
Conan C and CPP Package Manager

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Conan, software package manager for C and C++ developers

The open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager to create and share all your native binaries.

Common Package Specification (CPS) in Practice: Working Implementation in Conan CPP Package Manager

Snippet from Wikipedia: Conan

Conan may refer to:

npm (Node Package Manager), Yarn, pip (Python Package Installer), conda, gem (RubyGems), cargo (Rust Package Manager), go mod (Go Modules), composer (PHP Dependency Manager), NuGet, Maven, Gradle, CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager, bundler (Ruby Dependency Manager), Mix (Elixir Package Manager), dub (D Language Package Manager), stack (Haskell Build Tool), cabal (Haskell Dependency Manager), Hex (Erlang/Elixir Package Manager), Pkg (Julia Package Manager), Renv (R Dependency Manager), BiocManager (R Bioconductor Manager), Leiningen (Clojure Dependency Manager), Spago (PureScript Package Manager), Dotnet CLI. (navbar_programming_lamguage_package_manager), Operating System Package Managers, Homebrew for Linux, Homebrew for macOS, apt, apt update, apt upgrade, apt install, apt remove, apt autoremove, apt purge, apt search, apt show, apt policy, apt list, apt cache, apt edit-sources, apt full-upgrade, apt dist-upgrade, apt build-dep, apt source, apt download, APT (Advanced Package Tool), apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get install, apt-get remove, apt-get autoremove, apt-get purge, apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get build-dep, apt-get source, apt-get dselect-upgrade, apt-get clean, apt-get autoclean, apt-get check, dpkg, dpkg -i, dpkg -r, dpkg -P, dpkg -l, dpkg -L, dpkg -S, dpkg -s, dpkg --configure, dpkg --unpack, dpkg --force-all, dselect, Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic (software), Synaptic, APT-RPM, DNF (Dandified Yum), dnf install, dnf remove, dnf update, dnf upgrade, dnf downgrade, dnf search, dnf info, dnf clean, dnf autoremove, dnf groupinstall, dnf groupremove, dnf grouplist, dnf repolist, dnf history, dnf makecache, dnf check-update, yum (Yellowdog Updater, Modified), yum install, yum remove, yum update, yum upgrade, yum search, yum info, yum clean, yum repolist, yum groupinstall, yum groupremove, yum grouplist, yum history, yum check-update, rpm (RPM Package Manager), rpm -i, rpm -U, rpm -F, rpm -e, rpm -q, rpm -qa, rpm -qi, rpm -ql, rpm -qc, rpm -qd, rpm -qf, rpm -q --changelog, rpm --import, rpm --rebuilddb, rpm --verify, snap (Snap Package Manager), snap install, snap remove, snap refresh, snap revert, snap list, snap info, snap find, snap alias, snap channels, snap connections, snap services, snap interfaces, snap disconnect, snap connect, snap set, snap get, snap start, snap stop, snap restart, snap revert, SnapCraft,, AppImage, AppImage on FUSE, brew (Homebrew) on macOS, brew update, brew upgrade, brew install, brew uninstall, brew remove, brew info, brew search, brew list, brew outdated, brew cleanup, brew doctor, brew tap, brew untap, brew services, brew link, brew unlink, brew switch, brew edit, brew cask (deprecated, integrated now), brew autoremove, brew pin, brew unpin, brew bundle, brew reinstall, brew upgrade --cask, choco (Chocolatey) on Windows, choco install, choco uninstall, choco upgrade, choco search, choco list, choco outdated, choco pin, choco config, choco source, choco export, choco import, choco feature, choco pack, choco push, choco apikey, choco new, choco outdated -l, choco outdated -r, winget (Windows Package Manager), winget install, winget uninstall, winget upgrade, winget list, winget search, winget show, winget settings, winget features, winget export, winget import, winget hash, winget validate, winget source, sdkman (Software Development Kits Manager), sdk list, sdk install, sdk uninstall, sdk use, sdk default, sdk upgrade, sdk flush, sdk current, sdk version, sdk offline, sdk selfupdate, sdk update, nvm (Node Version Manager), nvm install, nvm uninstall, nvm use, nvm ls, nvm ls-remote, nvm alias, nvm unalias, nvm current, nvm run, nvm exec, nvm which, npm (Node Package Manager), npm install, npm uninstall, npm update, npm upgrade, npm ls, npm list, npm search, npm info, npm view, npm link, npm prune, npm outdated, npm audit, npm audit fix, npm publish, npm version, npm init, npm run-script, npm cache clean, npm ci, npm shrinkwrap, npm dedupe, npm doctor, npm root, npm explore, npm rebuild, npm uninstall -g, npm install -g, npx (npm package runner), yarn (Yet Another Resource Navigator), yarn add, yarn remove, yarn upgrade, yarn global add, yarn global remove, yarn global upgrade, yarn install, yarn outdated, yarn audit, yarn audit fix, yarn run, yarn workspaces, yarn create, yarn cache clean, yarn list, yarn info, yarn version, yarn upgrade-interactive, pip (Python Package Manager), pip install, pip uninstall, pip list, pip search, pip show, pip freeze, pip install --upgrade, pip wheel, pip hash, pip check, pip completion, pip download, pip cache, pip install --user, pip install --no-deps, pip install -r requirements.txt, pipenv, Anaconda (Python Distribution), conda (Conda Package Manager), conda install, conda remove, conda update, conda upgrade, conda create, conda env create, conda env remove, conda env export, conda list, conda search, conda info, conda config, conda clean, conda package, conda run, conda init, conda deactivate, conda activate, conda doctor, miniconda (Minimal Conda), mamba (Faster Conda), maven ([[Java Package Manager / Java build tools), mvn install, mvn package, mvn clean, mvn compile, mvn test, mvn deploy, mvn verify, mvn site, tree, resolve, use-latest-versions, gradle (Java Build Tool with deps), gradle build, gradle assemble, gradle test, gradle tasks, gradle dependencies, gradle publish, gradle wrapper, gradle clean, gradle run, gradle init, gradle properties, gradle build scan, sbt (Scala Build Tool), sbt update, sbt compile, sbt test, sbt package, sbt publish, sbt assembly, sbt clean, sbt dependencyTree, sbt reload, sbt run, Leiningen (Clojure): lein deps, lein uberjar, lein test, lein run, lein repl, lein install, lein update-in, lein trampoline, lein check, lein do, lein jar, lein pom, lein release, lein version, lein clean, lein eastwood, NuGet (.NET package manager), nuget install, nuget update, nuget restore, nuget push, nuget pack, nuget spec, nuget delete, nuget locals, nuget list, nuget search, nuget setApiKey, nuget setSource, dotnet add package, dotnet restore, dotnet nuget locals, dotnet nuget push, dotnet nuget delete, dotnet nuget list source, dotnet nuget add source, dotnet nuget remove source, dotnet nuget update source, dotnet tool install, dotnet tool update, dotnet tool uninstall, RubyGems (Ruby): gem install, gem uninstall, gem update, gem search, gem list, gem build, gem push, gem yank, gem server, gem environment, gem contents, gem dependency, gem outdated, gem pristine, gem spec, gem unpack, gem which, bundle (Bundler for Ruby), bundle install, bundle update, bundle exec, bundle package, bundle config, bundle show, bundle list, bundle outdated, bundle pristine, bundle add, bundle clean, cargo (Rust): cargo build, cargo