, Terraform)   │
               │    [*] DOCKER      Install a secure bridge to Docker Desktop                        │
               │    [*] HOMEBREW    Install the Homebrew package manager                             │
               │    [*] POWERSHELL  Install PowerShell for Linux
               CLI tools for cloud management                           │
                             │ [SPACE to select, ENTER to confirm]:                     │
                             │                                                          │
                             │    [ ] AWS         AWS CLI                               │
                             │    [ ] AZURE       Azure CLI                             │
                             │    [ ] DO          Digital Ocean CLI                     │
                             │    [ ] IBM         IBM Cloud CLI                         │
                             │    [ ] KUBERNETES  Kubernetes tooling                    │
                             │    [ ] OPENSTACK   OpenStack command-line clients        │
                             │    [ ] TERRAFORM   Terraform

whitewater_foundry_pengwin_wsl.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:44 by

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