
Ruby FFI (Foreign Function Interface)


Ruby FFI (Foreign Function Interface) is a gem for Ruby that allows the execution of code written in other languages, such as C, directly from Ruby programs. It provides a way to dynamically load libraries, access their functions, and define custom data types. Ruby FFI eliminates the need for writing C extensions in Ruby and simplifies the process of interfacing with external libraries.

Key Features

  • **Dynamic Library Loading:** Ruby FFI can load shared libraries at runtime, making it flexible and adaptable to different environments.
  • **Function Binding:** It allows defining and binding to functions in the loaded libraries, specifying argument types and return values.
  • **Custom Data Types:** Ruby FFI enables the creation of custom data types that mirror structures and unions in the C libraries.
  • **Memory Management:** It handles memory allocation and deallocation for interacting with C data structures.
  • **Callbacks:** FFI supports passing Ruby procs or blocks as callback functions to C libraries.
  • **Platform Independence:** It is designed to work on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Code Example

```ruby require 'ffi'

module MyLib

 extend FFI::Library
 ffi_lib ''
 # Define function signature
 attach_function :add, [:int, :int], :int

  1. Call the C function

result = MyLib.add(5, 3) puts result # Output: 8 ```

In this example, `ffi_lib` loads the shared library ``, `attach_function` defines the `add` function with its argument and return types, and then the `add` function is called directly from Ruby.

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