run, cargo test, cargo update, cargo install, cargo uninstall, cargo search, cargo publish, cargo yank, cargo check, cargo doc, cargo clean, cargo new, cargo init, cargo fetch, cargo tree, cargo vendor, cargo fmtrustfmt extension, vcpkg (CPP package manager), vcpkg install, vcpkg remove, vcpkg update, vcpkg upgrade, vcpkg search, vcpkg list, vcpkg integrate install, vcpkg integrate remove, vcpkg export, vcpkg edit, vcpkg depend-info, vcpkg hash, vcpkg fetch, vcpkg version, Conan (CPP package manager), conan install, conan remove, conan search, conan upload, conan export, conan info, conan create, conan inspect, conan test, conan remote add, conan remote remove, conan remote list, conan config list, conan config set, conan profile list, conan profile new, conan profile update, conan profile remove, Helm (Kubernetes Package Manager), helm repo add, helm repo update, helm search repo, helm install, helm upgrade, helm uninstall, helm rollback, helm list, helm history, helm package, helm lint, helm template, helm show, helm plugin install, helm plugin list, helm plugin remove, helm version, helm env, helm create, helm dependency update, helm dependency build, helm dependency list, helm dependency add, helm get values, helm get manifest, helm get hooks, helm get notes, helm verify, helm chart list, helm chart pull, helm chart push, helm chart export, helm chart save, helm chart show, Packages Managers for Docker, Docker Hub (DockerHub is not a package manager. It's an image registry, Packages Managers for Containers: (Docker images are considered in the realm of packaging: Docker Hub, docker pull, docker push, docker images, docker build, docker run, docker tag, docker rmi, docker save, docker load, docker export, docker import, docker load, Podman for Containers: Podman pull, Podman push, Podman images, Podman run, Podman build, Podman tag, Podman rmi, Podman save, Podman load, Nix (Nix package manager), nix-env, nix-env -i, nix-env -e, nix-env -u, nix-env -q, nix-env -qa, nix-build, nix-shell, nix-store, nix-collect-garbage, nix-channel, nix-channel --update, nix-channel --list, nix-channel --add, nix-channel --remove, nix search, nix run, NixOS configuration.nix, GNU Guix (Guix package manager), guix install, guix remove, guix upgrade, guix search, guix pull, guix package, guix environment, guix system, guix pack, guix challenge, guix import, guix publish, guix weather, guix gc, guix lint, guix graph, guix show, guix build, guix edit, guix refresh, guix describe, guix time-machine, guix home reconfigure, guix shell, Flatpak, flatpak install, flatpak remove, flatpak update, flatpak list, flatpak search, flatpak info, flatpak remote-add, flatpak remote-ls, flatpak remote-delete, flatpak uninstall, flatpak repair, flatpak config, flatpak permissions, flatpak history, flatpak create-usb, flatpak export, flatpak install --user, flatpak install --system, flatpak run, flatpak override, flatpak mask, flatpak --version, Flatpak ref, Flatpak repo, Flatpak builder, AppImage - format on FUSE, Zypper (SUSE Linux): zypper install, zypper remove, zypper update, zypper upgrade, zypper search, zypper info, zypper patch, zypper dist-upgrade, zypper addrepo, zypper removerepo, zypper lr (list repos), zypper clean, zypper verify, zypper in, zypper rm, ZYpp (SUSE backend), Entropy (Sabayon): equo install, equo remove, equo update, equo upgrade, equo search, equo query, equo mask, equo unmask, netpkg (Zenwalk), pacman (Arch Linux), pacman -S, pacman -R, pacman -Q, pacman -Ss, pacman -Si, pacman -Su, pacman -Sy, pacman -Syu, pacman -Sc, pacman -Scc, pacman -Sw, pacman -U, pacman -Rns, pacman -Qo, pacman -Qs, pacman -Ql, pacman -Qi, pacman -Qm, PiSi (Pardus): pisi install, pisi remove, pisi upgrade, pisi info, pisi search, pisi list, pisi up (update), pisi build, pisi help, PPM (Puppy Package Manager), slackpkg (Slackware), slackpkg install, slackpkg remove, slackpkg search, slackpkg update, slackpkg upgrade, slackpkg reinstall, slapt-get (Slackware), slapt-get --install, slapt-get --remove, slapt-get --update, slapt-get --upgrade, slapt-get --search, swaret (Slackware), paldo (Paldo OS) upkg, upkg install, upkg remove, upkg update, upkg upgrade, upkg search, upkg info, upkg list, Puppet Integration with Package Resources, Puppet package Type, puppet resource package, puppet apply with package, Chef Integration with package Resource, knife cookbook upload - Chef tool that handle packages, Chef is config mgmt, chef resource package, chef run_list with packages, chef attribute node['packages'], chef inspec package resource, ansible package module, ansible apt module, ansible yum module, ansible dnf module, ansible package_facts module, Terraform with external provider to manage packages - Possibly Packer or terraform use, Salt pkg.install, Salt pkg.remove, Salt pkg.upgrade, Salt pkg.info_installed, Salt pkg.list_pkgs, Salt pkg.refresh_db, Salt pkg.version, Salt pkg.latest, Salt pkg.hold, Salt pkg.unhold, Salt pkg.autoremove, Guix inferior packages, Guix channels, Nix channels, Nix flakes Nix overlay., NixOS option for packageInstallation, Zypp patch, Binary Artifact Repositories, artifact repository, Configuration Management as it relates to package management, Ansible playbook installing packages, Ansible apt task, Ansible yum task, Chef recipe with package, Puppet manifest with package, Salt state with pkg.installed

Package Managers: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Package Manager Glossary,, Operating System Package Managers (Homebrew for Linux, apt-yum-dnf-rpm-snap-AppImage on FUSEchoco-wingetHomebrew for macOS; Programming Language Package Managers: npm-nvm-yarn - pip-Anaconda-conda-miniconda - maven-gradle-sdkman-sbt-Leiningen - NuGet - go get - RubyGems - cargo - CPP Package Managers vcpkg and Conan), Misconfigured Package Management (Misconfigured NuGet, Misconfigured Maven, Misconfigured Gradle, Misconfigured NPM, Misconfigured pip, Misconfigured Cargo), Package Managers for Kubernetes - Kubernetes Package Manager (Helm), Packages Managers for Containers (Packages Managers for Docker (Docker Hub), Package Managers for Podman), Package Managers for Windows (Chocolatey - choco, winget), Package Managers for macOS (Homebrew - brew), Package Managers for Linux: APT (Package Manager) - APT (KPackage, Synaptic (software) - Synaptic, Ubuntu Software Center, aptitude software) - aptitude, dselect, RPM Package Manager - RPM (APT-RPM, DNF (software) - DNF, up2date, urpmi, Rpmdrake, Yum (software) - YUM, ZYpp), Linux distribution - Distribution-agnostic (AppImage, Flatpak, GNU Guix, Homebrew (package manager) - Homebrew - brew, Nix package manager - Nix, pkgsrc, Snap (package manager) - Snap - SnapCraft -; Others (binary) (Sabayon Linux Package management - Entropy, Zenwalk netpkg, Arch Linux pacman, Pardus (operating system) - Pardus PiSi, Puppy Linux PPM, slackpkg, slapt-get, swaret, paldo (operating system) - paldo upkg); Package Format, Image, Artifact, CLIs, Command line security, Tab completion, Automation, DevOps Tools, Container Tools, K8S Tools, Programming Tools, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), CI-CD, Git-GitHub-GitOps, Scripting languages (Python scripting, Bash script, PowerShell-PowerShell DSC), Configuration Management (Terraform-Ansible-Chef-Puppet-Salt), Linux CLI Shells bash-ksh-tcsh-mksh-zsh, macOS CLI-iTerm2, Windows CLI / cmd.exe, Windows Terminal, cURL, REPLs, IDEs, Cloud IDEs. (navbar_package_manager - see also navbar_dependency_management, navbar_developer_tools, navbar_choco, navbar_brew, navbar_nvm, navbar_npm, navbar_maven, navbar_gradle, navbar_helm)

