

DB-Engines.com Overview

DB-Engines.com is a comprehensive online platform that provides detailed information and rankings of various database management systems (DBMS). Launched by the consulting company Solid IT, it serves as a valuable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts looking to compare and analyze the performance, popularity, and features of different DBMS technologies. The website covers a wide range of database systems, including relational, NoSQL, time-series, graph, and key-value stores, reflecting the diverse landscape of database technologies.

Ranking Methodology

The core feature of DB-Engines.com is its ranking system, which evaluates the popularity of database systems using a variety of metrics. These metrics include the number of mentions on websites, search engine queries, frequency of technical discussions on forums, job offers, and social network activity. By aggregating these data points, DB-Engines.com provides a dynamic and comprehensive view of which database systems are gaining traction in the industry. This ranking system is updated monthly, offering up-to-date insights into market trends and shifts in database technology usage.

Features and Content

Beyond rankings, DB-Engines.com offers a wealth of information on each listed database system. This includes detailed profiles with technical specifications, supported features, licensing information, and use cases. The platform also features comparison tools that allow users to juxtapose different DBMS based on various criteria, aiding in informed decision-making for technology adoption. Additionally, the website hosts articles, reports, and news updates related to database technologies, making it a one-stop resource for staying current with industry developments.

Community and Industry Impact

DB-Engines.com has become an influential resource within the database community and the broader IT industry. Its comprehensive and transparent ranking methodology is widely respected, and its data is frequently cited in industry reports, academic research, and technology evaluations. The platform's ability to provide a clear and current snapshot of the database landscape helps organizations make strategic decisions about database technology investments and adoption. By continuously tracking and analyzing the popularity and evolution of DBMS, DB-Engines.com plays a crucial role in shaping the understanding and direction of database technology trends.

Complete Ranking

The DB-Engines Ranking ranks database management systems according to their popularity. The database ranking is updated monthly.

Read more about the method of calculating the scores.


Oracle-MySQL-SQL Server-PostgreSQL-Mongo-Redis-IBM Db2-Elasticsearch-Cassandra-Splunk-Azure SQL-Cosmos DB-DynamoDB-Snowflake-Neo4j-BigQuery

Oracle-MySQL-SQL Server-PostgreSQL-Mongo-Redis-IBM Db2-Elasticsearch-Cassandra-Splunk-Azure SQL-Azure Cosmos DB-Hive-Amazon DynamoDB-Snowflake-Neo4j-Google BigQuery

