
Zero To Production In Rust Preface

Return to Zero To Production In Rust, Rust Bibliography, Rust Courses, Rust, Rust, Rust DevOps - Rust SRE - Rust CI/CD, Cloud Native Rust - Rust Microservices - Serverless Rust, Rust Security - Rust DevSecOps, Functional Rust, Rust Concurrency, Async Rust, Rust Data Science - Rust and Databases, Rust Machine Learning, Rust Glossary, Awesome Rust, Rust GitHub, Rust Topics

Fair Use Source: Rst0tPrd 2022


What Is This Book About

“The world of backend development is vast.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“The context you operate into has a huge impact on the optimal tools and practices to tackle the problem you are working on.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“For example, trunk-based development works extremely well to write software that is continuously deployed in a Cloud environment.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“The very same approach might fit poorly the business model and the challenges faced by a team that sells software that is hosted and run on-premise by their customers - they are more likely to benefit from a Gitflow approach.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“If you are working alone, you can just push straight to main.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“There are few absolutes in the field of software development and I feel it’s beneficial to clarify your point of view when evaluating the pros and cons of any technique or approach.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Zero To Production will focus on the challenges of writing Cloud-native applications in a team of four or five engineers with different levels of experience and proficiency.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

Cloud-native applications

“Defining what Cloud-native application means is, by itself, a topic for a whole new book1. Instead of prescribing what Cloud-native applications should look like, we can lay down what we expect them to do.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Paraphrasing Cornelia Davis, we expect Cloud-native applications:

To achieve high-availability while running in fault-prone environments;

To allow us to continuously release new versions with zero downtime;

To handle dynamic workloads (e.g. request volumes).” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“These requirements have a deep impact on the viable solution space for the architecture of our software.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“High availability implies that our application should be able to serve requests with no downtime even if one or more of our machines suddenly starts failing (a common occurrence in a Cloud environment2). This forces our application to be distributed - there should be multiple instances of it running on multiple machines.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“The same is true if we want to be able to handle dynamic workloads - we should be able to measure if our system is under load and throw more compute at the problem by spinning up new instances of the application. This also requires our infrastructure to be elastic to avoid overprovisioning and its associated costs.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Running a replicated application influences our approach to data persistence - we will avoid using the local filesystem as our primary storage solution, relying instead on databases for our persistence needs.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Zero To Production will thus extensively cover topics that might seem tangential to pure backend application development. But Cloud-native software is all about rainbows and DevOps, therefore we will be spending plenty of time on topics traditionally associated with the craft of operating systems.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

We will cover how to instrument your Rust application to collect logs, traces and metrics to be able to observe our system.

We will cover how to set up and evolve your database schema via migrations.

We will cover all the material required to use Rust to tackle both day one and day two concerns of a Cloud-native API.“ (Rst0tPrd 2022)

Working in a team

“The impact of those three requirements goes beyond the technical characteristics of our system: it influences how we build our software.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“To be able to quickly release a new version of our application to our users we need to be sure that our application works.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“If you are working on a solo project you can rely on your thorough understanding of the whole system: you wrote it, it might be small enough to fit entirely in your head at any point in time. 3” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“If you are working in a team on a commercial project, you will be very often working on code that was neither written or reviewed by you. The original authors might not be around anymore.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“You will end up being paralyzed by fear every time you are about to introduce changes if you are relying on your comprehensive understanding of what the code does to prevent it from breaking.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“You want automated tests. Running on every commit. On every branch. Keeping main healthy.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“You want to leverage the type system to make undesirable states difficult or impossible to represent.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“You want to use every tool at your disposal to empower each member of the team to evolve that piece of software. To contribute fully to the development process even if they might not be as experienced as you or equally familiar with the codebase or the technologies you are using.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Zero To Production will therefore put a strong emphasis on test-driven development and continuous integration from the get-go - we will have a CI pipeline set up before we even have a web server up and running!” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“We will be covering techniques such as black-box testing for APIs and HTTP mocking - not wildly popular or well documented in the Rust community yet extremely powerful.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“We will also borrow terminology and techniques from the Domain Driven Design world, combining them with type-driven design to ensure the correctness of our systems.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Our main focus is enterprise software: correct code which is expressive enough to model the domain and supple enough to support its evolution over time.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“We will thus have a bias for boring and correct solutions, even if they incur a performance overhead that could be optimized away with a more careful and chiseled approach.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Get it to run first, optimize it later (if needed).” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

Who Is This Book For

“The Rust ecosystem has had a remarkable focus on smashing adoption barriers with amazing material geared towards beginners and newcomers, a relentless effort that goes from documentation to the continuous polishing of the compiler diagnostics.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“There is value in serving the largest possible audience.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“At the same time, trying to always speak to everybody can have harmful side-effects: material that would be relevant to intermediate and advanced users but definitely too much too soon for beginners ends up being neglected.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

I struggled with it first-hand when I started to play around with Rust async/await.