C Language Vocabulary List (Sorted by Popularity)

C Language Programming Language, C Language Compiler, C Language Preprocessor, C Language Linker, C Language Standard, C Language ANSI C, C Language ISO C, C Language C89, C Language C90, C Language C99, C Language C11, C Language C17, C Language C18, C Language C23, C Language K&R Style, C Language Translation Unit, C Language Object File, C Language Header File, C Language Source File, C Language Macro, C Language Macro Expansion, C Language Conditional Compilation, include Directive, define Directive, if Directive, ifdef Directive, ifndef Directive, else Directive, elif Directive, endif Directive, undef Directive, line Directive, error Directive, pragma Directive, C Language Pragma once, C Language Inline Keyword, C Language Extern Keyword, C Language Static Keyword, C Language Const Keyword, C Language Volatile Keyword, C Language Restrict Keyword, C Language _Thread_local Keyword, C Language _Atomic Keyword, C Language _Noreturn Keyword, C Language _Static_assert Keyword, C Language _Alignas Keyword, C Language _Alignof Keyword, C Language _Generic Keyword, C Language _Bool Type, C Language _Complex Type, C Language _Imaginary Type, C Language Signed Keyword, C Language Unsigned Keyword, C Language Long Keyword, C Language Short Keyword, C Language Char Type, C Language Int Type, C Language Float Type, C Language Double Type, C Language Long Double Type, C Language Void Type, C Language Enum Keyword, C Language Struct Keyword, C Language Union Keyword, C Language typedef Keyword, C Language auto Keyword, C Language register Keyword, C Language Return Statement, C Language If Statement, C Language Else Statement, C Language Switch Statement, C Language Case Label, C Language Default Label, C Language For Loop, C Language While Loop, C Language Do While Loop, C Language Break Statement, C Language Continue Statement, C Language Goto Statement, C Language Label, C Language Compound Statement, C Language Block Scope, C Language File Scope, C Language Function Scope, C Language Prototype Scope, C Language Pointer Type, C Language Array Type, C Language Function Type, C Language Lvalue, C Language Rvalue, C Language Assignment Operator, C Language Arithmetic Operator, C Language Logical Operator, C Language Bitwise Operator, C Language Comparison Operator, C Language Increment Operator, C Language Decrement Operator, C Language Ternary Operator, C Language Sizeof Operator, C Language Comma Operator, C Language Type Cast, C Language Escape Sequence, C Language String Literal, C Language Character Constant, C Language Integer Constant, C Language Floating Constant, C Language Enumeration Constant, C Language Hexadecimal Constant, C Language Octal Constant, C Language UCN (Universal Character Name), C Language Wide Character Literal, C Language Wide String Literal, C Language Compound Literal, C Language Designated Initializer, C Language Flexible Array Member, C Language Variadic Function, C Language Ellipsis (...), C Language va_list Type, C Language va_start Macro, C Language va_arg Macro, C Language va_end Macro, C Language va_copy Macro, C Language setjmp Macro, C Language longjmp Function, C Language jmp_buf Type, C Language signal Handling, C Language raise Function, C Language SIG_DFL Macro, C Language SIG_IGN Macro, C Language SIG_ERR Macro, C Language <stdio.h> Header, C Language <stdlib.h> Header, C Language <string.h> Header, C Language <math.h> Header, C Language <stdbool.h> Header, C Language <stddef.h> Header, C Language <stdint.h> Header, C Language <inttypes.h> Header, C Language <ctype.h> Header, C Language <locale.h> Header, C Language <time.h> Header, C Language <assert.h> Header, C Language <signal.h> Header, C Language <setjmp.h> Header, C Language <stdarg.h> Header, C Language <fenv.h> Header, C Language <float.h> Header, C Language <complex.h> Header, C Language <tgmath.h> Header, C Language <stdalign.h> Header, C Language <stdatomic.h> Header, C Language <stdnoreturn.h> Header, C Language <threads.h> Header, C Language <uchar.h> Header, C Language I/O Stream, C Language FILE Type, C Language fpos_t Type, C Language off_t Type, C Language size_t Type, C Language ptrdiff_t Type, C Language wchar_t Type, C Language wint_t Type, C Language mbstate_t Type, C Language clock_t Type, C Language time_t Type, C Language struct tm, C Language errno Macro, C Language EDOM Macro, C Language ERANGE Macro, C Language EOF Macro, C Language NULL Pointer, C Language offsetof Macro, C Language assert Macro, C Language static_assert Keyword, C Language inline function, C Language restrict qualifier, C Language volatile qualifier, C Language atomic types, C Language atomic_flag Type, C Language atomic_bool, C Language atomic_thread_fence, C Language atomic_signal_fence, C Language memory_order, C Language memory_order_relaxed, C Language memory_order_acquire, C Language memory_order_release, C Language memory_order_acq_rel, C Language memory_order_seq_cst, C Language Alignment, C Language Alignment Requirement, C Language _Alignof Operator, C Language _Alignas Specifier, C Language Thread-Safety, C Language Thread Creation, C Language Thread Termination, C Language thrd_t Type, C Language thrd_create Function, C Language thrd_join Function, C Language thrd_exit Function, C Language thrd_sleep Function, C Language mtx_t Type, C Language mtx_init Function, C Language mtx_lock Function, C Language mtx_trylock Function, C Language mtx_unlock Function, C Language mtx_destroy Function, C Language cnd_t Type, C Language cnd_init Function, C Language cnd_signal Function, C Language cnd_broadcast Function, C Language cnd_wait Function, C Language cnd_timedwait Function, C Language cnd_destroy Function, C Language tss_t Type, C Language tss_create Function, C Language tss_delete Function, C Language tss_set Function, C Language tss_get Function, C Language call_once Function, C Language once_flag Type, C Language C Preprocessing, C Language Tokenization, C Language Trigraph, C Language Digraph, C Language Universal Character Names, C Language Escape Sequences, C Language Wide Character, C Language Execution Character Set, C Language Source Character Set, C Language String Concatenation, C Language Translation Phases, C Language Undefined Behavior, C Language Implementation-Defined Behavior, C Language Unspecified Behavior, C Language Sequence Point, C Language Sequenced Before, C Language Sequenced After, C Language Unsequenced, C Language Scalar Type, C Language Aggregate Type, C Language POD (Plain Old Data), C Language Object Lifetime, C Language Storage Duration, C Language Static Storage Duration, C Language Thread Storage Duration, C Language Automatic Storage Duration, C Language Allocated Storage Duration, C Language Allocation Functions, C Language malloc Function, C Language calloc Function, C