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Evolutionary architecture


Evolutionary architecture

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Evolutionary Architecture

Evolutionary architecture refers to a software architectural approach that supports gradual, guided change across multiple dimensions within a system, allowing it to evolve over time. This software architecture methodology emphasizes flexibility, scalability, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements without the need for significant software rework or software redevelopment. By incorporating software development practices such as continuous delivery, modularity, and anticipatory design, evolutionary architecture enables systems to respond to changes in technology, market demands, and business strategies effectively. Key components often include the use of microservices, APIs, and cloud computing technologies, which facilitate the decomposition of applications into smaller, manageable parts that can be updated independently, thereby supporting an organization’s agility and competitive edge.

Detailed Summary

Evolutionary architecture

Summarize this topic in 15 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword, product name, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Introduction to Evolutionary Architecture

Evolutionary architecture is a concept in software engineering that focuses on building systems that are designed to evolve over time. It allows for the continuous adaptation of an application’s structure to meet new requirements, leverage emerging technologies, and address changes in the business environment. This approach aims to minimize technical debt and ensure that the software can be easily modified and extended.

Core Principles

The core principles of evolutionary architecture include incremental change, guided by fitness functions, modular components, and an emphasis on automation. Incremental change allows for continuous improvement of the architecture, fitness functions provide objective measures to guide the evolution, modular components support flexibility, and automation facilitates efficient and reliable updates.

Fitness Functions

Fitness functions are a crucial aspect of evolutionary architecture, serving as automated tests that define the criteria for success in the system’s evolution. These functions measure aspects such as performance, scalability, and maintainability, ensuring that the architecture evolves in a direction that aligns with the organization's goals and standards.

Incremental Change and Modularity

Incremental change, supported by a modular architecture, enables small, manageable updates to the system. By dividing the software into independent modules, changes can be made to one part without impacting the entire system. This approach reduces risk and allows for faster delivery of new features and improvements.

Automation in Evolutionary Architecture

Automation plays a significant role in evolutionary architecture, with tools and practices like continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) facilitating rapid and reliable changes. Automation ensures that fitness functions are executed consistently, and architectural changes can be deployed quickly and efficiently.

Handling Data in Evolutionary Architecture

Managing data within an evolutionary architecture presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to schema evolution and data migration. Techniques such as database refactoring and versioned APIs are employed to manage changes in data structures without disrupting the existing application functionality.

Microservices and Evolutionary Architecture

Microservices architecture complements evolutionary architecture by decomposing applications into small, independently deployable services. This granularity enhances flexibility and resilience, allowing each service to evolve based on its own requirements and at its own pace, supporting the overall evolutionary goals of the system.

Cloud Computing and Scalability

Cloud computing technologies are a natural fit for evolutionary architecture, providing scalable resources that can adapt to the changing needs of the application. Cloud platforms offer services and tools that support the deployment, monitoring, and scaling of applications, aligning with the principles of evolutionary architecture.

Anticipatory Design vs. Evolutionary Approach

Anticipatory design involves predicting future needs and designing the architecture accordingly, which contrasts with the evolutionary approach’s focus on adapting to changes as they occur. While anticipatory design can lead to over-engineering, the evolutionary approach aims for simplicity and flexibility, making incremental adjustments based on actual needs and feedback.

Challenges and Solutions

Implementing an evolutionary architecture comes with challenges such as determining the right granularity for modules, choosing the appropriate fitness functions, and maintaining a balance between flexibility and stability. Solutions involve adopting best practices, leveraging the right tools and technologies, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Impact on Teams and Culture

Adopting an evolutionary architecture impacts team dynamics and organizational culture, emphasizing collaboration, experimentation, and a willingness to embrace change. It requires teams to adopt agile methodologies, focus on continuous improvement, and develop skills in areas such as automated testing and DevOps.

The future of evolutionary architecture is likely to see increased adoption of AI and machine learning to automate decision-making processes, more sophisticated fitness functions, and greater emphasis on sustainability and ethical considerations in software design.

Tools and Technologies

Key tools and technologies that support evolutionary architecture include version control systems, CI/CD pipelines, containerization platforms like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes, and cloud services. These technologies facilitate the implementation of evolutionary principles by enabling automation, modularity, and scalability.


Evolutionary architecture represents a pragmatic approach to software design, acknowledging that change is inevitable and designing systems to accommodate that change efficiently. By embracing principles like modularity, incremental change, and automation, organizations can build flexible, resilient systems that can grow and adapt alongside their business needs.