“There was a significant gap between the knowledge I needed to be productive and the knowledge I had built reading The Rust Book or working in the Rust numerical ecosystem.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“I wanted to get an answer to a straight-forward question: Can Rust be a productive language for API development?” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Yes. But it can take some time to figure out how. That’s why I am writing this book.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“I am writing this book for the seasoned backend developers who have read The Rust Book and are now trying to port over a couple of simple systems.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“I am writing this book for the new engineers on my team, a trail to help them make sense of the codebases they will contribute to over the coming weeks and months.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“I am writing this book for a niche whose needs I believe are currently underserved by the articles and resources available in the Rust ecosystem.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“I am writing this book for myself a year ago.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“To socialize the knowledge gained during the journey: what does your toolbox look like if you are using Rust for backend development in 2022? What are the design patterns? Where are the pitfalls?” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“If you do not fit this description but you are working towards it I will do my best to help you on the journey: while we won’t be covering a lot of material directly (e.g. most Rust language features) I will try to provide references and links where needed to help you pick up/brush off those concepts along the way. Let’s get started.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

Like the excellent Cloud-Native Patterns by Cornelia Davis!

“For example, many companies run their software on AWS Spot Instances to reduce their infrastructure bills. The price of Spot instances is the result of a continuous auction and it can be substantially cheaper than the corresponding full price for On Demand instances (up to 90% cheaper!).” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“There is one gotcha: AWS can decommission your Spot instances at any point in time. Your software must be fault-tolerant to leverage this opportunity.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

Assuming you wrote it recently.

“Your past self from one year ago counts as a stranger for all intents and purposes in the world of software development. Pray that your past self wrote comments for your present self if you are about to pick up again an old project of yours.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

Fair Use Sources

Rust Vocabulary List (Sorted by Popularity)

GPT o1 Pro mode:

Rust Programming Language, Rust Compiler, Rust Cargo Build Tool, Rust Ownership System, Rust Borrow Checker, Rust Lifetime, Rust Crate, Rust Module, Rust Package, Rust Trait, Rust Struct, Rust Enum, Rust Function, Rust Macro, Rust Pattern Matching, Rust Closure, Rust Iterator, Rust Result Type, Rust Option Type, Rust Error Handling, Rust Vec Type, Rust String Type, Rust Slice Type, Rust Reference, Rust Mutable Reference, Rust Immutable Reference, Rust Smart Pointer, Rust Box Type, Rust Rc Type, Rust Arc Type, Rust Cell Type, Rust RefCell Type, Rust Mutex Type, Rust RwLock Type, Rust Atomic Types, Rust PhantomData, Rust Drop Trait, Rust From Trait, Rust Into Trait, Rust AsRef Trait, Rust AsMut Trait, Rust PartialEq Trait, Rust Eq Trait, Rust PartialOrd Trait, Rust Ord Trait, Rust Hash Trait, Rust Clone Trait, Rust Copy Trait, Rust Default Trait, Rust Debug Trait, Rust Display Trait, Rust ToString Trait, Rust Iterator Trait, Rust DoubleEndedIterator Trait, Rust ExactSizeIterator Trait, Rust FusedIterator Trait, Rust Extend Trait, Rust FromIterator Trait, Rust IntoIterator Trait, Rust Borrow Trait, Rust BorrowMut Trait, Rust Deref Trait, Rust DerefMut Trait, Rust Fn Trait, Rust FnMut Trait, Rust FnOnce Trait, Rust Send Marker Trait, Rust Sync Marker Trait, Rust Unpin Marker Trait, Rust Sized Marker Trait, Rust Unsized Trait, Rust Marker Traits, Rust dyn Trait, Rust Generic Type Parameter, Rust Generic Lifetime Parameter, Rust Generic Associated Type, Rust Generic Constraints, Rust Associated Type, Rust Associated Function, Rust Inherent Implementation, Rust Trait Implementation, Rust Trait Bounds, Rust Trait Object, Rust Impl Keyword, Rust Self Keyword, Rust Super Keyword, Rust Use Keyword, Rust mod Keyword, Rust pub Keyword, Rust crate Keyword, Rust extern Keyword, Rust const Keyword, Rust static Keyword, Rust async Keyword, Rust await Keyword, Rust match Keyword, Rust if let Expression, Rust while let Expression, Rust loop Keyword, Rust for Keyword, Rust break Keyword, Rust continue Keyword, Rust return Keyword, Rust move Keyword, Rust ref Keyword, Rust in Keyword, Rust Box Smart Pointer, Rust Rc Smart Pointer, Rust Arc Smart Pointer, Rust RefCell Interior Mutability, Rust Cell Interior Mutability, Rust Mutex Synchronization, Rust RwLock Synchronization, Rust AtomicBool, Rust AtomicIsize, Rust AtomicUsize, Rust AtomicPtr, Rust NonNull Pointer, Rust ManuallyDrop, Rust MaybeUninit, Rust Pin Type, Rust PhantomPinned, Rust std Library, Rust core Library, Rust alloc Library, io Module, fs Module, net Module, sync Module, thread Module, time Module, mem Module, ptr Module, slice Module, string Module, vec Module, env Module, process Module, collections Module, hash Module, fmt Module, error Module, option Module, result Module, mpsc Channel, atomic Operations, path Module, ffi Module, os Module, task Module, future Module, pin Module, marker Module, any Module, cmp Module, iter Module, ops Module, str Module, num Module, rc Module, Duration, sleep, spawn, args, var, set_var, swap, replace, take, null, null_mut, from_raw_parts, from_raw_parts_mut, from_utf8, Option, Result, Error Trait, Formatter, Display, Debug, Write Trait, Hasher, Hash, HashMap, HashSet, BTreeMap, BTreeSet, VecDeque, BinaryHeap, Iterator, IntoIterator, FromIterator, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Rem, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Not, Shl, Shr, Deref, DerefMut, Drop, Index, IndexMut, Range, RangeInclusive, RangeFrom, RangeTo, RangeFull, ControlFlow, Wrapping, NonZeroUsize, NonZeroIsize, NonZeroU8, NonZeroU16, NonZeroU32, NonZeroU64, NonZeroU128, NonZeroI8, NonZeroI16, NonZeroI32, NonZeroI64, NonZeroI128, Rust Memory Safety, Rust Zero-Cost Abstractions, Rust Ownership Rules, Rust Move Semantics, Rust Clone Semantics, Rust Copy Semantics, Rust Partial Move, Rust Pattern Destructuring, Rust Type Inference, Rust Sized Type, Rust Unsized Type, Rust Coercion, Rust DST (Dynamically Sized Type), Rust FFI (Foreign Function Interface), Rust C ABI, Rust extern Function, Rust extern Block, [repr(C)], [derive(...)] Attribute, [cfg(...)] Attribute, [test] Attribute, [macro_use] Attribute, [no_mangle] Attribute, [inline] Attribute, [inline(always)] Attribute, [inline(never)] Attribute, [cold] Attribute, [must_use] Attribute, [deny(...)] Attribute, [allow(...)] Attribute, [warn(...)] Attribute, [forbid(...)] Attribute, [non_exhaustive] Attribute, [global_allocator] Attribute, [panic_handler] Attribute, [no_std] Attribute, [no_main] Attribute, [repr(transparent)] Attribute, [repr(packed)] Attribute, [repr(align(...))] Attribute, [export_name(...)] Attribute, [link(...)] Attribute, [used] Attribute, [no_coverage] Attribute, [track_caller] Attribute, Rust