Language realloc Function, C Language free Function, C Language aligned_alloc Function, C Language abort Function, C Language atexit Function, C Language at_quick_exit Function, C Language quick_exit Function, C Language exit Function, C Language getenv Function, C Language system Function, C Language bsearch Function, C Language qsort Function, C Language abs Function, C Language labs Function, C Language llabs Function, C Language div Function, C Language ldiv Function, C Language lldiv Function, C Language rand Function, C Language srand Function, C Language atof Function, C Language atoi Function, C Language atol Function, C Language atoll Function, C Language strtod Function, C Language strtof Function, C Language strtold Function, C Language strtol Function, C Language strtoul Function, C Language strtoll Function, C Language strtoull Function, C Language mblen Function, C Language mbtowc Function, C Language wctomb Function, C Language mbstowcs Function, C Language wcstombs Function, C Language memset Function, C Language memcpy Function, C Language memmove Function, C Language memcmp Function, C Language memchr Function, C Language strcpy Function, C Language strncpy Function, C Language strcat Function, C Language strncat Function, C Language strcmp Function, C Language strncmp Function, C Language strchr Function, C Language strrchr Function, C Language strstr Function, C Language strspn Function, C Language strcspn Function, C Language strlen Function, C Language strerror Function, C Language strtok Function, C Language strcoll Function, C Language strxfrm Function, C Language sprintf Function, C Language fprintf Function, C Language printf Function, C Language scanf Function, C Language fscanf Function, C Language sscanf Function, C Language vprintf Function, C Language vfprintf Function, C Language vsprintf Function, C Language vsnprintf Function, C Language fgetc Function, C Language fgets Function, C Language fputc Function, C Language fputs Function, C Language getchar Function, C Language putchar Function, C Language puts Function, C Language ungetc Function, C Language fread Function, C Language fwrite Function, C Language fseek Function, C Language ftell Function, C Language rewind Function, C Language fgetpos Function, C Language fsetpos Function, C Language feof Function, C Language ferror Function, C Language clearerr Function, C Language fflush Function, C Language fopen Function, C Language freopen Function, C Language fclose Function, C Language remove Function, C Language rename Function, C Language tmpfile Function, C Language tmpnam Function, C Language setbuf Function, C Language setvbuf Function, C Language perror Function, C Language fwide Function, C Language wprintf Function, C Language fwprintf Function, C Language swprintf Function, C Language wscanf Function, C Language fwscanf Function, C Language swscanf Function, C Language towlower Function, C Language towupper Function, C Language iswalpha Function, C Language iswcntrl Function, C Language iswdigit Function, C Language iswlower Function, C Language iswgraph Function, C Language iswprint Function, C Language iswpunct Function, C Language iswspace Function, C Language iswupper Function, C Language iswxdigit Function, C Language wcslen Function, C Language wcsnlen Function, C Language wcscmp Function, C Language wcsncmp Function, C Language wcscpy Function, C Language wcsncpy Function, C Language wcscat Function, C Language wcsncat Function, C Language wcschr Function, C Language wcsrchr Function, C Language wcsstr Function, C Language wcspbrk Function, C Language wcsspn Function, C Language wcscspn Function, C Language wcstok Function, C Language wmemset Function, C Language wmemcpy Function, C Language wmemmove Function, C Language wmemcmp Function, C Language wmemchr Function, C Language wcscoll Function, C Language wcsxfrm Function, C Language wcsftime Function, C Language mktime Function, C Language difftime Function, C Language ctime Function, C Language gmtime Function, C Language localtime Function, C Language strftime Function, C Language clock Function, C Language CLOCKS_PER_SEC Macro, C Language FLT_EVAL_METHOD Macro, C Language FLT_ROUNDS Macro, C Language FLT_DIG Macro, C Language DBL_DIG Macro, C Language LDBL_DIG Macro, C Language FLT_RADIX Macro, C Language FLT_MANT_DIG Macro, C Language DBL_MANT_DIG Macro, C Language LDBL_MANT_DIG Macro, C Language FLT_EPSILON Macro, C Language DBL_EPSILON Macro, C Language LDBL_EPSILON Macro, C Language FLT_MAX Macro, C Language DBL_MAX Macro, C Language LDBL_MAX Macro, C Language FLT_MIN Macro, C Language DBL_MIN Macro, C Language LDBL_MIN Macro, C Language HUGE_VAL Macro, C Language HUGE_VALF Macro, C Language HUGE_VALL Macro, C Language INFINITY Macro, C Language NAN Macro, C Language FP_INFINITE Macro, C Language FP_NAN Macro, C Language FP_NORMAL Macro, C Language FP_SUBNORMAL Macro, C Language FP_ZERO Macro, C Language fpclassify Function, C Language isfinite Function, C Language isinf Function, C Language isnan Function, C Language isnormal Function, C Language signbit Function, C Language isgreater Function, C Language isgreaterequal Function, C Language isless Function, C Language islessequal Function, C Language islessgreater Function, C Language isunordered Function, C Language sin Function, C Language cos Function, C Language tan Function, C Language asin Function, C Language acos Function, C Language atan Function, C Language atan2 Function, C Language sinh Function, C Language cosh Function, C Language tanh Function, C Language asinh Function, C Language acosh Function, C Language atanh Function, C Language exp Function, C Language frexp Function, C Language ldexp Function, C Language log Function, C Language log10 Function, C Language log2 Function, C Language exp2 Function, C Language expm1 Function, C Language log1p Function, C Language sqrt Function, C Language cbrt Function, C Language hypot Function, C Language erf Function, C Language erfc Function, C Language tgamma Function, C Language lgamma Function, C Language ceil Function, C Language floor Function, C Language fmod Function, C Language remainder Function, C Language remquo Function, C Language fdim Function, C Language fmax Function, C Language fmin Function, C Language fma Function, C Language fabs Function, C Language trunc Function, C Language round Function, C Language lround Function, C Language llround Function, C Language nearbyint Function, C Language rint Function, C Language lrint Function, C Language llrint Function, C Language copysign Function, C Language nextafter Function, C Language nexttoward Function, C Language fenv_t Type, C Language fexcept_t Type, C Language feclearexcept Function, C Language feraiseexcept Function, C Language fesetexceptflag Function, C Language fegetexceptflag Function, C Language fetestexcept Function, C Language fegetround Function, C Language fesetround Function, C Language fegetenv Function, C Language fesetenv Function, C Language feupdateenv Function, C Language FENV_ACCESS Macro, C Language ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE Macro, C Language atomic_is_lock_free Function, C Language atomic_store Function, C Language atomic_load