383 systems in ranking, January 2022

Rank DBMS Database Model Score

31317. 318. Manticore Search - Search engine, Multi-model 0.0824 312. 310. 309. AgensGraph - Multi-model 0.0801 313. 309. 303. BigObject - Relational 0.080 31316. 278. Kyoto Tycoon - Key-value 0.0714 31357. 335. Resin Cache - Key-value 0.0767 316. 305. ArcadeDB - Multi-model 0.064 317. 314. 312. DensoDB - Document 0.0610 318. 324. 302. VelocityDB - Multi-model 0.0622 319. 313. 291. SenseiDB - Document 0.0627 320. 308. 288. Blueflood - Time Series 0.0530 321. 306. 290. STSdb - Key-value 0.0539 32326. 327. Bangdb - Multi-model 0.0514 323. 321. 307. WakandaDB - Object oriented 0.043 32328. H2GIS - Spatial DBMS, Multi-model 0.041 32344. 323. TerarkDB - Key-value 0.0432 326. 325. 315. InfinityDB - Key-value 0.040 327. 318. 299. Dydra - RDF 0.0426 328. 322. 324. Exorbyte - Search engine 0.0412 329. 35333. Sadas Engine - Relational 0.0433 33. 327. 335. LedisDB - Key-value 0.044 33343. 267. Machbase - Time Series 0.0322 332. 329. 329. Hawkular Metrics - Time Series 0.032 333. 333. [[RDFox - Multi-model 0.030 3335335. IRONdb - Time Series 0.0323 335. 332. 293. Linter - Relational, Multi-model 0.0309 336. 33. 306. SwayDB - Key-value 0.0215 337. 336. 325. SiteWhere - Time Series 0.0201 338. 319. 298. BrightstarDB - RDF 0.0238 339. 338. 317. ToroDB - Document 0.022 336. 335. Tkrzw - Key-value 0.0222 341. 32. 31. Elliptics - Key-value 0.0234 341. 331. 319. FinchDB - Multi-model 0.0211 34353. 304. SmallSQL - Relational 0.0216 34349. 32. NosDB - Document 0.0102 34346. 332. JethroData - Relational 0.011 346. 352. 335. iBoxDB - Document 0.0101 347. 347. 316. [[SiriDB - Time Series 0.014 348. 348. 335. [[Yaacomo - Relational10 349. 342. 335. CortexDB - Multi-model20 35. 35. 326. [[SparkleDB - RDF11 3536. 33. ActorDB - Relational1 3536. 335. BergDB - Key-value 3536. 335. Cachelot.io - Key-value 3536. 335. CovenantSQL - Relational 3536. 335. DaggerDB - Relational 3536. 335. Edge Intelligence - Relational 351. 341. EdgelessDB - Relational2 3536. 331. Eloquera - Object oriented1 351. 34. Galaxybase - Graph2 3536. 335. Helium - Key-value 351. 337. 322. HGraphDB - Graph22 3536. 335. HyperLevelDB - Key-value 3536. 335. Hyprcubd - Time Series 3536. 335. Indica - Search engine 35354. 313. JaguarDB - Key-value 15 35356. 335. JasDB - Document 3536. 335. K-DB - Relational 35358. 335. Newts - Time Series 3536. 335. NSDb - Time Series 3536. 321. OrigoDB - Multi-model3 351. Qdrant - Search engine 351. 335. 300. RaptorDB - Document29 35360. 328. RedStore - RDF1 35360. 335. Rizhiyi - Search engine, Multi-model 35360. 314. ScaleOut StateServer - Key-value 5 35360. 335. searchxml - Multi-model 351. 345. 311. Siaqodb - Object oriented16 35360. SpaceTime - Spatial DBMS, Multi-model 35359. 335. TomP2P - Key-value 35360. 286. Upscaledb - Key-value 6 351. 334. 301. WhiteDB - Document38 351. 339. 335. XTDB - Document2 35360. 335. Yanza - Time Series

Fair Use Sources: https://db-engines.com/en/ranking - Captured on Jan-19-2022

WHERE ARE MY DATABASES INFO? Popular and Most Popular: w3techs.com and BuiltWith.com (Web Technology Usage Trends - Web and Internet Technology Usage Statistics), The Chrome User Experience Report (also known as the Chrome UX Report, or CrUX for short), Popular Frameworks, Popular Web Frameworks, Popular Libraries (Popular JavaScript Libraries, Popular Python Libraries, Popular Java Libraries), Standard Libraries, Popular Software, DB-Engines.com (Most Popular Relational Databases DBMS, NoSQL Database Management Systems and Data Stores), Most Popular Websites. Most Popular Programming Languages are determined by StackOverflow Tags, StackOverflow Developer Survey, JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem, RedMonk Programming Language Rankings, PYPL (PopularitY of Programming Language) Index, TIOBE Index, GitHub Octoverse, GitHub Star Ranking for Repositories, Most GitHub Stars, Most GitHub Forks, Rosetta Code: (1. Python, 2. JavaScript, 3. Java, 4. C Sharp | C, 5. CPP | C++, 6. PHP, 7. TypeScript, 8. Ruby, 9. C, 10. Swift, 11. R, 12. Objective-C, 13. Scala, 14. Go, 15. Kotlin, 16. Rust, 17. Dart, 18. Lua, 19. Perl, 20. Haskell, 21. Julia, 22. Clojure, 23. Elixir, 24. F Sharp | F, 25. Assembly, 26. Shell/bash, 27. SQL, 28. Groovy, 29. PowerShell, 30. MATLAB, 31. VBA, 32. Racket, 33. Scheme, 34. Prolog, 35. Erlang, 36. Ada, 37. Fortran, 38. COBOL, 39. VB.NET, 40. Lisp, 41. SAS, 42. D, 43. LabVIEW, 44. PL/SQL, 45. Delphi/Object Pascal, 46. ColdFusion, 47. CLIST, 48. REXX. Old Programming Languages: APL, Pascal, Algol, PL/I). (navbar_popular - see also navbar_famous, navbar_best_practices, navbar_anti-patterns)

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