
Package Management for TypeScript

Snippet from Wikipedia: Package manager

A package manager or package-management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer in a consistent manner.

A package manager deals with packages, distributions of software and data in archive files. Packages contain metadata, such as the software's name, description of its purpose, version number, vendor, checksum (preferably a cryptographic hash function), and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run properly. Upon installation, metadata is stored in a local package database. Package managers typically maintain a database of software dependencies and version information to prevent software mismatches and missing prerequisites. They work closely with software repositories, binary repository managers, and app stores.

Package managers are designed to eliminate the need for manual installs and updates. This can be particularly useful for large enterprises whose operating systems typically consist of hundreds or even tens of thousands of distinct software packages.

GPT o1 Pro mode:

Node.js Runtime Environment, NPM Registry, NPM Package.json Scripts, NPM Dependencies, NPM DevDependencies, NPM PeerDependencies, NPM OptionalDependencies, NPM Package Version, NPM Semantic Versioning, NPM Install Command, NPM Uninstall Command, NPM Update Command, NPM Audit Command, NPM Publish Command, NPM Link Command, NPM Run-Script, NPM Start Script, NPM Test Script, NPM Stop Script, NPM Run Build, NPM Cache, NPM Global Packages, NPM Local Packages, NPM Scoped Packages, NPM @types Packages, NPM Package Lock, NPM Shrinkwrap File, NPM ci Command, NPM init Command, NPM outdated Command, NPM ls Command, NPM prune Command, NPM dedupe Command, NPM repo Command, NPM version Command, NPM tag Command, NPM dist-tag Command, NPM whoami Command, NPM token Command, NPM bin Command, NPM prefix Command, NPM exec Command, NPM audit fix Command, NPM audit level Option, NPM audit report, NPM, NPM registry mirror, npmrc Configuration, NPM npx Tool, NPM package-lock.json Integrity, NPM Workspaces, NPM Monorepo Support, NPM Peer Dependency Handling, NPM LockfileVersion, npm outdated JSON Output, npm run env, npm config, npm config set, npm config get, npm config delete, npm token create, npm token revoke, npm access, npm owner (deprecated), npm org, npm audit-resolve (experimental), npm ci clean install, npm version prerelease, npm version patch, npm version minor, npm version major, npm publish --tag, npm publish --access, npm login, npm logout, npm adduser, npm whoami, npm search, npm fund, npm repo, npm completion, npm doctor, npm root, npm outdated, npm view, npm pack, npm dedupe, npm prune, npm rebuild, npm audit fix --dry-run, npm link global, npm link local

GPT 4o:

NPM: Node Package Manager, Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Package Managers, NPM Glossary - Glossaire de NPM - French, Version Managers (nvm, nodist), NPM Dependencies, JavaScript Dependency Management, Package Management for Web Development, Package Management for JavaScript, Package Management for TypeScript, npm --help, npm --version, npm commands (npm access, npm adduser, npm audit, npm bin, npm bugs, npm cache, npm ci, npm completion, [[npm config, npm dedupe, npm deprecate, npm diff, npm dist-tag, npm docs, npm doctor, npm edit, npm exec, npm explain, npm explore, npm find-dupes, npm fund, npm get, npm help, npm -l, npm help npm, npm hook, npm init, npm install, npm install-ci-test, npm install-test, npm link, npm ll, npm login, npm logout, npm ls, npm org, npm outdated, npm owner, npm pack, npm ping, npm pkg, npm prefix, npm profile, npm prune, npm publish, npm query, npm rebuild, npm repo, npm restart, npm root, npm run-script, npm run, npm search, npm set, npm set-script, npm shrinkwrap, npm star, npm stars, npm start, npm stop, npm team, npm test, npm token, npm uninstall, npm unpublish, npm unstar, npm update, npm version, npm view, npm whoami), npm environment variables), Installing NPM (choco install npm, brew install npm), Configuring NPM (npmrc, npm help config, npm configuration fields / npm help 7 config), NPM Alternatives, NPM Bibliography, NPM Courses, GitHub NPM, Awesome NPM. (navbar_npm - see also navbar_node.js, navbar_yarn, navbar_package_manager, navbar_dependency_management, navbar_nvm, navbar_typescript, navbar_javascript, navbar_web_development)

NVM: NVM Glossary - Glossaire de NVM - French, Node Version Manager, Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Version Managers, JavaScript Dependency Management, Package Management for Web Development, Package Management for JavaScript, Package Management for TypeScript, nvm help, nvm --version, nvm commands (nvm install, nvm uninstall, nvm ls, nvm ls-remote, nvm version-remote, nvm use, nvm run node --version, nvm exec, nvm which, nvm set-colors, nvm deactivate, nvm alias, nvmrc, nvm environment variables), Installing NVM (choco install nvm, brew install nvm), Configuring NVM, NVM Alternatives, NVM Bibliography, NVM Courses, GitHub NVM, Awesome NVM. (navbar_npm - see also navbar_yarn, navbar_package_manager, navbar_dependency_management, navbar_nvm, navbar_typescript, navbar_javascript, navbar_web_development)