Function, C Language atomic_exchange Function, C Language atomic_compare_exchange_strong Function, C Language atomic_compare_exchange_weak Function, C Language atomic_fetch_add Function, C Language atomic_fetch_sub Function, C Language atomic_fetch_or Function, C Language atomic_fetch_xor Function, C Language atomic_fetch_and Function, C Language atomic_thread_fence Function, C Language atomic_signal_fence Function, C Language alignas Specifier, C Language alignof Operator, C Language noreturn Function Specifier, C Language static_assert Macro, C Language Generic Selection, C Language _Generic Keyword, C Language _Atomic Keyword, C Language Complex Type, C Language Imaginary Type, C Language creal Function, C Language cimag Function, C Language cabs Function, C Language carg Function, C Language conj Function, C Language cproj Function, C Language cexp Function, C Language clog Function, C Language cpow Function, C Language csin Function, C Language ccos Function, C Language ctan Function, C Language casin Function, C Language cacos Function, C Language catan Function, C Language csinh Function, C Language ccosh Function, C Language ctanh Function, C Language casinh Function, C Language cacosh Function, C Language catanh Function, C Language cexpf Function, C Language clogf Function, C Language cpowf Function, C Language csinf Function, C Language ccosf Function, C Language ctanf Function, C Language casinf Function, C Language cacosf Function, C Language catanf Function, C Language cabsf Function, C Language cargf Function, C Language conjf Function, C Language cprojf Function, C Language csinhf Function, C Language ccoshf Function, C Language ctanhf Function, C Language casinhf Function, C Language cacoshf Function, C Language catanhf Function, C Language crealf Function, C Language cimagf Function, C Language creall Function, C Language cimagl Function, C Language fabsl Function, C Language sqrtl Function, C Language sinl Function, C Language cosl Function, C Language tanl Function, C Language asinl Function, C Language acosl Function, C Language atanl Function, C Language atan2l Function, C Language sinhl Function, C Language coshl Function, C Language tanhl Function, C Language acoshl Function, C Language atanhl Function, C Language expl Function, C Language frexpl Function, C Language ldexpl Function, C Language logl Function, C Language log10l Function, C Language log2l Function, C Language exp2l Function, C Language expm1l Function, C Language log1pl Function, C Language cbrtl Function, C Language hypotl Function, C Language erfl Function, C Language erfcl Function, C Language tgammal Function, C Language lgammal Function, C Language ceill Function, C Language floorl Function, C Language fmodl Function, C Language remainderl Function, C Language remquol Function, C Language fdiml Function, C Language fmaxl Function, C Language fminl Function, C Language fmal Function, C Language truncl Function, C Language roundl Function, C Language lroundl Function, C Language llroundl Function, C Language nearbyintl Function, C Language rintl Function, C Language lrintl Function, C Language llrintl Function, C Language copysignl Function, C Language nextafterl Function, C Language nexttowardl Function, C Language SIGINT Macro, C Language SIGTERM Macro, C Language SIGSEGV Macro, C Language SIGILL Macro, C Language SIGABRT Macro, C Language SIGFPE Macro, C Language int8_t Type, C Language int16_t Type, C Language int32_t Type, C Language int64_t Type, C Language uint8_t Type, C Language uint16_t Type, C Language uint32_t Type, C Language uint64_t Type, C Language uintptr_t Type, C Language intptr_t Type, C Language intmax_t Type, C Language uintmax_t Type, C Language int_least8_t Type, C Language int_least16_t Type, C Language int_least32_t Type, C Language int_least64_t Type, C Language uint_least8_t Type, C Language uint_least16_t Type, C Language uint_least32_t Type, C Language uint_least64_t Type, C Language int_fast8_t Type, C Language int_fast16_t Type, C Language int_fast32_t Type, C Language int_fast64_t Type, C Language uint_fast8_t Type, C Language uint_fast16_t Type, C Language uint_fast32_t Type, C Language uint_fast64_t Type, C Language INTMAX_MAX Macro, C Language INTMAX_MIN Macro, C Language UINTMAX_MAX Macro, C Language SIZE_MAX Macro, C Language PTRDIFF_MAX Macro, C Language PTRDIFF_MIN Macro, C Language WCHAR_MAX Macro, C Language WCHAR_MIN Macro, C Language WINT_MAX Macro, C Language WINT_MIN Macro, C Language MB_LEN_MAX Macro, C Language RSIZE_MAX Macro, C Language errno_t Type, C Language rsize_t Type, C Language K&R C, C Language ISO/IEC 9899 Standard, C Language Translation Phase 1, C Language Translation Phase 2, C Language Trigraph Replacement, C Language Universal Character Name Mapping, C Language Adjacent String Literal Concatenation, C Language Escape Sequence Processing, C Language Preprocessing Directives Execution, C Language Macro Replacement, C Language _Pragma Operator, ), #), C Language Conditional Inclusion, C Language __FILE__ Macro, C Language __LINE__ Macro, C Language __DATE__ Macro, C Language __TIME__ Macro, C Language __STDC__ Macro, C Language __STDC_VERSION__ Macro, C Language __STDC_HOSTED__ Macro, C Language __func__ Identifier, C Language Diagnostics, C Language Implementation Limits, C Language Implementation-defined Behavior, C Language Strict Aliasing Rule, C Language Type Qualifiers, C Language Conversion Rank, C Language Arithmetic Conversions, C Language Integer Promotions, C Language Usual Arithmetic Conversions, C Language Balancing Types, C Language Function Prototype, C Language Old-style Declaration, C Language Prototype Scope Variable, C Language Tentative Definition, C Language Linkage, C Language Internal Linkage, C Language External Linkage, C Language No Linkage, C Language Incomplete Type, C Language Complete Type, C Language Composite Type, C Language Decayed Type, C Language Adjusted Type, C Language Scalar Promotion, C Language POD Type (pre C11), C Language Object Representation, C Language Value Representation, C Language Effective Type, C Language Character Encoding, C Language Locale, C Language Localization Functions

C Language: C Fundamentals, C Inventor - C Language Designer: Dennis Ritchie in 1972; C Standards: ANSI X3J11 (ANSI C); ISO/IEC JTC 1 (Joint Technical Committee 1) / SC 22 (Subcommittee 22) / WG 14 (Working Group 14) (ISO C); C Keywords, C Pointers, C Data Structures - C Algorithms, C Syntax, C Memory Management, C Recursion, C on Android, C on Linux, C on macOS, C on Windows, C Installation, C Containerization, C Configuration, C Compiler, C IDEs (CLion), C Development Tools, C DevOps - C SRE, C Data Science - C DataOps, C Machine Learning, C Deep Learning, C Concurrency, C History, C Bibliography, Manning C Programming Series, C Glossary, C Topics, C Courses, C Standard Library, C Libraries, C Frameworks, C Research, C GitHub, Written in C, C Popularity, C Awesome List, C Versions. (navbar_c)

