Table of Contents
ChatGPT Prompts
- Summarize DNS using 15 paragraphs include the 5 most appropriate IETF RFC numbers. Summarize the DNS offerings from Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker, Podman, AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle Cloud, VMware, DigitalOcean, Akamai Connected Cloud, IBM Cloud, IBM z/OS, z/VM, Linux on IBM Z, Cisco, Juniper, Windows Server, RHEL, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE and FreeBSD.
Add EVERY CNCF Glossary entry and CNCF Projects entry as:
- Glossary
- CLI most popular commands with examples.
Focus on Python and K8S.
Pip and every major Python tool. Top 20 repos.
- What programming languages support ZZZZ. Answer in MediaWiki syntax with the URL of the official documentation for each language reference.
- List the top 40 DNS providers with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. After the entry list the URL to their DNS documentation. Include the IP address of their public DNS service. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- List the top 40 Python libraries that are not part of the Python Standard Library with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. MUST List the URL of the library homepage, the GitHub repo. MUST list the associated URL of the Python package.
- List the top 40 Python PEPs with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. MUST List the URL of the PEP on
- List the top 100 software companies with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. List the URL of the company homepage and the URL of the company GitHub repo.
- List the top 100 hardware companies with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. List the URL of the company homepage and the URL of the company GitHub repo.
- List the top 100 cybersecurity companies with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. List the URL of the company homepage and the URL of the company GitHub repo.
- List the top 100 companies in the United States with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. List the URL of the company homepage and the URL of the company GitHub repo.
- List the Fortune 100 companies with double square brackets around each entry. Precede each entry with an asterisk. List the URL of the company homepage and the URL of the company GitHub repo.
** Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Programming Language Reserved Words
** Provide a glossary of the top 60 Java language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Java code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Angular Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Angular code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide an Angular glossary of the top 40 Angular Framework concepts and Angular tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Angular code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 20 alternatives to Angular Framework. For each alternative include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Angular development tools for Angular development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Android developer glossary of the top 75 Android development concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Android official documentation and the appropriate GitHub repo or other source code repository. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Android development tools for Android development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Apache Software Foundation
- Provide a Apache Software Foundation glossary of the top 40 Apache Software Foundation concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Apache Software Foundation official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Apple II
Apple III
Apple Lisa
Apple //e
Apple Macintosh
Apple IIgs
Amazon AWS Cloud
- What are the top 30 AWS development tools for AWS development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Microsoft Azure Cloud
- What are the top 30 Azure development tools for Azure development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the Bash language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Bash code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 40 Bash language concepts and Bash tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Bash code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Bash development tools for Bash development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
C Language
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 C language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short C code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 40 C language concepts and C tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include C code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 C development tools for C Language development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 40 language concepts and tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 20 alternatives to .NET for programming. For each alternative include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 development tools for .NET development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
C++ Language (CPP)
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 C++ language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short C++ code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 40 C++ language concepts and C++ tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include C++ code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 C++ development tools for C++ development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 40 Clojure language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Clojure code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Clojure glossary of the top 40 Clojure language concepts and Clojure tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Clojure code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Clojure development tools for Clojure development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
** Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Cloud Native
- Provide a Cloud Native Computing Foundation glossary of the top 40 Cloud Native concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the CNCF official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Cloud Native development tools for Cloud Native development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
- Provide a COBOL glossary of the top 40 COBOL concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the COBOL official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 COBOL language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short COBOL code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a COBOL glossary of the top 40 COBOL language concepts and COBOL tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include COBOL code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 COBOL development tools for COBOL development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a CSS glossary of the top 40 CSS concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related URL for the mdn webdocs documentation, along with the URL for appropriate section of the ECMAScript standard and the URL for the World Wide Web Consortium official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a CSS glossary of the top 60 CSS language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short CSS code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a CSS glossary of the top 40 CSS concepts and CSS tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include CSS code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 CSS development tools for CSS development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Dart language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Dart code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Dart development tools for Dart development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Data Science
- What are the top 30 Data Science development tools for Data Science development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Deno glossary of the top 40 Deno concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Deno official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 DevOps tools for DevOps. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 DevSecOps tools for DevSecOps. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Django Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Django code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Django glossary of the top 40 Django Framework concepts and Django tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Django code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 20 alternatives to Django Framework for Python web development. For each alternative include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Django development tools for Django development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Links to
** Provide a CSS glossary of the top 40 CSS concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related IETF RFC number and the URL for the IETF official documentation, along with the URL for the mdn webdocs documentation, along with the URL for appropriate section of the ECMAScript standard and the URL for the World Wide Web Consortium official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a DNS glossary of the top 40 DNS concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related IETF RFC number and the URL for the IETF official documentation, along with the URL for the mdn webdocs documentation, along with the URL for the World Wide Web Consortium official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Docker development tools for Docker development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Docker glossary of the top 40 Docker concepts sorted by the most commonly used. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Description: Envoy is an open-source edge proxy and service proxy, designed for cloud-native applications.
