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Podman Glossary

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Snippet from Wikipedia: Podman

In computing, Podman (pod manager) is an open source Open Container Initiative (OCI)-compliant container management tool from Red Hat used for handling containers, images, volumes, and pods on the Linux operating system, with support for Mac OS and Microsoft Windows via a virtual machine. Based on the libpod library, it offers APIs for the lifecycle management of containers, pods, images, and volumes. The API is identical to the Docker API. Podman Desktop provides an alternative to Docker Desktop.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Containerization

Containerization is a system of intermodal freight transport using intermodal containers (also called shipping containers, or ISO containers). Containerization, also referred as container stuffing or container loading, is the process of unitization of cargoes in exports. Containerization is the predominant form of unitization of export cargoes, as opposed to other systems such as the barge system or palletization. The containers have standardized dimensions. They can be loaded and unloaded, stacked, transported efficiently over long distances, and transferred from one mode of transport to another—container ships, rail transport flatcars, and semi-trailer trucks—without being opened. The handling system is mechanized so that all handling is done with cranes and special forklift trucks. All containers are numbered and tracked using computerized systems.

Containerization originated several centuries ago but was not well developed or widely applied until after World War II, when it dramatically reduced the costs of transport, supported the post-war boom in international trade, and was a major element in globalization. Containerization eliminated manual sorting of most shipments and the need for dock front warehouses, while displacing many thousands of dock workers who formerly simply handled break bulk cargo. Containerization reduced congestion in ports, significantly shortened shipping time, and reduced losses from damage and theft.

Containers can be made from a wide range of materials such as steel, fibre-reinforced polymer, aluminum or a combination. Containers made from weathering steel are used to minimize maintenance needs.

Creating a Podman glossary of the top 40 concepts, particularly sorted by their commonality of use, is an ambitious task due to the depth and breadth of Podman's features. Podman (Pod Manager) is a fully featured container engine that is a drop-in replacement for Docker. It offers a daemonless, open-source, Linux-native tool that facilitates developing, managing, and running OCI Containers on your Linux System. Podman operates containers without the need for a container daemon, which Docker requires, thus providing a more secure and efficient way to manage containers.

Given the space constraints and the complexity of detailing 40 concepts, I'll outline some of the top Podman concepts and their usage in a simplified MediaWiki format. This list isn't exhaustive but aims to cover foundational concepts and commonly used features in Podman.

Basic Podman Glossary

This glossary outlines the most commonly used Podman concepts, providing users with a foundational understanding of Podman's functionalities and how they are applied in container management.


A daemonless, open-source, Linux-native tool designed to make it easy to find, run, build, share and deploy applications using Open Containers Initiative (OCI) Containers and Container Images.


An isolated environment that can run applications and their dependencies. Containers are created from images and can be managed using Podman commands.


A static file that includes the executable code and libraries needed to run an application. Images serve as the basis for containers.


A group of one or more containers sharing the same network namespace, among other shared resources. Pods are a higher-level concept to bundle containers together.


A tool that Podman integrates with to allow users to build container images from a Dockerfile or a custom script without requiring a full container runtime or daemon.


A command-line utility that performs various operations on container images and image repositories. Podman uses Skopeo for operations like inspecting images without pulling them.

Rootless Containers

Podman’s ability to run containers without requiring root privileges, enhancing the security by limiting the potential impact of a security breach within a container.

`podman run`

Command to run a container from an image. This is one of the most basic and commonly used Podman commands. ; Example <source> podman run -dt –name mycontainer nginx </source>

`podman ps`

Displays a list of running containers. ; Example <source> podman ps </source>

`podman images`

Lists the images available on the system. ; Example <source> podman images </source>

`podman pull`

Pulls an image from a registry to the local machine. ; Example <source> podman pull </source>

`podman push`

Pushes an image from the local system to a registry. ; Example <source> podman push myimage </source>

`podman build`

Builds a container image from a Dockerfile. ; Example <source> podman build -t myimage . </source>

`podman commit`

Creates a new image from a container's changes. ; Example <source> podman commit mycontainer mynewimage </source>

`podman login`

Logs into a container registry. ; Example <source> podman login </source>

`podman logout`

Logs out of a container registry. ; Example <source> podman logout </source>

`podman pod`

Commands under `podman pod` manage groups of containers, or pods. ; Example <source> podman pod create –name mypod </source>

`podman stop`

Stops one or more running containers. ; Example <source> podman stop mycontainer </source>

`podman start`

Starts one or more stopped containers. ; Example <source> podman start mycontainer </source>

`podman rm`

Removes one or more containers from the host. ; Example <source> podman rm mycontainer </source>

`podman rmi`

Removes one or more images from the local storage. ; Example <source> podman rmi myimage </source>


Mechanisms for isolating groups of processes from each other so they cannot see or interact with processes in other namespaces.

Cgroups (Control Groups)

A Linux kernel feature that limits, accounts for, and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, network, etc.) of a collection of processes.

This glossary offers an introduction to the essential functionalities of Podman, focusing on container management. To explore all 40 concepts thoroughly, one should delve into Podman's official documentation and resources, which provide comprehensive details, advanced features, and best practices.

Podman: Podman Glossary, Podman Desktop (brew install podman-desktop, brew install podman), Containers, Red Hat, Package Management for Containers (See Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book: Package Management for Docker, Package Management for Podman and Package Management for Kubernetes with Helm), Podman Bibliography, Podman Courses, Podman GitHub, Awesome Podman, (navbar_podman - see also navbar_K8S, navbar_openshift, navbar_docker, navbar_helm)

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podman_glossary.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:13 by

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