Cargo, Rust cargo build, Rust cargo run, Rust cargo test, Rust cargo bench, Rust cargo doc, Rust cargo fmt, Rust cargo clippy, Rust cargo clean, Rust cargo update, Rust cargo publish, Rust cargo login, Rust cargo yank, Rust cargo install, Rust cargo uninstall, Rust cargo tree, Rust cargo metadata, Rust cargo package, Rust cargo fix, Rust cargo generate-lockfile, Rust cargo vendor, Rust cargo +nightly Command, Rust cargo workspace, Rust Cargo.toml, Rust Cargo.lock, Rust crate-type, Rust crate-name, Rust edition (2015), Rust edition (2018), Rust edition (2021), Rust edition (2024 Proposed), Rust rustc Compiler, Rust rustdoc Tool, Rust rustfmt Tool, Rust clippy Linter, Rust miri Interpreter, Rust RLS (Rust Language Server), Rust rust-analyzer, Rust cargo-make, Rust cargo-tarpaulin, Rust cargo-audit, Rust cargo-outdated, Rust cargo-expand, Rust Registry, Rust Rustup Tool, Rust rustup default, Rust rustup toolchain, Rust rustup component add, Rust rustup target add, Rust stable Channel, Rust beta Channel, Rust nightly Channel, Rust LTS (Hypothetical), Rust MSRV (Minimum Supported Rust Version), Rust RFC (Request For Comments), Rust Edition Guide, Rust The Rustonomicon, Rust The Book (The Rust Programming Language), Rust unsafe Code, Rust unsafe Block, Rust unsafe Fn, Rust unsafe Trait, Rust raw Pointer, Rust *const T, Rust *mut T, Rust Dereferencing Raw Pointer, read, write, replace, transmute, forget, align_of, size_of, zeroed, MaybeUninit, Rust Union Type, Rust extern Crate (Legacy), Rust Edition Imports (no extern keyword), Rust pub(crate) Visibility, Rust pub(super) Visibility, Rust pub(in path) Visibility, Rust pub use Re-export, Rust glob import (*), Rust underscore import (_), Rust name Mangling, Rust LTO (Link Time Optimization), Rust ThinLTO, Rust Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO), Rust Codegen Units, Rust Incremental Compilation, arch Intrinsics, Rust simd Feature, Rust specialization (nightly), Rust const fn, Rust const generics (nightly), Rust async/await, Rust Future Trait, Rust Pin<P> Type, Rust poll Function, Rust Waker, Rust Context (in async), Rust async fn, Rust async move, Rust .await Operator, Rust async Streams (nightly), Rust Generator State, Rust Generator Trait, Rust yield Keyword (nightly), Rust proc_macro Crate, Rust proc_macro_derive Macro, Rust custom_derive Macro, Rust custom_attribute Macro (deprecated), Rust attribute Macro, Rust function-like Macro, Rust declarative Macro, Rust macro_rules! Macro, Rust macro Expansion, Rust Hygiene in Macros, Rust edition macros changes, Rust procedural Macro expansion, Rust Testing Framework, [test] Function, [bench] (deprecated), [should_panic] Attribute, Rust cargo test -- --nocapture, Rust doc Tests, Rust integration Tests directory (tests), Rust benches Directory, Rust examples Directory, Rust microbenchmarking (Criterion crate), Rust fuzz Testing (cargo-fuzz), Rust Miri Testing, Rust code coverage (LLVM), Rust Crate Features (Cargo), Rust optional Dependencies, Rust dev-dependencies, Rust build-dependencies, Rust cargo features, Rust feature flags in Cargo.toml, Rust unstable features (nightly), Rust [patch] section in Cargo.toml, Rust Path dependencies, Rust Git dependencies, Rust HTTP dependencies, Rust local Registries, Rust workspaces in Cargo, Rust Publishing, Rust yank, Rust owners, Rust Documentation Comments ///, ![doc(...)], Rust Documenting Modules, Rust Documenting Struct Fields, Rust Documenting Enum Variants, Rust Documenting Functions, Rust Documenting Traits, Rust Documenting Implementations, Rust Documenting Macros, Rust Documenting Constants, Rust Doc hidden, Rust Doc no_inline, Rust Doc cfg Attributes, Rust Code Examples in Docs, Rust doctest in Documentation, Rust Cross-Compilation, Rust Targets (e.g. wasm32-unknown-unknown), Rust wasm-bindgen Integration, Rust wasm-pack Tool, Rust wasm32-wasi Target, Rust Embedded Development, Rust no_std Environments, Rust alloc Crate in no_std, Rust Core Crate in no_std, [panic_handler], [alloc_error_handler], Rust Naked functions (nightly), Rust inline Assembly (asm! Macro), Rust Linker Arguments in Cargo, Rust build scripts (, Rust env! Macro, Rust option_env! Macro, Rust include! Macro, Rust include_str! Macro, Rust include_bytes! Macro, Rust concat! Macro, Rust line! Macro, Rust column! Macro, Rust file! Macro, Rust cfg! Macro, Rust stringify! Macro, Rust format! Macro, Rust println! Macro, Rust print! Macro, Rust eprintln! Macro, Rust eprint! Macro, Rust dbg! Macro, Rust