yarn, yarn.lock, yarn init, yarn install, yarn add, yarn remove, yarn upgrade, yarn upgrade-interactive, yarn outdated, yarn list, yarn workspaces, yarn run, yarn script, yarn test, yarn build, yarn lint, yarn cache, yarn cache clean, yarn global, yarn global add, yarn global remove, yarn global list, yarn global upgrade, yarn global cache, yarn npm, yarn npm audit, yarn npm publish, yarn npm info, yarn npm login, yarn npm logout, yarn npm owner, yarn npm whoami, yarn resolutions, yarn constraints, yarn constraints check, yarn constraints fix, yarn policies, yarn policies set-version, yarn policies fetch, yarn plugin, yarn plugin import, yarn plugin export, yarn plugin list, yarn dlx, yarn berry, yarn v2, yarn v3, yarn classic, yarn dedupe, yarn link, yarn unlink, yarn workspaces focus, yarn workspaces foreach, yarn workspace, yarn create, yarn create react-app, yarn create next-app, yarn init -2, yarn init -3, yarn pack, yarn pnp (Plug and Play), yarn pnpify, yarn pnp migration, yarn pnp support, yarn pnp loader, yarn install --offline, yarn install --immutable, yarn install --check-files, yarn install --flat, yarn install --har, yarn config, yarn config set, yarn config get, yarn config delete, yarn config list, yarn set version, yarn set version from sources, yarn set version from tag, yarn why, yarn pack --dry-run, yarn bin, yarn self-update, yarn clean, yarn generate-lock-entry, yarn node, yarn serve, yarn deploy, yarn eject, yarn import, yarn info, yarn integrity, yarn cache dir, yarn cache list, yarn cache index, yarn add --dev, yarn add --peer, yarn add --optional, yarn add --exact, yarn add --tilde, yarn remove --dev, yarn remove --optional, yarn remove --peer, yarn upgrade --latest, yarn upgrade --caret, yarn upgrade --tilde, yarn deduplicate, yarn run lint, yarn run serve, yarn run debug, yarn build --production, yarn install --verbose, yarn install --ignore-optional, yarn npm run-script, yarn npm pack, yarn resolutions add, yarn resolutions remove.

Yarn Package Manager: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, yarn Glossary - Glossaire de yarn - French, yarn installation, choco install yarn, brew install yarn, Package Managers, yarn commands (yarn access, yarn add, yarn audit, yarn autoclean, yarn bin, yarn cache, yarn check, yarn config, yarn create, yarn exec, yarn generate-lock-entry, yarn global, yarn help, yarn import, yarn info, yarn init, yarn install, yarn licenses, yarn link, yarn list, yarn login, yarn logout, yarn node, yarn outdated, yarn owner, yarn pack, yarn policies, yarn publish, yarn remove, yarn run, yarn tag, yarn team, yarn unlink, yarn unplug, yarn upgrade, yarn upgrade-interactive, yarn version, yarn versions, yarn why, yarn workspace, yarn workspaces); yarn options - yarn parameters (yarn --cache-folder <path>, yarn --check-files, yarn --cwd <cwd>, yarn --disable-pnp, yarn --emoji [bool, yarn --enable-pnp, yarn --flat, yarn --focus, yarn --force, yarn --frozen-lockfile, yarn --global-folder <path>, yarn --har, yarn --https-proxy <host>, yarn --ignore-engines, yarn --ignore-optional, yarn --ignore-platform, yarn --ignore-scripts, yarn --json, yarn --link-duplicates, yarn --link-folder <path>, yarn --modules-folder <path>, specifier], yarn --network-concurrency <number>, yarn --network-timeout <milliseconds>, yarn --no-bin-links, yarn --no-default-rc, yarn --no-lockfile, yarn --non-interactive, yarn --no-node-version-check, yarn --no-progress, yarn --offline, yarn --otp <otpcode>, yarn --prefer-offline, yarn --preferred-cache-folder <path>, yarn --prod, --production [prod], yarn --proxy <host>, yarn --pure-lockfile, yarn --registry <url>, yarn -s, yarn --silent, yarn --scripts-prepend-node-path [bool], yarn --skip-integrity-check, yarn --strict-semver, yarn --update-checksums, yarn --use-yarnrc <path>, yarn -v, yarn --version, yarn --verbose, yarn -h, yarn --help); Yarn Alternatives, Yarn Bibliography, Yarn Courses, GitHub Yarn, Awesome Yarn. (navbar_yarn - see also navbar_package_manager, navbar_dependency_management, navbar_npm, navbar_nvm, navbar_typescript, navbar_javascript, navbar_web_development)