- Documentation:
- Provide an Envoy glossary of the top 40 Envoy concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Envoy official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Fedora glossary of the top 40 Fedora concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Fedora official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Flask Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Flask code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Flask glossary of the top 40 Flask language concepts and Flask tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Scala code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 20 alternatives to Flask for Python web development. For each alternative include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Flask development tools for Flask development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Fortran language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Fortran code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Fortran glossary of the top 40 Fortran language concepts and Fortran tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Fortran code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Fortran development tools for Fortran development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 FreeBSD development tools for FreeBSD development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Google Cloud development tools for GCP development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 GitOps tools for GitOps. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Go language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Go code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Golang glossary of the top 40 Go language concepts and Scala tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Go code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Golang development tools for Go development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Groovy glossary of the top 60 Groovy language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Groovy code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Groovy glossary of the top 40 Groovy language concepts and Groovy tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Groovy code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Groovy development tools for Groovy development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a HTML glossary of the top 60 Haskell language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Haskell code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Haskell glossary of the top 40 Haskell language concepts and Haskell tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Haskell code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Haskell development tools for Haskell development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Description: Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. K8s charts are K8S packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.
- Documentation:
- Provide a Helm glossary of the top 40 Helm concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Helm official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a list of the top 40 Helm charts sorted by the most commonly used. For each chart include a brief description and the URL for the official documentation, include the URL for the appropriate GitHub repo or other source code repository and the URL for the appropriate Docker Hub link. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a CSS glossary of the top 40 CSS concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related IETF RFC number and the URL for the IETF official documentation, along with the URL for the mdn webdocs documentation, along with the URL for the World Wide Web Consortium official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a HTML glossary of the top 60 HTML language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short HTML code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide an HTML glossary of the top 40 HTML concepts and HTML tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include HTML code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 HTML development tools for HTML development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a HTTP glossary of the top 40 HTTP concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related IETF RFC number and the URL for the IETF official documentation along with the URL for the World Wide Web Consortium official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide an htmx glossary of the top htmx concepts and htmx tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include htmx code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a list of the top 40 IBM products sorted by popularity. For each product include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
IBM Cloud
- What are the top 30 IBM Cloud development tools for IBM Cloud development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
IBM Mainframe
- What are the top 30 IBM Mainframe development tools for IBM Mainframe development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a list of the top 40 IBM mainframe products from IBM sorted by popularity. For each mainframe product include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Description: Istio is an open source service mesh microservices platform to connect microservices, manage microservices, and secure microservices.