panic! Macro, Rust unreachable! Macro, Rust unimplemented! Macro, Rust todo! Macro, Rust assert! Macro, Rust assert_eq! Macro, Rust assert_ne! Macro, Rust compile_error! Macro, Rust concat_idents! Macro (nightly), Rust global_asm! Macro (nightly), Rust log crates Integration, Rust serde Crate Integration, Rust serde_derive Macro, Rust anyhow Crate for Error Handling, Rust thiserror Crate for Error Derives, Rust clap Crate for CLI Arguments, Rust structopt Crate (deprecated in favor of clap), Rust tokio Crate (Async Runtime), Rust async-std Crate, Rust futures Crate, executor, channel, stream, sink, select! Macro, Rust pin_utils Crate, Rust lazy_static Crate (deprecated in favor of once_cell), Rust once_cell Crate, Rust crossbeam Crate, Rust rayon Crate (Data Parallelism), Rust nom Crate (Parsing), Rust regex Crate, Rust hyper Crate (HTTP), Rust reqwest Crate (HTTP Client), Rust warp Crate (Web Framework), Rust rocket Crate (Web Framework), Rust actix-web Crate, Rust axum Crate, Rust tonic Crate (gRPC), Rust prost Crate (Protocol Buffers), Rust capnproto-rust Crate, Rust diesel Crate (ORM), Rust sqlx Crate (Async SQL), Rust rusqlite Crate, Rust mongodb Crate, Rust redis Crate, Rust log Crate, Rust env_logger Crate, Rust tracing Crate, Rust tracing_subscriber Crate, Rust slog Crate, Rust sloggers Crate, Rust structopt Crate, Rust clap_derive Crate, Result, Error, Error Derive, Serialize, Deserialize, Rust serde_json Crate, Rust toml Crate, Rust yaml-rust Crate, Rust bincode Crate, Rust byteorder Crate, Rust rand Crate, Rng Trait, thread_rng, StdRng, SliceRandom, Rust chrono Crate, Utc, DateTime, NaiveDate, App Builder, Arg Builder, StructOpt Derive, main Macro, spawn, select! Macro, mpsc, oneshot, Mutex, RwLock, fs, net, time, Future Trait, Stream Trait, Sink Trait, join! Macro, try_join! Macro, select_biased! Macro, Rust pin_project Crate, pin_project Macro, Rust cfg_if Crate, Rust lazy_static! Macro, Lazy, Lazy, spawn, join, scope, parallel_iterator, prelude, IResult, complete, sequence, branch, combinator, multi, character, Regex, Captures, Server, Request, Response, Body, make_service_fn, service_fn, Client, Response, Error, Filter, Reply, path, query, body, header, Rocket, ignite (Deprecated), build, routes Macro, get Macro, post Macro, State, App, HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Router, routing, extract, Server, Request, Response, Status, Message Trait, EncodeError, DecodeError, prelude, Connection, Queryable Derive, Insertable Derive, Pool, query, query_as, Executor, Connection, params! Macro, Client, Collection, bson, Client, Commands Trait, Rust memory Safety Guarantee, Rust fearless Concurrency, Rust RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), Rust Zero-cost Interruptions, Rust Minimal Runtime Overhead, Rust Pattern Exhaustiveness, Rust match Guards, Rust let Binding Patterns, Rust destructuring assignment (nightly), Rust never Type (!), Rust Infallible Type, TryFrom, TryInto, FromStr, parse Method, Rust borrowing &T, Rust mutable borrowing &mut T, Rust Deref coercion, Rust Slice Patterns, Rust associated consts, Rust array Types, Rust tuple Types, Rust unit Type (), Rust underscore Lifetimes, Rust underscore Import `_`, Rust underscore Variable `_var`, Rust pub(crate), Rust pub(super), Rust inline Modules mod keyword, Rust nested Modules, item, Rust crate root, Rust crate level attributes, Rust doc tests, Rust doc hidden Items, Rust doc(cfg) attribute, Rust doc include attributes, Rust doc alias attributes, Rust doc comment triple slash ///, Rust doc inline code block, Rust doc code fencing ```, Rust doctest ignore, Rust doctest no_run, Rust doctest compile_fail, Rust doctest should_panic, Rust Benchmarking (nightly), [bench] attribute (deprecated), Rust Criterion Benchmarking, Rust cross compilation with cargo, Rust rustup target list, Rust rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown, Rust wasm32-unknown-emscripten Target, Rust cdylib Crate Type, Rust staticlib Crate Type, Rust bin Crate Type, Rust proc-macro Crate Type, [no_main], Rust link Sections, Rust extern crate (deprecated in 2018), identifier, Rust macro 2.0 (procedural macros), Rust macro hygiene improvements, Rust macro pattern matching, Rust macro pattern repetitions, Rust macro capture variables, Rust macro scoping rules, Rust macro modularization, Rust edition idioms, Rust edition linting, Rust Rustfix Tool, Rust cargo fix --edition, Rust lint warnings, Rust deny warnings policy, Rust forbid unsafe code policy, Rust cargo deny Crate, Rust cargo crev Crate (Code Review), Rust cargo geiger (count unsafe)