npm (Node Package Manager), Yarn, pip (Python Package Installer), conda, gem (RubyGems), cargo (Rust Package Manager), go mod (Go Modules), composer (PHP Dependency Manager), NuGet, Maven, Gradle, CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager, bundler (Ruby Dependency Manager), Mix (Elixir Package Manager), dub (D Language Package Manager), stack (Haskell Build Tool), cabal (Haskell Dependency Manager), Hex (Erlang/Elixir Package Manager), Pkg (Julia Package Manager), Renv (R Dependency Manager), BiocManager (R Bioconductor Manager), Leiningen (Clojure Dependency Manager), Spago (PureScript Package Manager), Dotnet CLI. (navbar_programming_lamguage_package_manager), Operating System Package Managers, Homebrew for Linux, Homebrew for macOS, apt, apt update, apt upgrade, apt install, apt remove, apt autoremove, apt purge, apt search, apt show, apt policy, apt list, apt cache, apt edit-sources, apt full-upgrade, apt dist-upgrade, apt build-dep, apt source, apt download, APT (Advanced Package Tool), apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get install, apt-get remove, apt-get autoremove, apt-get purge, apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get build-dep, apt-get source, apt-get dselect-upgrade, apt-get clean, apt-get autoclean, apt-get check, dpkg, dpkg -i, dpkg -r, dpkg -P, dpkg -l, dpkg -L, dpkg -S, dpkg -s, dpkg --configure, dpkg --unpack, dpkg --force-all, dselect, Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic (software), Synaptic, APT-RPM, DNF (Dandified Yum), dnf install, dnf remove, dnf update, dnf upgrade, dnf downgrade, dnf search, dnf info, dnf clean, dnf autoremove, dnf groupinstall, dnf groupremove, dnf grouplist, dnf repolist, dnf history, dnf makecache, dnf check-update, yum (Yellowdog Updater, Modified), yum install, yum remove, yum update, yum upgrade, yum search, yum info, yum clean, yum repolist, yum groupinstall, yum groupremove, yum grouplist, yum history, yum check-update, rpm (RPM Package Manager), rpm -i, rpm -U, rpm -F, rpm -e, rpm -q, rpm -qa, rpm -qi, rpm -ql, rpm -qc, rpm -qd, rpm -qf, rpm -q --changelog, rpm --import, rpm --rebuilddb, rpm --verify, snap (Snap Package Manager), snap install, snap remove, snap refresh, snap revert, snap list, snap info, snap find, snap alias, snap channels, snap connections, snap services, snap interfaces, snap disconnect, snap connect, snap set, snap get, snap start, snap stop, snap restart, snap revert, SnapCraft,, AppImage, AppImage on FUSE, brew (Homebrew) on macOS, brew update, brew upgrade, brew install, brew uninstall, brew remove, brew info, brew search, brew list, brew outdated, brew cleanup, brew doctor, brew tap, brew untap, brew services, brew link, brew unlink, brew switch, brew edit, brew cask (deprecated, integrated now), brew autoremove, brew pin, brew unpin, brew bundle, brew reinstall, brew upgrade --cask, choco (Chocolatey) on Windows, choco install, choco uninstall, choco upgrade, choco search, choco list, choco outdated, choco pin, choco config, choco source, choco export, choco import, choco feature, choco pack, choco push, choco apikey, choco new, choco outdated -l, choco outdated -r, winget (Windows Package Manager), winget install, winget uninstall, winget upgrade, winget list, winget search, winget show, winget settings, winget features, winget export, winget import, winget hash, winget validate, winget source, sdkman (Software Development Kits Manager), sdk list, sdk install, sdk uninstall, sdk use, sdk default, sdk upgrade, sdk flush, sdk current, sdk version, sdk offline, sdk selfupdate, sdk update, nvm (Node Version Manager), nvm install, nvm uninstall, nvm use, nvm ls, nvm ls-remote, nvm alias, nvm unalias, nvm current, nvm run, nvm exec, nvm which, npm (Node Package Manager), npm install, npm uninstall, npm update, npm upgrade, npm ls, npm list, npm search, npm info, npm view, npm link, npm prune, npm outdated, npm audit, npm audit fix, npm publish, npm version, npm init, npm run-script, npm cache clean, npm ci, npm shrinkwrap, npm dedupe, npm doctor, npm root, npm explore, npm rebuild, npm uninstall -g, npm install -g, npx (npm package runner), yarn (Yet Another Resource Navigator), yarn add, yarn remove, yarn upgrade, yarn global add, yarn global remove, yarn global upgrade, yarn install, yarn outdated, yarn audit, yarn audit fix, yarn run, yarn workspaces, yarn create, yarn cache clean, yarn list, yarn info, yarn version, yarn upgrade-interactive, pip (Python Package Manager), pip install, pip uninstall, pip list, pip search, pip show, pip freeze, pip install --upgrade, pip wheel, pip hash, pip check, pip completion, pip download, pip cache, pip install --user, pip install --no-deps, pip install -r requirements.txt, pipenv, Anaconda (Python Distribution), conda (Conda Package Manager), conda install, conda remove, conda update, conda upgrade, conda create, conda env create, conda env remove, conda env export, conda list, conda search, conda info, conda config, conda clean, conda package, conda run, conda init, conda deactivate, conda activate, conda doctor, miniconda (Minimal Conda), mamba (Faster Conda), maven ([[Java Package Manager / Java build tools), mvn install, mvn package, mvn clean, mvn compile, mvn test, mvn deploy, mvn verify, mvn site, tree, resolve, use-latest-versions, gradle (Java Build Tool with deps), gradle build, gradle assemble, gradle test, gradle tasks, gradle dependencies, gradle publish, gradle wrapper, gradle clean, gradle run, gradle init, gradle properties, gradle build scan, sbt (Scala Build Tool), sbt update, sbt compile, sbt test, sbt package, sbt publish, sbt assembly, sbt clean, sbt dependencyTree, sbt reload, sbt run, Leiningen (Clojure): lein deps, lein uberjar, lein test, lein run, lein repl, lein install, lein update-in, lein trampoline, lein check, lein do, lein jar, lein pom, lein release, lein version, lein clean, lein eastwood, NuGet (.NET package manager), nuget install, nuget update, nuget restore, nuget push, nuget pack, nuget spec, nuget delete, nuget locals, nuget list, nuget search, nuget setApiKey, nuget setSource, dotnet add package, dotnet restore, dotnet nuget locals, dotnet nuget push, dotnet nuget delete, dotnet nuget list source, dotnet nuget add source, dotnet nuget remove source, dotnet nuget update source, dotnet tool install, dotnet tool update, dotnet tool uninstall, RubyGems (Ruby): gem install, gem uninstall, gem update, gem search, gem list, gem build, gem push, gem yank, gem server, gem environment, gem contents, gem dependency, gem outdated, gem pristine, gem spec, gem unpack, gem which, bundle (Bundler for Ruby), bundle install, bundle update, bundle exec, bundle package, bundle config, bundle show, bundle list, bundle outdated, bundle pristine, bundle add, bundle clean, cargo (Rust): cargo build, cargo run, cargo test, cargo update, cargo install, cargo uninstall, cargo search, cargo publish, cargo yank, cargo check, cargo doc, cargo clean, cargo new, cargo init, cargo fetch, cargo tree, cargo vendor, cargo fmtrustfmt extension, vcpkg (CPP package manager), vcpkg install, vcpkg remove, vcpkg update, vcpkg upgrade, vcpkg search, vcpkg list, vcpkg integrate install, vcpkg integrate remove, vcpkg export, vcpkg edit, vcpkg depend-info, vcpkg hash, vcpkg fetch, vcpkg version, Conan (CPP package manager), conan install, conan remove, conan search, conan upload, conan export, conan info, conan create, conan inspect, conan test, conan remote add, conan remote remove, conan remote list, conan config list, conan config set, conan profile list, conan profile new, conan profile update, conan profile remove, Helm (Kubernetes Package Manager), helm repo add, helm repo update, helm search repo, helm install, helm upgrade, helm uninstall, helm rollback, helm list, helm history, helm package, helm lint, helm template, helm show, helm plugin install, helm plugin list, helm plugin remove, helm version, helm env, helm create, helm dependency update, helm dependency build, helm dependency list, helm dependency add, helm get values, helm get manifest, helm get hooks, helm get notes, helm verify, helm chart list, helm chart pull, helm chart push, helm chart export, helm chart save, helm chart show, Packages Managers for Docker, Docker Hub (DockerHub is not a package manager. It's an image registry, Packages Managers for Containers: (Docker images are considered in the realm of packaging: Docker Hub, docker pull, docker push, docker images, docker build, docker run, docker tag, docker rmi, docker save, docker load, docker export, docker import, docker load, Podman for Containers: Podman pull, Podman push, Podman images, Podman run, Podman build, Podman tag, Podman rmi, Podman save, Podman load, Nix (Nix package manager), nix-env, nix-env -i, nix-env -e, nix-env -u, nix-env -q, nix-env -qa, nix-build, nix-shell, nix-store, nix-collect-garbage, nix-channel, nix-channel --update, nix-channel --list, nix-channel --add, nix-channel --remove, nix search, nix run, NixOS configuration.nix, GNU Guix (Guix package manager), guix install, guix remove, guix upgrade, guix search, guix pull, guix package, guix environment, guix system, guix pack, guix challenge, guix import, guix publish, guix weather, guix gc, guix lint, guix graph, guix show, guix build, guix edit, guix refresh, guix describe, guix time-machine, guix home reconfigure, guix shell, Flatpak, flatpak install, flatpak remove, flatpak update, flatpak list, flatpak search, flatpak info, flatpak remote-add, flatpak remote-ls, flatpak remote-delete, flatpak uninstall, flatpak repair, flatpak config, flatpak permissions, flatpak history, flatpak create-usb, flatpak export, flatpak install --user, flatpak install --system, flatpak run, flatpak override, flatpak mask, flatpak --version, Flatpak ref, Flatpak repo, Flatpak builder, AppImage - format on FUSE, Zypper (SUSE Linux): zypper install, zypper remove, zypper update, zypper upgrade, zypper search, zypper info, zypper patch, zypper dist-upgrade, zypper addrepo, zypper removerepo, zypper lr (list repos), zypper clean, zypper verify, zypper in, zypper rm, ZYpp (SUSE backend), Entropy (Sabayon): equo install, equo remove, equo update, equo upgrade, equo search, equo query, equo mask, equo unmask, netpkg (Zenwalk), pacman (Arch Linux), pacman -S, pacman -R, pacman -Q, pacman -Ss, pacman -Si, pacman -Su, pacman -Sy, pacman -Syu, pacman -Sc, pacman -Scc, pacman -Sw, pacman -U, pacman -Rns, pacman -Qo, pacman -Qs, pacman -Ql, pacman -Qi, pacman -Qm, PiSi (Pardus): pisi install, pisi remove, pisi upgrade, pisi info, pisi search, pisi list, pisi up (update), pisi build, pisi help, PPM (Puppy Package Manager), slackpkg (Slackware), slackpkg install, slackpkg remove, slackpkg search, slackpkg update, slackpkg upgrade, slackpkg reinstall, slapt-get (Slackware), slapt-get --install, slapt-get --remove, slapt-get --update, slapt-get --upgrade, slapt-get --search, swaret (Slackware), paldo (Paldo OS) upkg, upkg install, upkg remove, upkg update, upkg upgrade, upkg search, upkg info, upkg list, Puppet Integration with Package Resources, Puppet package Type, puppet resource package, puppet apply with package, Chef Integration with package Resource, knife cookbook upload - Chef tool that handle packages, Chef is config mgmt, chef resource package, chef run_list with packages, chef attribute node['packages'], chef inspec package resource, ansible package module, ansible apt module, ansible yum module, ansible dnf module, ansible package_facts module, Terraform with external provider to manage packages - Possibly Packer or terraform use, Salt pkg.install, Salt pkg.remove, Salt pkg.upgrade, Salt pkg.info_installed, Salt pkg.list_pkgs, Salt pkg.refresh_db, Salt pkg.version, Salt pkg.latest, Salt pkg.hold, Salt pkg.unhold, Salt pkg.autoremove, Guix inferior packages, Guix channels, Nix channels, Nix flakes Nix overlay., NixOS option for packageInstallation, Zypp patch, Binary Artifact Repositories, artifact repository, Configuration Management as it relates to package management, Ansible playbook installing packages, Ansible apt task, Ansible yum task, Chef recipe with package, Puppet manifest with package, Salt state with pkg.installed