- Documentation:
- Provide an Istio glossary of the top 40 Istio concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Istio official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Jakarta EE
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Java language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Java code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Java glossary of the top 40 Java language concepts and Java tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Java code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Java development tools for Java development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a JavaScript glossary of the top 40 JavaScript concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related URL for the mdn webdocs documentation, along with the URL for appropriate section of the ECMAScript standard and the URL for the World Wide Web Consortium official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 JavaScript language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short C code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a JavaScript glossary of the top 40 JavaScript language concepts and JavaScript tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include JavaScript code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 JavaScript development tools for JavaScript development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a list of all JetBrains products sorted by popularity. For each product include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Julia language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Julia code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Julia development tools for Julia development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Kotlin language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Kotlin code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Kotlin glossary of the top 40 Kotlin language concepts and Kotlin tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Kotlin code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Kotlin development tools for Kotlin development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Description: Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating container deployment, container scaling, and container management of containerized applications.
- Documentation:
- What are the top 30 Kubernetes development tools for Kubernetes development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Linux development tools for Linux development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Maven glossary of the top 60 Maven language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Maven code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Maven glossary of the top 40 Maven language concepts and Maven tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Maven code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Maven development tools for Maven development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Microsoft Windows
- What are the top 30 Windows development tools for Windows development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Microsoft Windows Server
- What are the top 30 Windows Server development tools for Windows Server development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a list of the top 40 Microsoft Server products from Microsoft sorted by popularity. For each Microsoft product include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Microservices development tools for Microservices development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Networking glossary of the top 40 Networking concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related IETF RFC number and the URL for the IETF official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Node.js glossary of the top 40 Node.js concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Node.js official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 OpenShift development tools for OpenShift development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Oracle Cloud
- What are the top 30 Oracle Cloud development tools for Oracle Cloud development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Oracle Database
- What are the top 30 Oracle Database development tools for Oracle Database development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Pentesting tools for Pentesting. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Perl language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Perl code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Perl development tools for Perl development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 PHP language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short PHP code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a PHP glossary of the top 40 PHP language concepts and PHP tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Python code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 PHP development tools for PHP development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Podman development tools for Podman development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 PowerShell language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short PowerShell code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a PowerShell glossary of the top 40 PowerShell language concepts and PowerShell tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include PowerShell code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 PowerShell development tools for PowerShell development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Programming in General
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Programming glossary of the top 40 Programming language concepts and Programming tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include PowerShell code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Description: An open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability.
- Documentation:
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Python language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Python code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Python glossary of the top 40 Python language concepts and Python tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Python code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Python development tools for Python development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
** Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Quarkus glossary of the top 60 Quarkus Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Quarkus code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide an Quarkus glossary of the top 40 Quarkus concepts and Spring tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Quarkus code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Quarkus development tools for Quarkus development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Provide a RFC glossary of the sorted by the most commonly used. For each RFC include a brief description, the related IETF RFC number and the URL for the IETF official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
R Language
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 R language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short R code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 R development tools for R development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 React Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short React code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide an React glossary of the top 40 React concepts and React tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include React code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 20 alternatives to React. For each alternative include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 React development tools for React development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Ruby language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Ruby code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Ruby development tools for Ruby development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Rust language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Rust code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Rust glossary of the top 40 Rust language concepts and Rust tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Rust code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Rust development tools for Rust development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Scala language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Scala code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Scala glossary of the top 40 Scala language concepts and Scala tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Scala code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Scala development tools for Scala development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Spring Framework Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Spring Framework code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide an Spring glossary of the top 40 Spring Framework concepts and Spring tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Spring code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 20 alternatives to Spring Framework. For each alternative include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 Spring development tools for Spring Framework development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 SQL language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short SQL code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 SQL development tools for SQL Server development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Svelte glossary of the top 40 Svelte concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Svelte official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 Swift language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short Swift code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 iOS development tools for iOS development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a TCP/IP glossary of the top 40 TCP/IP concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related IETF RFC number and the URL for the IETF official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a TensorFlow glossary of the top 40 TensorFlow concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the TensorFlow official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a ZZZ glossary of the top 40 ZZZ concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the ZZZ official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a glossary of the top 60 TypeScript language Reserved Words sorted by the most commonly used. Include short TypeScript code examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a TypeScript glossary of the top 40 TypeScript language concepts and TypeScript tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include TypeScript code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- What are the top 30 TypeScript development tools for TypeScript development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Ubuntu glossary of the top 40 Ubuntu concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Ubuntu official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Virtualization glossary of the top 40 Virtualization concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description, the related the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
- Provide a Vue.js glossary of the top 40 Vue.js concepts sorted by the most commonly used. For each concept include a brief description and the URL for the Vue.js official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
** What are the top 30 Vue.js development tools for Vue.js development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
WebAssembly (Wasm)
- What are the top 30 WebAssembly development tools for Wasm development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.