CPP ABI (Application Binary Interface), CPP ABO (Asymmetric Binary Operation) , CPP Abstract Base Class, CPP Access Specifier, CPP Accumulate Algorithm, CPP Adapter Class, CPP Adaptive Composite Pattern, CPP Address Sanitizer, CPP Aggregate Initialization, CPP Aggregation Relationship, CPP Alignment Requirement, CPP Aligned Allocation, CPP Aligned Deallocation, CPP Aligned Storage, CPP Alignment-Support Types, CPP Allocator Adaptor, CPP Allocator Requirement, CPP Allocator-Aware Container, CPP Allocator-Extended Constructor, CPP Allocator-Extended Move Constructor, CPP Allocator-Extended Swap, CPP Allocation Function, CPP Allowable Exception Specification, CPP ALPHA Conversion (Renaming of Bound Variables), CPP Alternative Token, CPP Analysis-Based Optimization, CPP And Keyword, CPP And_Eq Keyword, CPP Angle Bracket Inclusion, CPP Anonymous Namespace, CPP Anti-Unification, CPP API Bindings for [[CPP Libraries]], CPP Argument Dependent Lookup, CPP Argument Pack, CPP Argument Unpacking, CPP Array Decay, CPP Array New Expression, CPP Array-Bound Safe Function, CPP Array-To-Pointer Conversion, CPP Articulated Lvalues, CPP Artificial Dependency Injection, CPP Artificial Instantiation, CPP Assert Macro, CPP Assigned-To Null Pointer Check, CPP AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), CPP AsIf Rule, CPP ASM Keyword, CPP Associated Type, CPP Assumption Hints, CPP Asynchronous Exception, CPP Atomic Compare-And-Exchange Operation, CPP Atomic Constraint, CPP Atomic Flag, CPP Atomic Operations Library, CPP Atomic Relaxed Operation, CPP Atomic Release-Acquire Operation, CPP Atomic Signal Fence, CPP Atomic Strong Compare Exchange, CPP Atomic Weak Compare Exchange, CPP Attribute Namespace, CPP Attribute Syntax, CPP Audit Keyword, CPP Auto Keyword, CPP Automatic Storage Duration, CPP Awaitable Type, CPP Background Thread in [[CPP]], CPP Back-Inserter Iterator, CPP Back-Inserter Iterator Adapter, CPP Backtrace Support, CPP Balanced Binary Tree In [[CPP]], CPP Bandwidth Optimization in [[CPP]], CPP Base Class Subobject, CPP Basic Exception Guarantee, CPP Basic Guarantee, CPP Basic Iostream, CPP Basic IOS, CPP Basic Istream, CPP Basic Ostream, CPP Basic Streambuf, CPP Begin Iterator, CPP Bessel Functions, CPP Bidir Iterator Category, CPP Bidirectional Iterator, CPP Big-O Notation in [[CPP Context]], CPP Binary Compatibility, CPP Binary Literal, CPP Binary Search Algorithm, CPP Binary Tree Implementation Detail, CPP Binding Pattern, CPP Bit Mask Operation, CPP Bit Shift Operation, CPP Bitand Keyword, CPP Bitfield Implementation, CPP Bitor Keyword, CPP Bitset Class, CPP Bitwise Complement, CPP Bitwise Operator Overload, CPP Block Scope, CPP Blocking Function Call, CPP Blocking I/O in [[CPP]], CPP Boilerplate Code Generation, CPP Bool Keyword, CPP Boolean Literal, CPP Brace Initialization, CPP Braced-Init-List, CPP Break Keyword, CPP Bridge Pattern in [[CPP]], CPP Built-In Type, CPP Built-In Function, CPP Built-In Operator, CPP Bundled Header Units, CPP Byte-Wise Operations, CPP Call Once Function, CPP Call Operator, CPP Callable Object, CPP Candidate Function, CPP Capacity Member Function, CPP Capturing Lambda, CPP Case Keyword, CPP Casting Operator Overload, CPP CDECL Calling Convention, CPP CeePlusPlus Language Linkage, CPP Character Literal, CPP Char16_T Keyword, CPP Char32_T Keyword, CPP Char Keyword, CPP Checked Iterators, CPP Chi-Squared Distribution, CPP Circular Buffer Implementation, CPP Class Key, CPP Class Member, CPP Class Scope, CPP Class Template, CPP Class Template Argument Deduction, CPP Class-Scoped Enumeration, CPP Cleanup Function, CPP Client-Side Abstraction, CPP Clocale Header, CPP Close Function for Streams, CPP Code Bloat Minimization, CPP Code Gen Optimization, CPP Code Generation Rule, CPP Code Smell Detection, CPP CoAwait Keyword, CPP CoReturn Keyword, CPP CoYield Keyword, CPP Collateral Class Template Instantiation, CPP Common Reference, CPP Common Type, CPP Compact Exception Model, CPP Compilation Firewalls, CPP Compilation Unit, CPP Complete Object, CPP Complex Number Type, CPP Compound Assignment Operator, CPP Compound Literal, CPP Compound Requirement, CPP Concept Keyword, CPP Concept Map, CPP Concept Predicate, CPP Concrete Type, CPP Conditional Explicit, CPP Conditional Inference, CPP Conditional Operator, CPP Conditional Variable, CPP Conforming Implementation, CPP Conformed Specialization, CPP Conformance Level, CPP Conformance Test Suite, CPP Conjunction Concept, CPP Constant Expression, CPP Constant Initialization, CPP Constant Interval Bound, CPP Const Keyword, CPP Const Member Function, CPP Const Volatile Qualifier, CPP Const_Assert Macro, CPP Consteval Keyword, CPP Constexpr Keyword, CPP Constexpr Constructor, CPP Constexpr Function, CPP Constinit Keyword, CPP Constexpr If Statement, CPP Constraint Expression, CPP Constraint Satisfaction, CPP Constraint_Based Overload Resolution, CPP Constructor Delegation, CPP Constructor Inheritance, CPP Constructor Template, CPP Contextual Conversion, CPP Continue Keyword, CPP Contract Programming, CPP Contravariant Parameter Type, CPP Conversion Function, CPP Conversion Operator, CPP Conversion Sequence, CPP Copy Assignment Operator, CPP Copy Constructor, CPP Copy Ellision, CPP Core Constant Expressions, CPP Core Guidelines, CPP Coroutine Frame, CPP Coroutine Handle, CPP Coroutine State Machine, CPP Coroutine Suspension, CPP Count Algorithm, CPP Covariant Return Type, CPP CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern), CPP CTAD (Class Template Argument Deduction), CPP CUDA Extensions For [[CPP]], CPP Curly Brace Scope, CPP Custom Deleter in Smart Pointer, CPP Custom Exception, CPP Custom Literal Suffix, CPP Dangling Pointer Detection, CPP Dangling Reference, CPP Data Member Alignment, CPP Data Member Padding, CPP Data Race, CPP Data Segment, CPP Debug Macro, CPP Debug Symbol, CPP Decay Type, CPP Decltype Keyword, CPP Decomposition Declaration, CPP Deduction Guide, CPP Deep Copy, CPP Default Argument, CPP Default Capture, CPP Default Constructor, CPP Default Initialization, CPP Default Member Initializer, CPP Defaulted Function, CPP Defaulted Move Constructor, CPP Deleted Function, CPP Deleter Object, CPP Deletion Overload, CPP Demangled Name, CPP Dependent Base, CPP Dependent Name, CPP Dependent Scope, CPP Dependent Type, CPP Dependent Type Name, CPP Deprecated Attribute, CPP Design Pattern Application, CPP Designated Initializer, CPP Destructor, CPP Device Code in [[CPP Offloading]], CPP Diagnostic Message, CPP Digit Separator, CPP Direct Base Class, CPP Direct Initialization, CPP Directive, CPP Discard Block, CPP Discard Statement, CPP Disjunction Concept, CPP DLL Export, CPP DLL Import, CPP Do Keyword, CPP Do-While Loop, CPP Documented Behavior, CPP Dominance Analysis, CPP Double Keyword, CPP Downcast Operation, CPP Downward Closure, CPP DRY Principle in [[CPP]], CPP Dynamic Allocation, CPP Dynamic Cast Keyword, CPP Dynamic Exception Specification, CPP Dynamic Initialization, CPP Dynamic Linkage, CPP Dynamic Polymorphism, CPP Dynamic Type, CPP Eager Instantiation, CPP EBCDIC Support, CPP Effective Modern [[CPP Book Reference]], CPP Ellipsis Parameter, CPP Empty Base Optimization, CPP Empty Class, CPP Empty Parameter Pack, CPP Enable If Utility, CPP End Iterator, CPP End Of File State, CPP Endl Manipulator, CPP Enumeration Underlying Type, CPP Enumerator, CPP Enum Keyword, CPP Equality Operator, CPP Equivalence Relation, CPP Erased Type, CPP Error Handling Strategy, CPP