Package Managers: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Package Manager Glossary,, Operating System Package Managers (Homebrew for Linux, apt-yum-dnf-rpm-snap-AppImage on FUSEchoco-wingetHomebrew for macOS; Programming Language Package Managers: npm-nvm-yarn - pip-Anaconda-conda-miniconda - maven-gradle-sdkman-sbt-Leiningen - NuGet - go get - RubyGems - cargo - CPP Package Managers vcpkg and Conan), Misconfigured Package Management (Misconfigured NuGet, Misconfigured Maven, Misconfigured Gradle, Misconfigured NPM, Misconfigured pip, Misconfigured Cargo), Package Managers for Kubernetes - Kubernetes Package Manager (Helm), Packages Managers for Containers (Packages Managers for Docker (Docker Hub), Package Managers for Podman), Package Managers for Windows (Chocolatey - choco, winget), Package Managers for macOS (Homebrew - brew), Package Managers for Linux: APT (Package Manager) - APT (KPackage, Synaptic (software) - Synaptic, Ubuntu Software Center, aptitude software) - aptitude, dselect, RPM Package Manager - RPM (APT-RPM, DNF (software) - DNF, up2date, urpmi, Rpmdrake, Yum (software) - YUM, ZYpp), Linux distribution - Distribution-agnostic (AppImage, Flatpak, GNU Guix, Homebrew (package manager) - Homebrew - brew, Nix package manager - Nix, pkgsrc, Snap (package manager) - Snap - SnapCraft -; Others (binary) (Sabayon Linux Package management - Entropy, Zenwalk netpkg, Arch Linux pacman, Pardus (operating system) - Pardus PiSi, Puppy Linux PPM, slackpkg, slapt-get, swaret, paldo (operating system) - paldo upkg); Package Format, Image, Artifact, CLIs, Command line security, Tab completion, Automation, DevOps Tools, Container Tools, K8S Tools, Programming Tools, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), CI-CD, Git-GitHub-GitOps, Scripting languages (Python scripting, Bash script, PowerShell-PowerShell DSC), Configuration Management (Terraform-Ansible-Chef-Puppet-Salt), Linux CLI Shells bash-ksh-tcsh-mksh-zsh, macOS CLI-iTerm2, Windows CLI / cmd.exe, Windows Terminal, cURL, REPLs, IDEs, Cloud IDEs. (navbar_package_manager - see also navbar_dependency_management, navbar_developer_tools, navbar_choco, navbar_brew, navbar_nvm, navbar_npm, navbar_maven, navbar_gradle, navbar_helm)