GPT 4o:

ABI Compatibility, Abstract Data Types, Abstract Syntax Tree, Access Modifiers, Accumulator Idiom, AddAssign Trait, Addition Operator Overloading, Address Sanitizer, Advanced Macros, Affine Types, Alias Types, Alignment, Allocator API, Allocators, Alphanumeric Identifiers, Anonymized Lifetimes, Arc Type, Array Initialization, Array Slices, As Keyword, Async/Await Syntax, Async Functions, Atomic Operations, Atomic Reference Counting, Attribute Macros, Attributes, Await Operator, Backtrace Support, Bare Metal Programming, Beginner Errors, Benchmarking, Binary Crates, Binary Operators, Binding Modes, Bit Manipulation, Bitfields, Bitflags Crate, Bitwise Operators, Block Expressions, Box Smart Pointer, Box Type, Boxed Closures, Boxed Trait Objects, Borrow Checker, Borrow Mutability, Borrowed Pointers, Borrowed Types, Borrowing, Bounds Checking, Break Expressions, Build Automation, Build Dependencies, Build Profiles, Build Scripts, Byte Order, Byte Strings, Bytecode, C ABI Compatibility, C FFI Integration, Cargo Bench Command, Cargo Binaries, Cargo Build Command, Cargo Build Scripts, Cargo Check Command, Cargo Clean Command, Cargo Clippy, Cargo Commands, Cargo Crates, Cargo Doc Command, Cargo Features, Cargo Install Command, Cargo Integration, Cargo Lock File, Cargo Metadata, Cargo New Command, Cargo Package Manager, Cargo Publish Command, Cargo Run Command, Cargo Scripts, Cargo Semver, Cargo Subcommands, Cargo Test Command, Cargo.toml File, Casting Between Types, Cell Type, Character Encoding, Character Literals, Closures as Arguments, Closures, Coercions, Collection Types, Combined Traits, Command Line Arguments, Command Line Parsing, Comment Syntax, Common Lifetime Errors, Common Traits, Compile Time Assertions, Compile Time Errors, Compile Time Function Evaluation, Compile-Time Functions, Compiler Hints, Compiler Internals, Compiler Options, Compiler Plugins, Compiler Warnings, Complex Number Types, Complex Types, Concurrency, Conditional Compilation, Conditional Expressions, Configuration Macros, Configuration Options, Const Context, Const Evaluator, Const Expressions, Const Functions, Const Generics, Const Trait Implementations, Constant Evaluation, Constant Generics, Constant Panic, Constant Promotion, Constructors, Container Types, Content Security Policies, Contextual Keywords, Continue Expressions, Copy Elision, Copy Trait, Covariance, Crate Attributes, Crate Dependencies, Crate Documentation, Crate Export, Crate Features, Crate Graph, Crate Import, Crate Level Attributes, Crate Manifest, Crate Metadata, Crate Registry, Crate Roots, Crate Types, Crate Visibility, Crates, Cross Compilation, Cross-Crate Inlining, Custom Allocators, Custom Attributes, Custom Derive Macros, Custom DSTs, Custom Lints, Custom Macros, Custom Smart Pointers, Custom Test Frameworks, Data Alignment, Data Ownership, Data Races, Data Structures, Data Types, Dead Code Elimination, Debug Trait, Debugging Rust Code, Debugging Symbols, Decimal Literal Suffixes, Default Generic Parameters, Default Implementations, Default Keyword, Default Trait, Deferred Initialization, Deref Coercion, Deref Trait, Derived Traits, Destructuring, Destructor, Deterministic Behavior, Developing Libraries, Diagnostic Messages, Diverging Functions, Doctests, Documentation Comments, Documentation Generation, Double Borrowing, Double-Free Errors, Downcasting, Drop Check, Drop Flag, Drop Glue, Drop Implementation, Drop Trait, Dynamic Dispatch, Dynamic Linking, Dynamic Polymorphism, Dynamic Sized Types, Dyn Trait Syntax, Elided Lifetimes, Else If Expressions, Embedded Development, Encapsulation, Enums with Data, Enum Discriminants, Enum Matching, Enum Variants, Enums, Error Handling in Rust, Error Messages, Error Trait, Escape Analysis, Escape Sequences, Exclusive Borrowing, Existential Types, Exhaustive Matching, Explicit Lifetimes, Expression Lifetimes, Expression Macros, Expressions, Extensible Enums, Extension Traits, Extern Crate, External Crates, External Macros, Extern Function Declarations, Extern Keyword, F32 Type, F64 Type, Fat Pointers, Feature Gates, Field Initializers, Field Offsets, Field Shorthands, Field Visibility, File Inclusion, Final Variables, Finalizers, Fixed Size Arrays, Flag Enums, Float Literal Suffixes, Floating Point Types, Fn Trait, FnMut Trait, FnOnce Trait, For Loop Syntax, Foreign Function Interface, Format