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C Sharp 11 - C# 11

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As of April 2023, C# 11 details were still emerging, with several proposed features aimed at improving the language's usability, safety, and conciseness. While a comprehensive list of every feature and fix in C# 11 could change as the final version is released, this summary will cover the features that were either confirmed or highly anticipated based on available information. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the official C# documentation on the [.NET website](, the [C# GitHub repository](, the [official .NET website](, and C# details on [Wikipedia](

Required Members

C# 11 introduces the concept of required members, which must be initialized when an object is created, enhancing object safety. This feature is somewhat similar to TypeScript's definite assignment assertions but goes further by enforcing initialization at compile time, akin to how Kotlin handles properties with its `lateinit` modifier. This feature is particularly useful for ensuring that objects are fully initialized before use, reducing the risk of null reference exceptions.

```csharp public class Person {

   public required string Name { get; set; }
} ```

List Patterns

List patterns enhance pattern matching in C# 11, allowing developers to match sequences against a list's elements. This feature brings C# closer to F#'s pattern matching capabilities and Python's sequence unpacking but remains unique in its integration with C#'s existing pattern matching features. List patterns can simplify complex conditional logic based on sequence contents.

```csharp var numbers = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }; if (numbers is [1, 2, 3]) { /* Match! */ } ```

Raw String Literals

Raw string literals in C# 11 make it easier to work with strings that contain many escape sequences, improving upon C#'s verbatim strings. This feature is directly inspired by similar features in Python's triple-quoted strings and JavaScript's template literals, allowing for multi-line strings and minimizing the need for escape sequences.

```csharp string path = “”“C:\Users\Example\Documents”“”; ```

Checked User-Defined Operators

C# 11 allows specifying checked contexts in user-defined operators, giving developers control over arithmetic overflow checking. This feature brings C# in line with C++'s explicit operator overloading capabilities and provides more fine-grained control than Java, which does not support operator overloading.

```csharp public static explicit operator CheckedInt(int value) checked ⇒ new CheckedInt(value); ```

Enhanced `#line` Pragmas

Enhanced `#line` pragmas in C# 11 improve source generator diagnostics by allowing better mapping of generated code back to the original source. This feature is unique to C# and doesn't have direct equivalents in languages like Java or Python but is similar in spirit to JavaScript's source maps, which facilitate debugging of minified code.


  1. line “source-file.cs” 1


Generic Attributes

C# 11 introduces generic attributes, extending the language's attribute system to support generics. This feature is akin to Java's annotation system, which does not support generics in annotations. It allows for more expressive and flexible attribute definitions, enhancing meta-programming capabilities.

```csharp [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public class MyAttribute<T> : Attribute { } ```

Pattern Matching Enhancements

Pattern matching in C# 11 sees further enhancements, making it more expressive and powerful. These improvements continue to evolve C#'s pattern matching capabilities beyond those in languages like Java, bringing it closer to the flexibility found in F# and Scala.

```csharp if (obj is Person { Name: “John”, Age: var age }) { /* Use age */ } ```

`param` Keyword for Lambda Expressions

The `param` keyword in C# 11 allows lambda expressions to explicitly specify their parameter types, improving clarity in complex expressions. This feature enhances lambda expression readability, similar to TypeScript's explicit type annotations for function parameters.

```csharp Func<int, int, int> add = (param int x, param int y) ⇒ x + y; ```

Static Abstract Members in Interfaces

C# 11 expands the concept of interfaces with static abstract members, allowing for richer abstractions and API designs. This feature, inspired by similar capabilities in Java's interface methods, enhances the expressiveness of interfaces in C#, enabling more sophisticated design patterns.

```csharp public interface IAddition<T> {

   static abstract T Add(T a, T b);
} ```

Record Structs

While introduced in C# 10, record structs continue to

be an important feature, representing immutable value types with value-based equality. This feature complements the record classes introduced earlier, bringing C#'s capabilities in line with value types in languages like F# and Scala.

```csharp public record struct Point(int X, int Y); ```

Each of these features represents an evolution in C#'s design, aiming to improve developer productivity, safety, and expressiveness. By borrowing concepts from other languages and introducing unique innovations, C# 11 continues to solidify its place as a modern, versatile programming language suitable for a wide range of applications.

Fair Use Sources

C Sharp Versions: C# Programming Language. C Sharp 13 (2025), C Sharp 12 (2024), C Sharp 11 (2023), C Sharp 10 (2022), C Sharp 9 (2020), C Sharp 8 (2019), C Sharp 7.3 (2018), C Sharp 7.2 (2017), C Sharp 7.1 (2017), C Sharp 7 (2017), C Sharp 6 (2015), C Sharp 5 (2012), C Sharp 4 (2010), C Sharp 3 (2007), C Sharp 2 (2005), C Sharp 1 (2002). (navbar_csharp_versions - see also navbar_dotnet_versions, navbar_fsharp_versions, navbar_csharp)

C Sharp: C# Fundamentals, C# Inventor - C# Language Designer: Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft in January 2000, Now Mads Torgersen is Primary Architect; Dot Net, C# Keywords, C# on Linux, C# on macOS, C# on Windows, C# on Android, C# on iOS, C# Installation (choco install dotnet, brew install dotnet), C# Containerization ( C# with Docker, C# with Podman, C# and Kubernetes), C# Built-In Data Types, C# Data Structures - C# Algorithms, C# Syntax, C# OOP - C# Design Patterns, Clean C# - C# Style Guide, C# Best Practices ( C# Core Guidelines (CG), ) - C# BDD, C# Compiler, C# IDEs (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, JetBrains Ryder), C# Development Tools, C# Linter, C# Debugging, C# Modules, C# Packages, C# Package Manager (NuGet), C# Standard Library, C# libraries, C# frameworks, C# DevOps - C# SRE, C# .NET and Databases (LINQ and Entity Framework ORM), C# Data Science - C# DataOps, C# Machine Learning - ML.NET, C# Deep Learning, Functional C#, C# Concurrency, C# Parallel Programming, Async C#, C# History, C# Bibliography, Manning C Sharp Series, C# Courses, C# Glossary, C# Versions, C# Topics, C# Research, C# GitHub, Written in C#, C# Popularity, C# Awesome. (navbar_csharp - see also navbar_csharp_versions, navbar_dotnet_versions, navbar_csharp_libraries, navbar_csharp_standard_library, navbar_fsharp)

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c_sharp_11.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:13 by