Dependency Management: Dependency Management Glossary - Glossaire de Dependency Management - French, Dependency Management for Programming Languages, Dependency Management for Operating Systems, Dependency Management for Programming Languages, Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book Course - covers Dependencies for Containers (Dependencies for Docker and Dependencies for Podman) and Dependencies for Kubernetes, GitHub Dependency Management, Awesome Dependency Management. (navbar_dependency_management - see also navbar_package_manager)

TypeScript Vocabulary List (Sorted by Popularity)

GPT o1 Pro mode:

TypeScript Programming Language, TypeScript Compiler, TypeScript tsc Command, TypeScript Transpilation, TypeScript Type Annotation, TypeScript Interface, TypeScript Type Alias, TypeScript Enum, TypeScript Class, TypeScript Module, TypeScript Namespace, TypeScript Ambient Declaration, TypeScript d.ts File, TypeScript Declaration File, TypeScript tsconfig.json, TypeScript Strict Mode, TypeScript Strict Null Checks, TypeScript Non-Null Assertion Operator, TypeScript Type Inference, TypeScript Union Type, TypeScript Intersection Type, TypeScript Generics, TypeScript Generic Constraints, TypeScript Generic Default Type, TypeScript Partial Type, TypeScript Readonly Type, TypeScript Pick Type, TypeScript Omit Type, TypeScript Exclude Type, TypeScript Extract Type, TypeScript Record Type, TypeScript ReturnType Type, TypeScript Parameters Type, TypeScript ConstructorParameters Type, TypeScript InstanceType Type, TypeScript Required Type, TypeScript NonNullable Type, TypeScript ThisType, TypeScript Unknown Type, TypeScript Never Type, TypeScript Any Type, TypeScript Void Type, TypeScript Object Type, TypeScript Symbol Type, TypeScript Literal Type, TypeScript Template Literal Type, TypeScript Indexed Access Type, TypeScript Conditional Type, TypeScript Infer Keyword, TypeScript Mapped Type, TypeScript Keyof Keyword, TypeScript In Keyword (Types), TypeScript Extends Keyword (Types), TypeScript Structural Typing, TypeScript Duck Typing, TypeScript Nominal Typing (via branding), TypeScript Interface Merging, TypeScript Declaration Merging, TypeScript Module Augmentation, TypeScript Ambient Module, TypeScript Triple-Slash Directive, TypeScript Reference Path, TypeScript Reference Types, TypeScript Reference Lib, TypeScript Reference NoDefaultLib, TypeScript JSX, TypeScript TSX, TypeScript React JSX, TypeScript JSX.Element, TypeScript JSX.IntrinsicElements, TypeScript JSX.ElementClass, TypeScript Decorator, TypeScript Experimental Decorators, TypeScript Metadata Reflection API, TypeScript EmitDecoratorMetadata, TypeScript Decorator Factory, TypeScript Class Decorator, TypeScript Method Decorator, TypeScript Property Decorator, TypeScript Parameter Decorator, TypeScript Accessor Decorator, TypeScript Abstract Class, TypeScript Public Keyword, TypeScript Private Keyword, TypeScript Protected Keyword, TypeScript Readonly Keyword, TypeScript Static Keyword, TypeScript Implements Keyword, TypeScript Extends Keyword (Classes), TypeScript Super Keyword, TypeScript Constructor Parameter Properties, TypeScript Access Modifiers, TypeScript Index Signature, TypeScript Optional Chaining Operator, TypeScript Nullish Coalescing Operator, TypeScript Assertion Function, TypeScript Assertion Signature, TypeScript Type Assertion, TypeScript as Keyword, TypeScript Angle Bracket Assertion (Older Syntax), TypeScript Definite Assignment Assertion, TypeScript Discriminated Union, TypeScript Tagged Union, TypeScript Branded Type, TypeScript Intersection Property Distribution, TypeScript Function Type, TypeScript Call Signature, TypeScript Construct Signature, TypeScript Overloaded Function, TypeScript Rest Parameters, TypeScript Default Parameters, TypeScript Arrow Function Type, TypeScript Void Return Type, TypeScript Unknown Return Type, TypeScript Promise Type, TypeScript Async Function Type, TypeScript Awaited Type, TypeScript Generator Type, TypeScript Iterator Type, TypeScript Iterable Type, TypeScript IterableIterator Type, TypeScript AsyncIterable Type, TypeScript AsyncIterator Type, TypeScript AsyncIterableIterator Type, TypeScript Symbol.iterator, TypeScript Symbol.asyncIterator, TypeScript Symbol.hasInstance, TypeScript Symbol.species, TypeScript Symbol.toPrimitive, TypeScript Symbol.toStringTag, TypeScript Interface Inheritance, TypeScript Extending Interface, TypeScript Implementing Interface, TypeScript Hybrid Types, TypeScript Callable Interface, TypeScript Newable Interface, TypeScript Class Expression, TypeScript Abstract Method, TypeScript Abstract Property, TypeScript Abstract Constructor, TypeScript Class Fields, TypeScript Parameter Decorators, TypeScript Reflect Metadata, TypeScript JSDoc Annotations, TypeScript @type JSDoc Tag, TypeScript @typedef JSDoc Tag, TypeScript @template JSDoc Tag, TypeScript @param JSDoc Tag, TypeScript @returns JSDoc Tag, TypeScript StrictBindCallApply, TypeScript StrictFunctionTypes, TypeScript StrictPropertyInitialization, TypeScript StrictNullChecks Flag, TypeScript NoImplicitAny, TypeScript NoImplicitThis, TypeScript AlwaysStrict, TypeScript NoUnusedLocals, TypeScript NoUnusedParameters, TypeScript NoImplicitReturns, TypeScript NoFallthroughCasesInSwitch, TypeScript StrictUnknownChecks, TypeScript StrictBindCallApply, TypeScript NoImplicitOverride, TypeScript UseUnknownInCatchVariables, TypeScript ImportsNotUsedAsValues, TypeScript IsolatedModules, TypeScript PreserveSymlinks, TypeScript BaseUrl, TypeScript Paths Mapping, TypeScript RootDirs, TypeScript Composite Projects, TypeScript Build Mode, TypeScript Incremental Compilation, TypeScript DeclarationMap, TypeScript SourceMap, TypeScript