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“ClickHouse is a real-time analytics DBMS”
TLDR: “ClickHouse® is an open-source Columnar Database Management System (DBMS) for online analytics using SQL.” The ClickHouse GitHub repository provides a highly performant columnar database system designed to handle large-scale data analytics workloads. With its focus on speed and efficiency, ClickHouse is widely used for processing and analyzing massive datasets in real time.
With over 30,000 GitHub stars, ClickHouse is celebrated for its ability to execute queries on petabyte-scale data with low latency. Its support for a variety of SQL terms and its query language capabilities make it a valuable asset for organizations requiring advanced data analytics and business intelligence. Industries such as finance, advertising, and telecommunications leverage ClickHouse for its performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in managing hybrid and cloud database environments.
ClickHouse integrates seamlessly with popular programming terms like Python, Java, and C Sharp, making it accessible for modern application development. Its built-in functions for aggregations, joins, and window queries enable developers and data science teams to perform complex operations efficiently. By offering both speed and flexibility, ClickHouse empowers businesses to build high-performance analytics systems tailored to their needs.
Database: Databases on Kubernetes, Databases on Containers / Databases on Docker, Cloud Databases (DBaaS). Database Features, Concurrent Programming and Databases, Functional Concurrent Programming and Databases, Async Programming and Databases, Database Security, Database Products (MySQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Amazon RDS, IBM Db2, MariaDB, Redis, Cassandra, Amazon Aurora, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Neo4j, Google Cloud SQL, Firebase Realtime Database, Apache HBase, Amazon DynamoDB, Couchbase Server, Elasticsearch, Teradata Database, Memcached, Amazon Redshift, SQLite, CouchDB, Apache Kafka, IBM Informix, SAP HANA, RethinkDB, InfluxDB, MarkLogic, ArangoDB, RavenDB, VoltDB, Apache Derby, Cosmos DB, Hive, Apache Flink, Google Bigtable, Hadoop, HP Vertica, Alibaba Cloud Table Store, InterSystems Caché, Greenplum, Apache Ignite, FoundationDB, Amazon Neptune, FaunaDB, QuestDB, Presto, TiDB, NuoDB, ScyllaDB, Percona Server for MySQL, Apache Phoenix, EventStoreDB, SingleStore, Aerospike, MonetDB, Google Cloud Spanner, SQream, GridDB, MaxDB, RocksDB, TiKV, Oracle NoSQL Database, Google Firestore, Druid, SAP IQ, Yellowbrick Data, InterSystems IRIS, InterBase, Kudu, eXtremeDB, OmniSci, Altibase, Google Cloud Bigtable, Amazon QLDB, Hypertable, ApsaraDB for Redis, Pivotal Greenplum, MapR Database, Informatica, Microsoft Access, Tarantool, Blazegraph, NeoDatis, FileMaker, ArangoDB, RavenDB, AllegroGraph, Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for PolarDB, DuckDB, Starcounter, EventStore, ObjectDB, Alibaba Cloud AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL, Akumuli, Google Cloud Datastore, Skytable, NCache, FaunaDB, OpenEdge, Amazon DocumentDB, HyperGraphDB, Citus Data, Objectivity/DB). Database drivers (JDBC, ODBC), ORM (Hibernate, Microsoft Entity Framework), SQL Operators and Functions, Database IDEs (JetBrains DataSpell, SQL Server Management Studio, MySQL Workbench, Oracle SQL Developer, SQLiteStudio), Database keywords, SQL (SQL keywords - (navbar_sql), Relational databases, DB ranking, Database topics, Data science (navbar_datascience), Apache CouchDB, Oracle Database (navbar_oracledb), MySQL (navbar_mysql), SQL Server (T-SQL - Transact-SQL, navbar_sqlserver), PostgreSQL (navbar_postgresql), MongoDB (navbar_mongodb), Redis, IBM Db2 (navbar_db2), Elasticsearch, Cassandra (navbar_cassandra), Splunk (navbar_splunk), Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB (navbar_azuredb), Hive, Amazon DynamoDB (navbar_amazondb), Snowflake, Neo4j, Google BigQuery, Google BigTable (navbar_googledb), HBase, ScyllaDB, DuckDB, SQLite, Database Bibliography, Manning Data Science Series, Database Awesome list (navbar_database - see also navbar_datascience, navbar_data_engineering, navbar_cloud_databases, navbar_aws_databases, navbar_azure_databases, navbar_gcp_databases, navbar_ibm_cloud_databases, navbar_oracle_cloud_databases, navbar_scylladb)
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