Alternatives to Evolutionary architecture

Evolutionary architecture Alternatives - Alternatives to Evolutionary architecture

Summarize the alternatives to Evolutionary architecture in 7 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword, product name, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic architecture represents a traditional alternative to evolutionary architecture, where an application is developed as a single, indivisible unit. This approach simplifies development, deployment, and management processes in the early stages of a project. However, it may lead to challenges in scalability, flexibility, and maintainability as the application grows, contrasting with the modular and adaptable nature of evolutionary architecture.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a design paradigm that organizes software components into discrete services, promoting interoperability and reusability. While SOA shares similarities with evolutionary architecture in terms of service modularization, it typically focuses more on enterprise-level services integration rather than the continuous evolution of architectural elements. SOA can be less dynamic and more focused on established enterprise standards.

Big Bang Rewrite

The Big Bang Rewrite approach involves completely overhauling and rewriting an application’s architecture all at once rather than evolving it incrementally. This method can be appealing when dealing with severely outdated or unscalable architectures but carries significant risks related to cost, project duration, and the potential for introducing new errors, contrasting sharply with the risk-managed, iterative nature of evolutionary architecture.

Layered Architecture

Layered architecture, also known as n-tier architecture, organizes applications into layers with specific responsibilities, such as presentation, business logic, and data access layers. This approach provides a straightforward structure that is easy to understand and implement. However, it might not offer the same level of adaptability and responsiveness to change as evolutionary architecture, potentially leading to difficulties in adjusting to new requirements or technologies.

Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture is a cloud-computing execution model in which the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation and provisioning of servers. This model allows developers to build and run applications and services without thinking about servers. Serverless architectures can offer scalability and cost-efficiency but might not always provide the control or granularity needed for certain types of evolutionary changes.

Domain-Driven Design (DDD)

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a software design approach focused on modeling complex software systems according to the domain they operate in and the core business concepts. While not an architectural style per se, DDD can influence architectural decisions, promoting designs that are deeply aligned with business needs. It can be complementary to evolutionary architecture but emphasizes up-front domain modeling over incremental evolution.

Microkernel Architecture

Microkernel architecture centers around a minimal core system (the microkernel) that offers essential services, with additional functionality being added through modular components or plugins. This architecture supports adaptability and can facilitate evolution but typically focuses on systems with well-defined core functionalities rather than the broad, incremental evolution of entire applications as seen in evolutionary architecture.

Evolutionary architecture Cloud Market Survey

Evolutionary architecture in the Cloud:

List the competing alternatives that support cloud Evolutionary architectures in 14 paragraphs. In the description be sure to list the actual product name used by the cloud provider. AWS Evolutionary architecture, 2. Azure Evolutionary architecture, 3. GCP Evolutionary architecture, 4. IBM Cloud Evolutionary architecture, 6. IBM z Mainframe Evolutionary architecture, 7. Oracle Evolutionary architecture, 8. Kubernetes Evolutionary architecture, 9. VMWare Evolutionary architecture / Tanzu Evolutionary architecture, 10. Alibaba Evolutionary architecture, 11. DigitalOcean Evolutionary architecture, 12. Huawei Evolutionary architecture, 13. Tencent Evolutionary architecture, 14. On-Premises Data Center Evolutionary architecture using Open Source Cloud / Private Cloud Technologies. When you make a numbered list, precede the number with an asterisk and a space. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

1. AWS Evolutionary Architecture

  • AWS offers a comprehensive set of services that support Evolutionary architectures in the cloud, such as Amazon EC2 for scalable computing capacity, Amazon RDS for easy setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database, and AWS Lambda for running code in response to events. These services, combined with AWS CloudFormation for creating and managing resources with templates, enable the implementation of evolutionary architectures by facilitating automation, scalability, and flexibility.

2. Azure Evolutionary Architecture

3. GCP Evolutionary Architecture

4. IBM Cloud Evolutionary Architecture

5. IBM z Mainframe Evolutionary Architecture

  • IBM z Mainframe systems support Evolutionary architectures by combining traditional mainframe strengths with modern capabilities. This includes the use of z/OS Cloud Broker to integrate z/OS-based services and applications with hybrid cloud environments, and IBM Z DevOps tools for continuous integration and delivery, ensuring that even the most critical enterprise systems can evolve over time.

6. Oracle Evolutionary Architecture

7. Kubernetes Evolutionary Architecture

  • Kubernetes, an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, is at the heart of many Evolutionary architectures. It can be deployed on virtually any cloud provider, including AWS, Azure, and GCP, making it a flexible choice for organizations looking to implement evolutionary architectures across different environments.