InlineSourceMap, TypeScript InlineSources, TypeScript RemoveComments, TypeScript NoEmit, TypeScript NoEmitOnError, TypeScript OutDir, TypeScript OutFile, TypeScript RootDir, TypeScript TsBuildInfoFile, TypeScript DeclarationDir, TypeScript ListFiles, TypeScript ListEmittedFiles, TypeScript Extended Diagnostics, TypeScript Diagnostics, TypeScript TraceResolution, TypeScript ExplainFiles, TypeScript StripInternal, TypeScript StrictOptionCheck, TypeScript StrictModeFlags, TypeScript Syntactic Diagnostics, TypeScript Semantic Diagnostics, TypeScript Declaration Diagnostics, TypeScript PseudoBigInt, TypeScript Bigint Literal, TypeScript Bigint Type, TypeScript IntrinsicAttributes, TypeScript IntrinsicClassAttributes, TypeScript IntrinsicElements, TypeScript Global Augmentation, TypeScript Shorthand Ambient Module, TypeScript Export As Namespace, TypeScript Export =, TypeScript Import = require, TypeScript Type-Only Imports, TypeScript Type-Only Exports, TypeScript Export Type, TypeScript Import Type, TypeScript typeof Type Operator, TypeScript keyof Type Operator, TypeScript unique symbol, TypeScript Template Literal Type Inference, TypeScript Variadic Tuple Types, TypeScript Labeled Tuple Elements, TypeScript Template Literal Type, TypeScript Template Literal String, TypeScript Indexed Access Types, TypeScript Conditional Types Extended, TypeScript Distributed Conditional Types, TypeScript Recursive Conditional Types, TypeScript Tail Recursion Elimination, TypeScript Type Guards, TypeScript User-Defined Type Guard, TypeScript in Type Guards, TypeScript instanceof Type Guards, TypeScript typeof Type Guards, TypeScript Assertion Signatures, TypeScript Definite Assignment Assertions, TypeScript Control Flow Analysis, TypeScript Control Flow Based Type Analysis, TypeScript Control Flow Graph, TypeScript Flow Nodes, TypeScript Narrowing, TypeScript Type Predicates, TypeScript Function Overloads, TypeScript Declaration Emit, TypeScript Declaration Transformation, TypeScript Symbol Table, TypeScript Binder, TypeScript Checker, TypeScript Emitter, TypeScript Transformer, TypeScript Compiler Host, TypeScript Language Service, TypeScript Compiler API, TypeScript AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), TypeScript Node Interface, TypeScript SourceFile, TypeScript SyntaxKind Enum, TypeScript Checker API, TypeScript Program API, TypeScript TypeChecker API, TypeScript CompilerOptions Interface, TypeScript CompilerOptions Diagnostics, TypeScript ProjectReferences, TypeScript Composite Flag, TypeScript Declaration Flag, TypeScript Incremental Flag, TypeScript TSBuildInfo File, TypeScript watch Mode, TypeScript watchFile, TypeScript watchDirectory, TypeScript createProgram, TypeScript createWatchProgram, TypeScript createIncrementalProgram, TypeScript createSolutionBuilder, TypeScript createSolutionBuilderWithWatch, TypeScript resolveModuleName, TypeScript resolveTypeReferenceDirective, TypeScript Custom Module Resolution, TypeScript Plugin API, TypeScript Compiler Plugin, TypeScript Language Service Plugin, TypeScript CompletionInfo, TypeScript CompletionEntry, TypeScript SignatureHelp, TypeScript QuickInfo, TypeScript DefinitionInfo, TypeScript ImplementationInfo, TypeScript CodeFixAction, TypeScript CodeFix, TypeScript RefactorInfo, TypeScript RefactorActionInfo, TypeScript NavigationBarItem, TypeScript NavigationTree, TypeScript RenameInfo, TypeScript RenameLocations, TypeScript FormattingOptions, TypeScript TextChange, TypeScript EditorSettings, TypeScript UserPreferences, TypeScript CompilerHost.getSourceFile, TypeScript CompilerHost.getDefaultLibFileName, TypeScript CompilerHost.writeFile, TypeScript resolveModuleNames Hook, TypeScript resolveTypeReferenceDirectives Hook, TypeScript writeFile Callback, TypeScript CustomTransformers, TypeScript TransformerFactory, TypeScript TransformerContext, TypeScript Visitor Function, TypeScript updateSourceFileNode, TypeScript updateNode, TypeScript Printer API, TypeScript createPrinter, TypeScript PrintHandlers, TypeScript PrintFile, TypeScript Type Format Flags, TypeScript Symbol Display Builder, TypeScript TypeToString, TypeScript SymbolToString, TypeScript Diagnostic Message, TypeScript Diagnostic Category, TypeScript Diagnostic Code, TypeScript DiagnosticRelatedInformation, TypeScript DiagnosticReporter, TypeScript EmitResult, TypeScript PreEmitDiagnostics, TypeScript SyntacticDiagnostics, TypeScript SemanticDiagnostics, TypeScript DeclarationDiagnostics, TypeScript getParsedCommandLineOfConfigFile, TypeScript parseJsonConfigFileContent, TypeScript convertCompilerOptionsFromJson, TypeScript resolveProjectReferencePath, TypeScript getAllProjectReferences, TypeScript LanguageServer Protocol Integration, TypeScript tsserver, TypeScript tsserverlibrary, TypeScript tsserver API, TypeScript tsserverplugin, TypeScript Editor Integration, TypeScript Sublime Text Integration, TypeScript VSCode Integration, TypeScript WebStorm Integration, TypeScript Eclipse Integration, TypeScript Vim Integration, TypeScript Emacs Integration, TypeScript Atom Integration, TypeScript Monaco Editor Integration, TypeScript Playground, TypeScript REPL Tools, TypeScript Node Integration, TypeScript Deno Integration, TypeScript Babel Integration, TypeScript Webpack Loader, TypeScript Rollup Plugin, TypeScript Parcel Integration, TypeScript FuseBox Integration, TypeScript Gulp Integration, TypeScript Grunt Integration, TypeScript ESLint Integration, TypeScript TSLint (Deprecated), TypeScript Prettier Integration, TypeScript Formatter, TypeScript Linter, TypeScript Language Server, TypeScript Server Plugin, TypeScript Vue SFC Integration, TypeScript Angular Integration, TypeScript React Integration, TypeScript JSX Mode, TypeScript