Macros, Format Specifiers, Format Strings, Formatting Guidelines, Formatting Traits, Formatters, Forwarding Implementations, Futures, Future Combinators, Future Trait, Garbage Collection in Rust, Generic Associated Types, Generic Bounds, Generic Constraints, Generic Functions, Generic Lifetimes, Generic Parameters, Generic Trait Implementations, Generic Traits, Generics, Global Allocator, Global State, Global Variables, Graphical User Interfaces, Guaranteed Initialization, Hash Map Type, Hash Trait, Hashable Types, Hashing Algorithms, HashSet Type, Heap Allocation, Helper Macros, Higher Kinded Types, Higher Rank Trait Bounds, Higher-Rank Lifetimes, Hir (High-Level Intermediate Representation), Hygiene in Macros, Identifier Hygiene, Identifier Resolution, If Let Expressions, If Let Syntax, If Statements, Immutability, Implementation Blocks, Implicit Conversions, Implicit Lifetimes, Import Declarations, Import Paths, Indexed Access, Index Trait, IndexMut Trait, Infinite Loops, Inferable Types, Inherent Implementations, Inherent Methods, Initialization, Inline Assembly in Rust, Inline Attributes, Inline Functions, Inner Attributes, Input Streams, Integer Casting, Integer Literals, Integer Overflow, Integer Promotions, Integer Types, Integral Types, Integration Tests, Interior Mutability, Interoperability with C, Interoperability with C++, IntoIterator Trait, Into Trait, Intrinsic Functions, Invariant Lifetimes, IO Handling, IO Traits, Irrefutable Patterns, Iterator Adapters, Iterator Combinators, Iterator Trait, Iterators in Rust, Iterator Types, Key-Value Collections, Key-Value Store, Keyword Restrictions, Language Keywords, Labeled Breaks, Labeled Continue, Labeled Loops, Lambda Expressions, Lambdas, Lazy Evaluation, Lazy Static Initialization, Lexical Lifetimes, Lexical Scoping, Lifetime Annotations, Lifetime Bounds, Lifetime Elision Rules, Lifetime Elision, Lifetime Parameters, Lifetime Subtyping, Lifetime Variance, Lifetimes in Closures, Lifetimes, Line Comments, Linked Crates, Linked Lists, Linkage in Rust, Link Time Optimization, Lint Attributes, Linting, Literal Patterns, Literal Suffixes, Literals, Local Crates, Local Variables, Loop Expressions, Loop Labels, Loop Constructs, Macro Expansion, Macro Hygiene, Macro Invocation, Macros By Example, Macros in Rust, Main Function, Manually Drop Type, Manually Implemented Traits, Map Type, Match Arms, Match Expressions, Match Guards, Match Patterns, Match Statement, Memory Allocation, Memory Barriers, Memory Leaks, Memory Management, Memory Safety in Rust, Memory Safety, Meta Variables, Method Chaining, Method Dispatch, Method Overriding, Method Resolution, Methods, Mir (Mid-level Intermediate Representation), Module Attributes, Module Crates, Module Declarations, Module Imports, Module Level Attributes, Module Path, Module Privacy, Module Resolution, Module System, Modules, Monomorphization, Move Semantics, Mutable Aliases, Mutable Bindings, Mutable Borrowing, Mutable References, Mutable Variables, Mutability, Mutex Type, Name Mangling, Namespacing, Nested Closures, Nested Modules, New Type Idiom, Newtype Pattern, Nightly Builds, No Mangle Attribute, Non-Lexical Lifetimes, NonNull References, NonNull Type, Non-Copy Types, Non-Sized Types, Null Pointer Optimization, Null References, Number Literals, Numeric Traits, Object Safety, Object-Oriented Features, Offset Of Macro, Operators Overloading, Option and Result Types, Option Type, Order of Evaluation, Ord Trait, Orphan Rules, OsString Type, Outlives Syntax, Owned Types, Ownership and Borrowing, Ownership Rules, Ownership, Packed Structs, Panicking Behavior, Panic Macro, Panic Safety, Panic Unwind, Parallel Iterators, Parameter Lifetimes, Parameterized Types, Parentheses in Patterns, Partial Eq Trait, Partial Moves, Partial Ord Trait, Pattern Binding Modes, Pattern Guards in Match, Pattern Guards, Pattern Matching, PhantomData Type, Phantom Type Parameters, Pin API, Pinning, Placement New, Platform Abstraction, Platform-Specific Code, Pointer Types, Pointers, Polymorphic Code, Polymorphism, Postfix Macros, Powerful Enumerations, Precedence of Operators, Prefixed Literals, Prelude, Primitive Traits, Primitive Types, Privacy and Visibility, Privacy Rules, Proc Macro Attributes, Proc Macro Crates, Proc Macros, Process Crates, Process Management, Project Layout, Project Module, Promotable Constants, Pub