
Item 5: JavaScript Best Practices - Prefer dependency injection to hardwiring resources

Introduction to Dependency Injection in [[JavaScript]]

In JavaScript, dependency injection (DI) is a design pattern that promotes loose coupling between components by injecting dependencies (such as services, objects, or functions) into a class or function, rather than hardwiring these dependencies directly within the class. This approach contrasts with hardwiring, where resources and dependencies are created or managed directly inside the class or function, leading to tightly coupled code that is harder to test, extend, and maintain. By preferring dependency injection over hardwiring resources, you can achieve more modular, testable, and maintainable code.

Advantages of Dependency Injection in [[JavaScript]]

Preferring dependency injection over hardwiring resources offers several key advantages: 1. **Improved Testability**: DI allows you to easily replace real implementations with mocks or stubs during testing, making unit tests more isolated and reliable. 2. **Loose Coupling**: DI decouples classes or functions from their dependencies, allowing them to evolve independently. This results in a more flexible and maintainable codebase. 3. **Simplified Configuration Management**: DI frameworks or patterns allow centralized management of dependencies, reducing complexity and making configuration changes easier. 4. **Better Separation of Concerns**: By separating the creation of dependencies from their usage, you adhere to the single responsibility principle, leading to more focused and maintainable code.

Example 1: Hardwiring vs. Dependency Injection in a Service Class

  1. Hardwiring Example

```javascript class UserService {

 constructor() {
   // Hardwiring the dependency
   this.dbConnection = new DatabaseConnection("mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb");
 addUser(user) {;
} ```

In this example, the `UserService` class is responsible for creating its `DatabaseConnection` dependency. This tight coupling makes the `UserService` class harder to test, extend, and maintain.

  1. Dependency Injection Example

```javascript class UserService {

 constructor(dbConnection) {
   // Injecting the dependency
   this.dbConnection = dbConnection;
 addUser(user) {;
} ```

Here, the `UserService` class receives its `DatabaseConnection` dependency through its constructor. This loose coupling allows for greater flexibility and makes the class easier to test and modify.

Example 2: Using a Dependency Injection Framework ([[InversifyJS]])

In the JavaScript ecosystem, InversifyJS is a popular dependency injection framework that simplifies the management of dependencies in your application.

  1. Setting Up InversifyJS

```javascript import “reflect-metadata”; import { Container, inject, injectable } from “inversify”;

@injectable() class DatabaseConnection {

 constructor(connectionString) {
   this.connectionString = connectionString;
 save(user) {
   console.log(`Saving ${} to the database.`);

@injectable() class UserService {

 constructor(@inject(DatabaseConnection) dbConnection) {
   this.dbConnection = dbConnection;
 addUser(user) {;

// Setting up the InversifyJS container const container = new Container(); container.bind(DatabaseConnection).toConstantValue(new DatabaseConnection(“mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb”)); container.bind(UserService).to(UserService);

// Using the container to resolve dependencies const userService = container.get(UserService); userService.addUser({ name: “John Doe” }); ```

In this example, InversifyJS is used to wire the dependencies together. The `UserService` class receives its `DatabaseConnection` dependency automatically when it is resolved from the InversifyJS container.

Example 3: Constructor Injection vs. Property Injection

Dependency injection in JavaScript can be implemented in different ways, with constructor injection and property injection being the most common methods.

  1. Constructor Injection (Preferred)

```javascript class OrderService {

 constructor(paymentService) {
   this.paymentService = paymentService;
 processOrder(order) {
} ```

  1. Property Injection

```javascript class OrderService {

 setPaymentService(paymentService) {
   this.paymentService = paymentService;
 processOrder(order) {
} ```

Constructor injection is generally preferred over property injection because it makes dependencies explicit and ensures that the class is never in an invalid state. Constructor injection also promotes immutability, as the dependencies are typically set only once via the constructor.

Example 4: Testing with Dependency Injection

One of the main benefits of dependency injection is the ability to test classes and functions more effectively by injecting mock or stub dependencies.

  1. Testing a Class with Mock Dependencies

```javascript class MockDatabaseConnection {

 save(user) {
   // Mock implementation

test(“UserService calls save on DatabaseConnection”, () ⇒ {

 const mockDbConnection = new MockDatabaseConnection();
 const userService = new UserService(mockDbConnection);
 const user = { name: "John Doe" };
}); ```

In this example, a mock `DatabaseConnection` is injected into the `UserService` for testing purposes. This allows you to test the `UserService` without relying on a real database connection, making your tests faster and more reliable.

When to Prefer Dependency Injection in [[JavaScript]]

Dependency injection is particularly useful in the following scenarios: - **Complex Applications**: In large or complex applications, DI helps manage the interdependencies between classes and modules more effectively. - **Test-Driven Development (TDD)**: If you follow TDD practices, DI makes it easier to create testable classes and functions by allowing dependencies to be injected as mocks or stubs. - **Web Applications**: When building web applications with frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js, DI helps manage configuration and external resources like databases or APIs. - **Modular Architectures**: DI is beneficial in systems designed with modular components, where dependencies need to be loosely coupled and easily interchangeable.


In JavaScript, preferring dependency injection over hardwiring resources is a best practice that leads to more maintainable, testable, and flexible code. By injecting dependencies, you decouple your classes and functions from their dependencies, making it easier to manage and extend your application. This approach aligns well with modern JavaScript development practices, especially when using frameworks like InversifyJS, Angular, or NestJS that support DI.

Further Reading and References

For more information on dependency injection in JavaScript, consider exploring the following resources:

These resources provide additional insights and best practices for using dependency injection effectively in JavaScript.

javascript_best_practices_-_prefer_dependency_injection_to_hardwiring_resources.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/23 08:23 by

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