TSX Mode, TypeScript Next.js Integration, TypeScript Gatsby Integration, TypeScript Nuxt.js Integration, TypeScript Svelte Integration, TypeScript Stencil Integration, TypeScript LitElement Integration, TypeScript Polymer Integration, TypeScript RxJS Type Definitions, TypeScript Node Type Definitions, TypeScript DOM Type Definitions, TypeScript ESNext Type Definitions, TypeScript ES2015 Type Definitions, TypeScript ES2017 Type Definitions, TypeScript ES2020 Type Definitions, TypeScript ES2021 Type Definitions, TypeScript ES2022 Type Definitions, TypeScript ES3 Compatibility, TypeScript ES5 Target, TypeScript ES6 Target, TypeScript ES2015 Target, TypeScript ES2017 Target, TypeScript ES2018 Target, TypeScript ES2019 Target, TypeScript ES2020 Target, TypeScript ES2021 Target, TypeScript ES2022 Target, TypeScript ESNext Target, TypeScript Module CommonJS, TypeScript Module AMD, TypeScript Module UMD, TypeScript Module SystemJS, TypeScript Module ESNext, TypeScript Module NodeNext, TypeScript Module Node16, TypeScript Lib ES5, TypeScript Lib ES6, TypeScript Lib ES2015, TypeScript Lib ES2016, TypeScript Lib ES2017, TypeScript Lib ES2018, TypeScript Lib ES2019, TypeScript Lib ES2020, TypeScript Lib ES2021, TypeScript Lib ES2022, TypeScript Lib DOM, TypeScript Lib Webworker, TypeScript Lib Webworker.Iterable, TypeScript Lib ScriptHost, TypeScript Lib DOM.Iterable, TypeScript Lib ESNext, TypeScript Target Option, TypeScript ModuleResolutionOption, TypeScript BaseUrl Option, TypeScript RootDirs Option, TypeScript Paths Option, TypeScript TypeRoots Option, TypeScript Types Option, TypeScript TraceResolution Option, TypeScript PreserveSymlinks Option, TypeScript AllowJs, TypeScript CheckJs, TypeScript Declaration, TypeScript DeclarationMap, TypeScript RemoveComments, TypeScript Incremental, TypeScript Composite, TypeScript InlineSourceMap, TypeScript InlineSources, TypeScript SourceMap, TypeScript IsolatedModules, TypeScript SkipLibCheck, TypeScript SkipDefaultLibCheck, TypeScript ForceConsistentCasingInFileNames, TypeScript RootDir, TypeScript OutDir, TypeScript OutFile, TypeScript AllowSyntheticDefaultImports, TypeScript ExperimentalDecorators, TypeScript EmitDecoratorMetadata, TypeScript DownlevelIteration, TypeScript StrictBindCallApply Option, TypeScript StrictPropertyInitialization Option, TypeScript UseUnknownInCatchVariables Option, TypeScript ImportsNotUsedAsValues Option, TypeScript PreserveConstEnums, TypeScript NoEmit, TypeScript NoEmitOnError, TypeScript ImportHelpers, TypeScript IsolatedModules Option, TypeScript Babel Plugin Transform TypeScript, TypeScript TypeDoc Integration, TypeScript API Extractor Integration, TypeScript Source Maps Support, TypeScript Decorators Metadata, TypeScript Experimental Flags, TypeScript Constraint Satisfaction, TypeScript Indexed Access Update, TypeScript Watch Mode Iteration, TypeScript watchFile Strategy, TypeScript watchDirectory Strategy, TypeScript incremental compilation cache, TypeScript composite build mode, TypeScript build reference, TypeScript output chunking, TypeScript declaration bundling, TypeScript path mapping resolution, TypeScript module specifier resolution, TypeScript import elision, TypeScript JSX factory, TypeScript JSX fragment factory, TypeScript JSX runtime, TypeScript preserve JSX, TypeScript react-jsx mode, TypeScript react-jsxdev mode, TypeScript isolated JSX namespace, TypeScript intrinsic element attribute types, TypeScript union type narrowing, TypeScript control flow narrowing, TypeScript discriminant property checks, TypeScript exhaustive switch checks, TypeScript unreachable code detection, TypeScript definite assignment checks, TypeScript optional property checks, TypeScript template literal type inference, TypeScript partial inference in generic, TypeScript tuple type inference, TypeScript tuple variance, TypeScript mapped type modifiers, TypeScript template literal type patterns, TypeScript conditional type inference patterns, TypeScript recursive type references, TypeScript tail-call optimization in types, TypeScript big integer literal types, TypeScript symbol literal types, TypeScript unique symbol types, TypeScript indexed access constraints, TypeScript type compatibility rules, TypeScript subtype and assignability, TypeScript assignability checks, TypeScript structural typing rules, TypeScript type alias circular references, TypeScript limit on instantiation depth, TypeScript error message hints, TypeScript suggestion diagnostics, TypeScript code actions, TypeScript refactorings, TypeScript organize imports, TypeScript rename symbol, TypeScript code fix all, TypeScript diagnostic tags, TypeScript unreachable code is error, TypeScript deprecated API warnings, TypeScript quick fixes for missed imports, TypeScript auto import suggestions, TypeScript auto fix on save, TypeScript incremental build watch, TypeScript composite project references, TypeScript solution style tsconfig, TypeScript project graph, TypeScript project dependency, TypeScript build order, TypeScript outDir redirect, TypeScript preserve watch output order, TypeScript advanced module resolution tracing, TypeScript plugin config in tsconfig, TypeScript plugin diagnostics, TypeScript plugin extra file extensions, TypeScript plugin language service extension, TypeScript server high memory usage, TypeScript server performance tracing, TypeScript server logVerbosity, TypeScript server cancellation tokens, TypeScript language server protocol features, TypeScript auto import from inferred project, TypeScript auto @ts-check in JS, TypeScript checkJs mode, TypeScript allowJs mode, TypeScript declaration and allowJs, TypeScript composite and allowJs, TypeScript incremental and composite flags