Crate Visibility, Pub Keyword, Pub Restricted Visibility, Public Interfaces, Public Items, Qualified Paths, Question Mark Operator, Raw Identifiers, Raw Literals, Raw Pointers, Rc Type, Reborrowing References, Receiver Types, Re-exports, RefCell Type, Reference Counting, References, Reflexive Traits, Refutable Patterns, Regex Crate, Regression Testing, Regular Expressions, Release Channels, Release Profiles, Repeat Expressions, Repr Attributes, Reserved Keywords, Resource Management, Result Type, Return Type Notation, Return Type Polymorphism, Rewriting, Rust Analyzer, Rust Borrow Checker, Rust Build System, Rust Cargo, Rust Compiler, Rust Crates, Rust Design Patterns, Rust Documentation, Rust Edition, Rust Error Messages, Rust Formatting Tool, Rust Language Server, Rust Macros, Rust Playground, Rust Project, Rust RFCs, Rust Standard Library, Rust Style Guide, Rust Toolchain, Rust Traits, Rust Type System, Rustfmt, Rustlings Exercises, Rustup, Safety Checks, Safety in Rust, Safe Code in Rust, Safe Abstractions, Scoped Threads, Scope of Variables, Semver Compatibility, Send Trait, Shadowing Variables, Shared Libraries, Shared Ownership, Shared References, Shorthand Struct Initialization, Side Effects, Signal Handling, Sized Trait, Sizedness, Slice Patterns, Slice Type, Slices, Smart Pointer Implementations, Smart Pointer Types, Smart Pointers, Soft Keywords, Split Borrowing, Stack Allocation, Stack Memory, Standard Input and Output, Standard Library, State Machine, Static Assertions, Static Dispatch, Static Items, Static Keyword, Static Lifetimes, Static Methods, Static Variables, Statically Sized Types, String Formatting, String Literals, String Manipulation, String Slices, String Type, Strings in Rust, Strong Typing, Struct Definitions, Struct Embedding, Struct Expressions, Struct Fields, Struct Initialization, Struct Patterns in Match, Struct Patterns, Struct Update Syntax, Structs, Structured Concurrency, Submodules, Subtyping in Rust, Subtyping, Supertraits, Synchronization Primitives, Sync Trait, System Programming, Tail Call Optimization, Target Architecture, Target Specifications, Target Triple, Task Management, Task Spawning, Temporary Lifetimes, Temporary Variables, Thread Local Storage, Thread Safety, Thread Safety in Rust, Threads, Time Measurement, To Owned Trait, To String Trait, Toolchains, Trait Aliases, Trait Bounds in Generics, Trait Bounds in Rust, Trait Bounds, Trait Implementations in Rust, Trait Implementations, Trait Objects in Rust, Trait Objects, Trait Parameters, Trait Syntax, Trait Upcasting, Traits, Transitive Dependencies, Transmute Function, Transmute Unsafe, Type Aliases in Rust, Type Aliases, Type Annotations, Type Ascription, Type Checking, Type Coercion, Type Constraints, Type Conversion, Type Erasure in Rust, Type Erasure, Type Families, Type Inference in Rust, Type Inference, Type Layout, Type Lifetimes, Type Mismatch, Type Parameters in Traits, Type Parameters, Type Placeholder, Type Promotion, Type Safety, Type System in Rust, Type System, Type Variance in Rust, Type Variance, Typed Constants, Type-Safe Programming, Typeid Function, Unchecked Indexing, Unchecked Operations, Undefined Behavior, Underscore Imports, Underscore Lifetimes, Underscore Placeholder, Uninitialized Memory, Unit Structs, Universal Function Call Syntax, Unpin Trait, Unreachable Code, Unsafe Blocks, Unsafe Code in Rust, Unsafe Code, Unsafe Functions, Unsafe Trait Implementations, Unsafe Traits in Rust, Unsized Coercions, Unsized Trait, Unsized Types, Untyped Constants, Unused Code Warnings, Unused Import Warnings, Unused Variables, Upcasting in Rust, Use Declarations in Rust, Use Declarations, User-Defined Macros, UTF-8 Encoding, Variable Binding in Rust, Variable Binding, Variable Lifetimes, Variable Scope, Variadic Functions, Variance of Lifetimes, Variance of Types, Vec Deque Type, Vec Type, Vector Type, Vectors in Rust, Visibility in Rust, Visibility Modifiers in Rust, Visibility Modifiers, Volatile Access, Volatile Reads and Writes, Wait Groups, Weak Pointers, Weak Type, WebAssembly Support, WebAssembly Target, While Let Expressions, While Loops in Rust, Wrapping Arithmetic, Yield Expressions, Zero Overhead Abstraction, Zero Sized Types, Zero-Cost Abstractions, Zero-Sized Structs, Zero-Sized Types in Rust, Zero-Sized Types

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