Error State Indicator, CPP Exception Filter, CPP Exception Guarantee, CPP Exception Handling, CPP Exception Object, CPP Exception Safe Functions, CPP Exception Specification, CPP Exception Translation, CPP Execinfo Integration, CPP Execution Character Set, CPP Execution Policy, CPP Exhaustive Instantiation, CPP Explicit Conversion Operator, CPP Explicit Keyword, CPP Export Keyword, CPP Extern Keyword, CPP External Linkage, CPP External Template, CPP ExternC Linkage, CPP Face-Deletion Operator, CPP False Keyword, CPP Fast Floating-Point Mode, CPP Field Alignment, CPP File Scope, CPP Filebuf Class, CPP Filesystem Directory Iterator, CPP Filesystem Path, CPP Final Specifier, CPP Fixed-Size Array, CPP Fixed-Width Integer, CPP Floating Point Environment, CPP Floating Point Literal, CPP Fold Expression, CPP For Keyword, CPP For Range Loop, CPP Forward Declaration, CPP Forward Iterator, CPP Forward List, CPP Forwarding Reference, CPP Four-Phase Name Lookup, CPP Friend Class, CPP Friend Declaration, CPP Friend Function, CPP Front Insertion Operator, CPP Full Expression, CPP Full Specialization, CPP Function Adapter, CPP Function Call Operator, CPP Function-Like Macro, CPP Function Object, CPP Function Overload, CPP Function Parameter Pack, CPP Function Pointer, CPP Function Template, CPP Function Template Partial Specialization, CPP Function Template Specialization, CPP Garbage Collection Interface, CPP Gcc Extension For [[CPP]], CPP Generalized Constant Expression, CPP Generic Lambda, CPP Generic Programming, CPP Getline Function, CPP Global New Operator, CPP Global Namespace, CPP Global Object, CPP Global Variable, CPP GPU Offloading Support, CPP Greater Comparator, CPP Guaranteed Copy Elision, CPP Guarded Suspension, CPP Half-Open Interval in Iterators, CPP Handler Block, CPP Has Include Preprocessor, CPP Hash Function Object, CPP Heap Allocation, CPP Heuristic Inline, CPP Hidden Friend Idiom, CPP Hidden Implementation Detail, CPP Homogeneous Function Template, CPP Hook Function, CPP I/O Manipulator, CPP I/O State Flag, CPP I/O Stream Buffer, CPP I/O Stream Iterator, CPP If Constexpr, CPP If Keyword, CPP If-Else Chain, CPP Ill-Formed Program, CPP Immediate Function, CPP Implementation-Defined Behavior, CPP Implementation Limit, CPP Import Keyword, CPP Incremental Compilation, CPP Indeterminate Value, CPP Index Sequence, CPP Indirect Call Optimization, CPP Inheritance Chain, CPP Inherited Constructor, CPP Inline Assembly, CPP Inline Keyword, CPP Inline Namespace, CPP Inline Variable, CPP Input Iterator, CPP Integral Constant Expression, CPP Integral Promotion, CPP Integer Division, CPP Integer Literal, CPP Internal Linkage, CPP Intrinsic Function, CPP Invalid Pointer, CPP Invocation Operator, CPP IOS Base, CPP IOS Flags, CPP IOS Format State, CPP IOS Precision, CPP IOS Width, CPP Iostream Synchronization, CPP IPC Mechanisms in [[CPP (Non-OS Generic)]], CPP ISO Standard Committee, CPP IsLiteralType Trait, CPP Iteration Statement, CPP Iterator Adapter, CPP Iterator Category, CPP Iterator Invalidation, CPP Iterator Traits, CPP JIT Compilation for [[CPP]], CPP Just-In-Time Debugging, CPP Key Function, CPP Keyword Recognition, CPP Koenig Lookup, CPP Label Declaration, CPP Lambda Capture, CPP Lambda Closure Type, CPP Lambda Expression, CPP Lambda Introducer, CPP Lambda Object, CPP Language Linkage, CPP Late Template Parsing, CPP Lexical Block, CPP LIFO Semantics, CPP Lifetime Extension of Temporaries, CPP Lifetime Profile, CPP Limit Macro, CPP Link Time Optimization, CPP Linker Script Interaction with [[CPP Symbols]], CPP Linker-Aided Optimization, CPP Linktime Polymorphism, CPP Literal Operator, CPP Literal Suffix, CPP Literal Type, CPP Local Class, CPP Local Static Variable, CPP Lock Guard, CPP Lock-Free Programming, CPP Logic And Operator, CPP Logic Not Operator, CPP Logic Or Operator, CPP Logical Conjunction, CPP Logical Disjunction, CPP Long Double Keyword, CPP Long Keyword, CPP Lookup Rule, CPP Loophole Casting, CPP Low-Level Memory Intrinsics, CPP Lvalue Reference, CPP Lvalue Transformation, CPP Machine Code Generation for [[CPP]], CPP Magic Statics, CPP Magnitude Type, CPP Main Function, CPP Make Shared, CPP Make Unique, CPP Mangling, CPP Map Container, CPP Masked Operation, CPP Maximum Munch Rule, CPP Memento Pattern in [[CPP]], CPP Member Access Operator, CPP Member Initializer List, CPP Member Template, CPP Member Variable Template, CPP Memory Fence, CPP Memory Model, CPP Memory Order, CPP Memory Resource, CPP Metaclasses Proposal, CPP Metaobject Facility, CPP Metaprogramming, CPP MinGW Toolchain, CPP Minimal Perfect Forwarding, CPP Modified UTF-8 Strings in [[CPP Context]], CPP Module Interface Unit, CPP Module Partition, CPP Module Purview, CPP Module Unit, CPP Module-Mapper, CPP Modules TS, CPP Move Assignment Operator, CPP Move Constructor, CPP Move Iterator, CPP Move Semantics, CPP MSVC Extensions, CPP Multiple Inheritance, CPP Multiway Merge, CPP Mutable Keyword, CPP Mutable Lambda, CPP Name Hiding, CPP Name Lookup, CPP Named Requirement, CPP Narrow Character Type, CPP Narrowing Conversion, CPP Namespace Alias, CPP Namespace Keyword, CPP Natvis Debug Visualization, CPP Nested Class, CPP Nested Exception, CPP Nested Lambda, CPP Nested Namespace, CPP Nested Template, CPP New Expression, CPP Nibble Access in Bitset, CPP No Except Keyword, CPP No Return Function, CPP No Unique Address Attribute, CPP Noop Mutex, CPP Normative Reference in Standard, CPP Not Keyword, CPP Not_Eq Keyword, CPP noexcept Operator, CPP Nothrow Guarantee, CPP Null Pointer Constant, CPP Nullptr Keyword, CPP Number Literal, CPP Numeric Limit, CPP ODR (One-Definition Rule), CPP ODR-Use, CPP Opaque Enum Declaration, CPP Open Multi-Methods in [[CPP (Visitor Pattern)]], CPP Operator Delete, CPP Operator Delete[], CPP Operator Function Id, CPP Operator New, CPP Operator New[], CPP Operator Overload, CPP Optional Class Template, CPP Order Statistics Tree (Extension), CPP Ordered Comparison, CPP Ordered Map, CPP Ordered Set, CPP Ordering Category, CPP Ostream Iterator, CPP Out Of Line Definition, CPP Out Parameter Style, CPP Out-Of-Class Member Definition, CPP Output Iterator, CPP Over Alignment Support, CPP Overload Resolution, CPP Overloaded Operator, CPP Overloaded Template, CPP Overriding Function, CPP Package Manager for [[CPP Libraries]], CPP Pair Class Template, CPP Panic Mode Recovery in Parser, CPP Parameter Pack, CPP Parameter Pack Expansion, CPP Parent Class, CPP Partial Ordering of Function Templates, CPP Partial Specialization, CPP Perfect Forwarding, CPP PH (Placeholders) In Templates, CPP Placement Delete, CPP Placement New, CPP Plain Old Data (POD) Type, CPP Pmr Allocator, CPP Pointer Arithmetic, CPP Pointer Decay, CPP Pointer Interconvertibility, CPP Pointer To Member, CPP Polymorphic Allocator, CPP Polymorphic Class, CPP Polymorphic Lambda, CPP Polymorphic Type, CPP Postfix Decrement Operator, CPP Postfix Increment Operator, CPP Precompiled Header, CPP Predefined Macro, CPP Prefix Decrement Operator, CPP Prefix Increment Operator, CPP Preprocessing Directive, CPP Private Base, CPP Private Inheritance, CPP Protected Inheritance, CPP Public Inheritance, CPP Pure Virtual Function, CPP Qualifier Adjustment, CPP Qualified Id, CPP