8. VMWare / Tanzu Evolutionary Architecture

9. Alibaba Evolutionary Architecture

10. DigitalOcean Evolutionary Architecture

11. Huawei Evolutionary Architecture

12. Tencent Evolutionary Architecture

with [[Tencent Kubernetes Engine]] (TKE), [[Tencent Cloud Function]] for serverless computing, and [[Tencent Cloud DevOps]] service for automating the software development lifecycle. Tencent's [[Cloud Database]] solutions also provide the necessary scalability and reliability for data storage in evolutionary architectures.

13. On-Premises Data Center Evolutionary Architecture

14. Conclusion

Each cloud provider and technology stack offers unique features and services tailored to support Evolutionary architectures, allowing organizations to select the best fit for their specific needs and objectives. The diversity of options ensures that regardless of the platform or infrastructure choice, businesses can implement evolutionary principles to build flexible, scalable, and resilient systems.

Best Practices for Evolutionary architecture

Evolutionary architecture Best Practices:

Summarize this topic in 20 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Introduction to Evolutionary Architecture Best Practices

Evolutionary architecture emphasizes the ability of a system to adapt and grow over time. This approach requires careful planning and execution, following best practices that ensure the architecture can evolve in response to changing requirements, technologies, and business environments. Implementing these practices allows organizations to maintain and extend their systems with greater efficiency and less disruption.

Define Clear Evolutionary Goals

Setting clear evolutionary goals is the first step in applying best practices. These goals should align with business objectives and technical strategies, providing a roadmap for the architecture's evolution. Clear goals help in making informed decisions about which aspects of the architecture need flexibility and where to invest in adaptability.

Leverage Modular Design

A modular design is essential for evolutionary architecture. Breaking down the system into smaller, loosely coupled components enables individual parts to be updated without affecting the whole. This approach supports scalability, makes the system easier to understand, and facilitates the introduction of new technologies or changes.

Adopt Version Control

Version control is critical in managing changes over time. It allows teams to track alterations, experiment with new features in branches, and roll back to previous versions if necessary. Version control is a cornerstone for collaborative development and is vital for maintaining the integrity of an evolutionary architecture.

Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) practices are fundamental to evolutionary architecture. They ensure that changes are automatically tested and deployed, facilitating rapid iterations and feedback. CI/CD pipelines help maintain quality and accelerate the evolution of the system.

Utilize Automated Testing

Automated testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests, ensures that the system remains robust as it evolves. These tests act as a safety net, allowing developers to make changes with confidence that existing functionality won’t break, which is crucial for the ongoing evolution of the architecture.

Incorporate Fitness Functions

Fitness functions are automated tests that measure a system’s alignment with architectural goals, such as performance, security, and scalability. They provide a quantitative way to assess the impact of changes, guiding the evolution of the architecture towards its objectives.

Embrace DevOps Practices

DevOps practices bridge the gap between development and operations, fostering a culture of collaboration. This approach accelerates the delivery of changes, encourages shared responsibility for the system, and supports the infrastructure needed for evolutionary architecture.

Plan for Data Evolution

Data architecture must also evolve as part of the overall system. Practices like database refactoring, versioned APIs, and event sourcing can manage changes in data schemas and storage mechanisms, ensuring data integrity and availability during the evolution process.

Make Security a Fundamental Component

Security must be integrated into the evolutionary architecture from the start. Applying practices such as secure coding, automated security testing, and continuous monitoring ensures that security evolves alongside the architecture, protecting against new vulnerabilities as they emerge.

Ensure Scalability

Designing for scalability from the outset allows the architecture to grow in response to increased load. This involves choosing scalable technologies, designing for distributed systems, and employing strategies like caching and load balancing to manage varying demands efficiently.

Foster a Culture of Experimentation

An evolutionary architecture thrives in a culture that encourages experimentation. Allowing teams to try new approaches, learn from failures, and iteratively improve the system is key to discovering innovative solutions and adapting to change.

Invest in Documentation

Comprehensive documentation is vital for maintaining an understanding of the evolving architecture. It aids in onboarding new team members, facilitates collaboration, and serves as a reference for decision-making. Documentation should be kept up to date as part of the development process.

Adopt Cloud-Native Technologies

Cloud-native technologies, such as microservices, containers, and serverless computing, provide flexibility and scalability conducive to evolutionary architecture. They support rapid deployment, resilience, and efficient use of resources, aligning with the principles of evolutionary design.