Programming: Programming languages
Variables and Data Types, Control Structures, Functions and Methods, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming, Procedural Programming, Event-Driven Programming, Concurrent and Parallel Programming, Error Handling and Debugging, Memory Management, Recursion, Algorithms, Data Structures, Design Patterns, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Version Control Systems, Database Programming, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Game Development, Machine Learning and AI Programming, Network Programming, API Development, Security in Programming, Testing and Quality Assurance, User Interface and User Experience Design, Scripting Languages, Assembly Language, High-Level Programming Languages, Low-Level Programming Languages, Compiler Design, Interpreter Design, Garbage Collection, Regular Expressions, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Programming, Command Line Interface Development, Cross-Platform Development, Cloud Computing in Programming, Blockchain Programming, IoT Programming, Embedded Systems Programming, Microservices Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Big Data Technologies, Data Visualization, Data Mining and Analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Graphics Programming, Virtual Reality (VR) Development, Augmented Reality (AR) Development, Cryptography in Programming, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems Programming, Operating System Development, Compiler and Interpreter Development, Quantum Computing, Software Project Management, Agile Methodologies, DevOps Practices, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Software Maintenance and Evolution, Software Licensing, Open Source Development, Accessibility in Software Development, Internationalization and Localization, Performance Optimization, Scalability Techniques, Code Refactoring, Design Principles, API Design, Data Modeling, Software Documentation, Peer-to-Peer Networking, Socket Programming, Front-End Development, Back-End Development, Full Stack Development, Secure Coding Practices, Code Reviews, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Functional Programming Paradigms, Imperative Programming, Declarative Programming, Software Architecture, Cloud-Native Development, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Ethical Hacking for Developers, Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Programming, Software Compliance and Standards, Software Auditing, Debugging Tools and Techniques, Code Optimization Techniques, Software Deployment Strategies, End-User Computing, Computational Thinking, Programming Logic and Techniques, Advanced Data Management
Agile, algorithms, APIs, asynchronous programming, automation, backend, CI/CD, classes, CLI, client-side, cloud (Cloud Native-AWS-Azure-GCP-IBM Cloud-IBM Mainframe-OCI), comments, compilers, concurrency, conditional expressions, containers, control flow, databases, data manipulation, data persistence, data science, data serialization, data structures, dates and times, debugging, dependency injection, design patterns, DevOps, distributed software, Docker, error handling, file I/O, frameworks, frontend, functions, functional programming, GitHub, history, Homebrew, IDEs, installation, JetBrains, JSON, JSON Web Token (JWT), K8S, lambdas, language spec, libraries, linters, Linux, logging, macOS, methods, ML, microservices, mobile dev, modules, monitoring, multi-threaded, network programming, null, numbers, objects, object-oriented programming, observability, OOP, ORMs, packages, package managers, performance, programmers, programming, reactive, refactoring, reserved words, REST APIs, RHEL, SDK, secrets, security, serverless, server-side, Snapcraft, SQL, StackOverflow, standards, standard library, statements, scope, scripting, syntax, systems programming, TDD, testing, tools, type system, web dev, variables, versions, Ubuntu, unit testing, Windows; topics-courses-books-docs. (navbar_programming - see also navbar_variables, navbar_programming_libraries, navbar_data_structures, navbar_algorithms, navbar_software_architecture, navbar_agile)
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