Qualified Lookup, CPP Qualified Name Lookup, CPP Quick_Exit Function, CPP RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), CPP Random Device, CPP Range Based For Loop, CPP Range Concept, CPP Range-V3 Library Integration, CPP Raw String Literal, CPP Realloc Function Avoidance, CPP Rebind Allocator, CPP Recursion Limit, CPP Redundant Move, CPP Reference Collapsing Rules, CPP Reference Parameter, CPP Reference Wrapper, CPP Reflexpr Keyword, CPP Register Keyword, CPP Regular Type Concept, CPP Reinterpret_Cast Keyword, CPP Relaxed Constraint, CPP Release Mode, CPP Requires Clause, CPP Requires Expression, CPP Requires Keyword, CPP Requirement Body, CPP Requirement Parameter, CPP Resource Leak Detection, CPP Resource Management, CPP Restricted Aliasing, CPP Return Keyword, CPP Return Type Deduction, CPP Reverse Iterator, CPP RIAA (Reverse RAII Approach, Hypothetical), CPP Ring Buffer, CPP RNG (Random Number Generator) Expanded As Random Number Generator, CPP Rule Of Five, CPP Rule Of Three, CPP Runtime Polymorphism, CPP Runtime Type Information, CPP Safe Bool Idiom, CPP Sampling Distribution Function, CPP Sanitizer, CPP Sargable Expression in [[CPP (Hypothetical Term)]], CPP Scalar Replacement of Aggregates, CPP Scenario Testing in [[CPP Unit Tests]], CPP Scope Guard Idiom, CPP Scope Resolution Operator, CPP Scoped Enumeration, CPP Scoped Lock, CPP Scoped Thread, CPP Secondary Template, CPP Segmentation Fault Handling, CPP Selection Statement, CPP Semaphore, CPP Sequence Container, CPP Shallow Copy, CPP Shared Future, CPP Shared Lock, CPP Shared Mutex, CPP Shared Pointer, CPP Short Circuit Evaluation, CPP Short Keyword, CPP Signed Integer Type, CPP Signature (Function), CPP Silent Conversion, CPP Simple Declaration, CPP Single Inheritance, CPP Single Module Unit, CPP Singleton Pattern in [[CPP]], CPP Sized Deallocation, CPP Sized Deallocation Function, CPP Slicing Problem, CPP Slice Array, CPP Smart Pointer, CPP Snowflake Operator (Hypothetical Term), CPP Software Transactional Memory Proposal, CPP Source Code Transformation, CPP Spacer Iterator (Hypothetical Term), CPP Special Member Function, CPP Specialization, CPP SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error), CPP Shift Left Operator Overload, CPP Shift Right Operator Overload, CPP Short Lived Object Optimization, CPP Signed Char Type, CPP Signal Handler Invocation, CPP Signature of a Callable, CPP Silent Failure In Templates, CPP Sized Array To Pointer Decay, CPP Slice Iterator (Hypothetical Term), CPP Small Buffer Optimization, CPP Sort Algorithm, CPP Sorting Network Implementation, CPP Source Code Translation Unit, CPP Specialized Allocator, CPP Speculative Load, CPP Spin Lock Implementation, CPP Spurious Wakeup Prevention, CPP SSO (Small String Optimization), CPP Stable Partition, CPP Stack Allocation, CPP Standard Algorithm, CPP Standard Atomic, CPP Standard Backward Compatibility, CPP Standard Basic_String, CPP Standard Bitset, CPP Standard Byte Type, CPP Standard Charconv, CPP Standard Chrono, CPP Standard Codecvt, CPP Standard Compare, CPP Standard Concurrency Support, CPP Standard Condition_Variable, CPP Standard Container Adaptors, CPP Standard Container Erasure, CPP Standard Container Invalidation Rules, CPP Standard Deque, CPP Standard Duration, CPP Standard Dynamic Extent, CPP Standard Execution Policy, CPP Standard Filesystem, CPP Standard Fixed Size Array, CPP Standard Forward_List, CPP Standard Fstream, CPP Standard Function, CPP Standard Future, CPP Standard Hash, CPP Standard Iomanip, CPP Standard Ios, CPP Standard Iostream, CPP Standard Iostream Synchronization, CPP Standard Istream, CPP Standard Iterator, CPP Standard Layout Type, CPP Standard Library, CPP Standard List, CPP Standard Locale, CPP Standard Map, CPP Standard Memory, CPP Standard MultiMap, CPP Standard MultiSet, CPP Standard Mutex, CPP Standard Optional, CPP Standard Ostream, CPP Standard Pair, CPP Standard Priority_Queue, CPP Standard Promise, CPP Standard Queue, CPP Standard Random, CPP Standard Ratio, CPP Standard Raw Storage Iterator, CPP Standard Regex, CPP Standard Relaxed Iterator Concept, CPP Standard Scoped_Allocator_Adaptor, CPP Standard Set, CPP Standard Shared_Future, CPP Standard Shared_Ptr, CPP Standard Span, CPP Standard Stack, CPP Standard Streambuf, CPP Standard String, CPP Standard String_View, CPP Standard System_Error, CPP Standard Template Library (STL), CPP Standard Thread, CPP Standard Tuple, CPP Standard Type Erasure, CPP Standard Type Traits, CPP Standard Unique_Lock, CPP Standard Unique_Ptr, CPP Standard Unordered_Map, CPP Standard Unordered_Multimap, CPP Standard Unordered_Multiset, CPP Standard Unordered_Set, CPP Standard Utility, CPP Standard Valarray, CPP Standard Variant, CPP Standard Vector, CPP Static_assert Keyword, CPP Static Keyword, CPP Static Allocation, CPP Static Cast Keyword, CPP Static Data Member, CPP Static Storage Duration, CPP Storage Class Specifier, CPP Strict Aliasing Rule, CPP String Literal, CPP Stringification Macro, CPP Strong Exception Guarantee, CPP Structured Binding, CPP Subobject, CPP Substitution Failure, CPP Synchronized Pool Resource, CPP Synchronization Primitives, CPP Syntactic Category, CPP SzArray (Hypothetical Term), CPP Template Argument Deduction, CPP Template Class, CPP Template Constrained Function, CPP Template Friend, CPP Template Instantiation, CPP Template Metaprogramming, CPP Template Parameter, CPP Template Parameter Pack Expansion, CPP Template Partial Specialization, CPP Template Specialization, CPP Temporary Materialization, CPP Ternary Operator, CPP This Keyword, CPP Thread Local Keyword, CPP Thread Safe Initialization, CPP Three Way Comparison Operator, CPP Throw Expression, CPP Throw Keyword, CPP Token Concatenation, CPP Token Pasting Operator, CPP Traits Class, CPP Trampoline Function Technique, CPP Translation Unit, CPP Trigraph Sequence, CPP Trivial Class, CPP Trivial Type, CPP True Keyword, CPP Try Keyword, CPP TU (Translation Unit) Expanded As Translation Unit, CPP Type Alias, CPP Type Alias Template, CPP Type Deduction, CPP Type Erasure Idiom, CPP Type Id Expression, CPP Type Parameter Pack, CPP Type Promotion, CPP Type Safe Union, CPP Type Trait, CPP Type Transformation, CPP Type_Safe Enum Idiom, CPP Typename Keyword, CPP Underlying Type, CPP Unicode Literal, CPP Union Keyword, CPP Union Member, CPP Unique Address Optimization, CPP Uninitialized Fill, CPP Uninitialized Memory, CPP Uninitialized Value, CPP Universal Reference, CPP Unnamed Namespace, CPP Unordered Container, CPP Unreachable Code, CPP Unsigned Integer Type, CPP Utility Forward, CPP Value Category, CPP Value Initialization, CPP Variable Template, CPP Variadic Macro, CPP Variadic Template, CPP Vectorization Strategies, CPP Virtual Base Class, CPP Virtual Dispatch, CPP Virtual Function Table (VFT), CPP Virtual Function, CPP Virtual Inheritance, CPP Visible Entity, CPP Visibility Attribute, CPP Volatile Keyword, CPP Wchar_T Keyword, CPP Weak Symbol, CPP Wide Character Literal, CPP Wide String Literal, CPP Wide-Char Stream, CPP Widen Function, CPP Widening Conversion, CPP Working Draft of [[CPP Standard]], CPP Xor Keyword, CPP Xor_Eq Keyword, CPP Zero Initialization

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