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Windows Kerberos

  • Definition: Windows Kerberos is an implementation of the Kerberos network authentication protocol used by Microsoft Windows to provide secure authentication for users and services within a domain.
  • Function: Uses secret-key cryptography and a trusted third party (the Key Distribution Center, or KDC) to authenticate users and services securely over a network.
  • Components:
     * '''Key Distribution Center (KDC)''': Comprised of the Authentication Service (AS) and the Ticket Granting Service (TGS), it issues ticket-granting tickets (TGTs) and service tickets.
     * '''Kerberos Tickets''': Encrypted tokens used to authenticate users and services. Includes Ticket Granting Tickets (TGTs) and service tickets.
     * '''Security Principal''': An entity (user or service) identified by Kerberos for authentication.
     * '''Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)''': Provides the KDC functionality in a Windows domain.
  • Features:
     * '''Mutual Authentication''': Ensures both the user and the service verify each other's identity.
     * '''Single Sign-On (SSO)''': Allows users to authenticate once and access multiple resources without re-authenticating.
     * '''Secure Ticketing''': Uses tickets to authenticate users and services without transmitting passwords over the network.
     * '''Delegation''': Enables services to act on behalf of a user, useful for services that need to access resources on behalf of the user.
  • Usage: Commonly used in enterprise environments for secure authentication across various services and applications within a Windows domain.


  • Authentication process with Kerberos:
     1. **User Login**: The user logs in and the client requests an Authentication Ticket (TGT) from the KDC's Authentication Service (AS).
     2. **Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)**: The AS verifies the user's credentials and issues a TGT, encrypted with the user's password hash.
     3. **Service Ticket Request**: The client uses the TGT to request a service ticket from the Ticket Granting Service (TGS) for accessing a specific service.
     4. **Service Ticket**: The TGS issues a service ticket, encrypted with the service's key.
     5. **Access Service**: The client presents the service ticket to the target service, which verifies it and grants access.
  • Configuring Kerberos in a Windows environment:
     * Ensure that the domain controller is configured to provide KDC services.
     * Use Group Policy Management (`gpmc.msc`) to configure Kerberos policies under `Computer Configuration` > `Policies` > `Windows Settings` > `Security Settings` > `Account Policies` > `Kerberos Policy`.
  • Viewing Kerberos tickets:
     * Use the `klist` command to view cached Kerberos tickets:
  • Renewing a Kerberos ticket:
     * Use the `kinit` command to renew the TGT:


  • Windows Kerberos: An implementation of the Kerberos authentication protocol used by Microsoft Windows for secure authentication of users and services within a domain, providing features like mutual authentication, single sign-on, and secure ticketing to enhance security in enterprise environments.
windows_kerberos.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/12 05:26 by

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