Use API-First Design

An API-first design ensures that components can communicate and be replaced or upgraded without disrupting the system. Designing with APIs in mind promotes modularity and flexibility, making it easier to evolve the architecture over time.

Manage Technical Debt

Actively managing technical debt is crucial in preventing it from hindering the evolution of the architecture. Regularly refactoring code, updating dependencies, and removing obsolete features help maintain the health and adaptability of the system.

Monitor and Measure Performance

Continuous monitoring and performance measurement provide insights into how changes affect the system. This feedback loop is essential for making informed decisions about future architectural evolutions, ensuring that the system remains performant and reliable.

Engage in Community and Open Source

Engaging with the wider technical community and contributing to open source projects can provide new ideas and approaches for evolutionary architecture. The community offers a wealth of knowledge and resources that can inspire innovation and best practices.


Architecture with Business Strategy==

The evolution of the architecture should be closely aligned with the business strategy. This alignment ensures that technological changes support business goals, facilitating growth and adaptation to market changes.

Conclusion: Embracing Change

Evolutionary architecture is about embracing change as a constant. By following these best practices, organizations can build systems that not only withstand change but thrive on it, enabling them to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Anti-Patterns for Evolutionary architecture

Evolutionary architecture Anti-Patterns:

Summarize this topic in 4 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Introduction to Evolutionary Architecture Anti-Patterns

Evolutionary architecture aims to create systems that can adapt to changes in requirements, technologies, and business strategies over time. However, certain anti-patterns can emerge, hindering this adaptability and leading to rigid, difficult-to-evolve systems. Understanding these anti-patterns is crucial for architects and developers to avoid pitfalls that negate the benefits of an evolutionary approach.

Big Bang Rebuilds

One significant anti-pattern is the temptation to undertake big bang rebuilds. This approach involves attempting to overhaul and replace large parts of the system in a single project. While it may seem like a quick fix to legacy issues, it often leads to prolonged development times, skyrocketing costs, and significant disruption. Big bang rebuilds contrast sharply with the incremental, iterative improvements that define evolutionary architecture, where changes are made gradually and integrated seamlessly into the existing system.


Over-engineering is another common anti-pattern, where systems are designed with excessive complexity and features that are not required by current or near-term future requirements. This can result in a bloated architecture that is difficult to understand, maintain, and evolve. In evolutionary architecture, the emphasis is on simplicity and making decisions at the last responsible moment, ensuring that the system remains as adaptable as possible without unnecessary complications.

Failure to Refactor

A failure to regularly refactor code is a critical anti-pattern in evolutionary architecture. Refactoring is essential for maintaining the health of the system, improving its structure without changing its behavior. Neglecting refactoring leads to accumulated technical debt, making future changes more difficult and time-consuming. Regular refactoring ensures that the architecture can evolve in response to new challenges, maintaining its effectiveness and efficiency over time.

Evolutionary architecture Security

Evolutionary architecture Security

Summarize this topic in 6 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Introduction to Evolutionary Architecture Security

In the realm of software architecture, evolutionary architecture focuses on creating systems that are adaptable and can evolve over time to meet changing requirements and environments. Incorporating security into an evolutionary architecture is crucial, as it ensures that as the system grows and evolves, it remains secure against emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Security in evolutionary architecture is not a one-time effort but a continuous process that adapts alongside the system’s evolution.

Embedding Security in the Evolution Process

To effectively integrate security within an evolutionary architecture, it must be embedded in the architecture’s evolution process from the outset. This involves applying security by design principles, where security considerations influence architectural decisions, and security measures are built into the system rather than being added on later. Implementing automated security testing and continuous monitoring as part of the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline ensures that security is consistently maintained and updated as the architecture evolves.

Utilizing Fitness Functions for Security

Fitness functions in an evolutionary architecture serve as automated, objective measures to guide the system's evolution. By incorporating security-related fitness functions, architects can ensure that the system adheres to defined security standards and goals throughout its lifecycle. These fitness functions can include tests for vulnerability assessments, compliance with security standards, and resistance to known attack patterns, enabling the system to maintain robust security as it evolves.

Security Challenges in Evolutionary Architecture

A major challenge in maintaining security within an evolutionary architecture is the dynamic nature of both software systems and the threat landscape. As the architecture evolves, new components, technologies, and integrations can introduce unforeseen vulnerabilities. Additionally, the threat landscape is continuously evolving, with new types of attacks and vulnerabilities being discovered. Keeping up with these changes requires a proactive, agile approach to security, emphasizing continuous learning, adaptation, and incorporation of the latest security practices and tools.

