
CIA Theatre Department

See: CIA Film Studios

See: TPTB) and their Spook minions in the CIA Theatre Department and CIA Film Studios and ALL Intelligence agencies

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The term “CIA Theatre Department” refers to Operation Chaos. It refers to the vast involvement of the CIA / FBI-DHS / MI6-MI5-GCHQ and other intelligence agencies direct involvement in propaganda production and influence of all media content, both mainstream media and so-called “alternative media” (controlled opposition, “limited hangout”, gating keeping), since the founding of these 3 letter agencies and even before under other names. Lookout Mountain Air Force Station, also known as Lookout Mountain Film Studios, was a classified film studio operated by the U.S. Air Force during the 1940s to the 1960s in Hollywood. It produced numerous films related to military activities, including “nuclear testingphony documentaries, serving as a prime example of government involvement in media production (see Operation Mockingbird) for both public and classified audiences. This studio signifies the intersection of military interests and those of the 1/100 of 1 percenters with film and media, highlighting how intel agencies like the CIA/MI6 have controlled the media to manipulate public perception, make people afraid and “salt in” the fake narratives around all cultural topics. The exact mechanisms of this involvement, including CIA collaborations with Hollywood and the production of propaganda materials, have been subjects of research and discussion, underscoring the complex relationship between intel entities and their kissin' cousin minions in the entertainment industry. See Miles, for detailed insights on these topics, exploring dedicated historical and media studies resources and giving a comprehensive understanding of the scope and impact of such Chaos operations.

Related to Fake History from Historian Phonies: Fake faking faker, hoax hoaxing hoaxer, staged staging stager, fudged fudging fudger, racket racketeering racketeers, swindle, swindling swindler, cons conjob conning con artists, profiteer profiteering, fabricate fabricating fabricator, manipulation manipulate manipulating manipulator, distort distorting distortion distorter, misrepresentation misrepresenting, altering, embellish embellishing embellisher, falsifying, blurring, doctoring,tampering, fraudulent fraudster, complete and utter fraud, pretend pretender, posing poser, pretentious pretense, tricky tricking trickery trickster, cabals - Kabbalistic, counterfeit counterfeiter, faux, artificial artifice, masquerade masquerading masquerader, scheme scheming schemer, machinations machinating machinator, artificiality, bogus, sham, scammy scammer, false, spurious, replica, imitation, ersatz, mercantile mercantilism merchants, shenanigans, skulduggery, mischief, puns punning punster, charade, not genuine, deceitful deceptive deception deceiver, swindle swindling swindler, duplicitous duping dupers, misrepresentation misrepresented misrepresenting, subterfuge, sleight, guile, cunning chicanery, lies lying liar, corrupt corrupting corrupters, artificial, not genuine, dubious, misinformation- disinformation - fake news, propaganda propagandizing propagandists, gaslight gaslighting gaslighters, scaremongering, alarming alarmism alarmists,

imposter, impostor, pretender, fake, faker, sham, shammer, pseudo, pseud, role player, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug, put-on, beguiler, cheat, cheater, chicane, chicanery, crime, deceiver, guile, law-breaking, shenanigan, slicker, trickery, trickster, wile, larceny, thievery, thieving, stealing, felony

– all from the Crypto-Concealed-Veiled-Secret-Hidden Rulers - Hidden Leaders (Misleading Misleaders), Rapacious Ones. (navbar_fakers)

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