GPT 4o:

TypeScript: TypeScript Glossary, TypeScript Best Practices, Web Development Best Practices, JavaScript Best Practices, TypeScript Fundamentals, TypeScript Inventor - TypeScript Language Designer: Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft on October 1, 2012; TypeScript Keywords, TypeScript Built-In Data Types, TypeScript Data Structures - TypeScript Algorithms, TypeScript Syntax, TypeScript on Linux, TypeScript on macOS, TypeScript on Windows, TypeScript on Android, TypeScript on iOS, TypeScript Installation, TypeScript Containerization (TypeScript with Docker, TypeScript with Podman, TypeScript and Kubernetes), TypeScript OOP - TypeScript Design Patterns, Clean TypeScript - TypeScript Style Guide, TypeScript Best Practices - TypeScript BDD, Web Browser, Web Development, HTML-CSS, TypeScript Frameworks (Angular), JavaScript Libraries (React.js with TypeScript, Vue.js with TypeScript, jQuery with TypeScript), TypeScript on the Server (TypeScript with Node.js, TypeScript with Deno, TypeScript with Express.js), TypeScript Compiler (tsc, tsconfig.json), TypeScript Transpiler (Transpile TypeScript into JavaScript), Babel and TypeScript, TypeScript Package Management, NPM and TypeScript, NVM and TypeScript, Yarn Package Manager and TypeScript, TypeScript IDEs (Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, JetBrains WebStorm), TypeScript Development Tools, TypeScript Linter, TypeScript Debugging (Chrome DevTools, JavaScript Source Maps), TypeScript Testing (TypeScript TDD, Selenium, Jest, Mocha.js, Jasmine, Tape Testing (tap-producing test harness for Node.js and browsers), Supertest, React Testing Library, Enzyme.js React Testing, Angular TestBed), TypeScript DevOps - TypeScript SRE, TypeScript Data Science - TypeScript DataOps, TypeScript Machine Learning, TypeScript Deep Learning, Functional TypeScript, TypeScript Concurrency (WebAssembly - WASM) - TypeScript Async (TypeScript Await, TypeScript Promises, TypeScript Workers - Web Workers, Service Workers, Browser Main Thread), TypeScript Concurrency, TypeScript History, TypeScript Bibliography, Manning TypeScript Series, TypeScript Glossary - Glossaire de TypeScript - French, TypeScript T, TypeScript Courses, TypeScript Standard Library, TypeScript Libraries, TypeScript Frameworks (Angular), TypeScript Research, JavaScript, TypeScript GitHub, Written in TypeScript, TypeScript Popularity, TypeScript Awesome, TypeScript Versions. (navbar_typescript - see also navbar_javascript, navbar_typescript_networking, navbar_javascript_libraries, navbar_typescript_libraries, navbar_typescript_versions, navbar_typescript_standard_library, navbar_typescript_libraries, navbar_typescript_reserved_words, navbar_typescript_functional, navbar_typescript_concurrency, navbar_typescript_async, navbar_javascript_standard_library, navbar_react.js, navbar_angular, navbar_vue, navbar_javascript_standard_library, navbar_web_development)

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