Balancing Evolution and Security

Balancing the need for rapid evolution with security considerations is critical in evolutionary architecture. This balance involves making informed decisions about when and how to introduce changes without compromising security. Employing strategies such as feature toggles for gradually introducing new features, performing risk assessments for changes, and adopting microservices architecture for isolating and securing individual components can help manage this balance. Ensuring that security experts are involved in the architectural evolution process and that security considerations are part of every design and review process is also vital.

Conclusion: A Continuous Journey

Integrating security into evolutionary architecture is a continuous journey that requires dedication, foresight, and adaptability. By embedding security into the evolution process, utilizing fitness functions for security, and maintaining a balance between rapid evolution and security, organizations can create systems that are not only flexible and adaptable but also secure against current and future threats. As both technology and threat landscapes evolve, so too must the approaches to securing evolutionary architectures, making security an integral part of the system’s continuous evolution.

Evolutionary architecture Glossary:

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Evolutionary architecture

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Software Architecture: Software Architects, Architectural Characteristics - The "-ilities" (Availability (Confidentiality, Integrity - CIA Triad), Reliability, Testability, Scalability, Security, Agility, Fault Tolerance, Elasticity, Recoverability, Performance, Deployability, Learnability, Usability), Monolithic Architecture, Microservices Architecture, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event-Driven Architecture, Layered Architecture, Client-Server Architecture, Peer-to-Peer Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Cloud-Native Architecture, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, Clean Architecture, Onion Architecture, CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), Event Sourcing, API Gateway Pattern, Backend for Frontend (BFF) Pattern, Database Sharding, Data Lake Architecture, Big Data Architecture, IoT Architecture, Blockchain Architecture, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Architecture, High Availability Systems, Scalable Web Architecture, Security Architecture, Network Architecture, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), DevOps Practices, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), System Design Principles, Design Patterns, Architectural Patterns, Performance Optimization, Load Balancing, Caching Strategies, Data Partitioning, Rate Limiting, API Design, Micro Frontends, Cross-Cutting Concerns, Versioning Strategies, Dependency Injection, Modular Design, Software Design Principles (SOLID), Reactive Systems, Distributed Systems Design, Failover Strategies, Disaster Recovery Planning, Data Consistency Models, Concurrency Models, Message Queuing, Stream Processing, Workflow Engines, Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Integration Patterns, Data Integration Patterns, Mobile App Architecture, Game Architecture, Virtual Reality (VR) Architecture, Augmented Reality (AR) Architecture, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Hybrid Cloud Architecture, Multi-Tenant Architecture, OAuth and OpenID Connect, Web Security Architecture, Cryptographic Architecture, Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks, Architecture Review Processes, Technical Debt Management, Architectural Refactoring, Monitoring and Observability, Logging Strategies, Feature Toggling, A/B Testing, Blue-Green Deployments, Canary Releases, Service Mesh, Containerization and Orchestration, Kubernetes Architecture, Docker Architecture, Function as a Service (FaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS), Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), DataOps, Architecture Decision Records (ADR), Technical Writing for Architects, Stakeholder Management, Architecture Governance, Cost Optimization in Architecture, Sustainability in Software Architecture, Ethics in Software Architecture, Future Trends in Software Architecture

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SSL-TLS, Single sign-on (SSO), SSO, StackOverflow, stack, stack allocation, Stack overflow, standards, standard errors, standard input, standard library, standard operators, standard output, state, statements, strings, string concatenation, string functions, string operations, scheduling, scientific notation, scope, scope rules, scoping, scripting, static analyzers, statically scoped, static scoping, statically typed, static variables, statistics, strongly typed, structural typing, synchronization, syntax, systems programming, TCP/IP, TDD, testing, test frameworks, threads, thread-local storage (TLS), TLS, thread locking, thread locks, thread safety, thread scheduling, thread synchronization, times, timers, to JavaScript, tools, toolchain, transpiler, transpiling to JavaScript, truth values, tuples, type checking, type conversion, type inference, type safety, type system, web dev, while loops, work stealing, values, value types, variables, variable lifetime, variable scope, versions, virtual environments, virtual machine, Ubuntu, Unicode, unit testing, unsigned integers, usability, weak typing, weakly typed, Windows, wrappers, written using, x86-64-AMD64, XML, YAML;


. (navbar_software_architecture - see also navbar_microservices, navbar_design_patterns, navbar_programming_detailed - Based on MASTER navbar_golang_detailed. navbar_programming is the shorter one.

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